Eternal Existence

Chapter 4556: Small Gains

Chen Feng nodded. Maybe there was no danger in the Gate of Origin, but he didn't dare to take the risk. Even if there was a little crisis, the consequences of the expansion would not be so bearable.

The energy in front became a little hot, and Chen Feng's eyes felt some obstruction.

"There is a universe in front, which looks very energetic. The scale of this universe should be not small." Qi said.

"It should be the Flame Universe. Although the energy of this universe is very strong, it is also very violent. It is not suitable for the birth of ordinary life. However, the life in this place will generally become very powerful. Once you walk out of the universe, you may reach a higher level." Chen Feng said.

The Flame Universe is not the name of this universe, but a type of attribute of this universe.

Chen Feng performed the pupil technique and saw the existence of this universe.

This is a super-large universe, even larger than the immortal universe that Chen Feng walked out of.

This kind of universe generally has the birth of Hunyuan Jinxian.

Moreover, it seems that the flame universe in front of us has officially developed to its peak state. The energy emitted has affected the free space of billions of light years around it. Chen Feng even saw that there are some free life forms living around this universe, and there are also some life places and some life bases.

However, the strongest one is of course the Daluo Jinxian. Chen Feng has not yet felt the breath of the Hunyuan Jinxian.

"Such a huge universe is still a bit shocking. This is different from what I see outside. Although I am very strong now, facing this level of universe, I actually feel suppressed." Qi said.

"Do you want to go in and take a look?" Chen Feng suggested.

"Okay, I'm also a little curious. If I go in and take a walk, maybe I can gain something." Qi nodded in agreement.

Just when the two wanted to enter this universe, they suddenly felt something.

"What a coincidence. There was no movement when we didn't come here. Could it be that some changes happened because of our appearance?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's not impossible. Walking in the free space is still a bit boring. Encountering some interesting things can also relieve the impetuousness of cultivation." Qi said with a smile, but he didn't care too much.

Or the two of them didn't care at all. With their strength, they might not be invincible in the independent space, but the chance of encountering danger is still very small.

If the two of them really encountered danger here, then Chen Feng would feel a little incredible.

After all, the chance of encountering a Hunyuan Jinxian in the free space is very small.

"Are there so many Hunyuan Jinxian in the free space?" Qi said at this time.

Chen Feng showed a strange look on his face. He actually had a confidante.

In one of the areas of the flame universe in front, there was a fluctuation. In Chen Feng's sight, there were ripples constantly rippling, as if breaking through the outer area of ​​the universe.

This is someone fighting.

Chen Feng felt the power fluctuation of Hunyuan Jinxian.


As if there was a volcanic eruption, a huge flame monster rushed out of the universe.

Even through the burning flames, Chen Feng could see the injuries on the other party, but this fire monster did not take the opportunity to escape, but turned around and rushed over fiercely.

Another fire monster rushed out from the universe.

The two fought in a group, which looked very fierce.

This was a life-and-death struggle.

There was a certain gap in the strength of the two sides. In fact, according to Chen Feng's analysis, it was still difficult to determine the winner in a short period of time.

But one of the fire monsters was seriously injured, while the other one did not have obvious injuries, which seemed a bit strange.

"Or was the one in the north injured before? Or was he besieged." Chen Feng guessed.

"Daoyou, take a closer look." Qi suddenly said with a smile.

Chen Feng knew that the other party should have seen something, but he did not see it, or he did not care.

Of course, the most important thing was that Qi's strength exceeded Chen Feng.

So Chen Feng used the pupil technique to carefully explore, and Chen Feng's exploration alarmed the other party.

Although the two sides were still fighting, Chen Feng understood that the other party had discovered his own weakness.

"It's quite sensitive." Chen Feng said somewhat embarrassedly.

However, after being discovered by the other party for a few days, Chen Feng no longer hid it, and his eyes became more intense.

This time Chen Feng saw some clues.

"So that's why this fire monster lost." Chen Feng saw a special light in the body of another fire monster.

Although this light is in the body of the fire monster, it does not belong to the other party. There are some differences between the two lives.

