Eternal Existence

Chapter 4625: Fierce Fight

Chen Feng still did not respond. Not to mention that Chen Feng had no intention of attacking the tomb at first, even if he did, he would not be the opponent and might even get himself involved.

Seeing that Chen Feng did not respond, the adventurer gritted his teeth and rushed towards Chen Feng, apparently wanting to pull Chen Feng into the battle.

"This is a stupid decision." Chen Feng said lightly, and then with one punch, the adventurer was knocked back.


Even the life evolved from the tomb was a little surprised, but the action was not slow. He directly grabbed the adventurer and rushed into the tomb quickly.

This life did not expect that his actions would lead to such a change, nor did he expect why Chen Feng attacked him.

At this time, the adventurer was no longer thinking about this matter, but struggling desperately.

Seeing that he was about to struggle out, who knew that a blood-red light extended from the tomb and directly wrapped up the adventurer. This time, the adventurer's struggle became smaller and smaller, and the final result was that he was pulled into the tomb and never came out again.

The incarnation in the tomb naturally went in together. Chen Feng waited for a while, and the tomb did not change again, so Chen Feng left.

The development and ending of the matter were actually within Chen Feng's expectations. Even if Chen Feng did not take action just now, the adventurer's fate would still be swallowed by the tomb.

Chen Feng saw clearly that the tomb had only used a small part of its power before, but the other party did not take action against him, which also represented some attitude.

What Chen Feng saw was that the tomb swallowed two powerful lives. It was obvious that the other party would not be able to come out after being pulled into the tomb, and the fate was already determined.

"It was already very powerful, and now it has eaten two Hunyuan Jinxians, isn't it even more powerful." At this time, Chen Feng had another idea.

That is, the multiple wills in the tomb that he saw before would not be caused by this. If so, then there would be two new wills in the tomb.

However, as long as the other party's will is the main body, or the other wills are refined and controlled one by one, then there will be no problem.

The development and resolution of the matter did not take much time, and the result was within Chen Feng's expectations, but Chen Feng was still a little disappointed.

I had thought that I would see the existence in this tomb come out, but now it seems that it will take some time. However, since the other party can come out of such a powerful incarnation, then this is a good start. Whether there are risks in the next evolution process or not, it is actually not a big problem.


Just when Chen Feng was thinking about whether he should practice or continue to move forward, the fluctuations of fighting came from another direction again.

"It is not easy for these adventurers to come here. Isn't it good to practice well? They have to fight here. In the end, both sides will be injured. It is really not worth it. However, since they chose to fight here, there must be a reason. Either there is a feud between the two sides, or they are trying to rob treasures, or they may be sparring. In my opinion, the chance of robbing benefits is the greatest." Chen Feng had to rush to the place where there were fluctuations.

In addition to the two powerful power fluctuations, Chen Feng actually felt the power of life.

It's just that this life force did not radiate, but was buried in a very deep place, but the power was violently agitated, as if it would erupt at any time.

"It's really good. What is such a strong vitality? It can't be a spiritual vein." Chen Feng laughed when he said this.

However, as Chen Feng approached, Chen Feng couldn't laugh anymore. It was really a spiritual vein.

A spiritual vein composed of vitality.

It was a very strange thing to encounter a spiritual vein that interested him at the level of Hunyuan Jinxian.

And the fact that two powerful Hunyuan Jinxians could fight for it naturally showed the preciousness of this spiritual vein.

Chen Feng practiced the Great Way of Life, so he could naturally feel it very clearly.

So, this is a good thing.

Chen Feng sped up a bit, and at the same time analyzed the strength of the combatants.

It's really good, but Chen Feng can definitely participate in it and share a share. Chen Feng is even sure to get rid of both of them.

However, Chen Feng was also worried that it would affect the spiritual vein, so he had to figure out the situation thoroughly first.


As Chen Feng approached, the fighting between the two sides became more intense. Chen Feng also muttered secretly, can't they share it equally? Why do they have to fight to the end like this?

If there was a gap in strength between the two, it would be fine. With such equal strength, fighting would only hurt both sides.


Chen Feng was really attracted by the increasingly strong life force. Just as Chen Feng continued to move forward, the two cultivators who were originally fighting fiercely suddenly rushed towards Chen Feng at the same time.

Two powerful auras firmly locked Chen Feng. At the same time, the surrounding space fluctuated, a large formation emerged, and the icy force gathered from all sides in the direction of Chen Feng.

Coupled with the two powerful cultivators who were getting closer and closer, Chen Feng fell into an extremely dangerous situation for a while.

