Eternal Existence

Chapter 4536: Incident

"But everything has certain risks, not to mention such a level of struggle. Although we are getting along, you still need to be careful. Maybe the source of all sources will suddenly use some powerful means, and we may not be able to take action in time." The Gate of Time and Space said so.

"Of course, I will definitely be careful and pay attention." Chen Feng nodded, thinking that there is no need to say more about this matter, he knows it in his heart.

It's just that the source of all sources has been passively invading. In addition to releasing some long rivers of power, there are no too strong means. Even Chen Feng has not responded to the setting.

However, the domain that Chen Feng controls now is backed by the free space and is advancing step by step. It is not afraid of causing any trouble.

The new free creatures also chose to join in. It can be said that at this level, there are basically no fools. Almost everyone can see what is going on, and they can make the right choice.

The number of opponents is getting smaller and smaller, and there are more and more helpers on his side, so Chen Feng began to gradually take back some damaged magic weapons and weapons.

Moreover, Chen Feng had other reasons for doing this. The opponents of the Wanyuan Source had at least the reason of trading with the Wanyuan Source's will, but the Hunyuan Jinxian who participated in the Free Space must have done so for the benefit.

Of course, Chen Feng did not take back all the magic weapons, and he could still take most of them.

Besides, Chen Feng's current situation does not allow him to take too many magic weapons into his body at one time.

"My cultivation level has improved too fast. If it continues like this, it will not take long for me to hit ten calamities." Chen Feng said.

As the magic weapons were taken into his body, his body, which had shrunk a little before, became huge again.

Later, a giant was seen standing in the field, emitting an extremely powerful power, shocking the entire battlefield.

All the lives present felt a strong pressure, and the Hunyuan Jinxian who had fought with Chen Feng could not help but retreat, as if they had lost the courage to continue fighting with Chen Feng.

Facing Chen Feng's fist coming towards him, the first thing he thought of was to temporarily avoid the peak, and he did not dare to fight Chen Feng head-on.


After three punches and two kicks, a cultivator was knocked back by Chen Feng. Then Chen Feng walked back and forth in the field, and opponents were constantly knocked out of the field.

Just as he was about to clear all the opponents in the field, a powerful force suddenly poured in from a distance.

It was like a thousand rivers appeared, carrying a vast and powerful force, and it seemed to be able to break through everything wherever it passed.

This was the source of all sources taking action again, and it was the origin river. Under such circumstances, only the time river could resist it.

However, this time it was aimed at Chen Feng. Although there was also the power of the time river here, it was not their main area after all.

So if you want to resist, you need to divide a lot of power, but the previous cultivators have been beaten back, and Chen Feng is now full of confidence, so he doesn't have too much worry.

Seeing the power river rushing over, Chen Feng took the initiative to attack.

A fierce punch burst out!

This punch mobilized the power of the field and also formed a power river.

The two long rivers collided with each other, just like two universes collided with each other, generating extremely powerful chaotic energy, and then the two forces began to roll back in the opposite direction, while also radiating around.

However, the domain where Chen Feng was located was still affected, and the entire domain began to shake, and countless cracks appeared on it. Once Chen Feng could not control it, it would directly fall apart.

It would be a bit troublesome to re-condense it at that time.

"It seems that this level of fighting is really not that easy." Chen Feng said with a smile, and he was not frustrated, but stood up, and the next moment he landed on the sacred mountain.

With the sacred mountain as the center, waves rippled around, and wherever they passed, the domain returned to calm, and some cracks appeared on it, and they also healed quickly.

The helpers who participated in it before also got some benefits, which were some insights in the realm.

In other words, their previous actions were indeed not in vain.

"How should the matter be resolved? If it continues to develop according to the current situation, as long as it is extended for a while, the occupied area will be large enough." Chen Feng said so.

At this time, the area occupied by the Long River of Time has expanded to the scale of two large universes.

And the free space is constantly emitting an extremely powerful and unstoppable force to squeeze and conflict forward.

These occupied areas are controlled by the Long River of Time, but to put it simply, they have also become favorable spaces.

The source of all sources has become a free space, so it can be snatched back again, but in Chen Feng's opinion, it is difficult for the other party to do this.

From this incident, Chen Feng saw at a glance that the aggressiveness of the Gate of Origin is still very strong.

At least Chen Feng has not seen other forces erode the free space on a large scale since he practiced until now.

However, the existence born in the Gate of Origin has always been ambitious. For example, it is difficult to find the edge of the free space because of its huge scale, but the Long River of Time has always wanted to transcend.

