Eternal Existence

Chapter 4375 Help is coming


A tentacle of destruction swept across, and although it missed, it still fell heavily to the ground, and a big pit appeared on the extremely solid ground.

This scene was surprising. You know, Chen Feng had previously sparred with others on this land of life. Although he deliberately restrained his strength, some movements were still inevitable, but there was no such a big trace left.

You know, so many spiders of destruction waved their extremely sharp foot knives and only left a series of gullies.

Although Chen Feng and others dodged this attack, they did not avoid another wave of will energy storms, and there were also attacks from more than a dozen powerful destructive creatures.

Several people hurriedly used means to resist, but this time they actually suffered a little loss.

"The opponent seems to be eyeing us, otherwise we should avoid it for the time being." Shadow Saint said.

Shadow Saint's magical powers can only deal with a few opponents, there are too many destructive creatures.

Besides, the opponent will not passively take the beating, but actively launch attacks. Under such frequent situations, Shadow Saint's magical powers cannot be used.

"We still have too few people." Chen Feng said, and at this time he had begun to regret making a deal with Tianxin.

He had fought with destructive creatures many times before, and he was very familiar with their methods. It was still his carelessness.

"Hold on a little longer. My helpers are coming soon. Since you are involved, how can you occupy a piece of land here? It also saves you from building a land of life." Qiansha said.

"Yes, I think this land of life is really good. Let's use it as a base. After all, a land of life is not so easy to build." Zhenyan said.

"How many helpers can come this time? After all, we are facing a destructive army." Chen Feng asked.

"Maybe we can handle them all. Whether we can solve the current trouble depends on Tianxing and the Hunyuan Jinxian here. We are only a part of the force." Qiansha said.

"After this chaos, even if we can repel the destructive creatures, we will probably have to recruit new forces."

"Indeed." Chen Feng nodded. It has not been long since the battle, but there are already cultivators falling on the hard life land.

Although there are more destructive creatures killed, how can the cultivators in this land of life compare with the destructive creatures in terms of quantity?

Destructive creatures can completely afford it.

"Why are there so many destructive creatures that are endless? If this continues, the adventurers will be the ones who are unlucky." Chen Feng said.

"For adventurers, this is also some training. If there are no destructive creatures, then it will be less fun to venture into the Gate of Origin." Zhenyan said.

"I think this is not fun for most adventurers." Chen Feng shook his head and used the Samsara Realm again.

This time is different from the previous time. After the Samsara Realm, Chen Feng also added the Star Realm.

Not only that, Guiyi Sanren did not need his own Guiyi Realm to bless.

This time, several people suddenly exploded, and the powerful destructive creatures around them were bounced away one after another.

Then a wave of power swept across, wrapping several people and moving them to other directions.

"Our helpers have arrived." Qiansha suddenly said.

"It's faster than Tianxing's helpers. From this point of view, we only got one layer of control, which is a bit disadvantageous." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Next, we need to set up a small trap and entangle as many opponents as possible to facilitate Wanli and others to take action." Qiansha said.

"Entangle as many opponents as possible? Is it okay?" Chen Feng asked with some surprise.

It seems that Qiansha is very confident, so it is very powerful to have a helper.

Chen Feng thinks that since Qiansha said so, he has nothing to worry about.

Chen Feng still believes in the other party.

"Entanglement of opponents is really easy for us." Chen Feng said and released several of his clones, and at the same time turned into a three-headed and six-armed state.

In this way, it is not a problem to entangle several powerful destructive creatures, or to entangle more than a dozen, even more, to destroy the magic bead.

"In this way, our circle should be slightly expanded, and try not to cover more opponents with the field." Chen Yifeng said.

Shadow Saint still uses the shadow magic.

In fact, to be honest, no one can compare to Shadow Saint in entanglement of opponents.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of Destruction Demon Spiders and Destruction Centipedes were enveloped in the shadow energy.

This time, the shadow energy did not cover the area for too long, so the shadow energy covered a wide range.

"I have never covered so many opponents at once, and they are all powerful Hunyuan Jinxian, and they are pure destruction creatures." Shadow Saint said.

Guiyi Sanren also released several clones, which scattered and entangled several destruction creatures.

"We can't be underestimated." Zhenyan said with a smile, and then uttered the truth, and his magical powers burst out.





As the power rippled in the past, no matter what it was, the destruction creatures that had entered this field would become abnormally slow.

Even a destruction tentacle was affected.

Qiansha simply stretched out his palm, but saw that this palm continued to expand, covering the sky and the sun, and caught some destruction creatures in his palm.

