Eternal Existence

Chapter 4753 Testing the Limits

"It seems that we can't continue to absorb the energy here." Jiaolong said.

"It's really a pity. The energy here is still good. In this case, let's change places and be more careful next time." Chen Feng said.

Through what happened just now, the two of them also had some guesses in their hearts and knew that they couldn't stay in this area any longer.

After leaving this area, they went to other places.

In order to confirm the previous guess, the two left a little divine thought, through which they knew what happened in the previous area after the two left.

As the two left, the collapsed area quickly recovered as usual, and even the special energy consumed before was replenished little by little.

In fact, for a space, it can indeed repair itself, but it is rare for such a serious collapse to recover so quickly.

There is a clear feeling of being controlled by someone.

"I think the reason why there are so many energies of different attributes may be that the other party's body has been here for too long to open up the origin place, and special parts have evolved special origin energy." Jiaolong guessed.

"It is indeed possible. Take me for example. During my cultivation, I swallowed too much energy of different attributes. Of course, even if I only absorb one kind of energy, or cultivate myself to the point of being one, my internal organs and major acupoints are still energy of different attributes. If I use my body to evolve the universe, each part of my body will certainly have special power." Chen Feng said.

"So where is the most important place for a life?" Jiaolong said.

"Of course it is the other party's origin. Maybe there is a very high-quality magic weapon sitting there, or maybe the other party's spiritual consciousness is still there, so if we really find that place, it may be an opportunity or it may be dangerous." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Even if there is danger, I have to go and try. Such a powerful existence, if there is a magic weapon left, it must have reached the level of the energy tower in the hands of Daoyou, and it may be a treasure of the level of the Well of Eternal Night." Jiaolong said.

"If that's the case, I'm afraid we are really sending ourselves to death. Can Daoyou be sure to deal with the Well of Eternal Night?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You are right. I am not sure I can deal with the Well of Eternal Night. This is not a question of whether I am sure or not. I am not the opponent of the Well of Eternal Night at all." Jiaolong said.

In any case, Chen Feng and Jiaolong still want to find the source of this origin space, or the core.

Even if they can't find the powerful treasure sitting there, they have to go there like entering the Well of Eternal Night or the Gate of Origin, where they can know more and get more.

If they just travel in this space, it is really meaningless. At most, they can encounter some special energy.

And they can't collect it completely.

For Chen Feng and Jiaolong, they have already obtained the power imprint, so they don't even care about this kind of origin energy.

Of course, if there is really special energy, Chen Feng and Jiaolong are still willing to collect it. It can increase a little bit, which is much better than getting nothing for their own strength or more changes.

"It seems that Master Qingyun has indeed given up chasing us. Maybe he has found something good, or he has left this origin area." Chen Feng carefully sensed it, and he no longer felt like he was being watched. Only then did he realize that the two had indeed gotten rid of Master Qingyun.

Before, Chen Feng and Jiaolong had always wanted to get rid of each other, but now that the other party was really gotten rid of, the two felt a sense of loss.

Maybe if Master Qingyun appeared, it would cause some changes.

"I'm wondering if we should try to see where the power limit is here?" Jiaolong suddenly made a suggestion.

Chen Feng understood what Jiaolong said, thought about it, and then said: "If we do this, it's really too risky. Once the space really suppresses and seals us, it will be too late to regret it if we can't break free."

"I believe in our strength. Of course, since we are worried, we should make some preparations in advance. One of us will try, and the other will meet outside." Jiaolong said so.

Seeing Jiaolong's insistence, Chen Feng had to agree to this plan.

Of course, Chen Feng also wanted to take the opportunity to see how powerful this origin area is. If the opponent's limit can't do anything to the two of them, then he will have a clear idea in the next action.

So the two found another area with special energy.

This time, Jiaolong volunteered to try it. After all, this suggestion was originally proposed by Jiaolong.

Chen Feng naturally did not fight for it, but separated from Jiaolong and watched from a distance.

So Jiaolong began to devour energy. Sure enough, after devouring to a certain extent, the surrounding space began to collapse.

Jiaolong was in the middle.

It was the same as the previous situation, but the difference was that Chen Feng was not here this time.

And Chen Feng was also observing the movements of the surrounding space from a distance, wanting to see what was going on.

The collapse of space, is there something behind it?

