Eternal Existence

Chapter 4769 Returning to the Free Space

Chen Feng and Jiaolong passed through the passage and successfully returned to the Evernight Space.

"Actually, I didn't stay in the Eternal Night Space for a long time. I might as well have stayed in the Well of Eternal Night for a long time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

In fact, Chen Feng had been to some places in the Yongye Space before, and also came to the Qiyun Space through some passages in the Yongye Space.

At this time, when Chen Feng returned again, he felt familiar power fluctuations.

"It can't be such a coincidence." Chen Feng sensed it for a moment, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Even the dragon is like this.

"There seem to be other passages here." Jiaolong said.

"I did feel the power fluctuations from the free space. It should be caused by a Hunyuan Golden Immortal. No, it should be caused by many Hongyun Golden Immortals. How could these Hunyuan Golden Immortals gather here? Is it true? The passage leading to the free space," Chen Feng said, using his senses to explore.

If this is the case, wouldn't the passages from the three origin areas be gathered together?

"I have already felt it." Jiaolong said.

At this time, Chen Feng had also detected a passage, and there were lives emerging from that passage.

These lives all come from the free space, and Chen Feng can feel it from the breath of the other party.

"Do you think we should go to the free space to have a look, or should we return to the Well of Eternal Night first?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"I want to take a look at the free space." Jiaolong said without hesitation.

The two of them came to this space as they spoke.

A group of powerful beings in the distance had discovered Chen Feng and Jiaolong. The other party thought they were local beings and immediately took a defensive stance.

"They are indeed Hunyuan Golden Immortals, and there are quite a few of them." Chen Feng glanced at them and had a general understanding of the strength of these beings.

Although everyone is a Hunyuan Golden Immortal, Chen Feng is much more powerful than these beings.

It can also be said that the two sides are not on the same level at all.

You must know that during this period of time, Chen Feng has been in contact with beings above Hunyuan, and Chen Feng himself has reached this level of combat effectiveness.

There were even some Hunyuan masters who died in Chen Feng's hands.

Although some of the Hunyuan Golden Immortals in front of him are considered to be the best in this realm, they are still not enough in front of Chen Feng.

The opponent also felt the power of Chen Feng and Jiao Long, so he controlled them and did not take action.

Of course, these Hunyuan Golden Immortals also showed vigilance and worry.

"Did you fellow Taoists come from the Free Space?" Chen Feng said with a smile, while releasing the aura belonging to the Gate of Origin from his body.

At this moment, these Hunyuan Golden Immortals all breathed a sigh of relief.

"It turns out that fellow Taoist disciples also came from the free space." One of the Hunyuan Golden Immortals said.

This is a powerful alien beast, with ferocious surging energy and blood in its body, as well as vast and endless power.

This is the most powerful being among these Hunyuan Golden Immortals. In Chen Feng's opinion, he is already close to the peak of the realm of Hunyuan Golden Immortals.

Of course, he could only be considered a master among the Hunyuan Golden Immortals. If he encountered someone above the Hunyuan, he would only be killed.

In other words, the opponent has not yet reached the level of invincibility in the realm of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

"Yes, I did come from the free space, and I have been here for a while, but I did not come from this passage. It is really a surprise to me that so many of you gathered together." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Since we are fellow villagers, it's easy to talk to him.

Next, the two parties communicated for a while, and Chen Feng roughly understood what was going on.

Of course, even if these people don't tell, Chen Feng will pass through this passage to have a look, and he will still understand it by then.

"Everyone, since you are here to take risks, I don't need to say more. I still have to be careful. There are still some powerful beings in the Well of Eternal Night, especially those who have surpassed the realm of Hunyuan Golden Immortal. I have encountered them before. We have arrived a little bit, so if fellow Taoists are trying to make trouble here, please don’t act separately for the time being, and let’s figure out the situation first,” Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Thank you, fellow daoist, we will pay attention. However, if the two fellow daoists want to enter the free space, I am afraid they should be more careful. There is a riot in the area where we are coming, and there are also powerful beings that are resurrecting. Otherwise, we will not get together. I took the risk to come here," the Hunyuan Golden Immortal said.

Chen Feng and Jiao Long didn't say anything more, but entered the passage directly and quickly disappeared.

"Those two just now."

After Chen Feng and Jiaolong left, these Hunyuan Golden Immortals began to communicate.

"Is one of the two people just now a local?"

"It feels like it should be, but those two are very powerful. With so many of us joining forces, most of us are no match. I think they are close to the limit of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal realm, but I don't know if they can break through. A new realm.”

