Eternal Existence

Chapter 373 Leaving Taiyi Sect

After listening to Lin Shaokun's words, Chen Feng knew that this matter also involved Lin Shaokun.

"Brother Lin, it seems that we have implicated you this time." Chen Feng said with a wry smile.

"Haha, if you two say these words again, you will look down on me." Lin Shaokun laughed. "Not bad, not bad, I am too hypocritical, let's go quickly." Chen Feng laughed, and then the three of them sped up again, leaving three streams of light in the air wherever they passed.

"The mountain in front is where my master's cave is located." Chen Feng pointed to a mountain in the distance and said.

At this time, the three of them were still more than fifty miles away from the mountain where Xuanhuo Zhenren was located, which was just a few breaths for the three of them.

Just when the three of them were about to arrive at the place, they encountered an obstruction.

A total of ten cultivators neatly blocked in front of Chen Feng and the other two.

Seeing the cultivators blocking the front, Chen Feng immediately felt something was wrong, because Chen Feng saw that several of them were clearly from the Zhao family.

"They are all cultivators in the Heavenly Man Realm, everyone be careful." Lin Shaokun transmitted the voice.

"The three of you stay." At this time, the leader spoke.

"What are you going to do, elders?" Chen Feng asked with a smile. It turned out that Chen Feng had recognized that these people were from the Elders' Group.

"The Great Elder has ordered Chen Feng to come with us." The man said.

"Oh, I don't know why so many elders have to come?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"You don't need to know this, just follow us." The speaker was the cultivator from the Zhao family.

"What if I say I won't go." Chen Feng sneered.

"Then don't blame us for being rude. Everyone, take action and capture these three people." The Zhao family cultivator shouted.


These cultivators haven't started yet, but Chen Feng and the other two rioted.

Chen Feng immediately spread out his domain and covered the cultivators in front of him, while Lin Shaokun and Jian Xiaotian directly used the strongest moves to bombard them.


A cultivator was hit by Lin Shaokun and exploded. .


Another cultivator was directly split in half by Jian Xiaotian.

At the same time, Chen Feng's Zhoutian domain was also torn apart by these people, and several sword energies slashed at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng waved his hand and took the Demon Sealing Sword in his hand, and the power of the barrier quickly enveloped himself.

"Chen Feng, you are rebelling." The Zhao family cultivator shouted loudly.

"You are the ones who are rebelling." The Demon Sealing Sword in Chen Feng's hand shook, and sword energies shot towards these people.


Another cultivator was cut in half.

"Everyone be careful, this is a holy weapon."

"Chen Feng, you traitor, you are so violent."

Thunder power exploded, shocking Chen Feng and the other two to retreat again and again, and the offensive of Chen Feng and the other two immediately stopped.

"There are masters."

"At least five thunder tribulations have been passed."

Although Chen Feng and the other two exerted their full strength, they were still dragged down by these law enforcement elders.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, another cultivator arrived, and immediately attacked Chen Feng and the other two without saying a word.

"It's the people of Jiuxiao Palace." Chen Feng said.

"Brother Chen, what do you think? I was right, right? Taiyi Sect will never go against Jiuxiao Palace because of you." Jian Xiaotian shouted.

"Hahaha, that's right, no sect in Beiyuan dares to go against our Jiuxiao Palace." One of the cultivators laughed proudly, and this cultivator was a disciple of Jiuxiao Palace.

"Really, but you will die here today." Chen Feng said and rushed towards this person with the Demon Sealing Sword.

"Looking for death, everyone, attack together."

Attack after attack hit Chen Feng, but Chen Feng did not dodge and endured these attacks.

A sword light flashed by. This was Chen Feng stimulating the thunder power in the Demon Sealing Sword. The speed was extremely fast. The cultivator who was shouting just now was killed by Chen Feng without even screaming.

"Notify the other elders that this boy has a holy weapon in his hand and is difficult to deal with." Someone shouted.

"Brother Chen, do you think we won't be caught here?" Jian Xiao said. At this time, Jian Xiaotian had two wounds deep enough to see the bone, and a trace of sword energy was constantly stirring in Jian Xiaotian's body.

"Definitely not. We can leave naturally after killing all these people." Chen Feng gritted his teeth and said.

"Chen Feng, you are dreaming, do you think you can still escape?" Someone sneered.

"Of course you can." At this time, the voice of Xuanhuo Zhenren came over. At the same time, a sea of ​​fire swept over to everyone.

"Senior Xuanhuo, Chen Feng killed a disciple of Jiuxiao Palace. The elder ordered Chen Feng to be captured and taken back. Does Senior Xuanhuo want to violate the rules of the sect?" Seeing the flames sweeping over, these people were immediately scared, and one of the law enforcement elders immediately shouted loudly.

"Bullshit, even Tie Liuxian would not dare to be so presumptuous in front of me. Who are you guys? You dare to capture my apprentice in front of me. You will all die today." With the voice of Xuanhuo Zhenren, the sea of ​​fire swept over even more fiercely, quickly drowning these people in it.

