Eternal Existence

Chapter 330: Dealing with the Big Monster

Seeing a small tower suddenly appear in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, the old man was stunned at first, and did not rush forward, but walked around the small tower, trying to see what level of magic weapon it was.

At this time, a strong suction force suddenly came from the second floor of the small tower. This suction force was fast and strong, and contained the law of space, which directly enveloped the old man's soul power.

"Ah!" The old man only had time to exclaim, and this group of souls was pulled into the Longevity Tower.


The old man's face changed drastically. He lost one-third of his soul power just now. In the past few years, he has changed countless places and absorbed countless soul powers of cultivators. Now all of them are gone.

Although the old man felt uncomfortable and wanted to vomit blood, he knew that the crisis in front of him had reached an extreme. He didn't have time to think too much. His figure flashed quickly and turned into a group of streamers, and he had to rush out of the cave first.

"Hehe, isn't it too late to escape now?" The voice of the tower echoed in the cave.

The Longevity Tower suddenly appeared above the old man's head. With a slight shake, the old man's body suddenly exploded, and a ball of dark soul energy kept rolling, and there were screams in it.

Finally, this ball of soul energy continued to condense and change, turning into the appearance of an evil demon that Chen Feng had never seen before, and then roared and quickly rushed out of the cave. The restrictions that the old man had set at the entrance of the cave had long disappeared.

"Hurry up, this guy escaped." Chen Feng shouted.

"He can't run away." The voice of the tower sounded in Chen Feng's ears. At this time, Chen Feng realized that the Longevity Tower had chased out.

Since the tower chased out, Chen Feng was relieved. Anyway, he couldn't help if he went out, so he put away his weapons first, and then began to search in the cave.

At this time, Chen Feng felt that the cave was very large, and there was another cave in it. Chen Feng stepped in and found a secret room in the cave. The doors of these secret rooms were all made of fine steel.

"Is this not the treasure house of these robbers?" Chen Feng was too lazy to look for the mechanism, so he took out his sword and split the iron door in front of him.

There was indeed a secret room behind the iron door, but the space was not too big. Some cultivation materials were scattered inside, and there were all kinds of things. Chen Feng quickly searched and was disappointed. These things were indeed a fortune for the cultivators in the secret realm period, but Chen Feng looked down on them. Chen Feng could hardly use these things. He had to exchange them for spirit stones and then buy other things.

Chen Feng quickly came out of the secret room and opened other secret rooms. They were all the same, and there was no scene of countless treasures as Chen Feng imagined.

"Haha, if I had seen these things a few years ago, I would definitely jump for joy." Chen Feng laughed self-deprecatingly.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng still had some high-level treasures on him that had not been refined. In comparison, the things in front of him were indeed not good things.

"Isn't there a spirit stone mine here? Where are the spirit stones mined?" Chen Feng quickly swept the cave and did not find any spirit stones.

At this time, the Longevity Tower had turned into a stream of light and drilled back into Chen Feng's Tianyuan acupoint.

"How is it, did you get it done?" Chen Feng asked.

"Done, this time I gained a lot." There was some pride in the tower's voice.

Chen Feng quickly put all the things in the secret room into the Longevity Tower before walking out of the cave.

At this time, the robbers in the valley had fled cleanly, leaving only blood in the sky and bloody corpses on the ground.

Chen Feng quickly took out the blood soul, and at the same time he also performed the swallowing sky absorption technique to absorb the blood floating in the valley as much as possible.

"Your speed is too slow, watch me." Along with the tower's voice, a strong suction force was projected from Chen Feng, and the blood in the valley was swallowed into the Longevity Tower.

Chen Feng's mind moved, and he clearly saw that there were more blood pills in the first floor of the tower.

"This is the blood pill I made with the blood essence I absorbed. As for the effect, I don't need to say it, but the blood level is too low, and it can only be used to refine human-level pills. If you want to refine earth-level pills, you must use the blood essence of a cultivator in the Heaven Realm." Tower said.


At this time, the blood soul suddenly vibrated, and a bloodthirsty and violent breath emanated from the spear body. The murderous intent projected from it stimulated Chen Feng's skin to numb.

"The blood soul is going to advance." Chen Feng was a little surprised and excited.

"It's a pity that you can't pass the thunder tribulation now, otherwise let this blood spear absorb the power of thunder, and the effect will definitely be better." Tower said and directly put the blood soul into the tower, quickly outlined a small formation, put the blood soul in the middle, and at the same time Tower attracted some blood to surround the blood soul.

When the blood in the valley was almost dissipated, Mo Ji led a large number of subordinates to rush over. After seeing the situation in the valley, they were all dumbfounded. Mo Ji's face changed drastically and ran to the side to vomit.

