Eternal Existence

Chapter 4626 Results

"It's weaker than expected." Chen Feng walked out, and the power in his body was continuously released, forming a domain, and everything around him was isolated and shielded.

"It turns out it's not that they are weaker than I thought, but that I have become stronger." Chen Feng said with emotion.

The breakthrough of the previous avenue, the cultivation during this period, Chen Feng's own strength, plus the origin-level magic weapon.

Although the ice power here is powerful enough, it has different effects on Chen Feng and on the two monks.


"Join forces!"

"Secret Technique of Thousands of Divine Powers!"

"Supernatural Silk Seal!"

Although the two monks knew that they had encountered a master, they had no intention of escaping. In fact, they also knew that escaping in this situation was simply courting death, so they might as well join forces and fight.

However, they saw Chen Feng's characteristics immediately, so they did not choose to fight head-on, but used the sealing technique.

Although Chen Feng had broken the banning formation before, the two of them were still somewhat sure of joining forces. Of course, the most important thing was that this was the wisest choice.

“Good choice!”

Chen Feng nodded, and the sword formation emerged. The sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and it began to strangle and cut the oncoming sticky power. Chen Feng himself traveled through time and space in an instant and came to the two of them.

"If you have any powerful means, just use it, otherwise I will kill you soon." Chen Feng said lightly, this is to put some pressure on the other party and let the other party display stronger power.

Chen Feng was indeed a little disappointed because of his performance just now.


A punch was thrown out, as thick as a mountain, locking the opponent firmly.



After all, these two monks are the top Hunyuan Golden Immortals, and they still have the strength and means, otherwise they would not join forces to set up traps to deal with the adventurers.

Facing such a powerful attack from Chen Feng, the two monks did not join forces to resist it as Chen Feng imagined.

Instead, circles of light erupted from one of them, resisting Chen Feng's boxing skills head-on. The other's eyes flashed, and countless black light arrows shot out, then flew out and covered Chen Feng crazily.

Chen Feng's punch attack was blocked by the opponent, and countless black arrows fell on Chen Feng.

Of course, the visual effect looks like this, but most of the black arrows are melted by the field around Chen Feng, and a few arrows landing on Chen Feng have no effect at all.


The monk whose body erupted with light took out his weapon. The weapon was ordinary and dull, like a long knife, and his moves were simple, and he slashed straight at Chen Feng.

Another monk's body grew larger, and he used magic to evolve into more than a dozen tentacles, grabbing various weapons and attacking Chen Feng crazily.

Chen Feng was not in a hurry to use his strongest means to resolve the battle, but was fighting with his opponent inextricably.

For example, Chen Feng did not use the power of some magic weapons such as the energy tower. Chen Feng only took out the four origin-level long swords and did not use other magic weapons. However, Chen Feng used his strongest power.

In this way, he relied on his fighting skills and his own strength to suppress his opponent.

The surrounding environment began to become increasingly chaotic, and the frozen area began to collapse, which could have some impact on both warring parties.

The movement is still quite loud, and even if the environment here is special, it can still be transmitted to far away places.

At least there was news from Qi, asking Chen Feng what was going on here? After learning Chen Feng's response, Qi was not worried.

Since Chen Feng said this, he must be confident.

There is not much movement in the tomb in the distance. As for the tomb itself, it is constantly changing. The other party can sense the dynamics here, but has no intention of intervening.

Therefore, for Chen Feng, this was a relatively thrilling battle, and it was a good time for him to practice hard for such a long time.

Moreover, Chen Feng's efforts are constantly improving in the battle, and there is still a little difference between practice and reality.

After running in and unifying, Chen Feng's strength will naturally change.

"Fellow Taoist, you can't do anything to us if this fight continues, so why don't we stop and make peace now."

"It was our fault before, but we are not here for you. If fellow Taoists had not come here, we would not have had any disputes."

The two monks said this to Chen Feng. It seemed that the other party also felt the pressure and did not want to continue with Chen Feng.

After all, this area is not safe. There is nothing to practice on weekdays. There are not many lives here, but that does not mean there are none. With such a big movement, who knows whether it will attract some lives that are more powerful than itself.

By then it will be too late to regret.

"So it's all my fault." Chen Feng said with a smile, hesitating back and forth after the realm around him merged with the simple realm.

Chen Feng's own strength is a steady stream of volcanic eruptions. His originally invincible defense, coupled with Chen Feng's own fighting skills, Chen Feng can be in an invincible position with these alone.

