Eternal Existence

Chapter 4374: Control

"Are there any other means of defense here?" Chen Feng asked.

"We don't have control over the land of life." The cultivator said.

Chen Feng understood, and his heart moved, so he secretly communicated with Tianxing: "I want control over the land of life now."

Not long after the silence, a wave of power came down and fell on Chen Feng and his men.

Then everyone established a connection with this piece of life force.

This feeling is very wonderful, and then this piece of life can have a certain control.

This is the control over the land of life.

"It's agreed in advance, so it's good, so it can burst out more power." Chen Feng said, and after a little experience, he had enough understanding of this land of life.

It seems that this mysterious land is very large, but it is not complicated. Besides, even if it is complicated, what can it do? With the strength of Chen Feng and his men, they can control everything in the shortest time.

"This is much more convenient for us." Qiansha said with a smile, and then used his means to control this land of life.

Some of the destruction spiders that surged around were immediately moved away, and the remaining destruction spiders did not pose a threat to Chen Feng and his men.

Before the arrival of other forces, Chen Feng and others could completely deal with these destructive spiders.

Soon these destructive spiders were slaughtered again, and then several people used the power of this land of life to move, block or cut the destructive creatures coming from above.

In fact, there are some masters in this land of life, but they do not have the control of this land of life, and can only burst out their own power, which is not as casual and convenient as Chen Feng and others.

"It seems that Tianxing's control is quite large. These masters have not grown up, so do those in the second tier have it?" Chen Feng was a little curious.

But even if there is, it is useless. Those who have control are fighting in the distance at this time, and they have no time to pay attention to the situation between Tianxing's lives.

"This is also an important reason why Tianxing wants to cooperate with us." Qiansha said. Just now, controlling the Tianxing land of life can not only block the opponent, but also have some insights for himself, which can be regarded as some gains.

"It is indeed not in vain."

Although Chen Feng and the other five are not many in number, they do play a big role. As time goes by, the constantly wandering destructive creatures are solved.

"It's a pity that I can't collect too much, or I have to spend power to suppress the guys I collected, otherwise these are very good resources." Guiyi Sanren felt a little regretful.

Speaking of which, Guiyi Sanren controls a lot of space in the universe, and can store a lot of resources, but it's different now.

These destructive creatures were just smashed or severely damaged by everyone, and they were not completely solved. If they really collect them, they will need to spend a lot of effort to suppress them, and then their combat effectiveness will be affected.

"It's really a pity. Collecting too much is also a headache." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Before, Chen Feng and Guiyi Sanren collected enough corpses of destructive creatures, so they don't need them for the time being.

As for Qiansha, the three of them are native life in the mystery of origin, and they don't care about these things. They don't even take origin-level treasures into consideration sometimes.

"Although these destructive creatures were severely damaged by us, they can still recover, but it takes some time, and they can also be swallowed by other destructive creatures, so if you can really collect them, it's better to collect some, so that you can reduce more pressure." Qiansha said.

"Okay, I'll do my best to suppress some." Chen Feng thought about it and said.

Some time ago, Chen Feng practiced while refining and absorbing the resources he had collected before, and released some magic weapons, which freed up some space.

It can be said that Chen Feng can still store and suppress some powerful lives, but Chen Feng is unwilling to do so unless it is absolutely necessary, which may affect his combat effectiveness.

But the current situation forced Chen Feng to change some ideas.

"It would be great if this land of life could swallow and melt some invaders like the Taixu Land." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng got the control of part of the Tianxing Life Land. Maybe his authority is too low, maybe this land of life originally did not have such a function, or only Tianxing can control it.

Anyway, within the scope of Chen Feng's control, he cannot use the power of this land of life to swallow these invaders.

This is a very regrettable thing.

If it is the same as the Taixu Land, then this land of life can completely integrate the destructive creatures that were previously smashed by everyone into the work of the earth, so that the scale of this land of origin can be expanded.

This is a matter of killing two birds with one stone, but it is impossible to do this now.

"But it's a pity that Tianxing didn't give us enough control, but I think Tianxing should have thought of this, maybe it was delayed for some reason." Zhenyan said.

"I wonder if Tianxing's reinforcements will never show up." Chen Feng said.

"Such a serious thing happened, the opponent's real body should appear. Think about it, since the Soul Ancestor dared to launch it, maybe Tianxing really encountered some troubles." Chen Feng said.

