Eternal Existence

Chapter 4402: Unexpected

Fortunately, Chen Feng arrived, otherwise there would be only two endings.

Or the seal around him was broken, and he was torn into pieces by powerful force.

Or Gu Neng insists on entering the sea of ​​chaos.

But when Chen Feng thought about it, he probably wouldn't be able to hold on until that time.

Chen Feng stepped forward and blocked Gu with his hand.

The steady flow of water stopped.

Seeing that it was Chen Feng, Gu was surprised and happy, but also relieved.

"Are you okay?" Chen Feng asked.

"It's okay, it's just that the consumption is a bit high."

Gu said with a smile, in fact, before Chen Feng came, Gu had already had many outbreaks, but he still did not swim against the current.

It can be said that it consumes a lot of money.

Chen Feng took Gu continuously back to a place where the pressure was not so strong, and then Gu released the seal on his body.

"Where are the Boxing Saints and the others?" Gu asked curiously.

"I also feel very strange. I asked them to wait for me before, but I didn't see them along the way. They must have gone back first." Chen Feng muttered.

In fact, what Chen Feng really thought was that the Boxing Saint must be in trouble, otherwise they would not be able to leave that place.

Sure enough, some time later, Chen Feng received news from Shadow Saint.

They are fighting with the Xuanxuan ghost soldiers.

"With such bad luck, or such good luck, it's time to leave. We met again, but there shouldn't be any problems in three-on-three." Chen Feng said with a smile.

But Chen Feng soon realized that things were not as simple as he imagined.

Shadow Saint and the others are indeed three people, but Xuanxuan Ghost Soldier and the others have found helpers, and in terms of numbers, they are more than Shadow Saint and the others.

However, it is not easy to determine the winner in dual play.

You can't let everything go and fight here.

Chen Feng quickly found the river of power where the opponent was fighting. Feeling the endless boiling of the river of power, he roughly guessed some scenes of the battle between the two sides.

"We should take another route." Gu said.

In Gu's view, the two sides are confronting each other, and the resulting power fluctuations are mixed with the endless flow of power, and the impact will be stronger.

"Not necessarily. The forces at war between the two sides will affect the flow of the river of power, making it easier to go upstream." Chen Feng said.

In any case, the leader now is Chen Feng, so I won’t say more.


After reaching a certain level, the Sword of Destruction in Chen Feng's hand flew out.

Gu was also flying out with him before the destruction.

Chen Feng followed him unhurriedly.

Xuanxuan Ghost Soldier, Ghost Sword King, the helpers I met before, and in addition, there is a monk.

There are four opponents in total, all of whom are very powerful.

But now the situation between the two parties has changed.

"I killed the Ghost King of Netherworld before. I thought you would hide, but I didn't expect you to come to my door. This is good. It solves your hidden dangers." Chen Feng said with a smile.

When Chen Feng said what he said, Shadow Saint and Gu used all their strength to restrain and entangle their opponents, while Piao Piao Swordsman and Boxing Saint tried their best to entangle their opponents.

The Xuanxuan Ghost Soldiers also knew the methods of Shadow Saint and Gu, but they did not expect that Shadow Saint and Gu would work together to ensure that the attack was placed on one of them.

Concentrate your efforts on one person.

This is the tacit understanding between Chen Feng and others.

The new helper was immediately suppressed by the seal.

Chen Feng has already arrived in front of the other party.

A long sword came quickly to block Chen Feng. This was the method of the Xuanxuan ghost soldiers.

I have to say that Xuanxuan Ghost Soldier's move is very powerful. Under normal circumstances, it is really possible to save his friends.

But Chen Feng also thought of this, and the Sword of Destruction blocked the opponent's long sword.

Chen Feng punched the opponent.

The power of the Chaos Body made Chen Feng himself excited, and he deeply realized the progress he had made during this period of time.

This punch knocked the opponent to pieces.

When this powerful monk's body was broken, fear arose in his heart. He did not expect that the opponent he had to deal with this time would be so powerful.

"Come and save me!" the monk could only shout.

Even in his prime, he couldn't block an opponent's punch, and even his repeated body might be useless.

The Xuanxuan ghost soldiers wanted to go up and help, but it was a pity that they were entangled.

After seeing Chen Feng defeat his opponent, Shadow Saint and Gu had drawn all their strength to deal with it. Another opponent.


Chen Feng punched again, and his torn body turned into smaller pieces, and many parts began to be annihilated.

But just when Chen Feng was about to land his third punch, his intention condensed into a blade-like will and slashed at Chen Feng.

This will has the momentum to disregard everything and destroy everything.

Put life and death aside.

In other words, the opponent has no escape route at this time. This is a more drastic method than desperate measures.

It actually had some impact on Chen Feng.

Chen Feng knew that if he allowed this blade of will to enter his sea of ​​consciousness, it would definitely cut into a crack in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Although you can repair it yourself, it will definitely cost you something.

not worth it!

Especially when you have the upper hand, there is no need to fight with the opponent to the point of losing both sides.

Even if the other party can take the opportunity to escape, Chen Feng doesn't care.

Therefore, Chen Feng mobilized the power to block the opponent's will attack, and the third punch was less powerful.