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. We don't understand the higher realms at all. This time, in addition to taking refuge, we also want to come in contact with new origins and break through the current realm."

"I just wonder if there will be some conflict after the two of them go there?"

"The conflict is certain, but we just don't know who will win and who will lose. Anyway, we have already reminded them, and such experts must know it in their minds. There is no need for us to worry too much about this."

"Okay, everyone, let's not talk about this for now. Since we have come to this new origin space, it means that our opportunity and new journey have arrived. In the next adventure, there may be a life-or-death struggle, or there may be a huge gain. However, I still decided to follow the advice of those two people. Next, let's not separate and act together first to see the situation here."

"Okay, after all, it is a new origin place, and we do need to be careful. It's a pity that the time is too short. We should have learned more from those two people just now." After these Hunyuan Jinxian gathered together to communicate, they also disappeared in this area.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong came to the free space.

"This is the free space. Why do I feel so violent?" Jiaolong said in surprise.

"Don't forget that those Hunyuan Jinxian didn't say that something happened here before. It may be some powerful life to make trouble. I thought it was a destructive creature that appeared, but now it seems that it shouldn't be." Chen Feng sensed everything around him.

Although the power here is very violent and chaotic, this is indeed a free space.

It has a familiar smell to Chen Feng.

There was no strong aura of destruction, which proved that it was not the destruction creatures that were causing trouble here.

Originally, Chen Feng thought that there would be a destruction creature above the level of Hunyuan, but now it seems a little disappointed.

But soon, Chen Feng was no longer disappointed.

The surrounding energy storm became stronger and stronger, and even began to destroy the passage to the Eternal Night Space.

A bloody smell swept from a distance like a volcanic eruption.

Chen Feng clearly saw a land of life here, but it would soon be engulfed by a wave of energy and torn into pieces.

Some of the lives were shattered before they could escape.

"Those people just now were cruel enough. They knew there was danger here, but they didn't say to take all these lives away, and they actually left some behind." Chen Feng sneered, and his good impression of the previous Hunyuan Jinxian almost dissipated.

If it were Chen Feng, he would definitely collect these lives.

After all, in the vast free space, the birth of life is actually a miracle.

"It shouldn't be above Hunyuan, but since there is such a strong aura, it seems that this is a powerful life, otherwise the previous Hunyuan Jinxian would not have had to escape. If they join forces, they can completely deal with this one." Jiaolong said.

"That's because there is more than one powerful life here, and some lives have not revived, or are revived. This is really a strange area. Let me check it out." Chen Feng said and communicated with the long river of time.

Soon Chen Feng used the power of the long river of time to determine his location.

Then Chen Feng was surprised to find that he was extremely far away from the wild universe. Even with his current transcendence technique, it would take a long time to go back.

Then it can be confirmed that he has never been to this area before, or even heard of it.

"The free space is indeed vast and boundless, but it's good. It's not a familiar area, and it also gives me some surprises and expectations." Chen Feng said.

The energy is getting stronger and stronger. At the beginning, the energy storm is still a little scattered, and later it begins to compress and concentrate. This is because this life has discovered Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

The other party exudes a murderous intent and sweeps towards the two.

Soon, a powerful life appeared in front of Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

Chen Feng felt the blood, chaos and violent killing intent.

"Such a powerful life, it won't be without self-consciousness, if it can't control itself, I doubt why it has become so powerful." Chen Feng said strangely.

At this time, this life has already attacked Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

This is also the strangest point of Chen Feng and Jiaolong. If the other party is normal, it can fully feel the power of Chen Feng and Jiaolong, then even if it is bloodthirsty, it will not act rashly.

Even if it is above Hunyuan, if it encounters Chen Feng and Jiaolong, it must first examine and understand the situation.

In the eyes of other Hunyuan Jinxian, the powerful existence is actually just Hunyuan Jinxian. It chose to attack so straightforwardly. Chen Feng and Jiaolong must suspect that the other party has a problem with his brain.

Chen Feng only punched, not only breaking up the opponent's attack, but also directly knocking this powerful life out.

The difference is immediately judged.

But this life turned around and roared towards Chen Feng again, and the aura on his body became stronger and stronger, and the murderous intent on his body was constantly boiling.

"In fact, this type of opponent is easy to deal with, but it is also troublesome, because the opponent has lost his mind, so the combat effectiveness will be affected, but at the same time, the opponent will not die, and often some fighting methods that hurt both sides." Chen Feng shook his head helplessly.

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