What's more important is that the two monks sensed that Chen Feng was not trying his best, but the two of them were somewhat stretched.

The situation of the battle is still very obvious.

The two monks flinched.

Chen Feng continued to improve his combat effectiveness in order to continuously pressure his opponents and let them burst out with greater strength.


One of the cultivators was hit by Chen Feng. The powerful punch was full of the power to crush everything. The cultivator was unable to resolve it. There were wounds on his body, and the blood was burned clean as soon as it came out.


The cultivator's eyes showed a ferocious look, and a ball of fire burned in his body, and then the whole person's breath became more violent, and the fighting power became stronger.

This is a special means to stimulate one's own strength.

In fact, the two cultivators have been fighting until now. It's not that they haven't thought about leaving, but it's not so easy to leave at this time.

If they were in a different environment, such as in the free space, then the two of them couldn't beat Chen Feng and would have thought of a way to escape. Here, they might not have gone far before they were caught up by Chen Feng and then exploded from behind.

"I said, you still have means." Chen Feng said with a smile.

In fact, according to the strength of both sides, even if there are more fighting techniques, it will not play a big role. Unless there are some special magical powers, otherwise they can only rely on their own strength.

The most important thing is that even if they burst out with stronger fighting power, it is still difficult to do anything to Chen Feng.

But these two cultivators dare not be hit by Chen Feng.


The other cultivator also used a magical power under Chen Feng's pressure. With the explosion of the magical power, his speed increased.

"Not bad!"

Chen Feng said with some surprise as he looked at a small wound on his body. After the opponent's speed was improved, his attack power also became much stronger, and he could actually break his defense.

Although the wound was not big, there was power that continued to invade the body through the wound.

Although this kind of power was quickly wiped out by Chen Feng, since it could break the defense, when the wounds reached a certain level, it would still have some impact on Chen Feng.

What's more, the power that invaded the body through the wound brought some paralysis effect of decomposing muscles.

So Chen Feng would not let the other party continue to hurt him, but these two cultivators continued to burst out stronger combat power. It would be difficult for Chen Feng to say that he was not injured at all.

Unless Chen Feng used stronger means.

But this was not what Chen Feng had planned to do before.

"In that case, let me see what other means you have." Chen Feng smiled, and the aura on his body surged a little, but the surrounding area began to shrink, and the wings of the god had spread out.

Chen Feng's speed became faster.

Although the two monks burst out with more powerful power, they were still suppressed by Chen Feng.

This kind of power burst is not without consumption. Now it can be borne in a short period of time. If it burns its own origin for a long time, it will have an impact on its foundation.

But now the situation is critical, and the two monks have no choice.

There is no communication between the two sides, and at the same time, a stronger strength bursts out.

A second ball of fire burned in the body of one of the monks, and a dense and strange rune appeared on the body of the other monk.

The former has a stronger explosive power, and the latter's defense has become much stronger.

Not only that, the two monks also sacrificed a magic weapon each. These two magic weapons burned with raging flames and exuded power far beyond the past.

Not only the monks themselves are bursting, but even the magic weapons are beginning to constantly suppress their potential.

In other words, with the release of powerful power, these two magic weapons are gradually collapsing.

Chen Feng was suppressed and retreated repeatedly. Just when Chen Feng punched repeatedly and wanted to regain the upper hand, the two monks turned around and fled. The two magic weapons that were releasing power exploded at the same time.

The destructive power increased exponentially in an instant. Chen Feng quickly arranged two layers of domains around him, and at the same time, armor appeared on his body, and then he was submerged by the strong destructive energy. However, the next moment Chen Feng rushed out of the chaos. With the flapping of the wings of the gods, Chen Feng entered a transcendent state and was able to dodge most of the destructive energy.

The power generated by the self-explosion of the origin-level magic weapon is indeed extremely powerful. Under normal circumstances, it is not a problem to severely injure a Hunyuan Jinxian. If the arrangement is good, it can even kill the Hunyuan Jinxian.

For example, Chen Feng now has some wounds on his body, but it doesn’t matter. The wounds will recover soon.

The two origin-level magic weapons are also destroyed. Of course, they are not completely destroyed. Some fragments and imprints still escape.

After all, it is an origin-level magic weapon, at the same level as the Hunyuan Golden Immortal. Even a piece of it can possess tremendous power, and maybe it can be restored in the future. For example, many of the magic weapons in Chen Feng's hands along the way were fragments, and it was only after they came into Chen Feng's hands that they were gradually refined again and became complete.

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