Eternal Existence

Chapter 375 Hunting Order

After a long time, Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and his expression became more solemn.

"Brother Chen, what's going on?" Jian Xiaotian asked.

"Jiuxiao Palace has issued a hunting order. No matter what sect or independent cultivator, as long as you kill or capture the three of us, you will receive a generous reward from Jiuxiao Palace." Chen Feng said.

"It's really troublesome, but this kind of thing is very normal. I just don't know what the reward from Jiuxiao Palace is?" Jian Xiaotian asked.

"A heaven-level spell, a holy weapon, and one million precious crystals." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"What! So cruel." Jian Xiaotian and Lin Shaokun exclaimed at the same time.

"Hehe, do you think we can still find a place to hide?" Chen Feng sneered.

"In this case, we will have to face the pursuit of all the cultivators in Beiyuan. The generous reward is enough to attract all the casual cultivators and mercenaries. More importantly, some disciples of the immortal sects will also take action. Once they fight with us, there will be casualties. If we kill more disciples of these immortal sects, then the list of those chasing us will not only be Jiuxiao Palace, but maybe Yufu Sect, Danding Sect, or other immortal sects." Jian Xiaotian analyzed with a frown.

"A steady stream of cultivators." When the three people thought of this, they all showed worried looks in their eyes.

"Humph, with these casual cultivators, we will kill as many as they come." Lin Shaokun said murderously.

"Yes, if they want to kill our brothers, no matter what sect they are from, they will pay the price in blood." Jian Xiaotian said coldly.

Then Chen Feng and the other two quickly left the place, but not long after the three of them left, more than a dozen cultivators appeared in the place where they had just fought.

"There was a fight here just now. It should be Chen Feng and his group."

"It's in that direction."

The dozen cultivators paused for a breath before chasing in the direction where Chen Feng and the other two left.

"Someone is catching up from behind." Chen Feng had a Qianxun mirror and soon realized that someone was chasing from behind.

"There are people in front too." Lin Shaokun said in a deep voice.

"There are three people in front of the left and four people in front of the right." Jian Xiao said.

"There are at least twenty people in the back, but they should all be casual cultivators." Chen Feng said indifferently.

"These people are really ignorant of life and death for some benefits. How about staying and killing them? I feel like I'm about to break through." Jian Xiaotian's fighting spirit surged.

"No, if we are entangled by these people, it will be difficult for us to get away." Chen Feng said.

"It's also difficult to get away now. Don't worry, there will be a lot of fighting next. I'm afraid you won't be able to hold on by then." Lin Shaokun said.

"Yes, there are cultivators coming from farther away, and some of them have very strong auras." Chen Feng said.

"Let's go, kill them."

The three of them quickly rushed to the left front, which was relatively the weakest direction. The three of them cooperated very well. In order to fight quickly, Chen Feng still used the Demon Sealing Sword right away.

First, the power of the seal sealed the opponent, and then Jian Xiaotian and Lin Shaokun quickly stepped forward to deal with the opponent.

But just after dealing with these three people, four more people rushed over from other directions.

"It's the three of them. Let's work together to kill the three of them and go to Jiuxiao Palace to receive the reward." The four people's eyes turned red after seeing Chen Feng and the other two. This was a greedy look, as if Chen Feng and the other two were a treasure.

"Looking for death." Chen Feng's Demon Sealing Sword shot out two thunder Gang forces, directly killing two people. Lin Shaokun also killed one person with two sticks. Only Jian Xiaotian was slower and took two breaths to deal with the opponent.

The result of using the power of the Demon Sealing Sword was that Chen Feng's true energy was consumed in large quantities. Although Chen Feng's true energy was vigorous, it was still not enough to consume in the melee. If the true energy was seriously consumed in the fight, then there was only one way to die.

"The pursuers are catching up." Jian Xiao said.

"I'll do it." Chen Feng shouted, turned around with the Demon Sealing Sword in his hand, and began to mobilize the power of the Demon Sealing Sword.

A total of 23 cultivators chased up from behind, all of whom were cultivators who had survived the thunder tribulation, and all of them were independent cultivators.

"Catch these people."

"These three people are mine, no one can take them."

"Who do you think you are? I only want one of them, and then I can go to Jiuxiao Palace to exchange for a holy weapon."

"Hahahaha, don't fight, according to the information I got, these three people have holy weapons, enough for everyone to share." At this time, an old man laughed.

"Idiot!" Chen Feng said coldly.

Then these people felt a dazzling lightning burst out in Chen Feng's hand, rushing towards themselves and others.

"Such a strong power of thunder."

"It's a holy weapon."

"Not good."

This sword was the strongest attack that Chen Feng could exert. Chen Feng only felt that the power in his body was almost completely drained by the Demon Sealing Sword in his hand, and a feeling of weakness quickly surged into his heart.

Jian Xiaotian and Lin Shaokun looked at the situation behind them in a daze. All 23 monks were swept away by the power of thunder just now. Ten of them were killed on the spot, and the rest were also injured.

