Eternal Existence

Chapter 4557 Changes

"But the opponent's methods are really strange. Let's see. The winner will be decided soon." Qi said.

Sure enough, the severely injured fire monster was beaten to pieces and turned into balls of flames.

Then another fire monster opened its big mouth and emitted an extremely strong swallowing force.

These flames were eaten one after another and then refined in the body of the fire monster.

Chen Feng's eyes lit up and he saw that the light in the opponent's body also emitted a swallowing force, and the strands of refined essence were integrated into the light.

"Could it be that this fire monster is a puppet? Or is it hit by the soul seed technique." Chen Feng guessed.

Of course, Chen Feng was just a little curious. Qin Feng didn't want to explore what the other party was doing.

The fire monster knew that someone was spying, but he didn't mean to cause trouble.

Or the other party was very cautious. After solving the opponent, he turned around and entered the universe.

"It's really interesting." Chen Feng smiled.

"Let's go in and take a look. We just came here and met Hunyuan Jinxian, a more powerful life." Qi said.

"I hope so, otherwise, there will still be some disappointment." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The two entered the universe. Qi and Chen Feng each had their own methods, and they were not suppressed by the local will.

"Such a strong flame power, it is not bad to practice here." Chen Feng absorbed some energy and integrated it into the fire path he practiced.

"It seems that I need an origin-level fire attribute magic weapon, otherwise I can also bring my fire flag." Chen Feng's heart moved.

This is just put into the universe, so what about the origin core of this universe? Wouldn't the flame energy it possesses be stronger?

"Hehe, I thought the other party would set up some ambushes here." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"The other party is not a fool, otherwise he would not have lived until now, not to mention the existence behind him." Qi said with a smile.

After entering the universe, the two did not continue to move forward, but first felt the situation of the universe, and after understanding the structure of the origin power, they continued to move forward slowly.

"Are there no stars?" Chen Feng's eyes swept across, and he could detect a very distant area. Except for a piece of flame area, there were no stars.

But this is normal. Each universe has its own characteristics. Some universes have countless stars of various attributes, while others are completely dead and silent, without even a little vitality. Some universes are in chaos, with powerful life sleeping in them. So it is not strange that the universe in front of us is filled with endless flames.

"It turns out that this universe only has various forms of flames, flames and flame oceans, and even flame life areas. Even so, it can condense fireballs similar to stars."

After thinking about this, Chen Feng laughed again. Even if the scale of the fireball is larger, it is still different from the stars.

Chen Feng has also been to some universes and had some guesses about this universe before, so he was not surprised after seeing the situation here.

"In this case, the number of lives here is still limited." Qi said.

"I can now feel the power fluctuations of the Hunyuan Jinxian. The previous flame monster did not go far, but the other party did not observe us anymore. This is quite interesting." Chen Feng said.

"Could it be that you want to take action to get rid of the other party?" Qi asked curiously.

"If I had taken action before I wanted to, it would be considered good luck. We are new here, and even if we don't take this universe seriously, we should reduce some unnecessary troubles." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's true. In my opinion, if I don't fight, I can reduce some troubles, and I can better understand the power of different origins." Qi said.

"I also need the original power here, and the special laws that may make my heart beat." Chen Feng stretched out his fingers, and there were power fluctuations on them rippling around.

While Chen Feng's power was rippling, some power was swallowed by Chen Feng from a distance.

The two forces of impact and pulling appeared on Chen Feng's fingers at the same time, and at the same time, various runes changed in Chen Feng's eyes.

Just like before in the Savage Universe, Chen Feng also wanted to take this opportunity to comprehend in this Flame Universe, and then condense a rune.

Although this rune, the laws that will appear in the future, and even the avenue have not been named yet, Chen Feng knows that his approach should be correct.

Even if there are problems, some corrections can be made. This is also a good attempt.

It's just that Chen Feng has just arrived in this universe and doesn't know anything yet. It's completely unfamiliar to Chen Feng.

But it's unfamiliar now, but it won't take long for him to get familiar with it.

Chen Feng naturally understands that he can't condense runes for the time being. The most important thing next is to understand this universe.

However, Chen Feng still has some confidence, but he may have to spend some time here next.

