Eternal Existence

Chapter 4740: Can't Get Rid of

"Did it appear again?" Jiaolong was a little surprised. He really didn't notice it.

However, after hearing Chen Feng's reminder, Jiaolong carefully sensed it and really felt uncomfortable.

"Someone is really targeting us. Who is the other party?" Jiaolong said.

Chen Feng shook his head: "How can I know? But I can be sure that it must be a person above Hunyuan. I don't know if he came out of the Well of Eternal Night or a local life here."

"Can we lure him out?" Jiaolong said.

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. The most important thing is to see if the other party is willing to come out. Moreover, the other party has not attacked us all the time, and he must be unsure. Of course, there may be other ideas, but since he has been following us, most of them are not well-intentioned." Chen Feng said.

"I don't know if the other party knows that we have discovered him." Jiaolong said.

"Maybe we can give it a try."

So Chen Feng and Jiaolong joined forces to set a trap.

The two hid in the dark and waited.

This wait lasted for a while, but the other party never appeared.

But the feeling of being targeted still exists.

Chen Feng had no choice but to use his means to actively track down the other party.

This time Chen Feng used the art of cause and effect.

As the cause and effect line spread, Chen Feng could also deduce more information.

The cause and effect line spread well at the beginning, but soon it suddenly forked, which surprised Chen Feng a little.

However, this situation did not bother Chen Feng.

"One cause and effect line came from the Well of Eternal Night, and it can be confirmed that the other party made a grudge with us in the Well of Eternal Night."

"The rest of the cause and effect lines are mostly clones or other means created by the other party, but it can be confirmed that there is only one other party."

"And the cause and effect line can also show a lot of things, so this time I can basically be sure."

"Our opponent is the powerful Hunyuan above before, and the other party has set his sights on us." Chen Feng said.

"It was that person. The other party's injuries were not light at the beginning, but so much time has passed, and I think the other party has recovered a little, but the other party has not attacked us, and I think he has not fully recovered." Jiaolong said.

"That's right. The one we acted with tonight should be a clone of the other party. The other party is not sure and must be trying to deal with us." Chen Feng said.

"Since it is a clone, can we kill the other party in return?" Jiaolong said.

"I want to, but the other party is very alert. Even if it is just a clone, it is not so easy to deal with. Maybe once we act, the other party will run away without a trace, and it is very likely to fall into the trap set by the other party." Chen Feng said.

"Then what should we do? Just let the other party follow them." Jiaolong said speechlessly.

"I don't have a good way either. If I can get rid of the other party, I would have gotten rid of it before. Now it seems that the other party's tracking method is extraordinary." Chen Feng also shook his head.

The two discussed it and there was really no good way.

If the other party took the initiative to show up, then even if they were not opponents, the two could go forward to fight.

Now the other party just hides in the dark and doesn't show up, but keeps pestering the two people. No one knows when the other party will take action?

This is annoying.

Helplessly, Chen Feng and Jiaolong chose to move forward.

Although they were not sure, the two of them still increased their speed, trying to get rid of each other.

Chen Feng was very fast, and Chen Feng thought that even if he was above Hunyuan, he would not be able to catch up with him so easily.

After a while, Chen Feng stopped, and Chen Feng was sure that he had gotten rid of the other party.

But not long after he stopped, that feeling reappeared.

Chen Feng learned through the cause and effect technique that this was another clone of the other party, who was catching up from another direction.

"The other party actually has so many clones, then I didn't have this method when I was in the Well of Eternal Night before." Chen Feng said with some surprise.

"That's because the other party has always been sure to deal with us, but who knows that in the end, the boat capsized in the ditch, and we were seriously injured by our carelessness. We also fought for our lives." Jiaolong said.

"It may be like this." Chen Feng nodded.

However, since the other party has so many clones, it will not be so easy to deal with it next.

But then again, if these clones of the other party can be combined into one, and the other party's main body has recovered its full strength, then he and Jiaolong may not be opponents.

"We have to find a way to deal with the other party's clones first." Chen Feng said.

"But if the other party doesn't take the bait, we don't have a good solution." Jiaolong said.

"Find a special place, a place where the other party has to go." Chen Feng said.

"This place is not easy to find." Jiaolong shook his head.

In fact, Jiaolong didn't know much about the Eternal Night Space.

"In this case, we can only rely on luck next. Even if we can find a large energy storm, we can arrange it a little bit." Chen Feng said.

