Eternal Existence

Chapter 4710: Unable to Breakthrough

This is not a good thing.

This means that under the impact of chaotic forces, Chen Feng cannot perfectly control the universe in his body.

However, at this point, Chen Feng naturally cannot retreat.

If he retreats now, he cannot withstand stronger pressure at all, nor can he make faster progress.

It's a pity that Chen Feng still has no signs of a breakthrough in the chaotic body.

This makes Chen Feng a little depressed, but also a little happy.

Because this shows that the potential of the chaotic body is greater and needs to be developed a little bit.

The reason why he can't break through is that the accumulation is not enough. If he can break through easily, it can only mean that his own strength has easily reached a limit.

In this way, Chen Feng felt comfortable in his heart, and even generated a wave of power to continue to attack.

There were more and more cracks on the sound, and later, it was almost all over Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng punched out, and his fist was bloody. Deeper wounds spread from his fist along his arm to his body.

Chen Feng was about to collapse, and the powerful breath of life instantly surged through Chen Feng's body.

The next moment, all the cracks on Chen Feng's body disappeared, and Chen Feng returned to his peak state.

But after a few steps, cracks appeared on Chen Feng's body again, and then the number of cracks increased.

It started the same as before.

And Chen Feng waited until the cracks covered his body and he was about to be unable to resist, then he mobilized the vitality in his body.

After several times, the wave in front of him became weaker.

"Could it be that the riot has been eliminated?"

Chen Feng guessed, and then slightly increased his speed.

This time, Chen Feng walked a long distance.

Then he encountered a stronger energy fluctuation.

The previous silence seemed to be a preparation for the next stronger one. Although Chen Feng punched repeatedly, he was still washed back.

Chen Feng stopped until he returned to the previous area.

"It turned out to be like this."

Chen Feng had dense wounds on his body, and they healed again after he stopped.

The powerful force just now hit Chen Feng, and he could not resist it at all.

If Chen Feng stayed in place and was sealed by the opponent with power, and suffered the continuous washing of energy, Chen Feng would be shattered bit by bit.

In other words, the force just now was enough to cause a fatal blow to Chen Feng.

This is also an important reason why Chen Feng chose to retreat and did not resist.

Of course, Chen Feng could also use other means to resist, but such a powerful energy wash, even if he used his magic power, he could only last for a period of time.

"I really want to see what happened in front more and more."

The movement in front was too weird, which completely attracted Chen Feng's curiosity.

And Chen Feng was more and more sure that this was the movement made by the source.

But now I still can't see where the source is? It's also a speechless thing.

In the final analysis, it's still not strong enough.

But if I stop now, it's really unwilling.

So Chen Feng faced the challenge again.

He continued to punch like before, and the wounds on his body became more and more.

But Chen Feng didn't care at all. If he had injuries, he would find a way to repair them.

In this way, Chen Feng soon came to the place where he was before, and his speed continued to slow down.

The waves in front were getting stronger and stronger. Chen Feng spent some time to stabilize his body.

Then he took a step forward.

Just this step increased the number of wounds on his body by half.

After walking a few steps forward, Chen Feng's skin and flesh were broken, and even the bones were seen.

At this time, Chen Feng's bones were also wrapped in golden light.

The healing speed of the wounds on his body also slowed down a lot.

You should know that even if Chen Feng was injured by Hong Yuanzhi, he could recover instantly.

Now the recovery speed is slowing down, which can only mean that a strong force has rushed into the body and destroyed everything in Chen Feng's body.

But now the bones are still intact, which also means that Chen Feng can fully bear it.

However, some energy has begun to invade the internal organs.

And the universe before the fusion was also impacted, but these must be experienced.

Only after being shattered and reshaped can it become stronger.

A strong breath of life gushed out of Chen Feng's body, and the serious injuries on his body recovered quickly.

Then Chen Feng continued to move forward step by step.

Soon the huge wound on his body split again, and this time it affected the bones.

Cracks appeared on the extremely hard bones.

Chen Feng knew that if he continued in this situation, he might really be torn into pieces.

Even if he was shattered, Chen Feng was sure to reshape his body, but in that case, it would definitely consume a lot of energy and might not lead to a breakthrough.

After this thought came to his mind, Chen Feng's courage actually weakened a lot.

So under the impact of the powerful force, he retreated step by step again.

Chen Feng was not timid, but was calculating what would happen next.

It doesn't mean that if you have the courage, you can fight to the death, otherwise, you will waste a lot of energy in vain.

