Eternal Existence

Chapter 354: Luo Mingdao is injured

The third round of the competition began immediately. Since the core disciples' competition began, Chen Feng had not left the stands. As for the competition between the disciples below the core disciples, it could not attract Chen Feng's attention. Chen Feng even forgot to watch the match between Ruta and Luo Bo.

Because those who can persist until the third round are already considered masters among the core disciples.

There are 1,200 core disciples, and now there are only 300 left. Everyone knows that the competition is gradually entering its climax.

What Chen Feng didn't know was that because he didn't use weapons in the first and second rounds, he had been targeted by some people with ulterior motives. In addition, Chen Feng's master was Xuanhu Zhenren, and some people had already regarded Chen Feng as a potential opponent.

Of course, there are also forces that have a grudge against Chen Feng and are also brewing how to attack Chen Feng if they meet.

At the beginning of the third round, Luo Mingdao came on the stage. Luo Mingdao's opponent was a belly that had survived two thunder tribulations. As soon as the opponent appeared, Chen Feng and others knew that Luo Mingdao would lose this game in all likelihood.

"Ge Qingqiu, Luo Mingdao, start now." The elder in charge walked out of the venue very straightforwardly.

Luo Mingdao bowed and wanted to say a few words, but the other party didn't say anything and started to fight, and he was a killer. Luo Mingdao was at a disadvantage at the first encounter.


Luo Mingdao didn't dodge in time, and there was an extra wound on his body, revealing his white bones.

"This guy is too despicable." Chen Feng was a little angry.

"Look at Chi Lianfeng and the others." Shui Yan said.

Chen Feng then noticed that Chi Lianfeng was sitting not far away, and the monks around Chi Lianfeng were He Sanbo and others who had conflicts with him and others.

Seeing Chen Feng's eyes, Chi Lianfeng immediately showed a provocative look on his face.

"Could this Ge Qingqiu be one of theirs?" Chen Feng frowned and said.

"Yes, it seems that the other party is deliberately retaliating, but Brother Luo is going to be unlucky." Shui Yan said.


After Luo Mingdao was hit by a sword again, he finally seized the opportunity. The Mingdao Sword blocked the opponent's attack, and at the same time, the Shadowless Shuttle turned into a thread and attacked Ge Qingqiu.

"Brother Luo has two treasures, so he should be able to hold on for a while." Chen Feng whispered.

"I'm afraid it's difficult. After all, the opponent is one level higher than him, and Brother Luo has entered the Heavenly Man Realm for too short a time." Shui Yan said.

Sure enough, after a few rounds of fighting, Luo Mingdao was blown away by the opponent's sword, and then Ge Qingqiu suddenly had a palm-sized conch in his hand.

Woo woo woo woo woo!

Ge Qingqiu blew gently, and waves of strange sounds came out of the conch.

"It's bad, the situation is not good." Shui Yan said.

As the conch was blown and the sound waves spread, Luo Mingdao's movements immediately slowed down, and even the speed of the Shadowless Shuttle he was driving slowed down.

"Hey, the winner is decided. I didn't expect Ge Qingqiu to have this treasure. I know it must be borrowed without asking." Zhou You sighed.

Ge Qingqiu pointed at Luo Mingdao fiercely, and the long sword floating in the air turned into a stream of light, which actually pierced Luo Mingdao directly.

"Brother Luo!" Chen Feng was shocked and stood up immediately, ready to rush forward.

"Brother Chen, don't be impulsive. This is a competition, and no one can interfere." Shui Yan grabbed Chen Feng.

"It's clear that the winner has been decided, but this Ge Qingqiu is still ruthless. This must be intentional." Luo Kong gritted his teeth and said.

Luo Mingdao lay on the ground with a bloody hole in his chest, unable to move. Some elders in the stands frowned, but did not say much, and more elders were expressionless.

"Hehe, a good flying treasure, it belongs to me." Ge Qingqiu stretched out his hand and took Luo Mingdao's shadowless shuttle in his hand, with a smug smile on his face.

Chen Feng noticed that when Luo Mingdao was injured, Chi Lianfeng and others even glanced at him and others with provocative eyes.

It was obvious that Ge Qingqiu's ruthless move was instructed by these people.

"I hope I can meet this Ge Qingqiu in the next round." Chen Feng's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"Explode!" At this moment, Luo Mingdao, who was lying on the ground, suddenly uttered this word in a hoarse voice.


A huge explosion sounded in the competition venue, and Ge Qingqiu was enveloped in it.

Just now, Luo Mingdao actually tried his best to self-destruct his magic weapon, and his injuries became more serious. He opened his mouth and vomited blood repeatedly. He was hit by a sword just now, but his soul was not injured. Now that he self-destructed his own magic weapon, his injuries were even more serious. ,


Ge Qingqiu fell heavily in a low voice. After struggling for a while, he slowly got up. His clothes were torn, his skin and flesh were rolled, and blood kept flowing out.

"This guy is actually okay?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

Although Ge Qingqiu looked horrible, everyone could see that this guy was actually not seriously injured, just some skin injuries.

"It's all thanks to the layer of protective treasure clothes on his body, but under the self-destruction of Luo Mingdao's treasure, the treasure clothes on his body have been scrapped." Shui Yan said.

