Eternal Existence

Chapter 4739: Brilliant Starry Sky

The process of leaving was quite smooth.

And before leaving the Well of Eternal Night, Chen Feng did not encounter any more trouble.

After entering the Eternal Night Space, Chen Feng's first feeling was that he had returned to the free space.

"I don't know if the way of life evolution here is the same as in the free space." Chen Feng said.

"I think there must be some differences." Jiaolong said.

"Of course there are differences." Chen Feng has already checked a life area.

Chen Feng doesn't know if this is an exception, or if all the Eternal Night Spaces are like this?

What he saw here was not a cosmic pattern, but a twisted and overlapping existence similar to the multiverse.

It is also different from the life world.

But Chen Feng can understand it, because Chen Feng has also encountered the multiverse in the free space.

Now it seems that both sides are a bit similar.

"The life environment that integrates the same pattern as the outside and the multiverse, of course, now I have just walked out of the Well of Eternal Night, and there must be other patterns in the vast Eternal Night Space." Chen Feng said so.

Maybe a little surprised at first, but as Chen Feng carefully explored, everything was clear in his mind, and he felt that there was nothing to be surprised about.

Anyway, Chen Feng has been in the Well of Eternal Night for a long time, refining and absorbing the power of the Well of Eternal Night, and also mixed with some of the laws and structures in the Well of Eternal Night.

Even if Chen Feng is an outsider, it is actually reasonable to say that Chen Feng is a local life.

If Chen Feng continues to practice in the Well of Eternal Night, then the time he stays here will be longer than some local life.

In this case, it is impossible to calculate.

"In fact, there are some special areas in the Eternal Night Space, and the degree of danger is no less than some special environments in the Well of Eternal Night, but I don't think we are in a hurry to go now. After all, Daoyou is here for the first time, so let's just walk around and understand the situation in the Eternal Night Space. In fact, there are many places in the Eternal Night Space that I haven't been to." Jiaolong said.

Chen Feng nodded, and his perception was like a tide wherever he looked. He usually arrived instantly. He could observe clearly any place he wanted to explore.

Although he became stronger, the feeling that this kind of power can represent everything, in fact, it will make people a little boring after a long time.

I lost the desire to explore when I was weak, and I was in a very expectant mood.

However, Chen Feng also knew that this was the path he had to take. Every life wanted to become stronger, and no one wanted to stay weak.

The two walked in the Eternal Night Space. Except for some life areas, they would emit spiritual light. Apart from that, it was basically dark.

The darkness here was different from the empty darkness in the free space. The energy here was sufficient, and even the darkness was a bit sticky.

A light spot appeared in front of him, and Chen Feng immediately thought of the stars he saw when he was wandering in the universe.

Who knew that as Chen Feng explored, he was surprised to find that there was an object similar to a star here.

But it was much larger than the stars Chen Feng had seen.

But it was much smaller than the universe.

"What kind of object is this? It's quite strange. How can it be so huge? This is not the pattern of the universe at all." Chen Feng kept getting closer.

It was found that this was indeed something similar to a star or a planet, but it was huge.

Chen Feng stretched out his palm to test its weight, but found that there were countless lives on it.

Chen Feng's perception entered the interior of the ball and found that it contained countless caves and special spaces, overlapping or interlaced.

In some spaces, there were also a large number of lives.

Chen Feng calculated that the strongest life here was at the level of Daluo Jinxian, and it was completely possible to leave this planet and venture into the darkness.

"Daoyou, do you feel a little strange? In fact, the life patterns in the Eternal Night Space are diverse. Even if I see some areas, I will be surprised." Jiaolong said with a smile.

Chen Feng nodded: "Indeed, to be honest, this is the first time I have seen this situation."

After the curiosity subsided, Chen Feng and Jiaolong left this place.

After a while, Chen Feng and the others saw a cracked space.

The huge crack that suddenly cracked in the darkness was like coming to an endless abyss.

Chen Feng even felt the powerful breath emanating from the huge crack.

It turned out to be the breath above Hunyuan.

You should know that it is basically difficult for Chen Feng to meet someone above Hunyuan when he is wandering in the free space.

"This huge crack has a cave inside. It may be deliberately opened by Hunyuan. There are races left by the other party in the crack." Jiaolong said.

"If you want to go in and take a look, let's stay here."

Chen Feng's perception extended along the huge crack and soon touched the thick barrier.

There was also a warning from Hunyuan.

Even through the barrier, Chen Feng felt the traces of life and knew that Jiaolong was right.

"Forget it, this is the other party's residence, we don't need to disturb it." Chen Feng shook his head and did not choose to enter it.

