Eternal Existence

Chapter 4344: Some trouble

Chen Feng not only dodged the attack from Destruction, but also used it to get behind a Destruction creature.

The power of several avenues circulated in cycles, and spears were quickly produced, stabbing the destructive creature in a very short time.

Next, Chen Feng stepped forward and punched the destructive creature into pieces. Then, a huge vortex appeared in front of Chen Feng, swallowing up the broken destructive creature.

In a short time, Chen Feng had already eliminated an opponent.

But the opponent's reaction was also very fast, such as the destructive tentacles and another destructive creature that followed closely. Their attacks all fell on Chen Feng.

But while attacking with all his strength, Chen Feng swayed again, still using the magic technique.

In fact, speaking of Chen Feng's divine walking skills, he is still very strong, ranking among the top among all the avenues. In the past, fighting and danger, Chen Feng relied on the magical walking skills to get rid of many problems. trouble.

Especially after transcending the universe and entering the free space, although Chen Feng said that most of his power was used on other avenues, the art of divine movement is still very powerful.

However, this time the opponent was too strong. Chen Feng's divine movement technique did not evade all of them, and he was still slapped by a bunch of people's destructive tentacles.

This time, the attack power of the Destruction Tentacle was stronger than before, causing flesh and blood to explode on Chen Feng's body.

But Chen Feng looked calm and reached out to grab another destructive creature, ignoring the destructive tentacles that followed.

Speaking of which, this is a lose-lose style of fighting that Chen Feng most often uses and prefers.

Once Chen Feng uses this fighting method, it means that his opponent is very strong and surpasses him.

Sure enough, two more places on Chen Feng's body exploded with flesh and blood, but Chen Feng caught the destructive creature in his palms.

Under normal circumstances, with the strength of this destructive creature, even if it falls into Chen Feng's palm, it will be difficult to suppress it.

In fact, it is more difficult for Chen Feng to suppress him now, but Chen Feng used the power of various avenues, especially after catching the opponent in his hands, he also mobilized the power of magic weapons and weapons.

So after paying some price, Chen Feng still got rid of this destructive creature and forcibly refined it in his palm, although there were some cracks in his palm.

After these two destructive creatures were gone, Chen Feng quietly breathed a sigh of relief even though he had a few more injuries.

Only the Source of Destruction is left. Even though the Source of Destruction has now laid out a dragnet, and the tentacles that have been separated have trapped Chen Feng in the cage, Chen Feng still has the confidence to escape.

But now Chen Feng doesn't want to escape, he wants to see what other methods the other party has.

This kind of battle between high-level masters is really a rare opportunity. A good discussion will also be of great help to your own practice.

What's more, Chen Feng had fought with the Source of Destruction before, so he didn't know anything about it. Now he was just trying to test his own strength and what changes and improvements he had before.

In short, despite various reasons, Chen Feng still used all his methods to confront the source of destruction.

Compared to Chen Feng's fancy methods, the action of destroying the cause was relatively simple. He simply waved his destructive tentacles and slapped Chen Feng.

But the simpler the method, the more powerful the power that can be unleashed.

Because the opponent's strength is here, at this point, or in other words, this high-level existence, when facing an opponent whose strength is not as good as his own, there is no need to use fancy means, and he can defeat the opponent with a simple shot.

For example, Chen Feng is now using various means to deal with it. If Chen Feng did not have so many means, then Chen Feng would have been captured by the opponent long ago.

The longer Chen Feng fought with the source of destruction, the more anxious the Gui Yi San people were waiting.

At this time, Guiyi Sanren has recovered some strength, and at the same time, he has also used methods to integrate the strength of the two clones into his own body. At this time, the aura of Guiyi Sanren is rising steadily. Although the injury has not been fully recovered, But the combat effectiveness is constantly rising.

After thinking about it, I decided to go back and take a look.

After such a long time, Guiyi Sanren was still a little worried, although he felt the energy being transmitted continuously, which proved that Chen Feng was still fighting with the other party.

But think about your companions who are still fighting. But he was waiting in the distance, which was not in line with his style.

What's more, Chen Feng originally came here to reunite the scattered talents.

Guiyi Sanren was very fast and saw a huge cage in the distance. This huge cage was wrapped in thick destructive energy. Through the destructive energy, one could see that the tentacles in it were like pillars. Blockade all sides.

It was the source of destruction that was showing off its power. It didn't take much thought for Guiyi Sanren to know that Chen Feng was sealed in a cage.

"It turned out that he was trapped. No wonder he couldn't break out, but it seems to be fine now." Although Chen Feng was trapped in the cage, the noise of the fight coming from it was still speculated by Guiyi Sanren. got something.

Guiyi Sanren did not immediately attack, but began to search in the void following the destructive energy.