If you can get some benefits, then it will be different.

Chen Feng knew that his body was not strong enough now, and most importantly, he had not touched the limit that could be broken through.

Now I can't see how far it is, which is why Chen Feng has been conservative during this period.

In this way, Chen Feng went back and forth many times. Later, he waited until the force coming from the front weakened a little, and then Chen Feng quickly moved forward for a distance.

Chen Feng waited for the more powerful energy wave that might appear next.

But this wait took a long time.

Even Chen Feng thought that this situation would not happen again, and wondered whether he should rush to the end in one go.

Who knew that the wave came again, and Chen Feng was hit and retreated again and again, and his flesh began to break.

Even his bones began to be covered with cracks.

Seeing that Chen Feng was about to be shattered, two layers of power broke out again.

One force was the power of life, which quickly repaired its own injuries, and the other force was the source of Chen Feng's extreme power.

Mixed with golden light, a thin barrier was formed around it.

But this thin barrier actually blocked the powerful energy rushing towards him.

In this way, Chen Feng moved forward steadily step by step.

Chen Feng finally changed some methods, that is, he no longer rushed forward with his body like before.

In Chen Feng's opinion, he is now releasing his own power, which can be regarded as a disguised practice.

Of course, this is also to comfort himself.

Until this layer of energy barrier was dispersed, Chen Feng had walked a long distance.

In this way, Chen Feng also wanted to see if he could feel where the end was, but he was greeted with a strong energy impact.

In an instant, Chen Feng's body was covered with wounds.

In another instant, Chen Feng's bones were exposed, and then the bones were covered with cracks.

The universe in his body was invaded by power.

Chen Feng showed signs of collapse, but he did not retreat after thinking about it, but continued to move forward.

When the wounds on his body reached a certain level, they finally became fragmented.

But this was also under Chen Feng's own control.

In a short period of time, Chen Feng's body was divided into hundreds of pieces, but these hundreds of pieces were connected by power.

And after the body was broken, it burst out with even more powerful power, which actually blocked the energy that was rushing in.

It also resisted the momentum of continuing to split.

The split body began to merge.

Soon, Chen Feng reshaped his body. This time, Chen Feng clearly felt that his body became stronger than before.

But he still couldn't break through.

So Chen Feng had a bottom line in his heart, so he continued to move forward.

It broke into pieces again and reshaped the body again.

This was repeated dozens of times.

Chen Feng's body became stronger, but Chen Feng became more and more disappointed.

He couldn't break through.

Chen Feng knew that maybe the place where all the streams converge was not his opportunity.

It can indeed become stronger, but it can't reach the limit of breakthrough.

Maybe it's the chaotic body itself, or it may be that the current strength is not enough.

But it's already broken into pieces, isn't it enough, or does it need enough time to accumulate.

Chen Feng knew that he really couldn't rush to the end with his own body.

It's not that Chen Feng lost his courage, but because he knew himself better, he came to a conclusion.

Since he knew that he couldn't rush to the front with the strength of his own body, Chen Feng thought about whether to use some means.

Having come to this point, it would be unwilling if he didn't go to the end to see.

But then again, relying on other means to get to the end, Chen Feng also couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

From the beginning, Chen Feng thought about relying on the power of entering the heart.

After stopping in this area and thinking for a while, Chen Feng felt that the waves in front of him still didn't stop.

So he decided to go and see what was going on at the end of the place where all the streams meet.

Of course, Chen Feng used other means.

He didn't use magic weapons right away, but used magic power cultivation and coordinated magical powers.

Coupled with the strength of his original body, Chen Feng began to walk forward step by step.

The speed was faster than before, and there were no wounds on his body, which was due to the superposition of other means.

It can be said that Chen Feng's comprehensive strength is already very strong. Even if he is above the ordinary Hunyuan, even if he uses all the means, he can't think of coming here so easily.

The dragon was so powerful, but it still found a place to stop and sleep.

Until Chen Feng had wounds on his body, it meant that the power in front had exceeded Chen Feng's current limit.

However, Chen Feng still did not use the magic weapon, but continued to stimulate his own power.

The heart beat vigorously, and energy gushed out from the fused universe, coupled with the power stored in Chen Feng's body.

After various explosions, Chen Feng was shrouded in a thick layer of golden light, which blocked the surrounding energy erosion very well.

Although the golden light was also weakening, it could last for a while.

Moreover, Chen Feng's magic power was originally very strong, so Chen Feng still walked forward steadily, while also releasing perception to explore the source in front.

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