"Brother Luo, you are so ruthless." Luo Kong praised.

Ge Qingqiu was in a very bad state, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes. He grabbed the long sword in his hand and walked towards Luo Mingdao.

"What else does this guy want to do?" Chen Feng said with a change of color.

"Brother Luo has not admitted defeat yet." Zhou You said.

"I admit defeat." Luo Mingdao said hoarsely while spitting blood.


Ge Qingqiu pretended not to hear it, and still sent out a sword energy to slash at Luo Mingdao.


A figure blocked Luo Mingdao and dispersed the sword energy with a wave of his hand. It was the steward elder.

"The winner has been decided." The steward elder just said this lightly and took the injured Luo Mingdao out.

Chen Feng and Shui Yan stepped forward and took the injured Luo Mingdao.

"I suffered a loss this time." Luo Mingdao smiled bitterly, and blood still flowed out of his mouth.

"It's just a small loss, it's nothing, I'll get it back next time." Chen Feng took out a 2,000-year-old ginseng and urged the palm power. The ginseng immediately melted and then slowly flowed into Luo Mingdao's mouth. Then Chen Feng urged the immortal qi again to heal Luo Mingdao.

Although Chen Feng had a lot of pills on him, most of them were human-level pills, which had little effect on these cultivators who had survived the thunder tribulation. The only earth-level pills were too high-grade, and cultivators of Luo Mingdao's cultivation could not bear it. Chen Feng had no choice but to come up with this method. Anyway, he had a lot of spiritual medicines that were thousands of years old.

After the immortality qi quickly circulated in Luo Mingdao's body for several rounds, the medicinal power in his body had been washed away, and the chaotic aura on Luo Mingdao's body immediately began to slowly stabilize.

And Luo Kong stepped forward and stretched out his palm. There was a sound of chi chi chi chi chi chi, and the sword energy hidden in Luo Mingdao's body was sucked out one after another.

"Hey, this guy is really cruel. I hope he doesn't meet me next time, otherwise I will cut him into pieces." Luo Kong sneered.

"Sorry for the trouble, I feel much better." Luo Mingdao struggled to stand up.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and a one-foot square black spiritual stone fell into Luo Mingdao's hand.

"Demon Soul Stone." Shui Yan exclaimed.

"Haha, it's the Demon Soul Stone, which can enhance the power of the soul. Brother Luo, you should refine it quickly and repair your injuries as soon as possible." Chen Feng smiled.

The Demon Soul Stone, which was obtained from the Human Demon Trial Field at that time, is still in the Immortal Tower.

Although Luo Mingdao was seriously injured, his ability to recover after practicing to this level was far beyond the reach of ordinary people. In addition, Chen Feng and others provided elixirs and helped to heal his injuries. It didn't take long for Luo Mingdao's injuries to be controlled, but it would take some time to fully recover.

The next person to play among the crowd was Li Lang. Li Lang was also a cultivator who had survived three thunder tribulations. He was not much different from Shui Yan and the other two. After a fierce battle with his opponent, he finally succeeded in making it to the next round.

Then Zhou You and others took the stage one after another. As a result, some people made it to the next round, while others lost.

Zhou You, Shui Yan, Luo Kong, Zhan Jin, and Li Lang, five of this group of people successfully advanced.

Of course, Chen Feng hadn't played yet.

But when it was Chen Feng's turn, everyone had strange expressions on their faces, and even Chen Feng was stunned for a moment.

The opponent turned out to be Chi Lianfeng.

This was too coincidental, or was it deliberately arranged by the sect.

"Luck, really luck, I didn't expect to meet you, now you should stop here." Chi Lianfeng's face was full of sneers.

"That's what I want to say." A trace of cold murderous intent flashed in Chen Feng's eyes.

"Chi Lianfeng practiced a peerless body technique that few people in the sect have mastered: the Great Freedom Body Technique. The speed of the body technique is so fast that even cultivators who are several levels higher than him cannot match it. In addition, he also practiced the Chiyuan Poison Handprint. This extremely strange and vicious handprint comes from the Xuantian Dark Record. The Xuantian Dark Record is a secret book that is said to be an immortal scripture. In addition, Chi Lianfeng also has a holy artifact, the Wind Gathering Banner, and a protective treasure on his body. Taken together, this guy is very difficult to deal with, and his realm is also one level higher than mine."

Chen Feng quickly recalled the information he knew about Chi Lianfeng. Last time in the core hall, Chi Lianfeng did not take advantage of him, and even suffered a little loss. It was also because the other party did not understand him and was careless. But in the current duel, the other party will definitely exert all his strength. He can stand firm among the core disciples at the eighth level of the secret realm. This guy must still be powerful.

Chen Feng never underestimates his opponents, let alone such a strong opponent.

"Good fellow, these two are fighting, it's going to be a good show." A core disciple began to speak.

In the eyes of most core disciples, Chen Feng and Chi Lianfeng were promoted to core disciples in the secret realm period. For the sect, they were more promising geniuses than themselves. Everyone was inevitably jealous. Seeing the two fighting at this time, many people hoped from the bottom of their hearts that the two would fight to a draw.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's do it, let me see what you can do?" Chi Lianfeng said, already holding the wind-gathering banner in his hand.

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