Eternal Existence

Chapter 4619: Breakthroughs

Although Qi has not fully recovered yet, his strength has surpassed Chen Feng. Beings stronger than Chen Feng will be trapped, so Chen Feng naturally has to think about it carefully.

However, he cannot not move forward. Chen Feng thought about it carefully and there is no good way.

He can only slow down, practice while continuing to communicate with Qi, so after understanding the situation, he can better deal with the next situation.

However, Chen Feng's current situation is not bad. Although the freezing power here is getting stronger and stronger, even if Hunyuan Jinxian comes here, it can cause great pressure.

But Chen Feng can still withstand it.

So this is also a point that Chen Feng feels strange. According to this situation, even if the freezing power is stronger, it may not be able to do anything to Chen Feng. Chen Feng thinks that even if he pays some means, it is no problem.

Since the approximate location of Qi has been determined, Chen Feng will not go there to explore other places.

And the life here is indeed the same as what he thought at the beginning. Maybe there are some lives practicing in the periphery, but there are still very few lives in the inner area.

It has been a long time since Chen Feng met the life of Hunyuan Jinxian level, and he has not encountered life again.

However, Chen Feng still saw a magic array at this time, and there was a life in the magic array.

The other party actually opened a cave here to resist the power of ice.

"The other party was not frozen like other lives, and he is not practicing now. He has a taste of living here." Chen Feng became curious, took the initiative to approach the other party, and then said hello.

Sure enough, a passage extended from the big array, and there was also the other party's invitation.

Chen Feng hesitated for a moment, but still entered it.

This is the courage of the skilled, Chen Feng is not worried that the other party will do it himself.

Of course, some preparations are still necessary.

This is a life with some spikes on his body, and there are some crystal lusters on these spikes.

Speaking of it, it is a little similar to the ice beast encountered before, but Chen Feng can also be sure that this one should be from outside.

Opening a cave here is also for practice.

Both parties reported their names to each other. The other party is called Binghun. He is indeed an adventurer from outside. He practices the Ice Avenue and has lived here for a long time.

He is also an old man here. Of course, Chen Feng wants to learn more from the other party.

"The fact that you can come here is enough to prove your strength, but if you are here to find someone, it will be a bit troublesome." Binghun said.

"What do you mean?" Chen Feng was a little curious.

"There are some dangers ahead. I dare not enter some areas because once you enter, it is difficult to get out. I can't tell the specific situation. I only know that it involves the realm above Hunyuan." Binghun said.

"Above Hunyuan, it is true." Chen Feng nodded. Qi who could be trapped was only at this level.

This was also within his guess.

After understanding it, although there were some gains, Chen Feng was still a little disappointed.

There was not much useful information. If you want to find Qi, you still need to go there in person.

Binghun's strength is not bad. In Chen Feng's opinion, he has reached the top level of Hunyuan Jinxian. If the other party does not continue to move forward, there will be no problem living here.

Chen Feng got some information from the other party, so he did not stay any longer, but chose to move forward.

Binghun hesitated a little, but still did not follow Chen Feng.

Binghun saw danger from Chen Feng.

"Fellow Daoist, you need to be careful. If you can't do it, just return immediately. If you rush forward, you will easily be trapped." Binghun still advised when Chen Feng left.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist. I know what's going on, but I came here for an important matter. If I can't find my friends, I can't go back alone." Chen Feng said.

Binghun felt a little emotional when he saw Chen Feng leave, and even hesitated and regretted whether he should follow him. But after thinking about it, he shook his head.

The situation ahead was indeed very dangerous. Binghun had been there before, and had experienced a near-death experience before, so he was so conservative here, but he was unwilling to give up, so he had to stay here and practice continuously. If he broke through and his strength improved greatly, he could go again.

Maybe it was because of Chen Feng that Binghun couldn't calm down to practice. After finally adjusting his state, when Binghun wanted to continue practicing in seclusion, he felt the power fluctuation coming from the front.

The powerful power fluctuation actually shook the formation arranged by Binghun.

So Binghun no longer had the mind to practice, but walked out of the formation and looked forward.

Seeing the chaotic power fluctuations that condensed into substance, and the powerful lives fighting, one of them was Chen Feng, and the other was an ice beast.

"This is a fight with an ice beast, but this doesn't seem to be the ice beast I encountered before. It looks very powerful. Will they cause some trouble if they fight here?" Binghun thought so.

Then the battle ended, and the powerful ice beast was actually solved by Chen Feng.