"Then stop here, I'm also interested." Qi said with a smile.

"Hey, the other party is still following us, aren't they afraid of us taking action." Chen Feng noticed that the fire monster he saw before was still not far away from the two of them.

"It's really a bit strange." Qi said so. The previous fire monster Feiming noticed that Chen Yifeng said you are not easy to mess with.

Before he did not attack, but now he is following from a distance, which makes Chen Feng a little curious.

"Maybe he has noticed that we do not belong to this universe, or it may be some other things. Of course, it may also be that he is on the way with us." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Then the two continued to walk into the universe. At their current level, entering this universe is not like looking for benefits and searching for treasures as before.

What the two want to comprehend is the breath of this universe and the operation of the law and avenue, and experience the new power structure, which may have some impact on the spiritual will.

Qi wants to accept new things and make himself recover quickly, but Chen Feng wants to condense a new rune to complete his law and avenue.

Of course, if possible, Chen Feng is also willing to collect some of the original energy of the universe.

The original energy of a large universe is actually beneficial to those above Hunyuan.

After all, no matter how high the cultivation level is, some power is needed to replenish itself.

Qi needs it, and Chen Feng also needs it.

It's just that the two did not directly break into the core area now, and there is plenty of time next.

Moreover, there are other Hunyuan Jinxian-level beings in this universe. Even if the two are not in danger, they still need to be a little more careful.

There is also this universe itself. If the two of them act too much, or if they are always being watched by the origin of this universe, if all the forces of this universe are mobilized to deal with Chen Feng and the others, it would be a very difficult matter.

Some things do not need to be said much, and the two of them will naturally understand what to do next.

"It's really interesting. It seems that the other party is not on the way. They even found a helper. Do they think that they can deal with us with one more helper? If so, I underestimated the other party. Moreover, this tracking method cannot be hidden from us. What's the point of the other party doing this?" Chen Feng felt that this matter was interesting.

Of course, if Chen Feng really wanted to figure it out, it would be simple. He just needed to capture the other party directly.

Although the fire monster had some strength, it was still not good enough in Chen Feng's eyes.

"Don't worry about the other party for now. The most important thing for us is to comprehend and practice first." Qi told him not to take this matter to heart.

At this time, Qi's curiosity about this universe grew, and Qi also gained some gains. There were some fluctuations around from time to time.

"Different origins really have a great impact. This time, the free space execution is of great help to me." Qi said with a smile.

"Then congratulations, fellow Taoist, I hope the guide can recover his strength as soon as possible." Chen Feng said so.


Just as the two continued to walk in this universe, the fluctuation of power came from afar.

It was another life fighting.

The fact that it could be transmitted from such a distance was enough to prove the strength of the other party. Chen Feng looked over from a distance and saw two fire monsters fighting again.

They fought in a sea of ​​fire, making a lot of noise. Even though the sea of ​​fire was not small that day, it was swept away.

What Chen Feng found interesting was that the confrontation he saw this time was very similar to the two fighting fire monsters he encountered before.

Of course, if you look at it from the surface, it is the same, because both are two fire monsters fighting.

Chen Feng's heart moved, and then he observed carefully, and sure enough, Chen Feng saw some clues.

There was also a ball of light in the body of one of the fire monsters, and the light in the body of the fire monster that was following him, and the aura on his body was the same.

"This is interesting. Could it be that there is a powerful existence that is controlling everything in the dark? If so, then the opponent's strength should be very strong, and he should not be unable to see our strengths and weaknesses, or the opponent is hiding very deeply and is sure to deal with us." Chen Feng thought in his heart.

After a while, Chen Feng's eyes lit up slightly, and another Hunyuan Jinxian appeared in another direction.

"Tsk tsk, this is interesting. Is this still a universe? Even if it is a super-large universe, what can it do? What's more, this universe has not reached this level yet. Hehe, I met Hunyuan Jinxian as soon as I arrived, and the number is increasing." Chen Feng laughed.

"This is luck." Qi said so.

In Qi's opinion, most of the time in the next journey should be boring. Don't look at the big commotion in the source of all sources before. In fact, if you really walk in the source of all sources, it is difficult to meet Hunyuan Jinxian most of the time.

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