Eternal Existence

Chapter 4770: Strange Life

Seeing this life rushing in front of him again, Chen Feng still punched out.

This punch was different from the previous one, and contained the destructive power that Chen Feng had been thinking about for a long time.

Sure enough, this powerful life stopped, and countless cracks appeared on his body.




Finally, this life was shattered.

"In fact, this life is already very powerful, but I have been dealing with Hunyuan for some time, so I feel that the one in front of me has become a little weaker." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The dragon was eager to try, and couldn't wait to attack immediately.

"Don't worry, Daoyou wants to attack, and there will be opponents next." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Because Chen Feng felt that a new powerful life had revived, and it also locked this area.

As for the life that was broken by Chen Feng, it had quickly reshaped its body.

After the other party repeated the body, it was still as violent as before, and the aura on his body was also equally powerful.

It was as if he had not been hurt just now.

Then continue to rush towards Chen Feng.

But this time was different. This life actually used a magical power.

Under this magical power, Chen Feng's blood and qi in his body actually fluctuated. Although Chen Feng quickly controlled it, it also showed that the opponent's magical power had some impact on Chen Feng.

At the same time, a beam of blood light came from a distance, like a meteor, and hit Chen Feng and Jiaolong fiercely. This was a new powerful life.

"Is it my turn this time?" Jiaolong rushed up excitedly.

Chen Feng's attack was still simple. First, he beat the opponent back repeatedly, and then used the method of suppression to suppress and seal this powerful life directly.

In this way, this powerful life did not continue to attack Chen Feng, and was also studying what was going on with the opponent.

On the other side, Jiaolong naturally suppressed the opponent. Unlike Chen Feng, Jiaolong directly blew up the opponent, bit by bit wiping out the opponent's vitality.

However, this creature is indeed fierce. Even if it is not an opponent, even if it is blown up, it will not retreat. As long as it can still do it, it will go forward and fight desperately.

So this is the more difficult aspect that Chen Feng said.

Soon, a strong breath appeared from all directions, and more powerful lives revived.

The passage that the two had come from before had completely collapsed. It was filled with rich energy and some chaotic wills.

"Isn't the free space so dangerous?" Jiaolong asked curiously.

"Coincidence? This is just a coincidence. In fact, under normal circumstances, there won't be too many lives in the free space. If you take risks, it's easy to feel boring. This time I don't know what happened. I actually encountered so many powerful lives as soon as I came here. You know, when I first entered the Gate of Origin, I didn't encounter so many powerful beings at once." Chen Feng also felt a little strange.

At the same time, I also understood why the previous Hunyuan Jinxian left through the passage. Facing these crazy and powerful lives, it is indeed a bit of a headache.

"These guys are even more difficult than destructive creatures. They practice the power of blood. I'll name them blood demons." Chen Feng said, raising his hand and blocking another blood demon.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to suppress and seal the other party, two more blood demons rushed to your Chen Feng from the left and right.

In the process of advancing, the two blood demons simultaneously displayed different magical powers.

One magical power affected Chen Feng's blood, and one action actually made Chen Feng slightly hallucinate.

This time, Chen Feng's sealing method did not succeed, and he had to face three opponents next.

The same was true for the Jiaolong on the other side, and he was soon surrounded by several blood demons.

One-on-one, whether it was Chen Feng or the Jiaolong, they could easily deal with the opponent, but now that the number of blood demons had increased, Chen Feng and the Jiaolong were really a little flustered.

The two of them had seen big scenes and had fought against Hunyuan, but they felt a little speechless at this time.

Sometimes you can blow up an opponent with one punch, but other opponents are not affected at all and come forward to attack.

It's like facing a group of mad dogs.

In desperation, Chen Feng used the art of walking to avoid these eye-catching attacks, and quickly came to the front of the Jiaolong, and took the Jiaolong to shuttle through the space.

It's just that the space here was also affected, and Chen Feng's art of walking could not be exerted to the strongest state.

Soon, he was entangled by the blood demon again.

The dragon also lost his temper and directly changed his body to the largest. With a collision, he knocked a blood demon away, but soon he was entangled by three blood demons again.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng shook his head.

At this time, there were too many blood demons, and there was no need to entangle with him.

Because Chen Feng found that even if he used all means, it would be difficult to solve all the blood demons.

Besides, even if all these blood demons were solved, what would it do?

There is no benefit at all.

So leaving is the most correct choice.

The dragon led by Chen Feng continued to shuttle.

Here, Chen Feng can exert his own strength to the extreme, and the magic of walking after the breakthrough is also slowly exploring into time and space.

Before a group of blood demons surrounded him, Chen Feng instantly disappeared from the spot.