"So powerful." Binghun was a little surprised, but thinking that since Chen Feng could get to this point, it was normal for him to have such strength, but the other party solved the ice beast a little faster.

In fact, Chen Feng didn't want to kill the ice beast, but this ice beast was a little different from the one he encountered before.

The opponent's will was in chaos, full of strong murderous intent. Even if Chen Feng let him go, he might find a chance to attack Chen Feng again.

Chen Feng decided to get rid of the opponent out of fear of future troubles. Of course, the power contained in this ice beast was also very strong.

After Chen Feng refined the opponent, he might be able to make the Ice Avenue break through again.

With this thought, Chen Feng kept stripping the power from the opponent and integrating it into the Ice Avenue. Another part of the power was collected by Chen Feng to see the situation.

Chen Feng was now using the Devouring Technique to devour two powers. If he devoured more power, Chen Feng was also worried that it would affect his condition.

"Not bad, it's about to break through again. Killing people and robbing goods is the fastest way to improve, especially with the Devouring Technique and the refining of the Chaos Body." Chen Feng secretly sensed that the Ice Avenue was about to break through again in a short period of time, and it was not unstable. Although there were not too many laws in it, it was still perfect. At least Chen Feng could suppress it.

"There are fewer laws, but when the avenue reaches this point, it is still a relatively troublesome thing to condense the law runes again. It would be better if there were matching runes and laws." Chen Feng thought so, and then he extracted a law from the dead ice beast.

It was the law of ice, which contained countless runes. Chen Feng's will was shaken, and the countless runes kept shaking, and finally merged into ninety-nine runes.

"Although there is some sealing power, it can also be expelled. This rune is added to the law avenue, which can save me a lot of time." Chen Feng said in his heart, and he immediately took action after making up his mind.

Soon a perfect law of ice was re-refined by Chen Feng, and then integrated into the avenue of ice.

The avenue of ice underwent drastic changes, and it was about to be promoted, but it was suppressed by Chen Feng.

"Don't worry, wait a little longer, after all, the advancement during this period is still a bit fast." Chen Feng said.

In this way, Chen Feng continued to sort out the avenue of ice, and he advanced a distance again, absorbed some better quality ice power, and finally broke through the avenue of ice again.

This time, the Ice Avenue has almost reached a limit. Even if there are gains, there will be no breakthrough.

In such a short period of time, a road has broken through twice in succession. If you are not careful, it may collapse.

"Next, I will make every effort to break through the Sealed Avenue." Chen Feng said in his heart, and he also had his own plans.

At this time, Chen Feng was also constantly approaching Qi. Although the distance was shortened, according to Chen Feng's speculation, it would take some time to find Qi.

This is still the case without other problems. Chen Feng believes that this process will definitely not be so smooth.

Suddenly, a stream of air surged over silently. Chen Feng relied on his strong body to bear it directly, but he felt it.

His skin showed signs of freezing.

This is pure ice power, extremely pure, and there is no seal power mixed in it.

Compared with the ice power encountered before, it is at least ten times stronger.

This is a qualitative change.

Although it was a little uncomfortable, Chen Feng still collected this stream of air and integrated it into the Ice Avenue after refining it.

Originally, Chen Feng's Ice Avenue had just broken through, and it was time for it to stabilize. Who knew that after this airflow was integrated, the entire Ice Avenue changed again.

It was not a breakthrough, but the Ice Avenue began to shrink, and at the same time, some energy similar to impurities was constantly released.

"This can also be regarded as an advancement." Chen Feng said this, but he understood that this airflow was really good. If the Ice Avenue could absorb enough of this airflow, the quality and foundation of the entire avenue would change.

"Just like this, this place is not dangerous." Chen Feng thought about it. Although the airflow just now could cause some trouble to the Hunyuan Jinxian, it was just a trouble. The ice soul encountered before could deal with it. Maybe the ice soul had also absorbed this airflow.

Is there an ice beast here?

If there is, how strong is it?

However, Chen Feng also knew that according to what the ice soul said before, most of the dangers in the future would still come from the environment here.

Even if the previous airflow could bring some danger to people, Chen Feng knew that such good things would naturally be better.

If it could really hurt himself, it would be satisfying.

However, there shouldn't be many such air currents. Chen Feng waited for a while but no more air currents appeared. He had no choice but to continue moving forward.

The further he went, the stronger the freezing force became. Chen Feng's pace began to slow down, no longer as casual as before.

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