Eternal Existence

Chapter 372 Crisis Strikes

When Chen Feng returned to the competition site, he found that many people were constantly looking at him. Chen Feng knew that the situation of his fight in the valley might have spread.

At the same time, Chen Feng was also wondering when the news of his killing of the disciples of Jiuxiao Palace would spread, and what actions the sect would take.

"Brother Chen, you still have to continue to participate in the sect competition." Luo Kong couldn't help asking.

"Of course." Chen Feng nodded.

In fact, Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian had also communicated secretly. They knew that there might be cultivators from Jiuxiao Palace waiting outside Taiyi Xianshan, so they didn't plan to go out now. However, Jian Xiaotian felt a little strange when he saw Chen Feng staying to continue to participate in the sect competition. He didn't understand why Chen Feng didn't worry about what he was going to face next.

In fact, Chen Feng's heart was not as calm as it seemed on the surface, but at this point, fear and tension could not change the status quo, so he could only face what was coming calmly.

Chen Feng had some ideas for continuing to participate in the sect competition. First, he wanted to hone his strength that had just skyrocketed. Second, Chen Feng also wanted to get a reward. Not to mention the Seven-Aperture Heart, even a Heaven-level Pill was a good thing. At least Chen Feng could increase his skills after refining and absorbing it.

Finally, it was Chen Feng's turn again.

Chen Feng, Fu Yue.

When these two names appeared on the jade in the sky, the cultivators in the audience immediately began to buzz and discuss.

"Haha, Brother Chen, your opponent this time is a woman again." Luo Kong couldn't help laughing.

Chen Feng also frowned secretly. Last time it was Liu Feifei, and this time it was Fu Yue. His luck was really too good.

Fu Yue, a member of the Five Elements Hall, the sister of the core disciple Fu Ming, was a 30% heavenly being with a high level of cultivation.

This was Chen Feng's understanding of Fu Yue.

"Haha, what a coincidence, it seems that Junior Sister Fu is going to lose this time." Mu Lingfeng couldn't help laughing.

"Huh, Senior Brother Mu thinks I will lose?" Fu Yue was a little dissatisfied.

"How much better do you think you are than Sun Feifei?" Mu Lingfeng asked back.

Fu Yue stopped talking and stood up and walked into the competition venue. Mu Lingfeng made sense. Fu Yue and Liu Feifei were on par in terms of cultivation. Since Liu Feifei was defeated by Chen Feng, then she was no match for Chen Feng.

Especially after arriving at the venue and feeling the aura emanating from Chen Feng, Fu Yue felt even more uncertain.

"You broke through?" Fu Yue said in surprise.

"It's only the eighth level of the secret realm, far inferior to the third level of the heavenly man realm of Senior Sister Fu." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I heard that you called Liu Feifei your junior sister, but now you call me your senior sister. Do you think you are not my opponent?" Fu Yue said with a smile.

"You are not my opponent." Chen Feng said directly.

"Oh, really?" Fu Yue's eyes were bright, and she was looking at Chen Feng with interest at this time.

"This little girl has the constitution of a small five-element body." At this time, the tower suddenly said.

"Small five-element body, no wonder I heard that Fu Yue of the Five Elements Hall practiced the Five Elements Law." Chen Feng said in his heart.

The two did not say much, and soon they started fighting.

As soon as they fought, Fu Yue used the Five Elements Sword Qi to sweep towards Chen Feng. Facing Fu Yue's Five Elements Sword Qi, Chen Feng stretched out his palm and easily crushed Fu Yue's Five Elements Sword Qi into pieces.

Then Chen Feng's whole body shook, and the Zhoutian domain quickly unfolded, covering Fu Yue with an overwhelming momentum.

"What a powerful domain." Fu Yue's heart moved, and he also unfolded his domain to block the attack of Chen Feng's domain.

Fu Yue unfolded a mixture of the Five Elements Domain and the Zhoutian Domain, which was higher than Chen Feng's domain in grade and level, but when the two domains collided at this time, Fu Yue actually retreated.

In the confrontation of the domains, Fu Yue was actually at a disadvantage.

"How is it possible? You are only in the Secret Realm Stage, why do you have such a strong domain?" Fu Yue was a little surprised.

In the domain collision just now, the power contained in Chen Feng's Zhoutian domain was extremely powerful, and it was actually full of a trace of destructive power, which made Fu Yue feel a little frightened.

"Good fellow, how come this Chen Feng suddenly became so powerful?" Not only Fu Yue, but also Mu Lingfeng in the stands was almost standing up in surprise.

"Even if he cultivated the Zhoutian domain, he should not have such a strong power. How could this guy have such a strong body without going through the thunder tribulation?" Mu Lingfeng felt very strange.

"It seems that Junior Sister Fu can't hold on for long."

When Chen Feng and Liu Feifei fought, Liu Feifei was suppressed at the beginning, but now Fu Yue was at a disadvantage right from the start.

Fu Yue gathered strength, and the domain around him was twice as strong as at the beginning. The sword energy was crisscrossed in the domain, and various styles of sharp swords kept flying around. This is the domain of the sword.