In this way, Chen Feng kept flashing and finally rushed out of this chaotic area.

At the same time, Chen Feng was also sighing that these chaotic areas were so large.

What other blood demons were there? They didn't catch up either.

"There won't be any good things here, right? Just like when we were looking for treasures before." Jiaolong was a little unwilling.

The chaos just now was a bit embarrassing, but he didn't get any benefits.

"I don't know either. This is the first time I've encountered such a situation. The free space is too large. I can't go to every place." Chen Feng shook his head.

"Otherwise, we have to go back and look for it. Study this area carefully. Maybe there is a super powerful protection affecting all this." Jiaolong said.

Chen Feng was really tempted: "Then let's study the surroundings now. If there is no gain, let's leave here. I always feel that it's meaningless to entangle with these guys."

"Okay, then listen to you. After all, this is your territory." Jiaolong agreed.

Next, Chen Feng and Jiaolong carefully explored this area. Who knew that this area has been expanding continuously and the scale of coverage is getting bigger and bigger.

And Chen Feng still found that the number of blood demons is also increasing.

It was as if there was really a source here, where more blood demons and more energy were sleeping.

To be honest, Chen Feng really wanted to go in and check what was going on with this source. It wouldn't be like what Jiaolong said, there was a powerful treasure.

But Chen Feng was also very troubled by so many blood demons.

Once you enter it, it will be surrounded by these blood demons. It will be very troublesome and difficult to rush out at that time.

During this process, Chen Feng also saw some powerful lives being attracted from other areas and then entering it to adventure.

Naturally, the fate of these adventurers can be predicted. Either they will be torn into pieces by the blood demons, or those with strength can escape.

However, there has never been a Hunyuan Above.

Of course, Chen Feng has never encountered a real Hunyuan Above in the free space.

So Chen Feng was waiting here, and he also had a feeling of expectation, wanting to see if such a movement here could attract real masters?

It was just that after a period of time, in addition to the expansion of this space, it did attract some Hunyuan Jinxian, but there were no more powerful ones.

"Forget it, let's leave here. I'll take you to other places. At worst, we can go into the Gate of Origin to take a look." Chen Feng said.

The dragon was about to agree, but suddenly the expanding area suddenly accelerated, and it increased by more than ten times.

Countless blood demons rushed out from it and attacked Chen Feng and others.

Not only that, Chen Feng also felt a strong breath in the center of this area, rising into the sky.

At this moment, Chen Feng was sure that there was a blood demon above the level of Hunyuan.

"Let's go quickly, but these blood demons are difficult to deal with. Now there is a stronger one. Once we are entangled by the other party, it will be too late to leave." Chen Feng led the dragon to retreat quickly, and in a flash of the wings of the god, they arrived at an extremely far place.

However, Chen Feng wanted to leave, but it was not so easy.

Just when Chen Feng slowed down, a beam of blood swept over.

A strong will deterred Chen Feng and the dragon only felt the will turbulent and the origin shaking.

It was just like the feeling of being attacked by the opponent's will in that origin space.

"It's that person above Hunyuan. I didn't expect him to catch up. He looks quite powerful, and may be no less than Master Qingyun." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong attacked together and blocked the opponent's original will.

Then a blood demon with a larger body broke through the air and appeared in front of the two people. The ferocious aura condensed into substance and continued to attack the two people. The opponent's eyes wanted to invade the bodies of Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

This blood demon was a little different from the previous one. The opponent did not attack immediately. After arriving, he kept staring at Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

"Where are you from?" The blood demon actually asked.

"I am from the Gate of Origin, and my friend is from the Well of Eternal Night. Daoist friend, there is no feud between us. There is no need to attack us, right?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

During this process, Chen Feng and Jiaolong have been sizing each other up.

It can be confirmed that the opponent is indeed above Hunyuan, and his strength is very strong.

At this moment, Chen Feng had made all kinds of preparations in his heart. Either he would go all out and fight to the death, or he would use some means to get rid of the other party.

No matter which one, Chen Feng had some confidence.

However, Chen Feng also felt a little strange in his heart. He had ventured in the free space before and went to many places. Who knew that he would meet a person above Hunyuan as soon as he came back this time.

Is all this a coincidence?

"Well of Eternal Night, I seem to have been to this place, and I haven't been to the Gate of Origin for a long time. You two are quite powerful. Are you interested in becoming my subordinates?" said the Blood Demon.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong looked at each other, and then shook their heads at the same time: "That's really a bit sorry. We both like freedom and don't like being bound."

"Dare to refuse me, aren't you afraid that I will kill you." The Blood Demon said slowly, the breath on his body became stronger and stronger, and the surrounding time and space were reflected in blood red.

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