Although everyone wants to transcend, over time they have been looking for opportunities to continuously invade other origin areas that can be invaded.

"As a result, my path of cultivation has actually changed a lot. Although I am confident that my cultivation speed is very fast, it is not as fast as this. If it weren't for Time Changhe and others to get involved, the effort I would have to spend is now. More than ten times, especially the accumulation of mana has reached a heaven-defying level. This is much faster than my own hard practice, but in fact, when it comes to this state, the years have indeed been endless. Since If one calamity is not enough, then use two calamities. Besides, I am practicing very fast now, and I may enter a long and boring career sooner or later. These opportunities cannot always be available. "

"Even if I can always encounter opportunities, I still have to suppress myself. I can't break through so quickly. I also have to find time to hone myself. Speaking of which, these are also long and boring years."

"And I have to make a breakthrough. Even if I reach the Hunyuan realm, or reach the realm of Time River and others, it will still be a long and boring time."

"Of course, it's useless to think about it so much now. Maybe the leisure time in the future will be more exciting, or it may be more boring than I imagined, but we will have to talk about it when the time comes."

"The most important thing right now is to work with Shi Changhe and the others to expand the territory as much as possible. The Source of Ten Thousand Sources is so big, so I think it won't be a big deal to go to some areas. There is no need to be so stingy. If you do well, you will Mark out an area from the beginning, so that you don't have to use the power of the river, and you don't have to use the powerful Hunyuan Golden Immortal. If you really do that, it is really the best choice. After all, you don't have to lose too much. "

Chen Feng was thinking like this, and suddenly it erupted again. A strong, dazzling energy ball that was like a super huge star burst out of Chen Feng's fist and slammed into the void.

There was originally nothing in this void, but under the attack power of Morrowind, a black shadow appeared.

This black shadow had been hiding in the dark, but it was discovered by Chen Feng, or in other words, it was discovered by the gate of time and space.

Then it collapsed directly under Chen Feng's attack, but then these broken black spots gathered again and turned into countless sword-like tentacles that spread in the direction of Chen Feng.

In the blink of an eye, he came into contact with Chen Feng's field.

Like further globs of ink in a clear pool, the realm begins to be eroded by rendering.

Then Chen Feng felt that the area contaminated by the black shadow was no longer under his control, and he gradually lost contact with him.

Chen Feng was a little surprised at this time. In fact, Chen Feng had never been worried about such a pure battle of strength.

But this kind of weird and unexpected method can indeed cause a lot of trouble sometimes.

For example, the shadow that was dispersed by Chen Feng this time looked very fragile on the surface. It may also be that the other party used the method to do so intentionally, but the power of food it brought afterward was surprising.

At first, Chen Feng thought it was a power similar to all evil energy, but now it seems that it is more than that.

In addition to erosion, it also plays some sealing role.

For example, now the entire field has been eroded bit by bit, and there is a feeling that the entire field is riddled with holes.

It's like the territory controlled by Chen Feng, the area of ​​perception has become a sieve.

Although the field can still be controlled in this way, the power is seriously affected, not to mention that this corrosive power continues.

However, Chen Feng reacted quickly and quickly mobilized the power of the All-Evil Swamp to fight against the opponent.

Sure enough, wherever the power of evil passes, these eroding black shadows are constantly being erased.

However, this took some time and consumed some of the power of all evil, and the expansion area was also affected.

In other words, the method of Source of All Sources is still very effective, and the expansion of the field has been affected.

After the black shadow was cleared, the area shrank by a circle.

"This method is indeed good, but it can only be like this." Chen Feng said with a smile, so Chen Feng communicated with the sacred mountain, and the power of the domain expanded again at a faster pace.

"Fellow Taoist, what should we do next?" At this time, the True Lord of Ten Thousand Tribulations rushed towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng did not stop him and allowed the other party to come to him.

"Of course it's an expansion area." Chen Feng said lightly.

There is no life from the source of all sources in the domain, and except for the True Lord of All Tribulations, some other helpers have nothing to do for the time being.

However, Sanyan Laymen and the others did not act like the Myriad Tribulations True Monarch. Instead, they stood in place honestly, still acting as the formation eyes in the field.

The Three Flames laymen were not as powerful as the Myriad Tribulation True Monarch, and after seeing Chen Feng's strength, they did not dare to be careless at all, for fear that the hot Chen Feng would be killed soon.

"I would like to go to the depths of the Source of Ten Thousand Sources to take a look." True Lord Ten Thousand Tribulations continued.

"Fellow Taoist, you are free to go wherever you want. There is no need to discuss it with me." Chen Feng smiled.

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