At this time, cracks appeared in the space, and beams of light shot out from the cracks.

These lights are the lights of power, the essence formed by the condensation of power.

The attack power is extremely powerful.

It is these destructive creatures.

Chi chi chi! Chi chi chi chi!

Whether it is the Destruction Demon Spider, the Destruction Centipede, or the Destruction Tentacle, they are pierced by these lights.

The number of destructive creatures that Chen Feng and others entangled is covered by these lights. Not only that, in the outer area of ​​Chen Feng and others, there are more destructive creatures that have been affected.

The movement this time and the results of this battle are really too big. Chen Feng did not calculate carefully, but Chen Feng roughly estimated that this time more than 100 destructive creatures were severely damaged.

When the light disappeared, the large space around was filled with the bodies of the broken destructive creatures.

Chen Feng and Guiyi Sanren hurriedly took action to collect these things. This time, only Chen Feng and the others collected them, and even Yingsheng and Qiansha were collecting them.

Although Qiansha and others normally look down on those things, they are still useful after all.

And this time, the help came and gave a few people some time, so they could take action to collect them.

So soon the work became empty again.

There were not many reinforcements, a total of six people, but they were all top masters.

Chen Feng knew most of them, after all, they had fought side by side before, so they seemed to be somewhat close.

However, Chen Feng was still a little surprised. He didn't expect Qiansha to be able to summon them all. It seemed that these people had not been scattered too far for some time before.

These people were Zhenming, Guijiang, Yuanhuo, Wanli, Evil Spirit, and a cultivator that Chen Feng had never seen.

Although he had never seen the other party, it did not prevent Chen Feng from feeling the other party's strength.

After a brief introduction, Chen Feng knew that this was also an old friend of Qiansha and his friends.

Sword Saint, it sounds like a very ordinary name, but it represents a powerful name.

Just from the name, the other party's style can be determined. Sure enough, after the undead appeared, a long sword opened the river, which was extremely powerful. One fall could destroy the creatures into pieces.

The style is very rough and the attack power is very strong.

This is Chen Feng's feeling about the other party.

In terms of the number of people, Chen Feng's side has doubled.

Naturally, there is no need to worry about the combat effectiveness.

It can be said that in terms of their true strength, Chen Feng and Guiyi Sanren are the weakest.

Qiansha and other old antiques in the Gate of Origin are all top-notch beings among the Hunyuan Jinxian.

Except for encountering beings like the source of destruction and the origin beast, under normal circumstances, they can also walk sideways in the Gate of Origin.

Not to mention gathering together.

"The scene here is very big." The ghost general said with a smile.

"Otherwise, I wouldn't ask you to come." Qiansha said.

"For this land of life." The ghost general asked with a smile.

"Yes, but it's only a small part of the control." Qiansha nodded.

"It seems that this fish should have an owner, and it's a master."

"Just know it."

Qiansha didn't say much, but the newcomers could more or less guess the truth of the matter. If possible, everyone would not mind taking down this land of life.

But it is obviously unrealistic.

The cultivators present are indeed very strong, but they can't solve all the destructive creatures here.

Speaking of Chen Feng and others. On the side of the Land of Life, one is just a small group, at most a small group with relatively large power.

"The premise is that the fragmented Land of Life should not be shattered, otherwise our efforts this time will be in vain, so we still have to find a way to deal with these destructive creatures. Fellow Taoists, don't be careless, and use your means as much as possible next time, right?" Qiansha said.

In fact, for the lives in the Gate of Origin such as Qiansha, this scene is not uncommon, and the cooperation between each other is relatively perfect. Needless to say, the two sides formed two battle formations.

One is still Chen Feng and the other five together, and the new six people formed a team.

From another perspective, it is like two circles sweeping back and forth on the Land of Life, constantly slaughtering the destructive creatures here.

Finally, it feels that enough destructive creatures have been collected, so this method is stopped, and strong attacks begin to erupt again and again.

"This is not a solution. Although we are not afraid of these destructive creatures, if the time difference continues for a long time, some accidents may happen, and we can't continue in this state. When the Land of Life collapses, the previous goal will not be achieved." Zhenyan said.

"So the most important thing is to find a way to deal with the two sources of destruction."

"We all know this. Let's not talk about whether we can get close to the other party. Even if we rush to the other party's body, none of us can defeat them one-on-one. If we join forces, the other party has more destructive creatures to join forces with." Qiansha was a little helpless.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Feng, how is the communication with Tianxing? Even if the other party's body doesn't come, there should be some other means." Zhenyan looked at Chen Feng.

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