Eternal Existence

Chapter 4752: Master Qingyun's Exploration

Just when Chen Feng and Jiaolong talked about Master Qingyun, Master Qingyun did encounter his own problem.

In other words, Master Qingyun was attracted by this origin area.

From the beginning, Master Qingyun wanted to have a general understanding of the situation here before chasing Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

Regarding the means and strength of this trip, Master Qingyun is quite confident.

Even if Chen Feng and Jiaolong leave the origin area, Master Qingyun is still sure to find them.

However, after Master Qingyun's investigation during this period, he gradually realized the truth of this origin area.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong relied on their calculations to come to a conclusion, and so could Master Qingyun.

"I didn't expect that this was the origin area created by a powerful being. This is where his body is, and it is different from the Well of Eternal Night. If the Well of Eternal Night is a magic weapon, then the origin where I am now is Regions are indeed carved out by living life.”

"I have never heard of such a powerful life on the same level as the Well of Eternal Night. Or should I say that the magic weapon has mutated and a spiritual intelligence similar to life has been born."

Master Qingyun naturally made various guesses and calculations, but the final result still tended to be that this was a space created by a pure life theory.

In this way, Master Qingyun was naturally attracted to him completely.

Compared to Chen Feng and Jiaolong, Master Qingyun is at a higher level, has been practicing for longer, and knows more things.

Naturally, we understand how important this place of origin is.

The energy tower in Chen Feng's hand is indeed important, but compared with such a powerful being in front of him, it is still inferior.

Therefore, Master Qingyun did not go looking for Chen Feng and Jiaolong during this period, but focused on exploring the origin area.

Trying to find the core of this origin area, or find the source of this area.

Master Qingyun even thought about transcending directly and watching this being from another angle to see what was going on, so that he could better collect the benefits.

Unfortunately, after a period of time, Master Qingyun only gained theoretically.

No substantial benefit was obtained.

At this time, Master Qingyun even thought of Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

"Maybe I would be more relaxed if I joined forces with the two of them, but now that things have come to this point, the feud between the two of us cannot be resolved at all. Even if I re-invite, the other party will not believe it." Jiaolong said.

In fact, even Jiaolong himself did not believe that he would resolve the dispute between the two.

A long time had actually passed since Master Qingyun remembered Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

Even if Master Qingyun is very capable, he will not be able to find Chen Feng and Jiaolong in a short time.

Therefore, Master Qingyun really put Chen Feng and Jiaolong aside and continued to explore this origin area.

Master Qingyun even passed the news back to his own body, thinking that once his body returned to its full glory and came, a breakthrough would definitely be opened.

While Master Qingyun continued to explore, Chen Feng and Jiaolong came to a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Before, I only saw an energy storm wrapping part of the corpse, which was just some flesh and blood at most.

But this time it was different. A large number of living corpses appeared in front of the two people.

These corpses seemed to be piled up artificially, and the blood flowing out stained a large area around them red.

Even though Chen Feng and Jiaolong had seen this kind of scene many times, they still felt it was a bit bloody.

In fact, these corpses in front of you were not very powerful before death.

At least that's how it seems to Chen Feng and Jiao Long.

But there are also some Hunyuan Golden Immortal levels.

I don’t know how these beings died here. It seems like they experienced a massacre.

These corpses are piled up here, constantly losing their strength, and the blood flowing out is also flowing into the space.

Of course, this process is still somewhat slow.

But Chen Feng and Jiaolong were able to accurately grasp this point, and even followed the dispersion of these powers to trace the ultimate source.

"It has indeed been swallowed up by this space. As a result, the space has become more stable. Maybe the edge areas have to continue to expand. If this origin area expands like this, how many lives have been swallowed up?" Chen Feng remembered the situation in Taixu Land.

The land of Taixu continues to grow because of the killing of powerful beings one after another.

The origin space in front of you is like this at this time.

"Actually, it's nothing. Maybe the other party is dead, but they are just using this method to regain some strength, or resurrect." Jiaolong said.

"Maybe, if the other party comes to kill and resurrects himself, then we will be a good target." Chen Feng said with a smile.

No matter how strong the pile of corpses in front of them were in life, the sum total of them is not as good as either Chen Feng or Jiao Long.

