Eternal Existence

Chapter 4618 Finding Qi

Although Chen Feng didn't believe it, the facts proved that it was so. Even if he entered this frozen area now, he still couldn't find any traces left by Qi.

But such an interesting area naturally exudes a strong attraction. Chen Feng will definitely not leave like this.

After a little hesitation, Chen Feng continued to move forward, and at the same time explored the surrounding areas to a greater extent.

The power of the Ice Avenue did not expand its range, but slowly plundered the surrounding ice land.

Finally, Chen Feng collected a few more Ice Spirit Pearls one after another, and the quality became higher and higher. Finally, the Ice Avenue that was saved had some fluctuations.

If this goes on, he may break through in advance.


Chen Feng was originally slowing down to comprehend the Ice Avenue. Suddenly, a strange beast appeared in front of him. It looked small, as if it was carved out of ice. It was transparent as a whole. It moved forward in this area without much power fluctuation.

It seemed that if Chen Feng had been replaced by the previous Daluo Jinxian, he would probably have discovered this ice beast when it arrived in front of him.

"There is indeed life here. The previous Daluo Jinxians were quite powerful, but they could not come here. The ice beast in front of him is also a Daluo Jinxian, but he can run freely here. With the increase and decrease of one, his combat power is naturally extraordinary." Chen Feng said.

Although Chen Feng did not deliberately hide his figure, it was not easy for the other party to discover him.

"But even if you stare at me, it is not a good choice." Chen Feng smiled and stretched out his palm.

Although this ice beast wanted to sneak attack Chen Feng, it was held down by Chen Feng before it could explode.

The power inside was also directly imprisoned.

This is a bit embarrassing.

But this is also normal, after all, the gap between the two sides is too big.

Even if the ice beast is a hundred times stronger, it can't do anything to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng did not kill the other party, but directly used his means to get some information about this place from the other party's mind.

What's interesting is that Chen Feng actually saw the existence of Qi from the memory of this ice beast.

At this time, Chen Feng was really relieved, which also showed that Qi was indeed here.

Chen Feng waved his hand to release the ice beast, and then continued to move forward. When the ice beast came to its senses, Chen Feng had already disappeared.

The ice beast was frightened and quickly fled to the side.

In fact, Chen Feng was also soft-hearted. If it were another cultivator, he might have swallowed the ice beast directly.

After all, this ice beast was much better than the ice spirit beads that Chen Feng had obtained before.

"These ice beasts have also consumed a lot of ice spirit beads, but it doesn't matter to me. My swallowing technique is enough." Chen Feng said so.

In the process of moving forward, Chen Feng's swallowing technique has not stopped, and the Ice Avenue is also constantly expanding, but it still needs some higher-level ice lands to truly break through.

The outer area can't satisfy Chen Feng at all.

Having come to this point, Chen Feng naturally won't stop, and will continue to move forward, walking wherever the ice power is strong.

And in Chen Feng's view, this will also find Qi. If Qi is trapped, he must be in the most powerful place in the ice land.

Suddenly, Chen Feng's devouring technique changed. He devoured the power of ice and the power of seal.

The power of seal and ice is contained here. For Chen Feng, it is a two-pronged approach and can satisfy Chen Feng's two avenues.

The only troublesome step is to strip off both powers.

Chen Feng can do it.

"It seems that it was the right choice for me to practice multiple avenues." Feeling the changes in the two avenues and the impact on the overall strength, Chen Feng was still a little proud.

Of course, Chen Feng also knew that if he did not have a chaotic body and had a certain level of attainment in the devouring avenue, then the way of practice would not be like this.

But Chen Feng's current practice process is still going smoothly. No matter where Chen Feng goes? Even if he is not in the same origin, Chen Feng can absorb almost all the power.

This is a bit scary. As long as Chen Feng practices step by step, Chen Feng will become more and more powerful as time goes by.

Because of the practice, Chen Feng's progress is a bit slower.

When Chen Feng felt the breath of the Hunyuan Jinxian, he turned his attention.

"It's time to meet the Hunyuan Jinxian." Chen Feng said lightly.

Daluo Jinxian cannot come here unless they have a magic weapon of the origin level, but even so, it is extremely difficult to practice here.

The most important thing is that Chen Feng believes in his perception and judgment.

Sure enough, Chen Feng found a Hunyuan Jinxian who was practicing.

The other party was not like the Daluo Jinxian he met before. Although this Hunyuan Jinxian was also in a state of practice, the surroundings were not frozen.

There was not even much fluctuation of ice power. The other party was feeling it.

Chen Feng saw the area around the other party. As long as he got closer, he would alarm the other party, which would be considered as actively provoking the other party.

Chen Feng thought about it and chose to go around and did not disturb the other party. Even if the other party woke up, Chen Feng would only ask about the situation here.