Guiyi Sanren is looking for the origin of destruction.

Otherwise, if he rushes forward so recklessly, he might be trapped in the cage like Chen Feng.

Even though he was trapped in the cage, Chen Feng felt the presence of Guiyi Sanren and shook his head but said nothing.

No matter if he comes, it won't have much impact on him. If it does, it will allow him to get rid of the source of destruction in advance.

Although Chen Feng is now trapped tightly, Chen Feng still has absolute confidence to leave here.

Guiyi Sanren quickly found the opponent's body, and then concentrated all his strength to launch an attack.

Feeling the power of the whipping around him weakening, Chen Feng knew what had happened.

"I didn't expect Guiyi Sanren to be very fast. I was still thinking of fighting with him some more, but now it seems I need to leave early." Chen Feng said with a smile, then reached out and grabbed one of the destructive tentacles, and said two The sword energy slashed down one after another, cutting down the destructive tentacle.

Then Chen Feng put away the broken tentacle of destruction and disappeared at the same time, avoiding the attacks from other tentacles of destruction.

Because Guiyi Sanren participated in the battle, the pressure on Chen Feng dropped significantly. However, the source of destruction was still besieging Chen Feng, and he did not even draw much strength to return to the original place. This made Chen Feng feel a little strange.

"Do you mean that the other party is still unwilling to give up? Or are you looking for other helpers to help?" Although there are more Guiyi Sanren, Chen Feng also knows that even if the two join forces, they will not be able to destroy the source.

But at the same time, Chen Feng also understood that Guiyi Sanren should also know that it would be difficult to kill the two of them in this situation.

Then the most reasonable thing to do is to let the two of you leave and then look for another opportunity. There is really no point in messing around like this.

But the other party did not do this, which shows that the other party also began to prepare some other means.

"In this case, I'd better go out and take a look first. I still can't be careless." Chen Feng chose a direction and started to rush forward.

The shadow behind him shook, and streams of energy erupted to resist the destructive tentacles from all around, while Chen Feng used two long swords to open a path.

The field formed by the energy of destruction is nothing to Chen Feng. The only thing that threatens Chen Feng is the tentacles of destruction, and the will of destruction that the opponent has been hiding.

Sure enough, when Chen Feng was about to break open the cage and fight his way out, an extremely powerful will to destroy Chen Feng washed over him.

The opponent's life level is higher than Chen Feng's, and he specializes in the power of destruction and has accumulated it for a long time.

But Chen Feng was well prepared. With his own strength and other magic weapons, he was able to resist it, but his progress slowed down.

But it didn't matter, just when Chen Feng waved his long sword and continued to move forward, another wave of will to destroy came and washed away from another direction.

To say that the previous will to destroy came from the source of destruction, it was relatively concentrated, but this time it turned out to be a long river formed by the will to destroy.

This shows that many powerful destructive creatures united to launch a will-to-destruction attack.

Chen Feng has also encountered it, even many times.

But in the absence of the Destruction Spider and Destruction Centipede, Chen Feng was still a little surprised to encounter this situation.

This is something Chen Feng said he had never guessed before.

"It shouldn't be hidden in secret. This power should have been transferred by some special means." At this time, Chen Feng still had some guesses.

Then a domain barrier appeared in front of Chen Feng, and then it was shattered into pieces with almost no delay.

It seems that there is no way to stop this wave of destructive will.

But Chen Feng still has means. The second level of domain barrier appears again, and the third and fourth levels are still brewing.

This is also a method that Chen Feng uses relatively skillfully.

Since you can't stop this power, just use some means to consume some time.

Besides, my sea of ​​consciousness has become more stable than before, and my power has been improving by leaps and bounds. As long as I can weaken part of the attack, I can completely withstand the rest.

"But there are other means besides this." Chen Feng has never taken it lightly, and this time he was even more cautious after encountering an unexpected change.

Sure enough, this powerful stream of will to destroy still had no effect on Chen Feng, but it also prevented Chen Feng from successfully getting out of the cage.

Then Chen Feng discovered that this cage of destruction was rapidly expanding, and the scale had expanded several times in a short period of time. This made it even more troublesome for him to get out.

Of course, it’s not that it’s troublesome, it’s that it takes more steps to get out. It’s hard to say how many changes there will be.

What surprised Chen Feng even more was that he was actually locked by two powerful auras. Although the other party had not yet appeared, Chen Feng knew that the other party was secretly waiting for the opportunity to make a fatal surprise attack on him.

"I think they wanted to wait for me to attack when I was injured by the Will of Destruction attack, but I didn't expect that I could resist such an attack. Now the other party seems to be hesitant. Since the hesitation means that they are not sure of solving me, then even if Being strong is not too strong." Chen Feng made various calculations in a very short time.

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