Eternal Existence

Chapter 4709 Waves

Chen Feng stopped absorbing energy, and sure enough, the pair of eyes disappeared.

In fact, Chen Feng had absorbed enough energy during this period. Chen Feng secretly calculated the energy he had absorbed, and even the Hunyuan could not do this.

The storage capacity of the universe in the body is too large.

So Chen Feng continued to merge the universe in the body.

With the blessing of these energies, the speed of merging the universe in Chen Feng's body was faster.

Of course, Chen Feng also divided some power to refine the absorbed energy.

Make the power more pure, or remove some of the pressure marks and some impurities in it, so that the effect will be better.

It can be said that the project Chen Feng is going to use this time is very large.

However, Chen Feng also spent a lot of effort and finally merged all the universes in the body into one.

Round and integrated.

The universe in Chen Feng's body has become one.

The scale is also comparable to the large universe in the free space.

It is smaller than Chen Feng imagined.

But this is just the fusion. After the passage of time, once the universe is completely stable after fusion, once the structure of the avenue and the law becomes perfect.

Then the universe in the body will expand again.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the larger the universe is, the better. Once it is unstable, it will be more likely to collapse.

So Chen Feng is now thinking about compressing the universe as much as possible.

Compress it to the limit, and then expand it little by little after the universe is completely controlled.

Chen Feng does not lack energy.

What Chen Feng lacks is the evolution of the universe over a long period of time, as well as the structure of the laws of the Tao.

The fusion of the universe in the body is closely related to Chen Feng himself.

So Chen Feng himself has also made some progress, stimulating the strength of the chaotic body.

"This time, the time for cultivation is not short, but why haven't the dragons caught up yet? Are they still sleeping?" Chen Feng thought so.

Chen Feng didn't think much about it, and continued to move forward when his situation stabilized.

Just like this, Chen Feng's strength became stronger, and then he moved forward a long distance.

Only then did he start to think about contacting the dragon.

So Chen Feng made some wills merged into a solid state like thoughts and stars.

Wrapped it with the power of the magic weapon, and then threw it into the long river of energy.

Next, as long as the dragon can receive his thoughts and stars, Chen Feng will be able to sense it.

As for whether the dragon is sleeping or practicing, Chen Feng doesn't care at all.

As long as he is still alive and not in danger, it's fine.

Sure enough, after a while, Chen Feng's heart moved, and the dragon got his thoughts and stars when he went out.

It's just that the distance is a bit far, Chen Feng thought about it, and he didn't plan to return.

"That's good, as long as it's okay." Chen Feng was relieved.

On the other side, the dragon received Chen Feng's thoughts and stars, and understood Chen Feng's situation. He was secretly surprised in his heart. He didn't expect that the distance between the two sides was still so far.

However, since he knew that Chen Feng was fine, he didn't have to chase him as anxiously as before.

It can be said that Chen Feng and the dragon have the same thoughts.

Of course, the dragon naturally wants to catch up with Chen Feng, but he can't do it, so there is really no way.

If he desperately goes forward, it's meaningless, and it also goes against the original intention of practicing.

The breakthrough of the original will and the fusion of the universe in his body have greatly improved Chen Feng's strength.

Some resources that had been accumulated in the body before were also being quickly refined and absorbed by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's mana cultivation has surpassed ten kalpas.

If he wants to make a big breakthrough next, he can only grind and accumulate little by little unless he kills Hunyuan above and devours and plunders.

This will take a long time.

In fact, Chen Feng is already very satisfied.

During this period of time, under pressure, the big improvement made Chen Feng have no time to hone himself.

Next, he can continue to suppress himself under pressure, which is also a huge benefit for himself.

After understanding this, Chen Feng will certainly not increase his cultivation by a large margin.

Even in the body that was fused before, the universe is trying to compress it little by little.

"In fact, at this time, I want to fight with that powerful Hunyuan above to see how much I have improved?" Chen Feng couldn't help thinking so.

Chen Feng was just thinking about it. If that powerful Hunyuan above really appeared, Chen Feng would have a headache.

There is a big difference between the two sides. Chen Feng is making rapid progress, and the other party will naturally not be idle.

Even if the opponent has not made any progress, even if he can recover to his previous strength, Chen Feng cannot deal with him.

"At the level of Hunyuan Jinxian, even if I accumulate more, I am not his opponent, unless I break through immediately and change fundamentally."

Chen Feng naturally understands where the gap between the two sides is.

The reason why he suppressed the breakthrough is that he thought that he would become stronger and stronger after the breakthrough after the economy became more and more stable.

Even if he knew that there was a danger threatening Chen Feng, he would not compromise.

A wave swept over fiercely.

