Eternal Existence

Chapter 4535: Unstoppable

However, Chen Feng also saw some shortcomings of his side. He had just taken out so many magic weapons, which did increase his strength greatly. However, if he did so, he would suffer great losses if he was not careful.

Even if the magic weapons were not taken away by others, they would be damaged in the fight. Although Chen Feng had a lot of magic weapons in his hands, he would still feel a little distressed if he did so.

However, if Chen Feng put them away, it would change the current battle situation, so it could only be like this next?

However, what the specific situation is and how it will develop next depends on the long river of time and the outcome of the battle between them and the source of all sources.

However, Chen Feng thought that since he had occupied an area, even if he failed in the end, he would not have gained nothing.

These invaded areas should not be returned.

"Now it has reached the scale of a medium-sized universe." Chen Feng sensed it. The speed of spread did not speed up, but it did not slow down either. Because it was very fast, the continuous spread was actually very terrifying.

Two more opponents left, and Chen Feng felt that the pressure was reduced again. At this time, Chen Feng relied on the art of walking with the divine movement, coupled with the restrictions of the free space, and almost ignored these opponents.

Maybe Chen Feng couldn't defeat his opponent head-on, but now Chen Feng has become more than capable.

"If I can solve all the opponents, then I can better control the domain to attack. Now the power of this domain is so strong that it is no less than any of the Shiguang Changhe and his family." Chen Feng said.

"Million Tribulation True Lord, come to help." A flash of light flashed quickly in the vast free space. The other party was very fast. In the blink of an eye, he came to the front of the domain and then rushed to the domain quickly.

Chen Feng hesitated for a moment, but still opened a way for the other party to come in.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist." After coming, the other party took the initiative to thank Chen Feng.

Although it looks like Chen Feng needs help, in fact, Chen Feng did not plan to find some helpers at the beginning. Even if he did, he would not find these unfamiliar people.

It can be said that the helpers who have participated in the past few years are all strangers, and even have no causal relationship with Chen Feng before.

But after participating in the fight, they became the same front as Chen Feng, or to put it more nicely, they became the same front as Shiguang Changhe and his family.

For most adventurers, even if they don't get any benefits, encountering this level of struggle is a huge benefit in itself.

This is also the reason why almost all the lives who come here and understand the situation will make the right choice.

If Chen Feng really refuses them, maybe they will make some trouble. In this case, it is better to fulfill them, which can indeed relieve some pressure on Chen Feng.

Wanjie Zhenjun is very powerful. After coming, he chose a powerful opponent.

Chen Feng looked at it and nodded secretly in his heart, and at the same time he also had some experience. What happened? Why are there so many Hunyuan Jinxian in this area? You must know that I have been wandering in the free space for a long time before, and it is difficult to encounter the existence of Hunyuan Jinxian. Only in some special places can I encounter it. Even in some places of ancient life, there will be no Hunyuan Jinxian in the life tribe.

Ordinary Hunyuan Jinxian is fine, like Wanjie Zhenjun, it is already a master.

Reached the level of spiritual Taoist.


Unexpectedly to Chen Feng's expectation, Wanjie Zhenjun beat his opponent seriously soon.

Then a hand appeared out of thin air, grabbed the opponent and disappeared.

"You still have someone hiding in the dark." Chen Feng asked.

"Small tricks are nothing." Wanjie Zhenjun said with a smile.

"Small tricks are indeed nothing, but I hope that fellow Daoist will make clear his position and it is best not to make any trouble. Otherwise, I will not be polite." Chen Feng said this, which was to warn the other party.

"Of course, fellow Daoist can work together with the existence of the Time River. I dare not offend fellow Daoist. I just want to get some benefits." Wanjie Zhenjun said.

Chen Feng said no more. It is the other party's business if the other party has strength. As long as he doesn't make any trouble for himself, it is also a good thing to help him solve several opponents.

The following things proved that Chen Feng still underestimated the other party.

Not long after that, Wanjie Zhenjun actually solved three opponents one after another. The three cultivators were grabbed by the huge hand that suddenly appeared and disappeared.

"It doesn't look like an ordinary cultivator." Chen Feng was actually a little curious in his heart.

You know, being able to grab someone with just one hand, and without making any noise, is not something that an ordinary Hunyuan Jinxian can do.

However, everyone has their own secrets, and Chen Feng is unwilling to pursue them, because the other party's joining makes Chen Feng feel more relaxed, and he can even divide more power to control the domain.




Then some powerful lives approached quickly from the free space, and this time there were three free creatures.

