Eternal Existence

Chapter 376: Fighting all the way

Among the three, Chen Feng seemed to have the lightest injury. This was mainly because Chen Feng's recovery speed was the fastest among the three. For the same injury, if Jian Xiaotian and Lin Shaokun needed a day to recover, Chen Feng could recover in less than an hour.

However, Chen Feng was also exhausted at this time. Just before that, Chen Feng used the Demon Sealing Sword again, and the power consumed in his body was still slowly recovering.

"Hehe, these casual cultivators are really desperate, but so far I haven't met anyone from Jiuxiao Palace. This is not a good sign." Chen Feng grinned and said.

"This is the insidiousness of these big sects. If you don't do anything, just take out one or two things casually, countless cultivators will come to fight desperately, and then come out to finish it when things are almost done. Haha, not only Jiuxiao Palace, but also many such things in Central Plains, but these casual cultivators can't resist the temptation." Jian Xiao said.

"I am also worried about this aspect now. There are tens of thousands of cultivators in the entire Northern Plains who have survived the thunder tribulation. Even if only one percent of the cultivators take action, they can easily deal with us." Chen Feng said.

While Chen Feng was talking, he waved his hand, and hundreds of precious crystals appeared in front of the three people. The three people immediately began to absorb the spiritual energy in the precious crystals.

"Alas, now I know how important precious crystals are. It's a pity that we don't have many earth-level elixirs." Jian Xiao said.

"I have a lot of elixirs and spirit stones, but I only have two earth-level elixirs." Chen Feng took out two Jingyuan Pills and threw them to Jian Xiaotian and the others.

"This is Jingyuan Pill, a top-grade earth-level elixir." Jian Xiaotian and Lin Shaokun were a little surprised.

"Eighth grade." Chen Feng smiled.

"This is a good thing, but it's a pity that there is no time to refine it now." Jian Xiaotian smiled bitterly.

But then Jian Xiaotian opened his eyes wide, because Chen Feng actually swallowed a Jingyuan Pill directly, and then the two watched Chen Feng's aura begin to strengthen, and Chen Feng's somewhat tired face gradually became energetic.

"You just refined it like this?" Jian Xiaotian was a little surprised.

"There is still some medicinal power hidden in the body, but there is no time to fully refine it now." Chen Feng stood up and said. At this time, Chen Feng had recovered the strength of the sixth level, thinking that he would be able to fully recover his strength in a while.

The three stopped healing and began to walk through the jungle. The three kept turning around in the jungle and stopped when they were a hundred miles away. Then they found a hidden place to continue healing and recovering their strength.

Finally, Chen Feng completely refined the medicinal power in his body and his strength was fully restored. Chen Feng was relieved.

After seeing Chen Feng fully recover, Jian Xiaotian and Lin Shaokun were really relieved to close their eyes and heal.

Chen Feng walked away two steps, unfolded the map, and began to think about where to go next.

According to Xuanhuo Zhenren, Chen Feng and the other two went to Canglan Mountain to find a cultivator named Ming Laoguai to be protected, but Canglan Mountain was within the territory of Jiuxiao Palace. Now facing the continuous pursuit of cultivators, it is very difficult to get to Canglan Mountain safely.

"Fighting and running away like this is not a solution. Although there is nothing to do now, who knows how many casual cultivators will come to kill us next? More importantly, the cultivators of Jiuxiao Palace have not yet been dispatched, and there is no movement from Taiyi Sect. I don't know how this matter is going." Chen Feng thought secretly in his heart.


Just when Chen Feng was in a trance, a black shadow suddenly rushed out from a big tree not far ahead. Chen Feng only felt a bright light in front of his eyes, and a bright light reached his chest.

At the same time, two cultivators also appeared beside Jian Xiaotian and Lin Shaokun. These two cultivators were like ghosts, slowly appearing from the void, holding a dark and dull short sword in their hands, and slashed at Jian Xiaotian and the other person who were healing.


A powerful momentum burst out from his body, and the Zhoutian domain instantly unfolded, covering the three sneak attacking cultivators.

Chen Feng did not care about the cultivators who attacked him, but attacked the cultivators around Jian Xiaotian and the other person.

Two wind and thunder palms appeared quickly and directly slapped the two people away. At this time, Chen Feng's chest shook slightly, and a long sword pierced his chest.

But it didn't even pierce Chen Feng's skin.


With just one punch, the cultivator who attacked Chen Feng was beaten to pieces.

Then Chen Feng's mind moved, and two lightning flashed quickly. The other two cultivators who had just climbed up shook their bodies and fell to the ground again.

Chen Feng carefully checked the surroundings before putting away the domain, while Jian Xiaotian and Lin Shaokun just opened their eyes and looked, and then continued to heal, seemingly not noticing the situation just now.

This time, less than half an hour later, the two opened their eyes again.

"Let's go, change places." Chen Feng said.

Half an hour later, the three appeared again five hundred miles away, and this time the three hid in a natural cave.

During this period, the three encountered two groups of killers again, and finally all were solved by Chen Feng.