After thinking about this, Chen Feng continued to communicate with Tianxing, and then directly talked about asking this question.

Tianxing was silent for a moment, but still replied: "Yes, my body has not come back yet, and now I can only perform some power projection."

Chen Feng guessed correctly.

"Then when will Fellow Daoist come back? The situation in front of us is too chaotic. I'm afraid this land of life won't last long." Chen Feng said.

Although Chen Feng and others continued to kill, the number of destroyed creatures was too many.

Moreover, Chen Feng and the other five had to admit that the pressure they were facing was getting stronger and stronger.

These destruction creatures are not scattered, but under the command of two sources of destruction. Although Chen Feng and others achieved some results at the beginning, the opponent will also change some strategies.

Especially after some powerful destruction creatures appeared, Chen Feng and others could no longer kill the destruction spiders and destruction centipedes as they pleased.

The masters fight against the masters, thus freeing up more power to deal with other weaklings.

The two sources of destruction have been looking for opportunities. Once they find an opportunity, Chen Feng and his small group may be broken up.

"Fortunately, we have gained control of this land of life, otherwise the situation would have become increasingly difficult. Having said that, in order to gain this control, we have to fight against the destroying creatures here. Is this deal worth it? Not worth it?" Qian Sha said.

"Whether we know it or not, we have entered the water now. It is too late to regret now. Besides, these destructive creatures have to be killed when they encounter them. This time it is equivalent to getting some benefits while dealing with the destructive creatures." Mantra said.

"That's all I can think of." Qian Sha said.


Chen Feng knocked out a powerful destructive creature with one punch, not wanting to beat the opponent to pieces like before.

"These destruction creatures are much more powerful than the Demon Spiders of Destruction. They are really difficult to deal with, especially to kill them." Chen Feng shook his head.

A storm of will to destroy attacked several people. At the same time, two tentacles of destruction locked in one direction and attacked.

"The other party wants to separate us." Gui Yisanren said.

"This is normal. After all, it will be easier to deal with us after we are separated." After the Shadow Saint said that, a group of shadows bloomed from his body, unexpectedly surrounding several people.

Qiansha and Zhenyan worked together to resist the will of destruction, while Guiyi Sanren focused on one of the tentacles of destruction.

Chen Feng originally wanted to activate the field, but felt that he was locked by another source of destruction, so he had no choice but to change his mind.

Although all attacks were blocked, the Shadow Saint's magical powers were also broken and he could regroup his body.

This time everyone gained nothing, but then several people shared the control of the life force of Tianxing and moved themselves to other directions.

The other party obviously wanted to separate Chen Feng and the others, and Chen Feng and the others were constantly using explosive methods. Layers of domains or barriers erupted from their bodies, covering all directions.

While holding the position, he was also thinking of ways to kill.

"Fellow Daoist Tianxing cannot continue like this. I wonder if there are any other methods." Chen Feng communicated with Tianxing and wanted to ask the other party if there were any other methods.

"My true self is coming, but it will take some time, and I also have some helpers, which will also take some time." Tianxing answered.

"How long will it take? The situation here is not optimistic. If you arrive later, this land of life will collapse." Chen Feng then asked.

"It's hard to say this, but I can only say that I tried my best." said.

"Well, anyway, we are just trying our best and doing as much as we can. If it is too dangerous, we will choose to leave. For this 10% control, we have done enough so far. " Chen Feng said.

Next, Chen Feng stopped communicating with Tianxing. Now that he knew that the other party was not here, plus the simple communication with Tianxing, Chen Feng also felt something.

It seems that we have indeed encountered some troubles, otherwise it would not have been delayed until now. It is impossible that the main body of Tianxing has not appeared all this time.

Even if this is the Gate of Origin, unless it is really too far away, how could a master like Tianxing not arrive in the first place?

A vortex appeared in front of Chen Feng, and the powerful devouring force continuously pulled the broken and destroyed creatures around.

In the blink of an eye, all the destructive energy around him was cleared away, giving people a very strange feeling.

"If I could directly devour all these destructive creatures at any time, then my devouring technique would be considered terrifying." Chen Feng shook his head. In fact, Chen Feng can more or less do this now.

When Chen Feng used the Devouring Technique, even the intact Demon Spiders of Destruction and the others would lose some energy, but the loss was not fast and would not have much effect at all during the battle.

Unless the two sides are evenly matched, Chen Feng can delay the situation. Consume the opponent's strength.

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