Chen Feng sensed that the domain occupied by the Time River was equivalent to a large universe.

Although a universe in the free space is nothing, even a super-large universe is not impressive.

After all, even Chen Feng didn't know how many universes there were in the free space. Most areas were just empty voids, and the universes occupied only a few.

But the results caused by the Time River this time were indeed huge compared to the past.

Of course, it was still a little worse than the situation in the Great Void Land, but the Great Void Land was different from the Origin of the Myriad Origins.

"The Origin of the Myriad Origins should also put up a fierce resistance."

Chen Feng felt that the Time River had a sense of unstoppable momentum from the beginning to now, as if the Origin of the Myriad Origins did not have much power.

Of course, the power displayed by the Origin of the Myriad Origins was indeed very strong, and it could stop the Time River and the others from existing.

But for the Origin Land like the Origin of the Myriad Origins, these powers were still not enough.

Although the Origin of the Myriad Origins also found several powerful helpers accordingly, the area invaded by the Time River and the Myriad Origins was still expanding rapidly.

If this continued, the benefits that the Time River and the Myriad Origins would get would be too great.

Chen Feng thought about it and pulled back the perception power placed on the Time River and the Evil Swamp.

Chen Feng had some understanding of the previous confrontation. Of course, the reason why he withdrew his perception was because he had to concentrate all his strength to control the domain he was in control of.

Because the number of lives on the side of the Wanyuan Source around the domain was getting smaller and smaller, it was not a big threat to Chen Feng for the time being.

Also, with the expansion and stability of the domain, coupled with the continuous integration of the magic weapons and weapons that Chen Feng took out, it has entered a new state.

In a simple sentence, it needs Chen Feng to control it.

Regardless of whether the main force this time is the River of Time and others, in the final analysis, Chen Feng is also the most important hub in the middle.

If you ask about the cause and effect relationship, the cause and effect entanglement on Chen Feng should be the most profound.

Another aspect is on Emperor Wanfeng.

Speaking of Emperor Wanfeng, Chen Feng would observe him every once in a while, but there was no breakthrough on Emperor Wanfeng's side. Even if the Wanyuan Source mobilized more forces to resist the invasion of the River of Time and others, Emperor Wanfeng was still trapped.

The same is true for Qi. It seems that the two of them broke through the realm together.

"Qi has helped the other party a lot this time, but I think there will definitely be huge gains." Chen Feng believes that everyone will gain something this time. The one who suffered the most should be the source of Wanyuan, but Chen Feng also knows that Wanyuan must have other means and will definitely fight back.

The silence during this period was not caught off guard, but the time was too short, and perhaps Wanyuan did not pay too much attention.

It is also possible that Wanyuan really had some problems, or it was not as powerful as Chen Feng imagined.

But think about it, there are even lives above Hunyuan here, the powerful forces in those acupoints and a large number of Hunyuan Jinxian. According to Chen Feng's analysis and comparison, it can be determined that Wanyuan may not be as good as the Gate of Origin, but the two sides must be at the same level.

"Is this too smooth?" Chen Feng secretly communicated with the Gate of Time and Space, because Chen Feng was unsure.

"Wanyuan must have other means, and it is not so easy to deal with, but you can rest assured this time, the winner must be us." The Gate of Time and Space said so.

Chen Feng heard the other party say so confidently, and some of his worries just now disappeared.

"But everything has certain risks, not to mention such a level of struggle. Although we are getting along, you still need to be careful. Maybe the source of all sources will suddenly use some powerful means, and we may not be able to take action in time." The Gate of Time and Space said.

"Of course, I will definitely be careful." Chen Feng nodded, thinking that there is no need to say more about this matter, he knows it in his heart.

It's just that the source of all sources has been passively invading. In addition to releasing some long rivers of power, there are no too strong means. Even the fact that there has been no other reaction to the setting has made Chen Feng a little unsure.

However, now the domain controlled by Chen Feng is backed by the free space and is advancing step by step. If this is right, there is no fear of causing any trouble.

The new free creatures also chose to join in. It can be said that at this level, there are basically no fools. Almost everyone can see what is going on, and they can make the right choice.

The number of opponents is getting smaller and smaller, and there are more and more helpers on his side, so Chen Feng began to gradually recover some damaged magic weapons and weapons.

Moreover, Chen Feng also had other reasons for doing this. The opponents on the side of the Source of All Origins at least had the reason to trade with the will of the Source of All Origins, but the Hunyuan Golden Immortals who participated in the Free Space Party were definitely doing it for their own benefits.

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