Besides, ordinary Hunyuan Jinxian was not taken seriously by Chen Feng.

After waiting for Chen Feng to leave, the Hunyuan Jinxian who was practicing in seclusion opened his eyes, explored around, and fell into the state of practice again.

"The environment here is very special. It is destined that there are few lives that come here to practice. This is different from the previous flame universe." Chen Feng thought to himself.

After all, there are not many lives that practice Bingfeng Avenue. Other lives can use flames to refine their bodies. Coming here is just a waste of time except for consuming mana.

But soon Chen Feng met another Hunyuan Jinxian life, and Chen Feng was somewhat shaken from his previous thoughts.

Could it be that there are also many Hunyuan Jinxian here? No way.

This is a very large beast. For the time being, Chen Feng can't see the origin of the other party because the other party is wrapped in a thick layer of ice.

The other party is also practicing, but in Chen Feng's opinion, it is more like sleeping.

Although it is in a frozen state, there is also a domain around it. Once an outsider triggers it, this creature will be awakened.

Chen Feng didn't want to alarm the other party, but who knew that a ball of light rushed over from not far away.

The power fluctuations emitted hit the other party's domain.

"Origin-level magic weapon!" Chen Feng took a look and naturally understood what was going on. He didn't expect that a Daluo Jinxian would come to this area with the help of the magic weapon.

He was really desperate.

Or he really didn't know how to live or die.

Even if there was an origin-level magic weapon to protect you, could you just hide inside and not come out? There was also an origin-level magic weapon that needed to be activated.

The huge frozen creature was finally alarmed, and the ice around it melted.

Then the other party saw Chen Feng, and Chen Feng was a little speechless. He wanted to quietly go around.

Although he didn't wake up the other party, the other party wouldn't think so.

Of course, Chen Feng didn't care about the other party at all.


The strange beast just roared, and the magic weapon that was moving forward was imprisoned. A cultivator fell out, and then the power of ice surged, and the cultivator was frozen.

"The strength is pretty good, but the luck is not good." Chen Feng said lightly.

This Daluo Jinxian was not actually dead, but was just frozen. However, the chance of him breaking out of the seal was very low, unless he could break through in a short time and get the protection of the origin-level magic weapon.


The magic weapon was snatched away by the awakened alien beast.

The alien beast was still staring at Chen Feng, but hesitated and did not attack. This was because the other party saw that Chen Feng was not easy to mess with.

The reason why he can live until now, in addition to his own strong strength, is that he has a unique vision, can bend and stretch, and knows who can be messed with and who can't be messed with.

Although Chen Feng's appearance here is considered an invasion of the other party's territory, the alien beast still decided to hold back.

"This Taoist friend, I want to ask something." Chen Feng took the initiative to speak. It was the other party's luck that the other party did not attack, otherwise Chen Feng could hit the other party hard with a random punch.

"Excuse me, Taoist friend." The alien beast was quite cooperative.

Next, Chen Feng asked some questions about the situation here, and then continued to move forward.

After Chen Feng left, the alien beast also changed to another place.

It's not that they are worried that Chen Feng will come back to attack, but since two creatures have come here, it means that the area they are in is not safe.

"The power of ice is getting stronger and stronger." Chen Feng's body has a golden light that blooms slightly, and then gradually compresses.

Of course, in addition to the power of ice, there is also the power of sealing.

Chen Feng is still practicing, and the swallowing technique has been turned on, swallowing two powers.

The Ice Avenue is about to break through.

In contrast, the Sealing Avenue is still a little distance away. After all, the Sealing Avenue still requires Chen Feng to comprehend more things.

Unlike the Ice Avenue, it is easy to break through as long as there is enough ice power.

After a period of time, the Ice Avenue broke through, and Chen Feng's strength changed. The Ice Avenue emerged and could absorb more ice power.

Originally, Chen Feng could continue to advance by relying on his own strength, but now it is easier.

However, although Chen Feng's Ice Avenue has broken through, it does not mean that he can really move freely, because the ice power in front is stronger.

The Sealing Avenue has not yet broken through.

Chen Feng first used the causal technique to investigate Qi's situation, and then finally stopped and began to practice.

Chen Feng fell into a state of comprehension, which was to break through the sealed avenue.

It was obvious that Chen Feng spent some time this time, but the result was still good, and the sealed avenue was successfully broken through.


Chen Feng was a little surprised. This time, two avenues broke through, the changes in strength were clearly visible, and the mana was growing steadily.

"Daoyou, it's time to appear." Chen Feng walked forward and cast the summoning technique. The summoning power explored forward along the causal fairy.

Chen Feng was sure to find Qi, but Qi still did not respond.

"It's frozen." Chen Feng knew what happened.

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