Eternal Existence

Chapter 4678: Stop

This area is also a treasure land.

After all, there are some lives living here, and even adventurers gather here.

In addition to various spiritual plants and spiritual veins, there are also some special mineral veins and a spiritual spring that looks good.

Now all of them have been destroyed in the battle between the two.

There were originally quite a few lives and adventurers present, but after seeing the commotion caused by the two warring parties, they were only terrified.

In this situation, no one dared to step forward.

If they stepped forward, it would undoubtedly be a suicidal act.

And in this situation, anyone who got closer would have his body torn into pieces.

Seeing so many spiritual plants and spiritual veins turned into pieces, those adventurers also secretly felt sorry.

I wondered where these two guys came from? Their strength was so strong.

After watching the collapse of this place, it was left to the two sides to continue moving.

The adventurers present knew that things seemed to be a little serious.

With these two people, how could everyone grab them even if there were benefits?

After thinking of this, some people had already left in a hurry, and they didn't even have time to watch the excitement.

Hiding far away is the right way to sort out.

And take this opportunity to quickly search for some benefits in other places, so as to avoid being diverted to other battlefields and crushing other resources.

Chen Feng and the other party fought again for a while, and there was chaos wherever he passed.

Whether it was the heavy sea water or some special resources, they were all shattered.

The reason why Chen Feng could fight with the other party until now was that the dragon was entangled tightly, and on the other hand, the other party did not use will attacks like before.

Occasionally using this method, Chen Feng could still bear it. If this dragon had been constantly attacking with will, then Chen Feng would have found a way to leave.

After all, the two sides have been fighting until now, although Chen Feng has also used all his strength, he has not fought desperately.


The attack of this dragon is actually very simple, and the explosion after the superposition of power is enough to make Chen Feng unable to resist.

In addition, the opponent's body is strong, and the attack power and defense have reached a top level.

Chen Feng's voice is also very powerful, and Chen Feng's magic of walking is also amazing.

In addition, Chen Feng can use some special means.

For example, domains and weapons.

Compared with the two, Chen Feng obviously used more means, which is why the two sides can fight until now.

Naturally, Chen Feng has always been at a disadvantage.

Finally found an opportunity, Chen Feng broke a blood hole in the opponent, but the next moment, Chen Feng would be knocked out.

He couldn't continue to injure the opponent.

"Do I have to leave the Sea of ​​Origin? I'm afraid that this guy will catch up." Since the opponent has even left his own territory, it is normal to leave the Sea of ​​Origin.

Chen Feng was also very depressed. He didn't get any benefits. He just passed by, alarmed the opponent, and then attracted the subsequent war.

It was as if he had robbed the opponent's most important treasure.

The two sides continued to fight, and they saw that they reached the bottom of the sea and appeared in front of a mineral vein.

This mineral vein is good, and Chen Feng would definitely collect it in the past.

But now the two sides are fighting, and in the blink of an eye, the mineral vein was smashed into pieces, and countless ores flew around.

More were shattered and melted away.

"It's not too important for us to break it." Chen Feng could only comfort himself in this way.

But when Chen Feng felt a strong breath of life in front of him, Chen Feng didn't want to let it go.

Obviously, there was a life vein not far away, which was an extremely good thing.

Chen Feng suddenly released the sacred mountain and suppressed it fiercely in front of the dragon.

And Chen Feng himself quickly disappeared from the spot.

Sure enough, it was a life vein, and it looked good.

There were also some local creatures guarding here.

Chen Feng didn't care about so much, and immediately took action to snatch it, and quickly extracted the life vein.


In a short time, the sacred mountain was knocked away by the dragon, and then it was in front of Chen Feng in an instant.

Chen Feng had to turn around and continue fighting with the other party.

Those local creatures originally wanted to make trouble for Chen Feng, but after seeing this scene, they were immediately scared and fled around.

"This is not bad." Chen Feng blocked his hands in front of him and formed a thick seal.

Then the seal was broken, and a powerful force surged. Chen Feng took the opportunity to disappear from the spot and appeared on the other side of the dragon.

He punched hard and smashed it down.

The dragon's body was constantly twisted.

Chen Feng used the power of destruction, which also integrated some corrosive energy.

The dragon was not easy to be hit.

"Hey, now you know I'm not so easy to mess with." Chen Feng sneered, shook his body, and evolved into a group of phantoms.

A powerful force exploded, the phantom was broken, and Chen Feng's real body appeared in another direction.

The Destruction Lord and his companions who came with Chen Feng would also be alarmed.

After sensing Chen Feng's breath, they rushed over immediately, but they stopped before they got close.

Although the Destruction Lord and his companions were strong and were also masters among the Hunyuan Jinxian, this scene was not something they could participate in.

