Eternal Existence

Chapter 4403: Temporary departure

Then Chen Feng's body slammed into the Ghost Sword King fiercely, not caring about the sword light that burst out from the other party.

In Chen Feng's opinion, he had already suffered some injuries, so he would pay a little more.

Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!

The sword energy left wounds on Chen Feng's body, and Chen Feng slammed the Ghost Sword King away fiercely.


The Piao Piao Swordsman pierced the other party's body with one blow.


The fist saint fell with a punch, and the Ghost Sword King was also torn into pieces.


The will attack continued, Chen Feng's head shook, and his eyes changed again, but he still swung the sword of destruction in his hand back and forth.

"Daoyou, you don't need to take action, you do your best to resist the opponent's will attack." Shadow Saint saw that Chen Feng was in a bad situation and said hurriedly.


Chen Feng snorted coldly, and was also a little annoyed. This time he was really injured, and the opponent was also determined to attack him.

If he didn't take the opportunity to solve an opponent, he would really be unwilling.

However, Chen Feng stopped helplessly after feeling the huge changes in his sea of ​​consciousness, and mobilized all his strength to resist the opponent's will impact.

"What a strong will, I have gained something during this period of time, and my will has also improved, but I still can't resist it. It seems that compared with these real masters, I am still a little weak." Chen Feng thought.

If it were Yingsheng and the others, they would definitely not be as embarrassed as themselves, after all, their original will is even stronger.

This is also the reason why the existence in the dark has been attacking Chen Feng.

From the increasingly strong situation that Chen Feng is enduring, it is known that the opponent is getting closer and closer to everyone.

The opponent's will is so strong, let alone whether the opponent has other means, once the opponent comes here, it may be able to turn some of the situation around.

This is not the result everyone wants to see.

In a short period of time, except for Chen Feng's damaged will, Yingsheng and the others don't seem to have much problem.

In addition to paying some means, the result is to smash all these opponents to pieces.

"Let's go quickly! There is no way to deal with them." Chen Feng said.

It is necessary to leave. Although these opponents were blown up, they can still reshape their bodies.

And the existence in the dark is almost here.

There is no need to continue fighting.

Although he was a little unwilling, he chose to listen to Chen Feng's words.

But before leaving, everyone joined forces to encourage the long river of power. The opponents who were reshaping their bodies continued to rush deeper under the impact of the long river of power.

If they reshape their bodies slowly, they may encounter great trouble.

For example, the same trouble as Gu at the beginning.

"Let's go, we have tried our best, and the opponent is not bad. We will need more help next." Chen Feng waved his hand and released the reincarnation field to cover everyone.

Several people joined forces to keep going upstream.

In fact, Chen Feng and his friends also had some ideas, hoping that the existence in the dark would come to the door.

Of course, this matter was originally very slim.

Since the opponent can launch an attack from such a far distance, of course he knows the situation here.

Sure enough, the opponent did not continue to launch a will attack, as if the opponent also knew that doing so would make it easy for Chen Feng and his friends to determine the direction.

Finally, Chen Feng and his friends returned to the outermost area and walked out of the place where all the streams meet.

Without the long river of power, everyone, including Chen Feng, felt light and fluttery.

Then the auras of several people began to fluctuate.

This was the benefit of practicing in the place where all rivers meet during this period of time. Everyone gained something and made great progress.

But Chen Feng's situation was not very good.

Although Chen Feng also had some fluctuations, the fluctuations were indeed a bit disordered.

Ying Sheng and the others clearly saw the pain in Chen Feng's eyes, and knew that Chen Feng's original will was injured.

"Is Daoyou okay?" Ying Sheng asked hurriedly.

"No big problem, but it will take some time to calm down." Chen Feng said. At this time, Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness was still in chaos. Even if there were magic weapons to suppress it, it could not be completely calmed down. Some of the magic arrays he had arranged before were also destroyed.

Next, it will take time to repair.

"It's really a headache for the opponent." Chen Feng said. He was at a loss, and his previous joy was directly diluted when his cultivation level was greatly improved.

Of course, Chen Feng didn't think much about the fact that his opponent was also injured.

Even if both sides were injured, what could it do? Don't forget to hurt your opponent, he hasn't really shown up yet.

"There are more and more opponents to provoke, and I haven't solved them one by one." Chen Feng said with some emotion.

"We also have friends. They are lucky this time. We will find opportunities later." Shadow Saint said.

"Then let's go back to the Tianxing Life Land first, rest and recuperate, and then find opportunities."

"That's the only way." Chen Feng nodded.