"Then let's go. I'm still thinking about whether I can meet someone above Hunyuan." Jiaolong said.

Not long after Chen Feng and Jiaolong left, the power fluctuated in the dark space, and a person above Hunyuan appeared out of thin air.

If Chen Feng and Jiaolong saw it, they would find that this was the most powerful Hunyuan that they had encountered before.

The other party was injured and left, but who knew that he would appear in the Eternal Night Space now.

Of course, the state of this Hunyuan was not right, and it was only a clone that appeared here.

Even so, he could sense the breath left by Chen Feng and Jiaolong. The other party knew that his enemy had come.

But Chen Feng and Jiaolong knew nothing about all this.

"Different origins, so the things that evolved are indeed very different. This is completely different from the free space, but such a viscous Eternal Night Space, I think it should not be comparable to the free space in scale." Chen Feng said.

"Each has its own characteristics, but generally speaking, the Well of Eternal Night is indeed weaker than the Gate of Origin." Jiaolong said.

"Maybe, anyway, the huge benefits I got from the Well of Eternal Night, although I have encountered some opportunities in the Gate of Origin before, but it can't be compared with this time. It's really interesting to say." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Do you feel something wrong?" Jiaolong also asked.

"It does feel like something is watching us." Chen Feng said.

The two used their means to explore, but found nothing.

"Could it be that some powerful life in the Well of Eternal Night has caught up with us?" Chen Feng said.

"That's also possible, but it's also possible that the powerful life in the Eternal Night Space has discovered us. I feel that we have been very careful in our actions. How could such a powerful existence be alarmed?" Jiaolong said speechlessly.

The one who could not be discovered by the two must be above the level of Hunyuan.

However, the other party was just exploring, and the two did not make a move. It seems that there is a reason.

"It is really uncomfortable to have such a being watching in the dark. Either find the other party out, or find a way to get rid of the other party." Chen Feng said.

"Then speed up and leave this area first. Maybe we passed by the other party's territory and woke him up." Jiaolong said.

"That's also possible."

Chen Feng used the magic of walking, and the speed of Jiaolong suddenly increased several times. They kept shuttling in the dark and soon reached an extremely distant area.

After stopping again, there was indeed no feeling of being watched before.

"It seems that we really met by accident." Jiaolong said so.

Then the two of them no longer took this matter to heart, but continued to venture in the darkness.

The main reason why Chen Feng ventured in the Eternal Night Space was to see the different origins and evolutions.

He didn't expect to get any benefits.

So this way, it seemed much easier.

Just like that, I don't know how long it took, and a bright light appeared in front of me.

The darkness became thinner and thinner.

Chen Feng thought he had come to a starry sky.

Each point of light represents a life area, or an area full of special energy.

But Chen Feng can be sure that there are many lives here.

"This large-scale life area is extremely rare in the entire Eternal Night Space. I have never been to such a place before." Jiaolong also said with some surprise.

"Maybe there will be someone above Hunyuan sitting in charge, but it is not certain. There are many lives, which does not mean that masters can appear." Chen Feng said.

The two of them moved forward step by step, and they could feel the vastness of this life area more and more.

"It's enough to match the number of lives in several universes. There's no breath left by Hunyuan, but there are some Hunyuan Jinxian." Chen Feng said.

"In fact, Hunyuan Jinxian is also very powerful. Aren't we also Hunyuan Jinxian?" Jiaolong said.

Then the two laughed.

Such a large-scale life area naturally aroused the interest of the two.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong restrained their breath and disguised themselves as ordinary Hunyuan Jinxian to enter this area.

Even so, the owner here was still alarmed.

Several Hunyuan Jinxian appeared in front of the two.

"We are just passing by here and want to rest here for a while." Chen Feng said.

At the same time, Chen Feng was also observing the strength of these Hunyuan Jinxian.

The strength is not bad, just barely counted.

"Just don't make trouble here."

The other party didn't say much, and didn't even make some simple inquiries, but turned and left.

"This attitude is really a bit curious." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Maybe the other party has seen a lot of adventurers passing by here." Jiaolong is somewhat aware of this situation.

Although they said they were resting here, Chen Feng and Jiaolong were actually walking continuously, and they had a better understanding of this life area.

Jiaolong was better, Chen Feng was mainly here to see this different origin of life.

There was nothing substantial, but it was helpful for Chen Feng's spiritual perception.

"Why don't we stay here for a while?" Jiaolong suggested.

After all, walking in the dark for a long time is also a very boring thing.

"I also want to stop and rest, but the feeling of being stared at before reappeared." Chen Feng shook his head.

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