However, the two also knew that it was really difficult to find a suitable area, unless it was an area similar to the intersection of all rivers.

"I don't believe that the other party has so many clones. This time, it may be a coincidence." Jiaolong said.

"In this case, let's continue to change direction." Chen Feng said.

The two changed directions again, still walking in the sticky dark space. This time, the opponent's clones did not catch up again.

Jiaolong's guess was correct. The opponent's clones must be counted.

If the opponent's clones are large enough, then they can appear as Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong certainly want to get rid of the opponent. After all, the powerful Hunyuan is a huge hidden danger.

Moreover, the opponent's tracking method is somewhat extraordinary. This kind of existence must be killed.

Otherwise, who knows when the opponent will suddenly appear.

But in the case that it is impossible to do so, it is better to get rid of the opponent first.

Just find an opportunity later.

Or the two are looking for an opportunity now.

After getting rid of the opponent, Chen Feng and Jiaolong still did not stop, because they knew that once they stopped, the opponent might catch up.

Now they need to find a special area.

However, the scale of the Eternal Night Space is vast, and it is really difficult to find a place that suits the two people's wishes in the dark space.

Both of them are thinking, why not enter the Well of Eternal Night and lead the other party to the place where all the streams meet.

However, the previous person on the Primordial Element suffered a loss at the place where all the streams meet, so the other party will not catch up.

"As a Primordial Element who has practiced for who knows how many years, the other party does not care about the consumption of time at all. I cannot compare with him just based on this point." Chen Feng was very helpless.

If you want to waste time, how can you compare with Primordial Element?

So the two of them kept trying to find some special areas, but they spent a long time without success.

Fortunately, they stopped for a short time and did not notice that the other party caught up, which made the other two feel a little relieved.

But this feeling is really unpleasant.

Especially Chen Feng and Jiaolong are both very straightforward practitioners.

If there is trouble, solve it quickly, and if there is danger, eliminate it in advance.

"It's nothing, actually. Seeing the other party's behavior, he is just following us from a distance. He doesn't have any good solution. Since he wants to follow, then follow him. I may go to the Gate of Origin in a while. I want to see if the other party will go up again. As long as he dares to follow, I will have the means to suppress him at that time." Chen Feng said.

"Speaking of the Gate of Origin, it's a good choice. I also want to go and see." Jiaolong was interested.

Chen Feng shook his head: "I just have this idea. I will definitely not go there in a short time. Don't forget that I still have friends in the Well of Eternal Night. I have to find my friends first."

"If your friend is very strong, there should be no problem in the Well of Eternal Night. Maybe the other party has some opportunities and hides in a place to practice? I really want to go to the Gate of Origin to try it out. After all, I have been in the Well of Eternal Night for too long, and I also want to see the new origin area." Jiaolong said.

"Let's see the situation first." Chen Feng did not agree immediately.

Just as the two of them kept moving forward, they suddenly noticed a Hunyuan in the distance.

When the two of them were wandering in the Eternal Night Space, they actually encountered various lives and saw various types of Hunyuan Jinxian.

But for the two of them, this level of life could not attract them at all.

What the two of them were concerned about was the existence of the level above Hunyuan.

Sensing the power fluctuations above Hunyuan naturally attracted the attention of the two of them.

However, the first feeling of the two of them was whether this was a trap for them.

But after thinking about it, Chen Feng and Jiaolong shook their heads again.

The two of them kept talking in the Eternal Night Space, changing directions from time to time, and coming here was also an unintentional decision.

I don’t think there will be any traps waiting for me.

In other words, this time I can meet someone above Hunyuan, which may be a simple accident.

However, if the two of them can detect each other, then relying on the means above Hunyuan, they can definitely detect themselves.

But think about it from another perspective, it is possible that the person above Hunyuan does not take Chen Feng and the two Hunyuan Jinxians seriously.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong did not care, but locked the direction of the other party and chased after them quickly.

But in this process, the two of them sensed another breath above Hunyuan.

It rose from another direction, and its speed was surprisingly fast.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong looked at each other, and seemed to understand something.

Sure enough, the two Hunyuans collided, generating a powerful force fluctuation, and the sticky dark space around them was shattered.

The two Hunyuans started fighting, and it was extremely fierce from the beginning, with an attitude of fighting to the death.

"Should we slow down a bit, wait for a life-and-death fight, and then reap the benefits." Jiaolong suggested.

"This idea is indeed good, but I don't think it should be so easy." Chen Feng said with a smile.

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