"Huh! It seems that it should be safer here." Jian Xiao lay directly on the ground, his whole body stretched, and his breathing slowly slowed down.

"Hehe, Brother Jian, you have a Daluo battle body. Whether you are injured or not, you should be full of fighting spirit. Why do you look so tired now?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Hehe, aren't you two here? Of course I have to relax. Besides, how did you know that I have a Daluo battle body?" Jian Xiaotian looked at Chen Feng in surprise.

"Haha, of course I saw it." Chen Feng laughed, but did not tell the real reason.

Along the way, Chen Feng had not communicated with the tower, let alone used the Longevity Tower. First, the Longevity Tower was a magic weapon that could not be used easily. Second, and most importantly, Chen Feng wanted to hone himself.

The three stayed in the cave for three days, and finally Jian Xiaotian and Lin Shaokun's injuries were almost recovered.

"Finally recovered from the injury, this time it's time to go out and kill." Jian Xiao clenched his fist, making a series of crisp sounds.

"Don't be careless, I'll go out and see the situation first." Lin Shaokun said.

"Okay, Brother Lin, be careful." Chen Feng nodded.

After Lin Shaokun went out, Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian sat quietly in the cave waiting. After an hour, they didn't see Lin Shaokun come back, and they instinctively felt something was wrong.

"Let's go, let's go out and see." Jian Xiaotian couldn't help but said.

As soon as the two stood up, they felt the mountain shaking before they walked out of the cave, and then the whole mountain began to shake.

"Sure enough, someone is here again. They are really haunting." Chen Feng waved his hand quickly, and several fallen boulders were easily swept away.

Jian Xiaotian's long sword spun violently, and the stones falling from the top of his head were shattered.

"Let's go, kill them." Chen Feng said.

But soon the two found that even the entrance of the cave was blocked. Then, not only the top of their heads, but also the surroundings began to have boulders flying around, which seemed to want to bury Chen Feng and the others alive.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Waves of dull sounds came from outside the mountain, which made people feel that their blood was boiling, their ears were ringing and they were dizzy. Chen Feng knew that someone was using mana or magic weapons to bombard the mountain.

"Sonic attack." Jian Xiaotian chopped the giant sword in his hand violently, and the broken stones flew everywhere. A passage of dozens of meters was immediately chopped out in the mountain.

But before the two walked in, the passage began to close quickly and soon recovered.

"The other party must be proficient in the power of mountains and swamps. We are trapped in the mountain." Jian Xiao said.

"It could also be the power of the earth." Chen Feng said as he stamped his feet heavily. Huge cracks appeared on the ground, and then Chen Feng slowly sank into the ground.

As soon as he got into the ground, Chen Feng immediately felt the chaotic earth energy all around him, and countless earth forces attacked Chen Feng.

Chen Feng did not dodge. Once these earth forces touched Chen Feng, they immediately became docile, and then drilled into Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng continued to sink, and he sank hundreds of meters before stopping. Then Chen Feng's whole body emitted a yellowish-brown light, and he began to walk underground. As Chen Feng walked, whether it was soft soil or hard rock in front of him, once it encountered the yellowish-brown light emitted from Chen Feng's body, it immediately spread to both sides, leaving a passage for people to walk away, and after Chen Feng walked over, the space behind him closed again.

Chen Feng did not use the earth escape talisman, this was the effect of using his own power completely.

Carefully feeling the power fluctuations coming from all around, Chen Feng began to rise, and soon drilled out of the ground.

After coming out, Chen Feng saw a tall and strong man floating in the sky, holding a round giant hammer in his hand, and bombarding the mountain in mid-air.

Every time this strong man swung the giant hammer, a stream of light shot out from the giant hammer and hit the top of the mountain. The entire mountain would vibrate violently, and at the same time, a dull shock wave would be emitted.

"Is there only this one person?" Chen Feng quickly searched around and found that there was indeed only one person in the sky.

So Chen Feng directly soared into the air, waved his hand, and the blood soul turned into a blood light and shot at the strong man.

Facing Chen Feng's attack, the strong man shook the giant hammer in his hand in the air, and a circle of sound waves exploded in the space, immediately shaking the blood soul away.

Chen Feng's figure floated quickly in the air, stretched out his hand and grabbed the blood soul directly, and then stepped forward again and stabbed the opponent with a spear.

This time, the sturdy man used the same move, still swinging the giant hammer in the air. Chen Feng immediately felt the space vibrate in waves, and the powerful force pressed towards him layer by layer.

"Hey!" The blood soul in Chen Feng's hand spun quickly, and was immediately pierced by the layers of attacks in front of him. Chen Feng's figure was upright and quickly shuttled through. With a wave of his hand, a spiral of water and fire force turned and hit the sturdy man in the face.


At this time, a big hole suddenly exploded in the mountain below, and Jian Xiao rushed out of the mountain, and then locked the sturdy man with his breath. The whole person seemed to have turned into a big sword, breaking through the space and attacking the sturdy man.

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