Eternal Existence

Chapter 4343 Weird

The changes in things are simply dizzying.

At first, Chen Feng met the two locals and ordered Chen Feng to think that he had guessed the leader behind the scenes.

But now the destructive creatures have appeared again. Although they are also controlled by the Gate of Origin, the appearance of the destructive creatures has caused Chen Feng to feel strong pressure.

Who knows how many destructive creatures will appear next? The strength of the two destructive creatures in front of me and the source of destruction is extremely powerful.

But Chen Feng can still deal with the destructive creatures, but the source of destruction is not something Chen Feng can solve.

You must know that when the source of destruction first appeared, it attacked many foreign adventurers at the same time, and even Chen Feng had to mobilize other forces to stop it.

Now the source of destruction attacked Chen Feng himself. Chen Feng felt bad at the first time and began to think about how to escape next.

At this time, Guiyi Sanren had not been completely unsealed, so Chen Feng had to continue to delay time.

If Guiyi Sanren was left here, then the other party would be a real dead end.

"But such a sealing technique should not be able to stop the source of destruction, right? The source of destruction had not made a move before, and it only appeared now. Could it be that it had just arrived here? Or did it deliberately lead me here?" Chen Feng shook his head, knowing that it was too late to think about it now. The most important thing at the moment was to find a way to deal with the attack of the source of destruction.

"Daoyou, hurry up, we need to run away next." Chen Feng said, and then waved his long sword to cut the destruction tentacles continuously.

The two destruction creatures rushed towards Chen Feng again.

As soon as the two sides fought, Chen Feng fell behind.

Chen Feng did not cut off the destruction tentacle, and was also attacked by the destruction creature.

When the second destruction tentacle appeared, Chen Feng had to appear behind him.

The power of several avenues burst out at the same time, condensing a huge palm to grab the second destruction.

This was barely able to resist.

"I have indeed become much stronger." Chen Feng said in his heart. He was not so calm when facing the source of destruction before.

However, he was no match for the source of destruction. Even with the power of the Universal Avenue and the might of the magic weapon, he was no match for the source of destruction.

Unless he could mobilize all the magic weapons of the origin level at once, or use the power of the energy tower, Chen Feng was not ready to fight the opponent to the end.

Once Guiyi Sanren was freed, it would be time for him to leave.

Who knows what kind of consequences and changes would be caused by fighting with the opponent for no reason.


The speed of coming out was faster than Chen Feng imagined, or Guiyi Sanren also knew that Chen Feng’s situation was not good at this time, so he came out in advance.

"Hurry up and leave here." Seeing that Guiyi Sanren wanted to come forward to help, Chen Feng hurriedly said.

Chen Feng did not ask Guiyi Sanren to come up to help. At this time, it would be better for Guiyi Sanren to gather with his clone.

Guiyi Sanren also understood what it meant, so while recovering his strength, he gathered with his clone to form a simple battle formation.

The third root of destruction appeared and hit Chen Feng at once.

Chen Feng's aura field could not be blocked at all.

Chen Feng's body did not have any armor, and he completely relied on his own body to bear it. He only felt extreme pain.

Skin torn!

It didn't feel good.

"You leave first." Chen Feng said.

"Daoyou, be careful!" Guiyi Sanren did not say much. Since Chen Feng said so, it would be better to choose to believe Chen Feng.

If Guiyi Sanren was not injured, then Chen Feng would definitely be willing to let the other party come forward to help? But now if Guiyi Sanren came forward, he would only be a burden.

Guiyi Sanren also understood this.

So when Guiyi Sanren left, Chen Feng was surrounded by the tentacles of destruction, and the two destructive creatures were taking advantage of every opportunity to launch crazy attacks. From the beginning to now, these two destructive creatures have never been heard of.

There were constant attacks on Chen Feng.

This passive feeling of being beaten really made Chen Feng uncomfortable, but the physical body chose to make some changes continuously, and even countless vortices appeared in the body, actively absorbing the damage from outside the body.

The opponent is very strong, and the attack power is very strong, which can cause some damage to Chen Feng's chaotic body.

This is really the best thing for Chen Feng.

In fact, even if the opponent's attack power is slightly weaker, even if the opponent's attack cannot break Chen Feng's flesh, it does not prevent Chen Feng from swallowing and absorbing the power brought by the opponent's attack.

Then hone the body, change some of the order of the body, and strengthen the chaotic body.

Although it is difficult for the chaotic body to make great progress, it is impossible to reach a thousand miles without accumulating small steps, and it is impossible to form a river without accumulating small streams.

So as long as there is a chance, Chen Feng will hone the body and enhance the effect a little bit. When all these effects will be together, when all these effects are enough, maybe the problem will change drastically.