The other party's broken body really reunited, and he saw his hands constantly changing. In the blink of an eye, seven or eight weapons and magic weapons came towards Chen Feng.

All of them were Chaos-level weapons and magic weapons.

They had little effect on Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng knew what the other party was going to do, and he retreated while creating a reincarnation barrier.




The weapons and magic weapons exploded together, and the power generated madly enveloped Chen Feng and swept over.

The reincarnation field that Chen Feng had just arranged was torn into a mess, and waves of power took the opportunity to rush into Chen Feng.

The other party could actually control the power of the weapons and magic weapons after they exploded, which surprised Chen Feng a little.

Of course, this existence also knew that such means could not do anything to Chen Feng, but it could buy himself some time to survive.

Chen Feng also knew the purpose of the other party's family. Only after the weapons and magic weapons exploded could he know that the other party's purpose had been achieved.

Chen Feng had to deal with the explosive power in front of him.

Although they are all Chaos-level weapons and magic weapons, they are still powerful because of their large number.

It can still cause some trouble to Chen Feng.

"But it doesn't matter. Using this method to add some vitality to yourself is also a kind of sacrifice. It's just a pity to waste so many weapons and magic weapons." Chen Feng walked out of the chaos.

A few wounds on his body healed in the blink of an eye.

"You can't run away!"

Chen Feng stretched out his palm and grabbed the cultivator directly.

After the cultivator reshaped his body, he retreated immediately and wanted to join Xuanxuan Ghost Soldiers, but Chen Feng's grab, the powerful force directly acted on the cultivator, causing the opponent to struggle and fly into Chen Feng's palm.




Xuanxuan Ghost Soldiers were immediately extremely anxious and tried desperately to kill him, but they were desperately stopped by Yingsheng and others.

Finally, the cultivator fell into Chen Feng's palm.

Chen Feng showed a smile in his eyes. It was really unexpected that he solved an opponent so quickly.

After solving the opponent, the power comparison between the two sides will change again, and it may be possible to solve the Xuanxuan Ghost Soldiers.

However, when Chen Feng was refining the opponent, he felt something in his heart and secretly cried out that it was not good.

Sure enough, a strong will attacked.

It was the opponent who had not been seen for a long time. The opponent also came here. Of course, it is possible that he has not arrived yet, but the distance is not far.

The most important thing is that the opponent concentrated his strength to attack Chen Feng alone this time.

So Chen Feng was under strong pressure, and his sea of ​​consciousness was shaken. Even if he used various means to resist, he also entered a state of confusion.

The cultivator who was originally caught in his hand took the opportunity to break free, not only getting rid of Chen Feng's control, but the opponent also took the opportunity to attack Chen Feng.

At this time, the power of the Chaos Body was revealed, blocking the opponent's attack.

Chen Feng also recovered quickly, and the moment he recovered, he punched hard.

This punch hit the opponent at first, but it did not hurt the opponent at all. Then he saw that the cultivator came to the side of the Ghost Sword King while shaking his body.

I didn't see how the other party replenished it. The monk who was injured by Chen Feng quickly recovered to his peak state.


The will fluctuation appeared again. This time, the other party concentrated its strength to attack Chen Feng specifically, wanting to take the opportunity to severely injure Chen Feng.

Speaking of which, the opponent's most successful attack was still effective, but it was a pity that the other party had no help to cooperate.

After all, the current situation was even.

If the fight continued, neither side would gain an advantage.

"What a pity, it's time to leave." Chen Feng said.

"No, let's join forces to severely injure them. Fist Saint, Piao Piao Swordsman, you two will fight to the death later." Shadow Saint said.

Shadow Saint was also ruthless. If they continued to entangle like this, when would it end? If they couldn't solve the opponent this time, it would be difficult to find an opportunity next time.

"It's okay to pay some price. These guys are really hateful." Fist Saint said.


The Fist Saint communicated with the long river of power he controlled, and Piao Piao Swordsman was wrapped in sword light.

Shadow Saint was also communicating with the long river of power. Chen Feng thought about it and didn't do it.

If they can find an opportunity, they can severely injure or kill their opponents with their own strength.

However, when Chen Feng and others used their methods, the other party was not without special tricks.

Xuanxuan Ghost Soldiers felt the pressure brought by Chen Feng and others, and they were also improving their own strength accordingly.

However, there are people on Chen Feng's side who are proficient in special methods, such as Yingsheng and Gu. The special magical powers of these two are too amazing and can completely change the situation of a battle.

Whether it is a small fight or a large-scale fight, the methods of these two people combined with the killing skills of their partners can achieve great results.

Chen Feng and Yingsheng have cooperated many times to prove this.

Under the situation known by the opponent, the magical powers of Yingsheng and Gu still played a role, and Xuanxuan Ghost Soldiers were all affected.

Even if they struggled with all their strength, they still seemed a little slow.



Chen Feng snorted coldly, and was attacked by will again. His sea of ​​consciousness was shaken and damaged. Chen Feng would definitely need to spend a price to repair it.

But even so, Chen Feng still went forward and punched a weapon to explode. This weapon was Xuanxuan Ghost Soldiers.

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