Then everyone left quickly without hesitation, but this time everyone did not use the previous passage, but took a new road.

Even so, everyone was not slow.

Regardless of whether the Gate of Origin is peaceful or not, Chen Feng and his group are a powerful force when they gather together. Even if they encounter an existence like the Origin Beast, they can go forward to surround and kill the opponent.

So the few of them walked along without hiding, and even some of them were ostentatious and gave off some aura.

Chen Feng even expected that his former opponents would come to him, but no one showed up until he returned to the Tianxing Life Land.

Surprisingly smooth.

"The Tianxing Life Land has changed a bit, but the atmosphere is the same as before." Chen Feng sensed it and came to this conclusion.

In fact, the time he left before was not short. After all, Chen Feng practiced for a long time in the place where all the streams meet, perfected many avenues, and saw too many power attributes.

Of course, for the life of this city, this time is nothing.

But for the spiritual Taoists who know Chen Feng, they have long guessed that Chen Feng must have encountered something during this period.

And this time, there are several strange beings who came back with Chen Feng, and they all look very powerful.

"Is Chen Feng trying to rob this life land?" The spiritual Taoist was a little curious.

Looking at Chen Feng's posture, he had found a lot of helpers before, and this time he went out with a few more helpers.

It can be said that although the number of cultivators on Chen Feng's side is not too large, each of them is powerful. It is quite surprising that they are the second-tier existences in the Tianxing Life Land.

You should know that before this, there were only a few second-tier existences in the entire Tianxin Life Land.

Now the number has doubled, but they are not really on the same page with the Tianxing Life Land.

What's more, Chen Feng and his men control the control of the Tianxing Life Land.

"It may be lively next, but not necessarily. Chen Feng likes to run around, and he may leave again soon. For the Tianxing Life Land, maybe we are just passers-by who occasionally live here for a while." The spiritual Taoist said.

According to Chen Feng's idea, he brought back a few strangers this time, and maybe someone would jump out to cause trouble.

Chen Feng even thought about whether to use violent means to deter the other party.

Who knew that although there were eyes to check, no one jumped out to cause trouble, which made Chen Feng a little disappointed.

And Chen Feng found that Tianxing still did not appear.

"This is the clone here. There is nothing to communicate with the clone. I don't know what Tianxing is doing. As for the old ancestor of the mind, it has been so long, and they should have recovered. It is not so easy to erase the feud between us. Even so, I will not act as the pioneer of Tianxing."

No matter what ideas he has, no matter what Tianxing wants to do? Chen Feng was indifferent at this time.

He didn't even communicate with the Taoist of the mind, and went straight back to his cave to recover from his injuries.

"So many magic weapons are placed in the energy tower to suppress the source of destruction. It really brings some hidden dangers. Otherwise, no matter how strong the opponent's will attack is, I can also resist it." Chen Feng shook his head. This was originally a very helpless thing.

The great benefits he got naturally brought some corresponding risks.

It seems that those beings in the energy tower can only be suppressed for the time being, and it will cost a lot to solve them.

Chen Feng began to repair the chaotic and broken sea of ​​consciousness. Although Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness became more and more stable, it could not stop more powerful opponents from destroying it.

Chen Feng first looked at the damage in the sea, and couldn't help but sigh. He still overestimated himself and underestimated his opponent.

But everything was within his expectations.

"It really takes some time." Chen Feng thought about it and didn't act immediately, but condensed some clones from various avenues again.

There were many clones this time, but they were far less than the clones that Chen Feng had condensed before.

So it was smoother for Chen Feng.

All these clones entered Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness to help Chen Feng fix the loopholes and rearrange the forbidden array.

This can save Chen Feng a lot of time. There are so many clones working together from all directions, which is not only fast, but also more perfect for repair.

"Recently, I have released a lot of avenue clones, but I forgot to contact the second-life clones, but there is no rush. Although they are all clones, they are different after all. I hope that the second-life clones can bring me surprises. I can also leave a few second-life clones in the Gate of Origin. After all, this is the origin. Even if it fails, it is an attempt." Chen Feng flashed this thought.

"Hey, it seems that I will soon be able to open up the avenue of clones."

When Chen Feng was practicing, the new boxing saint had some conflicts with the local monks.

Although Chen Feng was alarmed, he did not take it seriously. Under the condition that Tianxing did not take action, there was really no one in this land of life who could be the opponent of the boxing saint.

Sure enough, the boxing saint showed his strength and injured the sudden provocateur. He couldn't help but sneer: "Do I need someone to test my strength? What a joke."

"What happened?" The floating swordsman appeared, looking eager to try.

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