Sure enough, Chen Feng noticed the emergence of laws and the turbulence of a special will.

Of course, the will here is still somewhat different from what Chen Feng knows and grasps.

However, it is somewhat different from the will of the Well of Eternal Night.

"This means that this is really a different existence from Yong Ye, but it has surpassed the highest level of life and has undergone changes that I can't understand now." Chen Feng said.

Although the dragon was suppressed by countless layers of space, Chen Feng had no intention of taking action for the time being.

Chen Feng also wants to continue to explore the root causes behind all these changes.

But Jiaolong could still resist it at this time.

In fact, the current space collapse only affects some ordinary Hunyuan Golden Immortals.

The dragon can break free at any time.

So the dragon is still devouring energy.

This can be regarded as a provocation, but the result is that the space is still stepping forward to suppress it.

The collapsing space soon spread to the direction Chen Feng said and disappeared silently.

Looking at this from another perspective is really shocking and novel.

Seeing that the energy was about to be absorbed by the dragon, suddenly beams of light appeared from all directions.

These rays of light were extremely flexible, and after they appeared, they merged into the space that suppressed the dragon.

Chen Feng felt that this time the power to suppress the space suddenly became stronger again.

This is a means of blessing.

Jiaolong couldn't bear it anymore. He kept struggling, but couldn't break free of the restraints on his body.

However, Chen Feng is still waiting and watching.

Because Jiaolong hasn't tried his best yet.

"Can you continue to become stronger?"

Chen Feng's eyes followed the place where the light appeared before, and continued to explore along the traces.

It's just that the distance is too far, and after reaching a certain distance, I lose my grasp of the exact direction.

Finally, the sealed place in space is no longer strengthened.

The dragon was also suppressed.

"How do you feel?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"The power is indeed quite strong, but if I try my best, I can still rush out. This is the opponent's limit, which is really disappointing." Jiaolong responded.

"In this case, I will take action now and let's open these seals together." Chen Feng said.

"Okay, this feeling of being suppressed is indeed a bit uncomfortable." Jiaolong said.

But just when Chen Feng was about to take action, suddenly groups of colorful lights appeared out of thin air.

These colored lights quickly condensed and landed in the overlapping space.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng secretly sighed that something was wrong, and punched out like lightning, immediately exploding the layers of space.

But before the dragon came out, these colored lights still fell on the layers of seals.

The space was maintained again, and this time the dragon was firmly suppressed.

I can't move, and even if I try my best, I'm afraid I won't be able to break out.

"Hurry up, I feel something is wrong." Jiaolong shouted quickly.

Of course, Chen Feng knew that something had changed. Needless to say, he could only take action with all his strength.

Four long swords stood fiercely on the overlapping space and began to crush the space layer by layer.

But the space that Chen Feng thought was relatively fragile before has become much stronger than before. Chen Feng knows that this is because the space has been blessed.




In addition to using magic weapons, Chen Feng was also using boxing skills to continuously bombard him.

But soon, Chen Feng found that he was also locked by a powerful force. At the same time, lights appeared from all directions, and colored lights gathered.

"It seems that they want to suppress the two of us here together, but how can such a simple thing be possible?"

Chen Feng said with a smile, and still punched out. This time, the punch Chen Feng sent out contained three levels of power.

The first level of power is Chen Feng's own power that he has cultivated for a long time, and the other level of power is the power brand.

The third kind of power is the special kind of power that can cause people to self-destruct.

These three forces were twisted together by Chen Feng, as if a drill hit the space hard and began to expand the space layer by layer.

Most of it was broken open in a very short time. At this time, Jiaolong also felt that the power of space in his body was weakening, so he had room to move and began to struggle desperately.

An origin spirit bead exploded directly, and the force generated formed a drill bit that also impacted upwards.

In this way, under the attack from both inside and outside by Chen Feng and Jiao Long, a big hole was finally blown open in this thick layer of space.

Jiaolong took the opportunity to rush out.

But Chen Feng felt the surging and growing pressure, and the light turned into chains, trying to bind Chen Feng.

Those condensed colored lights gave Chen Feng a feeling just like the knots he encountered when he was practicing. They not only brought pressure to himself, but also gave rise to some dangerous feelings.

"Things seem to be a little too much." Jiaolong said.

"That's true, but it also allowed us to test how powerful this origin area is." Chen Feng said with a smile.

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