"I don't believe that my domain that has gone through three thunder tribulations is not as good as his secret realm domain." Fu Yue was a little unconvinced and exerted all his strength.

"Hey! How can you fight hard?" Mu Lingfeng sighed, knowing that Fu Yue used the wrong fighting method.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After only three collisions, Fu Yue's domain began to disintegrate, and then two hands formed by the power of wind and thunder quickly grabbed Fu Yue.

"Five Elements Escape!" Fu Yue disappeared out of thin air, and Chen Feng grabbed nothing.

"Invisibility, no, this is the Five Elements Escape Technique, drilling into the ground." Chen Feng said, raising his foot and stepping heavily, waves of power were transmitted into the ground, shaking the entire mountain body constantly.

"Still not coming out." Chen Feng whispered, stamping his feet again. This time, Chen Feng exerted all his strength, and the five elements of earth and the power of mountains and swamps in his body vibrated and resonated with the power of the earth underground.

This time, Fu Yue, who was hiding underground, finally couldn't bear it anymore. The ground exploded, and Fu Yue rushed out in a panic.

A huge palm whizzed past and directly wrapped Fu Yue tightly.


Fu Yue's whole body was full of strength, shattering the huge palm, but in a flash, Chen Feng was holding a long sword and erected on his neck.

"I lost." Fu Yue felt very bitter when he said this. He didn't expect that he would lose so quickly. You know, he came to the sect competition this time for the top ten, but he didn't expect to be defeated by Chen Feng now.

"Fu Ming, didn't you want to fight with Chen Feng? Now even your sister has lost." Mu Yansheng and Fu Ming stood together, and the fight between Chen Feng and Fu Yue fell into their eyes without any difference.

"Hmph!" Fu Ming's face was a little ugly. His sister was ten times stronger than him, but she was not Chen Feng's opponent, so he was even less of a match for Chen Feng.

If no one challenged him after defeating Fu Yue, then even if Chen Feng entered the top 20, although everyone knew that Chen Feng was a dark horse this time, but now he defeated Fu Yue directly without using the holy weapon, it still surprised everyone.

More importantly, the strength shown by Chen Feng this time was much stronger than the last game, so some unknown cultivators began to secretly speculate whether Chen Feng had been hiding his strength.

"Brother Chen, I can't believe it. It seems that Brother Chen is enough to compete for the top three in this competition." After Chen Feng came over, Luo Kong was the first to say.

"Haha!" Chen Feng smiled and didn't say anything.

At this moment, two powerful auras suddenly rose from a distance and soon enveloped the entire competition venue. Feeling this powerful aura, everyone present felt stiff and cold all over, and an irresistible thought rose in their hearts.

Then two rainbow lights passed through the sky and disappeared soon.

After the two rainbow lights disappeared, everyone recovered. Some people with low cultivation felt cold sweat on their backs.

"Who was that person who just passed by? Could it be a human immortal?"

"Such a strong pressure, nine out of ten is a human immortal. Strange, it shouldn't be a human immortal from our sect, otherwise how could it release pressure casually, could it be a human immortal from outside."

The cultivators present began to discuss.

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly felt several eyes looking at him. Chen Feng secretly observed and found that several people in the crowd watching the game were staring at him and sneering.

"These should be people from Jiuxiao Palace." Chen Feng guessed.

"Tower, was the person who just passed by a human immortal?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"Not a human immortal, but only half a step away from a human immortal, and the realm is about the same as your master." Tower said in a deep voice.

"That is to say, he has survived nine thunder tribulations. Could he be a person from Jiuxiao Palace? If he is really a person from Jiuxiao Palace, then he must be coming for me. I just don't know how the sect will deal with it." Chen Feng kept analyzing some of the things that would happen next.

The competition went on as normal. After watching ten fights in a row, Chen Feng suddenly received a message from Xuanhuo Zhenren.

"Boy, hurry to my cave." Xuanhuo Zhenren's voice came from nowhere and rang directly in Chen Feng's mind.

"Are you in trouble?" Chen Feng's heart moved and he asked secretly.

"Yes, there is trouble. Come here immediately, don't hesitate." Xuanhuo Zhenren's voice was a little urgent.

"Okay." Chen Feng frowned and immediately sent a message to Jian Xiaotian and Lin Shaokun secretly.

"Something happened, follow me quickly." Chen Feng just said these few words briefly and turned to leave the competition venue.

Jian Xiaotian and Lin Shaokun did not stop and immediately followed Chen Feng.

"Brother Chen, what's going on? Are there people from Jiuxiao Palace again?" Jian Xiaotian asked in a low voice.

"Maybe, Brother Lin, Brother Jian and I may really be in trouble this time. Brother Lin should leave us immediately." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"Haha, I have killed three disciples of Jiuxiao Palace on the way here. Do you think Jiuxiao Palace will let me go?" Lin Shaokun suddenly laughed.

"Is that true?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Yes, I said it at the beginning. If it weren't for Brother Lin's help, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to reach Taiyi Sect." Jian Xiaotian said with a wry smile.

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