It turned out that the opponent's previous confrontation was just to lure Chen Feng over. They had already prepared an ambush, or it might not be aimed at Chen Feng, but Chen Feng came.

But then again, the situation seemed very dangerous, but it was only relative, or for some people, and Chen Feng did feel the pressure. Chen Feng also thought that the situation in front of him was indeed a bit tricky, but Chen Feng did not think that this trap could deal with him.

"You are unlucky to meet me. I just need to find an opponent to hone my skills after practicing for a while. Now I am here." Chen Feng said with a smile, not panicking at all, letting all the attacks overwhelm him.

Although they felt that Chen Feng's reaction was a bit strange, the two cultivators still rushed to Chen Feng.

The two were very close, but Chen Feng was affected by the operation of the formation, while the two cultivators were like fish in water. After all, the formation was originally created by these two cultivators.

With the right time, place and people, it seems that the opponent can completely suppress Chen Feng.

"Even if it's a trap, the spiritual vein should be real. Otherwise, I'll be ruthless and kill these two Hunyuan Jinxians, refine and absorb them. It will also be a huge gain, but it will only take a little more time."

"But then again, are these two coming for me, or did I accidentally bump into this place? Most likely it's the latter, but no matter which one it is, it's the wrong choice to deal with me now."

Chen Feng muttered like this, and then golden light burst out from his body, and the forbidden magic array that originally suppressed Chen Feng melted away one after another, and the speed was surprisingly fast. In the blink of an eye, Chen Feng's surroundings were empty.

This is not only Chen Feng's own strength, but also mixed with the power of magic weapons.

Then Chen Feng punched out, and his fist shook, and the two monks who rushed up flew backwards in the explosion.

The faster they rushed up, the faster they were beaten.

In fact, Chen Feng only wanted to capture the opponent, but Chen Feng found that he couldn't do it. He could only capture one person at most, and the other person would attack him.

Besides, Chen Feng has been practicing for a long time and really wants to fight.

These two just came to the door.


"It's a dead end!"

The two monks had such thoughts while flying backwards. They saw in their perception that the forbidden array they had painstakingly arranged before was destroyed in pieces and was no longer of much use.

Besides, even if the array had all its power, it would not be able to do anything to this intruder who suddenly appeared.

"Weaker than expected." Chen Feng walked out, and the power on his body was continuously released, forming a field, and everything around was isolated and shielded.

"It turns out that they are not weaker than I thought, but I have become stronger." Chen Feng sighed.

The previous breakthrough of the avenue, the practice during this period, Chen Feng's own strength, plus the origin-level magic weapon.

Although the freezing power here is strong enough, it has different effects on Chen Feng and the two monks.


"Join hands!"

"Divine Power Thousand Flow Secret Technique!"

"Divine Power Silk Seal!"

Although the two monks knew that they had encountered a master, they did not plan to escape. In fact, they also knew that in this situation, wanting to escape was simply seeking death, so it was better to join forces.

However, they saw Chen Feng's characteristics at the first time, so they did not choose to fight hard, but used the sealing technique.

Although Chen Feng had broken the sealing formation before, the two of them were still a little sure to join forces. Of course, the most important thing was that this was the wisest choice.

"Good choice!"

Chen Feng nodded, and the sword formation emerged, and the sword energy was crisscrossed, and began to strangle and cut the oncoming sticky force, while Chen Feng himself instantly traveled through time and space and came in front of the two.

"If you have any powerful means, just use them, otherwise I will kill you soon." Chen Feng said lightly, which was to put some pressure on the other party and let the other party exert stronger power.

Because of the performance just now, Chen Feng was indeed a little disappointed.


A punch was thrown out, as heavy as a mountain, firmly locking the other party.



After all, these two cultivators are top Hunyuan Jinxian, and they still have strength and means, otherwise they would not join forces to set traps to deal with adventurers.

Faced with such a powerful attack from Chen Feng, the two cultivators did not join forces to resist as Chen Feng imagined.

Instead, one of them burst out circles of light, resisting Chen Feng's boxing head-on, while the other's eyes flashed, and countless black light shot out like sharp arrows, flying out and covering Chen Feng madly.

Chen Feng's punch was blocked by the opponent, and countless black arrows fell on Chen Feng.

Of course, it looks like this in visual effect, but most of the black arrows were melted by the field around Chen Feng, and the few arrows that fell on Chen Feng had no effect at all.


The cultivator with the burst of light took out a weapon, which looked like a long sword and had no luster. The moves were even simpler, and he chopped straight at Chen Feng.

Another cultivator's body became bigger, and he performed the Dharma image, evolving more than a dozen tentacles, grabbing various weapons and attacking Chen Feng madly.

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