"Too fierce." Jian Xiaotian couldn't help but said.

"Let's go quickly. I don't have the strength now." Chen Feng said.

Jian Xiaotian and Lin Shaokun also saw that Chen Feng was in a bad state at this time, so Lin Shaokun stepped forward and grabbed Chen Feng, and the three of them flew forward quickly.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Some monks in the distance caught up.

"These people are really haunting." Jian Xiaotian cursed.

"Brother Chen, how do you feel?" Lin Shaokun asked.

"I'm fine, it's just that the power in my body has been consumed, but it will recover soon." Chen Feng had already put away the Demon Sealing Sword at this time. At the same time, he used the Heaven Swallowing Absorption Technique to quickly absorb the spirit stones in the Longevity Tower, and the soul power in the sea of ​​consciousness also began to rotate, refining and absorbing the soul power just swallowed.

Just as the three of them were flying quickly, the sky suddenly darkened. When the three of them looked up, they saw a group of black clouds falling from the sky, and there were lightning flashing in it.

"Be careful, the other party wants to capture us alive." Jian Xiaotian said with a change of color.

"It's not that easy." Lin Shaokun carried Chen Feng on his back, and the gilded long stick in his hand suddenly became longer, hitting the black cloud above his head.

The pulling force, the enveloping force, the thunder and lightning force, and the binding force continued to radiate from the black cloud, and Lin Shaokun's attacks were all dissolved.

"Lei Gang Black Evil Net, you are the old black demon." Jian Xiaotian suddenly shouted.

"Hahaha, not bad, I didn't expect you juniors to have some knowledge, but it's a pity that you are going to die soon." An extremely unpleasant voice came from the black cloud.

"Black Demon, you are a famous figure after all. You attacked us juniors for no reason. Aren't you afraid of being embarrassed if you tell others about it?" Jian Xiaotian shouted.

At this time, the long stick in Lin Shaokun's hand was still swinging, and each stick had the power to split the mountain, but it still couldn't stop the falling black cloud.

"Hahaha, as long as I kill you three, I can get the reward from Jiuxiao Palace, a holy weapon, and a heaven-level magic formula. I didn't expect you three juniors to be quite valuable." The unpleasant voice continued to sound.

Finally, the black cloud fell and wrapped Chen Feng and the other two in it. The three immediately felt countless binding forces entangled with themselves, and there were countless lightning forces constantly coming and going. In the blink of an eye, the three felt the pressure getting stronger and stronger, and it seemed that it would not be long before the three would be unable to move.

"This is the Black Demon's Thunder Gang Black Evil Net. It is a very powerful treasure. It seems that it will be difficult for us to rush out." Jian Xiao said.

"It's just a treasure? I'll break it." Chen Feng struggled to get off Lin Shaokun's back, took out the Demon Sealing Sword, and mobilized some of the strength he had just recovered, hoping to cut the surrounding restraints.

"No, let me do it." Lin Shaokun suddenly said, and then the long stick in Lin Shaokun's hand suddenly burst out with an extremely powerful aura. When this aura was emitted, Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian immediately felt that the surrounding restraints disappeared.

"The power of human immortals."

A total of three voices sounded at the same time, except for Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian, it was the Black Demon.


Just a stick, the three people's eyes were bright at the same time, and the Thunder Gang Black Evil Net covering the three people was actually punched through a hole.

"Ah!" There was also the scream of the Black Demon in the black cloud.


Lin Shaokun grabbed Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian and rushed out quickly.

After the three disappeared, the black cloud suddenly disappeared, and an old man in black appeared in the air. The old man in black had a ferocious face and a look in his eyes like a poisonous snake.

"You broke my Lei Gang Black Evil Net and injured me, but it is impossible for the three of you to escape from my palm." The old man in black said angrily, and then chased Chen Feng and the other two again.

In the next three days, Chen Feng and the other two encountered more than a dozen waves of cultivators again. It can be said that the three of them have been fighting in these three days. Although the three of them were covered with scars, fortunately they had fought their way out and were temporarily safe.

At this time, Chen Feng and the other two had stopped moving forward and hid in a dense forest. The three of them sat on the ground against a huge tree, healing their wounds and recovering their strength.

"This forest should be thousands of miles long, enough for us to hide for a while." Jian Xiaotian said with a heavy breath. Jian Xiaotian had at least a dozen wounds on his body, each of which was deep enough to see the bone, and his face was pale. This was because of excessive bleeding. The giant sword was also placed on the ground, and it seemed that Jian Xiaotian had no strength to pick it up.

"We'll move to another place after an incense stick." Lin Shaokun said in a deep voice.

Lin Shaokun was the strongest among the three, but now he seemed to be the most seriously injured. When he was besieged by the Black Demon, if Lin Shaokun had not stimulated the human immortal power left by his master in the long stick, I'm afraid the three of them would have been captured by the Black Demon.

Even the long stick that burst out with powerful power now seemed like a piece of ordinary iron, lying quietly on the ground. Lin Shaokun leaned against the tree quietly, and a stream of blood flowed out when he spoke.

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