When the two fire hands, this light will emit some fluctuations from time to time, attacking the other fire monster. Although it looks inconspicuous, it can play a role.

"Since it's not an opponent, why don't you try to leave." Chen Feng said.

"It should be because of the interference of the existence in the dark." Qi said.

"But the opponent's means are really strange. Let's see, the winner will be decided soon." Qi said.

Sure enough, the severely injured fire monster was beaten to pieces and turned into balls of fire.

Then another flame monster opened its mouth and released an extremely strong devouring force.

These flames were eaten one after another and then refined in the flame monster's body.

Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and he saw that the light in the other party's body also emitted a devouring force, and strands of refined essence were integrated into the light.

"Could it be that this flame monster is a puppet? Or has it been hit by the soul seed technique?" Chen Feng guessed.

Of course, Chen Feng was just a little curious, and Qin Feng didn't want to explore what the other party was doing.

The flame monster knew that someone was spying, but he didn't mean to cause trouble.

Or the other party was very cautious. After solving the opponent, he turned around and entered the universe.

"It's really interesting." Chen Feng smiled.

"Let's go in and take a look. We just came here and met the Hunyuan Jinxian, a more powerful life." Qi said.

"I hope so, otherwise, there will still be some disappointment." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The two entered the universe. Qi and Chen Feng each had their own methods, and they were not suppressed by the local will.

"Such a strong flame power, it's good to practice here." Chen Feng absorbed some energy and integrated it into the Great Dao of Fire that he practiced.

"It seems that I need an origin-level fire attribute magic weapon, otherwise I can also bring my fire flag." Chen Feng's heart moved.

This is just put into the universe, so what about the origin core of this universe? Wouldn't the flame energy it possesses be stronger?

"Hehe, I thought the other party would set up some ambushes here." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"The other party is not a fool, otherwise he would not have lived until now, not to mention the existence behind him." Qi said with a smile.

After entering the universe, the two did not continue to move forward, but first felt the situation of this universe, and after understanding the structure of the origin power, they continued to move forward slowly.

"Are there no stars?" Chen Feng's eyes swept across, and he could detect a very distant area. Except for a piece of flame area, there were no stars.

But this is normal. Each universe has its own characteristics. Some universes have countless stars of various attributes, while others are completely dead and silent, without even a little vitality. Some universes are in chaos, with powerful life sleeping in them. So it is not strange that the universe in front of us is filled with endless flames.

"It turns out that this universe only has various forms of flames, flames and flame oceans, and even flame life areas. Even so, it can condense fireballs similar to stars."

After thinking about this, Chen Feng laughed again. Even if the scale of the fireball is larger, it is still different from the stars.

Chen Feng has also been to some universes and had some guesses about this universe before, so he was not surprised after seeing the situation here.

"In this case, the number of lives here is still limited." Qi said.

"I can now feel the power fluctuations of the Hunyuan Jinxian. The previous flame monster did not go far, but the other party did not observe us anymore. This is quite interesting." Chen Feng said.

"Could it be that you want to take action to get rid of the other party?" Qi asked curiously.

"If I had taken action before I wanted to, it would be considered good luck. We are new here, and even if we don't take this universe seriously, we should reduce some unnecessary troubles." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's true. In my opinion, if I don't fight, I can reduce some troubles, and I can better understand the power of different origins." Qi said.

"I also need the original power here, and the special laws that may make my heart beat." Chen Feng stretched out his fingers, and there were power fluctuations on them rippling around.

While Chen Feng's power was rippling, some power was swallowed by Chen Feng from a distance.

The two forces of impact and pulling appeared on Chen Feng's fingers at the same time, and at the same time, various runes changed in Chen Feng's eyes.

Just like before in the Savage Universe, Chen Feng also wanted to take this opportunity to comprehend in this Flame Universe, and then condense a rune.

Although this rune, the laws that will appear in the future, and even the avenue have not been named yet, Chen Feng knows that his approach should be correct.

Even if there are problems, some corrections can be made. This is also a good attempt.

It's just that Chen Feng has just arrived in this universe and doesn't know anything yet. It's completely unfamiliar to Chen Feng.

But it's unfamiliar now, but it won't take long for him to get familiar with it.

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