After a little hesitation, the three of the Destruction Lord still took action?

If they stood by and watched, it would not be good.

But as soon as the three of them approached, they were thrown away by the dragon's tail.

This was because Chen Feng had resolved part of the attack power, otherwise the three people would have been torn into pieces.

"Too powerful, no match at all."

"Fellow Daoist Chen Feng is so powerful, we really misjudged him before."

The three of the Destruction Demon Lord looked at each other and could see the shock in each other's eyes.

"Thank you for your help, fellow Daoists, but now we should stay away. The opponent is too strong. I will lead him away first." Chen Feng said, and went to another direction.

Sure enough, the dragon chased after him again.

The battle continued, but the figures of both sides gradually disappeared in the distance, leaving only the chaotic power, and the waves disturbed the sea of ​​origin.

The three of the Destruction Demon Lord were a little dazed.

"What should we do? Should we catch up and see?"

"I think we should forget it. We are not at the same level as the other party. Even if we catch up, it will not work. It may even implicate fellow Daoist Chen Feng."

"Although I say that, I still feel a little uncomfortable."

The three Destruction Demon Lords did not catch up in the end, because the three had tried just now.

The gap between the two sides is too big.




Chen Feng punched out one after another, and suddenly found an opportunity. He first suppressed it with the Divine Mountain, and then concentrated his sword energy, leaving a deep wound on the dragon again.


The dragon also used his will to attack. Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness shook, his soul was shaken, and the next moment he was hit by a powerful force.


Chen Feng sighed.

If they continue to entangle like this, no one can do anything to anyone.

Just when Chen Feng was thinking about leaving the Sea of ​​Origin,

some changes finally happened.

"Get out of here!"

A vast and huge will swept in from a distance, attacking Chen Feng and the dragon at the same time.

"Above Hunyuan." Chen Feng knew it was bad at the first time. He didn't expect that the fight between the two would finally attract a more powerful existence.

In the first time, Chen Feng mobilized the power of the energy tower, then put away the magic weapon and fled far away.

At this time, he couldn't continue the battle.

The powerful dragon was also affected, and did not attack Chen Feng.

However, the huge body shrank a little, and also swam in another direction.

The fight between the two ended just like that.

The above Hunyuan did not appear either.

Of course, Chen Feng actually understood that if he and the dragon joined forces, he would not be afraid of a above Hunyuan.

It's just that they were opponents, how could they unite at once?

Besides, the above Hunyuan did not appear either, probably because he was worried about this.

"There is indeed above Hunyuan here." Chen Feng slowed down, wondering whether he should stay and explore, or leave the sea of ​​​​previous?

In the end, Chen Feng did not leave. It was unknown how long this sea of ​​origin would appear.

There are also many good things in it.

Chen Feng had obtained resources and gained some knowledge before, so he was still a little reluctant to leave now.

"In fact, I have gained a lot so far, and it would be no loss if I leave." Chen Feng thought about it. The origin law and life energy he obtained, as well as the black hole shell, were all huge gains.

But who would complain about having too many good things?

Chen Feng naturally wanted to get more origin laws and life energy, which were the resources that could greatly improve himself.

Chen Feng thought in his heart that if he had two more origin laws, he could push the energy tower to its peak state.

At that time, even if he encountered a Hunyuan, he might be able to suppress it.

Just as Chen Feng was thinking, the surrounding water surged, and the dragon appeared again.

Chen Feng was a little helpless, the other party came again.

This really looked like sticky candy, but the other party did not make a move, but shrank his body and floated in front of Chen Feng.

"What do you mean, fellow Daoist?" Chen Feng saw that the other party did not make a move, and he had some guesses in his heart.

"Let's join forces to kill that person above Hunyuan." As expected, the dragon suggested.

"He is a warmonger." Chen Feng thought to himself.

However, Chen Feng still said, "I'm afraid we can't do it. After all, the other party is above Hunyuan, which is still difficult to deal with. Be careful that the other party will kill us."

"I know you didn't try your best. I also have some means. Besides, I can't kill the other party, but I have to try. Once successful, it will be a huge gain for us." The dragon said.

Chen Feng was a little hesitant. On the one hand, whether the other party really wanted to cooperate with him was one thing, and on the other hand, the above Hunyuan was really not that easy to deal with.

But the other party's proposal was definitely a huge temptation for Chen Feng.

If you can really kill a person above Hunyuan, the resources you get, and the practice of this phase, there are also huge benefits.

"Daoyou, don't you want to simply kill the other party?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"There are indeed some good things, but it's not important to me. What's important is Hunyuan itself." The dragon said.

"Okay, do it." Chen Feng agreed.

Besides, if the two of them join forces, even if they can’t kill Hunyuan Shang, they can at least escape unscathed.

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