On the contrary, although the faces of Moji's subordinates also changed, they still endured it. It was obvious that these people had amazing willpower and control.

Chen Feng shook his head and flew out of the valley. After a while, Moji came to Chen Feng, but her face was still pale. It seemed that what happened just now had a great impact on Moji.

"Hehe, are you feeling better?" Chen Feng asked with a smile. Speaking of which, Chen Feng almost couldn't help himself when he first saw this scene. The subsequent conflict made Chen Feng temporarily forget the atmosphere in the valley. Now that he has returned to normal, he feels a little depressed and dull.

"What happened here? Why did it become like this?" Moji asked with difficulty.

"Everything here was done by a monster." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"Monster, what monster?" The old man next to Moji asked.

"Nightmare evil monster." Chen Feng said lightly.

"What, it's a nightmare evil monster, it's actually this kind of monster." The old man's face changed suddenly.

"Old man, what is a nightmare evil monster?" Moji asked.

"A kind of monster, this kind of monster is not very strong in the flesh, but it is indeed a kind of soul mutation, the soul power is very strong, and usually practice by devouring the souls of other creatures to practice, so what happened here can be explained clearly, it turns out that this kind of monster is causing trouble." The old man said.

"Chen Feng, what about the nightmare evil monster now?" Moji suddenly asked.

"It ran away." Chen Feng smiled.

"It ran away?" Moji looked at Chen Feng with an unbelievable look in her eyes. Not to mention Moji, even the old guard next to her didn't believe what Chen Feng said.

But seeing Chen Feng's expression, she knew that he didn't want to say more, so Mo Ji stopped asking.

"You guys search carefully around." Mo Ji gave orders to her subordinates.

Two hundred cultivators dispersed and began to search in the area of ​​Black Wind Mountain.

"No need to search, there are some secret rooms in the mountain, and I have looted all the cultivation materials in them." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Oh, really?" Mo Ji's reaction was very calm.

"Why, aren't you surprised?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"What's there to be surprised about? What good things can there be in this small robber's nest? Why, are you still afraid that I will share the profits with you? Don't worry, I'm just interested in the spirit stone mine here." Mo Ji smiled.

"Miss Mo Ji is really rich and powerful. You are right. There is really nothing good here. Although there are many cultivation materials, the splicing is too low. I don't care at all. If there are spirit stones, it would be different." Chen Feng smiled.

"Oh, Chen Feng, how about this? When we find the spirit stone mine, we will share the spirit stones here equally, but you have to give me the robber treasures you collected." Moji looked at Chen Feng with a smile.

"Haha, you have a good idea." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

"This Black Wind Mountain didn't belong to you or me, but it's different now. When the monster was sitting here, Miss Moji seemed to retreat. Now the monster has been driven away by me. Everything here in Black Wind Mountain is up to me, and all the property belongs to me." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You said Black Wind Mountain belongs to you." Moji's face darkened.

"Why, isn't it?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Chen Feng, it seems that you still don't see the situation clearly." Moji suddenly said in a cold voice.

"Haha, do you mean to ask me to compete in strength? Well, if you kill me now, then everything in front of you is yours, but if you can't do it, haha." Chen Feng said here, a hint of murderous intent in his voice.

The Demon Princess whistled, and the eight guards behind her immediately stepped forward to surround Chen Feng. At the same time, dozens of cultivators who were searching the mountain also quickly surrounded Chen Feng, and surrounded Chen Feng layer by layer.

These people were very powerful and could kill cultivators in the Heaven Realm, but Chen Feng did not seem to feel any pressure.

"What, are you going to fight?" Chen Feng sneered.

"Chen Feng, let's do this, let's divide the spirit stones here equally, and I don't want those cultivation materials." The Demon Princess said in a deep voice.

Chen Feng shook his head with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"In this case, don't blame me for being rude. No matter how powerful you are, you are only a cultivator in the Secret Realm, and there is only one person." A trace of determination appeared in the eyes of the Demon Princess.

"Go." With the Demon Princess's cry, the surrounding guards immediately attacked Chen Feng.


Chen Feng smiled, and a powerful impact force burst out from Chen Feng's body. The space continued to vibrate, as if waves were sweeping out from Chen Feng to the surroundings.

"Not good, retreat quickly." The old man who was protecting Moji's face changed drastically, and he immediately screamed.

Under the impact of this powerful force, the dozens of cultivators who surrounded Chen Feng all flew backwards, like scarecrows, without the power to resist, and rolled on the ground ten feet away before stopping in a mess.

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