Of course, Chen Feng is helpless now. If Chen Feng can solve the opponent, he will not bear this kind of blow.

So this statement can only be some comfort to Chen Feng from another direction.

"I don't know if I can kill it with my own strength." Chen Feng reached out and grabbed the creature of destruction that rushed up. A series of powerful forces burst out, and Chen Feng's body shook. At the same time, he was whipped by the tentacles of destruction on both sides, and another creature of destruction rushed in front of him.

Chen Feng's situation was getting worse and worse, but Chen Feng did not panic. Instead, he was very calm.

In addition to believing in his own strength, Chen Feng also had a powerful trump card.

And it was a life-saving trump card. Even if it conflicted with the Gate of Origin, it could still save his life.

Of course, although this was the case, Chen Feng would not be careless at all.

It would not be said that because of these means, he could do whatever he wanted and not take all the dangers to heart.

Chen Feng still had a sense of awe, careful, concerned, and cautious.

"Sooner or later, we will have to fight, so let's have a good fight now." Chen Feng said with a smile, and various phantoms flashed behind him, and waves of the power of the avenue conflicted out.

Chen Feng still likes to use his own strength at the first time. Once his own strength cannot solve the opponent, he will use external strength.

"Chen Feng should be fine." After arriving at a quiet place, Guiyi Sanren was a little worried.

Although Guiyi Sanren believed in Chen Feng, the opponent this time was too strong. Under normal circumstances, even if the two joined forces, they were not the opponents originally planned by the meeting. Moreover, there were destructive creatures involved this time. Could Chen Feng deal with it alone?

"With Chen Feng's means, even if he is not an opponent, I think he can escape." Guiyi Sanren thought, while sensing the energy fluctuations constantly coming from the front.

It looks like the fight is very fierce.

"Since they are still fighting, I think there is no big problem." At this point, Guiyi Sanren sighed again.

The loss of two clones at once was too great. Even if he had enough resources, it would take a long time to cultivate back.

Besides, there are still a few clones that have not been contacted so far, but now they seem to be alive, which is also the best thing.

"I hope there is no problem." Guiyi Sanren used various means but still could not contact Fenqing, so he had to wait for Chen Feng.

It is impossible to say that Guiyi Sanren is not anxious.

In this comparison, the waiting Guiyi Sanren is more anxious than Chen Feng who is fighting.


Chen Feng cut off a destructive tentacle with a sword, but was also hit by two destructive creatures.

Chen Feng resisted it with his body, and cracks appeared on his body, but the two destructive creatures were also injured.

Chen Feng wanted to deal with these two destructive creatures first, regardless of whether the opponent had other means. Now that the two days of destruction were solved, some pressure would be reduced.

It would be easier for Chen Feng to run away even if he faced the source of destruction alone.

However, the opponent was not stupid. The source of destruction still had to block the surroundings while attacking, and the two destructive creatures attacked crazily regardless of life and death.

Even if Chen Feng kept mobilizing the power of the avenue, he felt a little flustered.

Similarly, it was because Chen Feng practiced too many avenues that he could persist until now.

The power of one avenue cannot stop the opponent, but the power of so many avenues keeps rotating, giving Chen Feng endless power.

"The power of the avenue is still not strong enough, if I can break through again." Chen Feng thought.

If the opponents are all ordinary Hunyuan Jinxian, even if there are many of them, Chen Feng can deal with many opponents as long as he unfolds the avenue, but this time the opponent is too strong, and Chen Feng needs to concentrate all his strength to deal with it.

The avenue of reincarnation, the avenue of destruction, the avenue of sword, the avenue of fire, the avenue of space, the avenue of life and death, and so on, all kinds of powerful avenues keep appearing behind Chen Feng, and then disappear after bursting out the strongest attack.

And Chen Feng also performed boxing, and from time to time it was the strongest burst, plus two long swords with extremely strong attack power. These are all the means Chen Feng used at this time, and he has been fighting with the opponent non-stop.

After a while!

Chen Feng was a little surprised. The opponent has not sent more existences so far. To say that the opponent is sure to solve himself, this is Chen Feng's initial thought, but now think about it, it is not the case. There should be other things involved.

That is, the other party does not have more power to deal with me.

"But this is impossible. Why don't so many Destruction Spiders appear? This is endless. Even if hundreds or thousands of them were killed or injured before, it has no effect on the overall number." Chen Feng muttered. In Chen Feng's opinion, the power of destruction is also the strongest power he has come into contact with so far.

"It's really weird. I don't want to think about it for the time being. If it's true, it's a good thing for me. I won't be in a hurry. I can just fight with the other party for a while." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Then the divine wings appeared behind Chen Feng, the light on it turned, the runes disappeared, Chen Feng shook a few times on the spot, and then the attack of the two destruction tentacles missed.

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