"No, this is Xuanhuo, hurry up."

But it was too late. After these people were engulfed in the flames, no one could get out. In just a few breaths, Xuanhuo Zhenren descended from the sky and took away the flames with a wave of his hand, but the cultivators who were just engulfed by the flames were not even left.


Chen Feng and the other two all took a breath of cold air. This method was too scary. After all, those cultivators had survived the thunder tribulation just now, but they didn't expect to be burned cleanly like this.

"Old man, you are so cruel." Chen Feng couldn't help but said.

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense and follow me quickly." Xuanhuo Zhenren glared at Chen Feng.

Soon Chen Feng and the other two followed Xuanhuo Zhenren to the cave.

"This cave is really simple." Jian Xiaotian and Lin Shaokun had this thought at the same time.

"Several powerful people came to Jiuxiao Palace and wanted to capture you three. Fortunately, I got the news in advance." Xuanhuo Zhenren said.

"Then what should we do now? Are we hiding here all the time?" Chen Feng asked.

"Hey, this time not only are there people from Jiuxiao Palace, but most importantly, there are people from the Zhao family who are intervening, otherwise there would be no people from the Elders' Group to capture you." When Xuanhuo Zhenren said this, his face was a little ugly.

"My dear disciple, I am naturally not afraid of these people, but I can't spare my attention to look after you when we fight." Xuanhuo Zhenren gritted his teeth and said.

"Master, I understand. What do you think we should do?" Chen Feng asked.

"Leave Taiyi Sect." After saying this, Xuanhuo Zhenren immediately sighed, and at this moment he seemed to have aged a lot.

"Okay." Chen Feng nodded.

"So fast, the other party has come." Xuanhuo Zhenren's face changed, and soon Chen Feng and the other two also felt the strong breath coming from outside the cave.

"Xuanhuo Zhenren, hand over your apprentice." At this time, business was transmitted from outside the cave.

"Humph, who dares to come here to make trouble, do you want to die?" Xuanhuo Zhenren shouted coldly.

"I have arranged a small teleportation array in the cave, which can teleport you tens of thousands of miles away. Unfortunately, I don't have time now, otherwise I will teleport you hundreds of thousands of miles away directly, and I will be relieved. After leaving Taiyi Sect, you should immediately go to Canglan Mountain and find a person named Ming Laoguai. Mention my name, and the other party will take care of you." Xuanhuo Zhenren said quickly.

"Xuanhuo Zhenren, if you don't hand over your apprentice, don't blame us for taking action." The voice outside continued to sound.

"Hehe, if you dare to make a move, I will burn to death any disciple of your Zhao family I see in the future, even if they are in the secret realm period, I will not let them go." Xuanhuo Zhenren said while waving his hand at Chen Feng, signaling Chen Feng and the other two to leave.

"Old man, we are leaving, what will you do?" Chen Feng asked with some concern.

"Hmph, the sect will not do anything to me. Don't worry about your going out this time. I am just avoiding the limelight first. After I am promoted to human immortal, no one will say anything if you want to come back." Xuanhuo Zhenren said.


A loud noise came from outside the cave, and the other party made a move.

"Let's go." Xuanhuo Zhenren said in a deep voice.

"Okay, old man, take care of yourself, we are leaving." Chen Feng knew that he could not hesitate any longer, so he nodded and turned around to leave.

"It's here." Chen Feng soon found the teleportation array.

"Let's leave quickly, and we will settle this account later." Jian Xiao said.

"That's right, let's go." Chen Feng nodded, and the three of them quickly walked into the teleportation array.

"Hahaha, let me see who is making trouble outside. I will kill you all today." Xuanhuo Zhenren rushed out of the cave quickly, and then the sound of fighting came into the cave.


The teleportation array was activated, and a space force wrapped up the three people, and then a passage was opened in the space.

"No, there is a teleportation array in the cave, stop it quickly." Someone shouted.

"Hahaha, it's too late." Xuanhuo Zhenren laughed.

"If something happens to the old man, I swear that one day I will kill these people all." Chen Feng gritted his teeth and said.

"And me." Jian Xiaotian and Lin Shaokun said at the same time.


The teleportation array suddenly lit up, and Chen Feng and the other two got into the space channel and began to shuttle through the void.

None of the three spoke in the dark, but everyone was not calm in their hearts, and no one knew where they would be teleported to.

Finally, the three of them only felt a light in front of their eyes, and when they appeared from the void, they immediately felt their bodies falling rapidly.

It turned out that the three of them appeared in the sky, and the strong wind around them was like a knife, indicating that the three of them were at a very high position.

Jian Xiaotian waved his hand, and the giant sword behind him became bigger again, floating below, and the three of them fell on the sword.


Jian Xiaotian's mind moved, and the giant sword flew forward quickly. The three of them saw the clouds below floating from time to time, and the scenery on the ground was also looming.

"Good guy, this height must be at least 20,000 meters." Chen Feng said with a smile.

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