Eternal Existence

Chapter 355: Battle against Chi Lian Feng

As Chi Lianfeng took out the Gathering Wind Banner, Chen Feng immediately felt the airflow in the surrounding space begin to surge violently.

"Ta, you said that this Gathering Wind Banner is only a first-grade holy weapon?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"Yes, and this little guy can't exert its full power. Aren't you lacking a magic weapon now? Just grab it when we fight." Ta said with a smile.

"Grab it, how can it be so easy." Chen Feng frowned secretly, because at this time the aura of Chi Lianfeng had been completely released, and it was indeed very powerful, and some ordinary cultivators who had survived three thunder tribulations could not compare.

"It's a pity that my realm is too low, and the Changsheng Zhenjing has not been able to exert its powerful power." Chen Feng said secretly.

"Boy, you are still distracted now, you really don't know whether you live or die." Chi Lianfeng smiled coldly, shook the Gathering Wind Banner, and immediately two tornadoes more than ten meters high quickly rotated and attacked Chen Feng.

"Chi Lianfeng chose to use the holy weapon right at the beginning. It seems that he wants to get rid of Chen Feng quickly?" An elder on the stand said with a smile.

At this time, there were more elders in the stands, almost as many as the core disciples who participated in the sect competition.

"Haha, Elder Wang, it seems that you are optimistic about Chi Lianfeng?" Someone next to him said with a smile.

"Yes, I still know a little about Chi Lianfeng's strength. The cultivators who have survived three thunder tribulations are not his opponents. What realm is this Chen Feng at? He is only at the seventh level of the secret realm. How powerful is he?" Elder Wang shook his head.

"That's not necessarily true. Isn't Chi Lianfeng also a cultivator in the secret realm period? Besides, Chen Feng is Xuanhuo's disciple. Haha, this old man is very powerful. How can his disciple be ordinary?"

"Anyway, I don't believe that Chen Feng can win this fight." Elder Wang said slowly.

The elder next to him knew that Elder Wang had some relationship with Chi Lianfeng, so he smiled and said nothing more.

Facing the attack of the two tornadoes, Chen Feng stretched out his palm, and two tornadoes quickly spun out of his palm. The scale of the tornado was almost exactly the same as that of Chi Lianfeng.

Bang! Bang!

The four tornadoes collided with each other, and immediately made two violent explosions. Then Chen Feng rushed towards Chi Lianfeng without waiting to see the result.

When he arrived in front of Chi Lianfeng, Chen Feng punched him like lightning. Chen Feng's speed was not slow, but he still missed. After Chen Feng's fist flashed, he found that there was only a residual image in front of him.


Chi Lianfeng appeared in front of Chen Feng at some point, and slapped Chen Feng's chest with a heavy palm. The palm print was dark and had a strong fishy smell.

"Chi Yuan Poison Handprint." Chen Feng was shocked and had no time to dodge. He could only quickly set up a longevity shield in front of him.


The longevity shield exploded, and Chen Feng was hit and flew out. Before Chen Feng landed, Chi Lianfeng rushed up again like a gust of wind.

Before he got close to Chen Feng, three longevity swords flew out of Chen Feng's body and blocked Chi Lianfeng's attack.

"What a fast speed, is this the Great Freedom Body Movement?" Chen Feng was secretly surprised. He could not match the other party in terms of speed and body movement.

"There are also secret body movement methods in the Changsheng Zhenjing, but I have not practiced them. I wonder if I can match this Great Freedom Body Movement after practicing them." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Humph." Ta snorted coldly a few times, but did not speak, as if he despised what Chen Feng said.

After Chi Lianfeng broke the three Changsheng swords, he attacked Chen Feng again. His body movement was as fast as the wind. For a moment, the entire competition venue was full of Chi Lianfeng's shadow.

"It's bad. Chi Lianfeng practiced the Great Freedom Body Movement, which is extremely fast. It seems that Brother Chen is in trouble." Luo Kong said.

"This is just the beginning, don't worry." Shui Yan said in a deep voice.


Chen Feng was hit again, and a black palm print flashed across his chest. Fortunately, Chen Feng was wearing a protective armor, otherwise the toxins on Chi Lianfeng's poisonous palm would have invaded his body.

Chen Feng flipped several times in the air, and was immediately entangled by a rapidly rotating tornado.

"It won't end like this, it's too fast." Someone in the stands couldn't help but say.

"Hey, I thought Chen Feng was so powerful, but it turns out he's just like this, relying on the reputation of his master."

"Heaven and earth positioning." Chen Feng's voice came out from the tornado, and then regardless of the rapidly rotating tornado, Chen Feng strode out of the tornado.

At this time, Chen Feng had already unfolded the Zhoutian domain, and a fist print condensed by the power of mountains and lakes smashed the tornado heavily.

"It's not as strong as I imagined. Chi Lianfeng is probably only exerting 20% ​​to 30% of the power of the Gathering Wind Banner." Chen Feng said.


Chi Lianfeng came to Chen Feng again, five fingers spread out, the palm became extremely black, and grabbed Chen Feng's forehead directly.

"What a cruel move." Chen Feng knew that the opponent's speed was much faster than his, so he simply didn't want to play around with him. Instead, he quickly waved his hand and swung two more longevity swords across to slash at Chi Lianfeng.