Chen Feng thought for a while, then suddenly took action, creating a sky full of flames and wrapping the countless corpses in front of him.

Under Chen Feng's urging, the flames that could incinerate everything burned these corpses into ashes.

"I want to see what changes can be caused by sitting like this?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

Jiaolong naturally understood Chen Feng's approach. From the moment Chen Feng took action, Jiaolong continued to explore the surrounding area.

"There seems to be no movement, everything is normal." Jiaolong said.

"It's weird when everything is normal. If the powerful existence here is targeting us, then it's understandable. But now there is no movement. Either this powerful existence is really dead, or it has fallen into a deep sleep and can't wake up, or it is mobilizing its power to deal with us." Chen Feng said.

After the two waited here for a while, they felt that nothing happened, so they chose to leave.

Not long after the two left, the space where the corpse was burned before fluctuated, and a ball of light appeared.

There was a picture flashing in the light ball, condensing into the shape of a creature.

The creature observed here for a while, and then disappeared silently.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong didn't know this at all. At this time, the two had come to a special area again.

"The power here is a bit strange. Although the quality is not high, it has a special effect. Which part of the opponent's body is this?" Chen Feng collected some energy and observed carefully.

After Chen Feng merged the power he got with his own power, the energy ball boiled like boiling water.

When the two energies were completely merged, Chen Feng found that his power had become a little stronger than before.

Jiaolong also discovered these and was naturally very shocked.

"In this case, if you absorb enough energy here, can't you use your strength to make great progress?" Jiaolong said.

"It is normal to have progress, but the magnitude should not be too large. Although there is a lot of energy here, don't forget our strength. We need more energy. The main reason is that the quality of this energy is not high, so this is also a place that makes me curious." Chen Feng said.

Jiaolong nodded: "Indeed, such a powerful existence, how can the energy in front be of such low quality? Or have we not come to the really important place?"

Chen Feng shook his head: "Think about ourselves, when we reach a certain level, we have already become one, so what is important and unimportant? There must be something we haven't figured out."

"And this is a special place after all. Although these energies are important, we can't collect them all. Even if we collect them, we can't absorb them rashly. Store them first and talk about them after leaving this area." Chen Feng said.

"It's really good. No matter what, this is on the other party's territory, and it's such a powerful existence. Who knows if the other party has any means? If we are not careful, we may be hit. If we die here, we will really regret it." Jiaolong said.

Next, Chen Feng and Jiaolong began to collect the energy here. After the two compressed the energy into an energy ball, they put on a seal.

In Chen Feng and Jiaolong's opinion, if there is really any hidden danger here, it may be difficult to rush out. If it can break through the seal left by themselves, it also means that rash absorption will really cause big problems.

But when the two continued to collect energy here, a huge change finally occurred.

The sudden change caused the space to begin to twist and overlap, just like paper, layer by layer.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong were suppressed in the center.

In an instant, the two felt that the pressure in the center increased by hundreds of times, and at this time there was more space to suppress it, and each layer of space could increase the pressure rapidly.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong's first feeling was that the owner of this place of origin was attacking them.

So the two stopped collecting energy.

At the moment when the two stopped, there was no new space suppression, but the previous pressure was still there.

The pressure was indeed great, but Chen Feng and Jiaolong could bear it, and soon broke through these spaces and rushed out.

However, the two also understood that if they had not stopped absorbing energy before, there would definitely be more space suppression.

I don’t know what level the limit will reach. If it can be superimposed like this, it will really cause trouble for the two.

"The space just now can completely suppress the Hunyuan Jinxian." Jiaolong said so.

At this point, the two dared not be careless or underestimate the environment here.

Along the way, they have always encountered life at the level of Daluo Jinxian, and it seems that there is no other danger.

But the suddenness just now was indeed a bit unexpected. Regardless of how strong the space suppression was just now? Chen Feng and Jiaolong did not rush out at the first time.

The main reason is that the suppressed space appeared from all directions, completely blocking the way for the two.

There is no other way except to crush it.

"This is the sadness of being on the enemy's territory. We can only passively take the beating. Unless we are strong enough to confront the enemy head-on, we can resolve all of their tactics," said Chen Feng.

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