Eternal Existence

Chapter 4679: Fighting against Hunyuan

Of course, Chen Feng was also a little cautious.

The other party was a creature from the Sea of ​​Origin. Who knows if they will join forces to deal with him.

"Hey, let's go and see. At worst, we can use the energy tower. I don't believe that the other party can really trap me. As long as they can't trap me, I can leave." Chen Feng still has confidence in himself.

Seeing Chen Feng agree, the dragon also became a little solemn.

Before, it was just a sudden idea to win over Chen Feng. Now seeing Chen Feng agree.

Then the next one to face is Hunyuan Shang.

Although I had some confidence before.

But if I really face Hunyuan Shang, no one is absolutely sure.

Who knows if Hunyuan Shang has some powerful means?

"Daoyou, we have fought for a while and we have some understanding of each other, but this time we are dealing with Hunyuan Shang, we can't be careless." The dragon thought for a while and said.

"This is natural, but there is no need to be so burdened. With our strength, even if we can't take down the other party, we won't suffer. The worst outcome is to just leave." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng's words were also meaningful, that is, he had the means to leave at any time.

"Besides, being able to fight with Hunyuan Shangzhi, even if you fail, you will gain something." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's true, so let's not delay and find the other party now." Jiaolong said.

Chen Feng nodded.

Since both parties have decided to fight, there is no need to be fussy, just find the other party directly.

"But if we go to the door rashly, we will definitely pay a great price. Instead of that, we might as well use some strategies." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"What are your plans, fellow Taoist?" Jiaolong asked.

"It's very simple, let's continue to fight." After Chen Feng finished speaking, he punched Jiaolong.

Jiaolong was stunned, and then he understood, and swung his tail to block Chen Feng's attack.


The powerful force swept around.

The two fought again, disrupting the four seas.

Sure enough, not long after the two sides fought, they alarmed the Hunyuan Shangzhi again.

As before, a strong will swept over.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong separated instantly, trying their best to resist this will attack.

But then the two sides fought again.

Get out!

Will appeared again.

This time Chen Feng and Jiaolong felt something was wrong.

"Why didn't Fang show up? He just used will to attack."

"Even if he was in seclusion, he should come out after being disturbed by us."

"It seems there is a problem."

"Let's get closer."

Because the other party used will, Chen Feng and Jiaolong had locked the direction of the other party.

So while fighting, they moved there.

Then they found some restrictions.

"It should be here."


The two sides collided violently, and a large area of ​​restrictions was shattered.

A vast island was revealed.

"The other party hasn't taken action yet, what do you think is going on, fellow Daoist?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"I really don't know, maybe the other party is really in seclusion, of course, it may be deliberately leading us to his territory." Jiaolong said.

"They are now in the other party's territory." Chen Feng said, landing on the island with a bang.

The powerful impact directly smashed a huge hole.

The whole island was shaking.

Although the scale of this island is very large, how can it withstand the power impact of two top masters?

"Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being rude." That will sounded again, but this time it was not an attack, but a simple warning.

Then a huge millstone appeared, floating above the two people's heads.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong both felt strong pressure.

"Senior, don't blame me. I was chased here by the other party. I disturbed your cultivation. Please forgive me." Chen Feng shouted hurriedly and rushed towards Jiaolong again.

At this time, Jiaolong's body became extremely huge. Just a collision, the millstone became shattered.

And Chen Feng took the opportunity to grab Jiaolong.


The huge body of Jiaolong was thrown away by Chen Feng.

Landing on the island, the island shook and was in a mess.

Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!

Beams of light shot out from the center of the island, crossing into a silk net to cover the two people.

This is an attack from above the Primordial Chaos. It is indeed very powerful, but how can it do anything to Chen Feng and Jiaolong?

At this point, Chen Feng and Jiaolong have already determined that something must have happened above the Primordial Chaos here.

Otherwise, why hasn't he shown up?

Although the attack from the other party is also very powerful, it is not enough to deal with Chen Feng and Jiaolong.


Chen Feng sacrificed the Divine Mountain and smashed it hard against the island.

The other party has not come out, so the two of them stopped acting.

In this case, let's attack.

The power of the Divine Mountain is naturally extraordinary. This time, Chen Feng is even sure to smash the island directly to pieces.

The premise is that the other party does not stop it.

A torrent of energy rushed up to the sky and blocked the falling Divine Mountain.




The power splashed, and then the Divine Mountain continued to slowly descend.

"Unless you show up in person, don't think about blocking my magic weapon." Chen Feng sneered.

On the other side, Jiaolong also took action, and like Chen Feng, he also took out his magic weapon.

The two sides had been fighting for so long before, and neither Jiaolong used any treasures, so Chen Feng was still a little curious and wanted to see what the other side had brought out.