However, this time Chen Feng miscalculated. Facing Chen Feng's longevity sword attack, Chi Lianfeng didn't seem to see it. He let the long sword slash at him, and his palm was still grabbing Chen Feng.

Bang bang!

The longevity sword slashed at Chi Lianfeng and immediately turned into pieces. It turned out that Chi Lianfeng had already understood the power of Chen Feng's longevity sword and knew that this level of attack would not cause any harm to himself wearing a protective armor. This is why he was relieved and did not block Chen Feng's attack.

When Chi Lianfeng's palm was about to grab Chen Feng's scalp, the poison needle hidden in the Tianshi acupoint suddenly shot out and stabbed at Chi Lianfeng's palm.


With a slight sound, the poison needle hit Chi Lianfeng's palm, but it only made a slight sound, and it didn't even break Chi Lianfeng's defense.

This poison needle is only a one-inch treasure, and it is normal that it can't break Chi Lianfeng's defense.

So Chi Lianfeng's huge palm touched Chen Feng's forehead.

"Not good, Chen Feng is in danger." Luo Kong said excitedly.


At this time, the protective armor integrated into Chen Feng's body was activated, and a strong force of ice and fire shot out from Chen Feng's forehead, directly sending Chi Lianfeng flying.

After landing, Chi Lianfeng was afraid that Chen Feng would chase him, so he waved his hand and attacked Chen Feng with dozens of wind blades.

Chen Feng's whole body shook, and the Zhoutian domain suddenly surged, with lightning and thunder, water and fire complementing each other, the heaven and earth were positioned, and the mountains and swamps were connected, and the domain became more and more solid and clear.

Chi chi chi chi chi chi!

These wind blades disappeared immediately after hitting the area around Chen Feng.

Chen Feng saw that after Chi Lianfeng stood firm, his arms were still shaking, which showed that the power of ice and fire just now was still powerful.

Chi Lianfeng waved his hand with the wind-gathering banner, and a strong wind blew around him, and a thick layer of wind wrapped himself up.

"This guy is a bit difficult to deal with." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Humph, I didn't expect that the protective armor on you is not bad." Chi Lianfeng sneered.

"You're flattering. The wind-gathering banner in your hand is not bad either." Chen Feng sneered.

"Well, I'll let you see my real power." Chi Lianfeng said, and the wind around him turned violently, and then he disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, Chi Lianfeng was above Chen Feng's head, and with a wave of his hand, a strong tornado enveloped Chen Feng.

Pah pah pah pah!

The Zhoutian domain condensed by Chen Feng was immediately torn into pieces, and Chen Feng fell heavily to the ground.

"It seems that Chen Feng is no match for Chi Lianfeng. Do you think Xuanhuo Zhenren will come out to watch the battle?" Lei Badao on the stands.

"It's hard to say. Maybe Senior Xuanhuo is hiding in the dark." Hua Zhuliu said with a smile.

"The Fengju Banner in Chi Lianfeng's hand is really good. With this magic weapon alone, he should be able to make it into the top 20." Lei Badao.

"Hehe, do you think Chen Feng is doomed to lose? Don't forget that Chen Feng also has a holy weapon on him, and he hasn't taken it out yet. What does this mean?" Hua Zhuliu said with a smile.

"Maybe he hasn't fully mastered it." Lei Batian shook his head, because the current situation seemed a bit one-sided.


Chen Feng had just stood up when he was swept away by a tornado again and fell heavily to the ground, looking very embarrassed.

"Hahahaha, don't you have a holy weapon on you? Why don't you take it out? Take it out and let me see it." Chi Lianfeng was a little proud.

"Brother Chen is in a bad situation?" Zhou You couldn't help but say.

"Chi Lianfeng is too arrogant." Luo Kong was a little angry.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

This time Chen Feng was swept out again. It was obvious that Chi Lianfeng was playing a trick on Chen Feng. Chen Feng was about to fall to the ground again.

"Heaven and Earth Positioning!" Chen Feng shouted in a deep voice, and the Zhoutian Domain was unfolded again, fixing his body.

"Zhoutian Earth Yellow Fist!" Chen Feng stomped his feet fiercely, strode forward, and a strong earth power permeated the ground, and then punched fiercely.

When this punch was swung, the whole fist was wrapped in yellow airflow, and in Chi Lianfeng's eyes it was like a mountain crashing into him.

"Humph, the attack methods of the secret realm period are useless to me." Chi Lianfeng sneered, and the wind-gathering banner in his hand showed its power again.

This time, the wind-gathering banner did not emit a tornado, but a huge wind blade. The wind blade, which was completely condensed by the power of wind, chopped at Chen Feng's fist like a giant blade, faster and more powerful.


The yellow airflow on Chen Feng's fist exploded violently, and scars appeared on Chen Feng's fist, and traces of blood seeped out from the wounds.

"This is the power of the wind-gathering banner, which can actually break my defense." Chen Feng was surprised, but he did not retreat, but used the five elements to capture the handprint again and continued to grab Chi Lianfeng.

"Humph, a trifling trick." Chi Lianfeng's face was full of sneers, and the wind-gathering banner in his hand swung down violently, and another wind blade directly cut Chen Feng's five elements to capture the handprint, causing Chen Feng's palm to bleed again.

"Hahaha, is this all you have?" Chi Lianfeng looked at Chen Feng's embarrassed appearance and couldn't help laughing again.

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