It was a very simple scene, which was really too much in the ocean.

However, this wave contained 40 or 50 different types of energy. After the other party merged, a special mutation occurred.

The power was extremely powerful.

It actually stopped Chen Feng's pace.

Then, one wave after another, Chen Feng was unsteady on his feet, and even showed some signs of retreat.

"What has changed in front?"

Chen Feng was a little curious. He had not encountered such a violent fluctuation since he came here.

Chen Feng wanted to go over and take a look, but the power in front was getting stronger and stronger, wave after wave.

Chen Feng could not rush over by his own strength.

In desperation, Chen Feng had to use boxing to break the rushing power with waves.

"This is not bad."

Chen Feng fought with the power, and the mana he increased alone could also be better honed.

In Chen Feng's perception, it seemed that there was a huge tsunami in front.

The cause of the tsunami was a huge volcano erupting, and he was just affected now.

If he came to the source of the power eruption, the attack force he would bear would be much stronger than it is now.

"I wonder if I can make my chaotic body break through if I rush to the end?"

Chen Feng had an ambition, so he tried his best, relying only on the pure physical land.

Chen Feng's fists were covered with scars, and there were also wounds on his body, which were caused by the powerful force.

In addition, there were some vibrations in his body.

Finally, Chen Feng stopped retreating and walked forward step by step. Although the speed was very slow, he was indeed moving forward.

Chen Feng directly opened a path with his fist.

However, the oncoming waves still did not stop, and they were getting stronger and stronger.

Chen Feng really wanted to see what caused this, and Chen Feng had a feeling.

This change was probably caused by the source.

It seemed that the distance to the source was not far, but Chen Feng could not sense it at all.

The more eager he was, the more he wanted to see it.

The golden light bloomed, as if countless sword lights were sprayed out, clearing out the surrounding energy.

Chen Feng quickly moved forward, like a tiger, punching continuously.

This time, Chen Feng's fist power was mixed with the power of the universe in his body. Chen Feng wanted to try whether there were any changes that satisfied him after the fusion of the universe.

Chen Feng's physical strength was already very strong. Now that the power of the universe in his body has been added, his attack power has reached a new level.

The waves in front of him were constantly smashed, and Chen Feng felt much more relaxed.

As Chen Feng continued to move forward, Jiaolong and the puppet Hunyuan also felt the changes in the place where all the streams meet.

"What a strong movement, could it be that Chen Feng has fought with other lives?" Jiaolong felt that this was the first thing he felt, because he did feel Chen Feng's breath and power mixed in the energy.

Then Jiaolong felt that this was not the case, because the chaotic fluctuations became rhythmic.

This did not seem to be the movement caused by the battle between the two sides.

"Could it be that something happened in front?" Jiaolong thought of this.

The momentum was getting stronger and stronger, and Jiaolong and the puppet Hunyuan were greatly affected.

Under this situation, it was difficult for both to continue moving forward, and they were even constantly retreating.

If they used some means, they could resist it, but staying here would also consume a lot of energy.

Knowing this situation, Jiaolong wanted to take the initiative to find Chen Feng.

In that case, let's retreat.

The Jiaolong and the puppet Hunyuan Shangzhi began to retreat, and they stopped only after they felt that there was not much pressure.

"I thought I could come to the end of the place where all the streams meet with Chen Feng. Now it seems that I still overestimated myself." Jiaolong said so.

The puppet Hunyuan Shangzhi was even more speechless. You are all Hunyuan Jinxian after all. If you say that, how can I, Hunyuan Shangzhi, feel embarrassed.

Chen Feng advanced for a while, and then stopped to rest.

Although Chen Feng can fight with his opponent for a long time, the situation is different this time.

Resisting the pressure from the surroundings consumes a lot of energy, and every time he punches, he mobilizes a lot of power.

It can be said that Chen Feng has almost gone all out in terms of his physical body.

In this way, he will naturally feel tired after a long time.

It consumes a lot.

But at the same time, the gains are also great.

Not long after resting, Chen Feng continued to move forward, still relying on a pair of fists to blast the road ahead.

Let all kinds of forces hit him.

It was like walking on the deep seabed and being caught in an undercurrent.

And it was not just one undercurrent, but multiple undercurrents merged together, constantly washing away.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

This was the sound of Chen Feng's flesh exploding, and even the bones in his body were heavily affected.

The heart, like a furnace, was also beating vigorously, but there was some chaos in the beating sound.

This was because the pressure from the outside world had already acted on Chen Feng's body.

Even the huge universe that had merged into one was affected. Originally, in Chen Feng's previous practice, the universe in his body was very well compressed, but now it was actually expanding.

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