A spiritual bead flew out and grew in size out of thin air, becoming as big as Chen Feng's mountain peak.

It was like a huge planet crashing down hard.


Another force held up the spirit bead.

Although it was a bit reluctant, it also resolved most of the power.

"You still have some strength." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's natural. After all, you are above Hunyuan. If you can't even block the magic weapon, there is nothing to worry about at the gate." Jiaolong said.



Chen Feng and Jiaolong took action again.

This time the North could no longer resist.

The island falls apart, revealing a creature.

This creature is extremely huge, with dense runes flashing on its body.

At this time, the creature brandished its weapon and rushed towards Chen Feng.

"It's a little weird." Chen Feng said.

"It's indeed a bit weird." Jiaolong also said.

Chen Feng swung his long sword to fight with the opponent. After a few rounds, Chen Feng actually stabbed the opponent with one sword.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng felt surprised.

After the simple exchange just now, Chen Feng had already made some assumptions.

"This is dead. The will generated by the body above Hunyuan may also be the external life refining this body. But no matter which one it is, the other party has already cultivated to the point above Hunyuan. It's just that the other party It seems that the physical body has not been condensed successfully, so before it could only attack us with will," Jiaolong said.

"According to this calculation, it may be the former. In this case, it is a bit disappointing." Chen Feng said.

"It is indeed a bit disappointing. I thought this was a living top Hunyuan in peak condition. Who knew it was just a dead body. Even if it can get some benefits, it will be at a huge discount." Horned Dragon said.

"Unless we divide the opponent's original will, otherwise, our fight will be in vain." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Then divide its original will." The dragon's huge body whipped it hard.

Although the opponent controls a body above Hunyuan, he doesn't know how long he has been dead, and a lot of power has been drained from the body. In addition, the opponent's fusion has not reached a perfect state.

Therefore, although it is above Hunyuan, the strength that it bursts out can only belong to the lowest level in the level above Hunyuan.

Chen Feng and Jiao Long are not afraid of each other at all when they join forces.

It can be seen from the fact that the other party did not come out before that the other party is not sure about facing the combination of Chen Yifeng and Jiaolong.

Although the dragon's spiritual pearl is not as good as Chen Yifeng's sacred mountain, it is still at the origin level, and it also contains the magic power of the dragon.

Suppressing the Quartet has brought some trouble to this Hunyuan Shang.

Chen Feng fought in close quarters.

The situation has been understood very clearly.

The opponent's only threat is the original will. As long as it can be blocked, the winner of this battle will be determined.


Above the Soul Yuan, he also knew this and began to concentrate his original will to deal with Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was under great pressure this time, but he still resisted it after secretly using the energy tower.

Seeing that Chen Feng could withstand it, the Hunyuan Shang focused on attacking the dragon again.

As a result, the dragon also resisted.

Unlike Chen Feng, Jiaolong relied on his own strength to resist.

After all, Jiaolong is an existence infinitely close to Hunyuan.


A blood hole exploded in the body above Hunyuan.

Chen Feng quickly used the Devouring Technique.

"No matter what, it is still above Hunyuan, and it has some effect." Chen Feng said as he felt the power he had plundered.

Even if it is above the weakest Hunyuan, it is still above Hunyuan.

The dragon made a fierce collision, causing the Hunyuan Shang to roll out.

Chen Feng couldn't help but shake his head. Didn't he see that he was using the Devouring Technique? He was interrupted this time.

Jiaolong also felt a little embarrassed and quickly chased after him to fight with him.

Jiaolong's physical body is no less than that of Chen Feng, and fighting with the opponent in close quarters greatly reduces Chen Feng's pressure.

Chen Feng seized the opportunity and left some wounds on the Hunyuan Shang.

Continue to activate the Devouring Technique.


The dragon also broke a small part of Fang Fang's body, and then devoured it directly.

In this way, the two of them continued to wear away and crush the body above Hunyuan.

Finally, the other party realized that continuing like this was not the answer, and began to resort to desperate measures.

Chen Feng sensed the danger and quickly retreated.

The dragon's huge body wants to swim quickly.


How much destructive power will it produce if a Hunyuan self-destructs?

This time Chen Feng saw it.

The other party really tried his best and blew himself up.

The entire Sea of ​​Origin shook violently.

Where Chen Feng couldn't see, countless cracks and gaps appeared in the Sea of ​​Origin.

A large amount of water overflowed.

Seeing that the Sea of ​​Origin is about to collapse.

At this moment, a powerful force came from the center of the Sea of ​​Origin.

It actually shrouded the entire origin, and then the situation was under control.

Chen Feng felt this power.

"Above restoration." Chen Feng said.

It seems that there is something above Hunyuan in the Sea of ​​Origin, and it is much stronger than the opponent just now.

However, since the opponent blew himself up, all the benefits were wiped out.

This time it was in vain.

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