Eternal Existence

Chapter 329: Fighting

Just as Chen Feng and Ta were communicating, another ten bandits turned into fragments, and blood and energy continued to rise into the sky.

"So many blood and energy essences, what a waste." Chen Feng said with emotion.

"Don't waste it, go in first, deal with the other party, and then come out to absorb the blood and energy essence from the outside world." Ta said.

Chen Feng nodded, then walked forward and stood in the position of a monk who had just exploded. As expected, Chen Feng felt the powerful summoning power.

"Quickly self-destruct and sacrifice your life to me." At this time, an extremely charming voice came into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, but Chen Feng had the soul-soothing spell to protect his soul, so he was not afraid of the bewitching power of this summoning.

Bang! Bang!

The two bandits around Chen Feng exploded at the same time, and the two soul forces flew quickly into the cave. Chen Feng also moved at this time and followed the two soul forces, but he was a living person.


At this time, a surprised voice came from the cave.


Chen Feng increased his speed and entered the cave like lightning. The blood soul in his hand turned into a stream of light and stabbed directly at the place where the sound came from.

A gentle and powerful force blocked Chen Feng's blood spear, and a powerful force was transmitted to Chen Feng along the blood veins.


Chen Feng was like being struck by lightning. He loosened his palm involuntarily, and his blood veins floated straight in the air. When Chen Feng looked up, he saw a dry old man sitting cross-legged on the ground, holding his blood spear tightly with two fingers deep.

Although the opponent's power was very strong and took the spear from Chen Feng's hand with one move, Chen Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the opponent's strength was not very strong.

"Haha, the nightmare evil demon itself is not strong in the flesh, but the power of the soul is strong, and this is a seriously injured nightmare evil demon. Hehe, I thought it was going to impact the demon king realm, but it turned out to be healing." Tower sneered.

Chen Feng's mind moved, and he communicated with the blood soul, but the blood soul just shook in the other party's fingers and couldn't get away at all.


Chen Feng waved his hand, and the flame knife whizzed out, slashing at the old man in front of him fiercely.

Facing Chen Feng's attack, the skinny old man just opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of black waves, and Chen Feng felt that his attack was completely resolved.


Once Chen Feng launched an attack, he would no longer pause, and the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword turned into a sword light and arrived in front of the skinny old man.


The long sword stopped when it was still an inch away from the old man's forehead.

"Boy, wait a minute." At this time, a hoarse voice directly came into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, causing Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness to tremble, and he couldn't help but stop the action in his hand.

"Not good, the soul-soothing spell, the soul-soothing spell." Chen Feng immediately used all his strength to operate the soul-soothing spell, and then he felt back to normal.

"Hey, human, who are you?" The old man asked again.

At this time, Chen Feng did not rush to take action, but secretly thought about how to do the most advantageous thing in the current situation.

"You old demon, you slaughtered so many human cultivators. Today I will kill you here." Chen Feng said righteously, and even Chen Feng himself almost laughed out loud when he said this.

"Humph, self-righteous human, you haven't even survived the thunder tribulation, but you are still here with shamelessness. I think you are simply going to die now." The skinny old man sneered.

"Oh, really, why don't you change back to your original form." Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Really, you can see through my original form." The old man was really surprised, and his eyes shot out two cold rays, shooting at Chen Feng.

However, these two cold rays suddenly disappeared before they approached Chen Feng.

"Why, you actually want to sneak attack." Chen Feng sneered, and waved the thunder sword in his hand.

"You, a small human cultivator, actually refined so many magic weapons?" The old man saw that his soul wave attack had no effect on Chen Feng, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Tower, I think something is wrong. Why doesn't this old monster attack me? Although he was seriously injured, he is a top monster after all. It should be no problem for him to kill a cultivator in the secret realm period, right?" Chen Feng felt a little strange and asked secretly.

"Hehe, I don't attack you now, but I'm just a little curious about you. I'm curious about how you can resist his soul summoning technique." Tower said with a smile

"In this case, do you think I should pass the Changsheng Zhenjing to this old monster?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Hehe, actually this method is not bad, but there is no time now. Don't forget that you still have a task." Tower said with a smile.

"In this case, you should wait for an opportunity to attack. I can't handle this old monster." Chen Feng said.

"I'm preparing. It takes some time." Tower answered very straightforwardly.

As soon as the old monster in front of him talked to Chen Feng, he stopped controlling the robbers outside, so the robbers outside woke up one after another, and then screamed in fear, and some people even vomited directly.

Chen Feng knew what these monks looked like without even seeing them. He suddenly woke up and found where he was. The fact that these bandits didn't faint out of shock was a sign of their determination.

Screams, shouts, roars of fear, sounds of grief and anger, sounds of fleeing. Chen Feng even heard some monks rushing towards the cave where he was, accompanied by some sounds of rushing.

"The demon must be in the cave. Let's go in and avenge our dead brothers." Someone shouted loudly. Chen Feng knew from the voice that this person was close to the heavenly realm. He couldn't help but sighed. He didn't know if this person was scared or really brave.

Of course, most of the bandits who didn't die had already started to flee. The situation in front of them was too scary. It was safer to escape as soon as possible.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The old man's eyes flashed, and a stream of soul ripples quickly shot towards Chen Feng. Chen Feng was prepared in his heart, and he moved quickly and dodged.

These soul ripples immediately drilled out of the cave, and then there was a series of screams outside the cave, and there were all kinds of sounds of falling to the ground.

Chen Feng knew that some of the bandits who rushed over might be in danger.

"Good opportunity." Chen Feng quickly stepped forward, the Thunder Sword in his hand flashed with lightning and slashed at the old man. At the same time, the Haoran Zhengang Sword also circled and entangled the old man, and the blood soul held in the old man's hand also shook violently.

Chen Feng's attack was very fierce, even if it was replaced by other cultivators who had survived the thunder tribulation, it would not be easy to resist, but this old man just waved his hand and condensed a gas wall around his body, and then shook it lightly, Chen Feng felt that all the magic weapons he controlled flew out of his hand, and his soul was also shaken.

Haoran Zhengang Sword and Thunder Sword were all deeply inserted into the rock on one side, and the Golden Light Shadowless Knife in Chen Feng's hand also fell to the ground. The old man waved his hand, and the blood soul turned into a blood light and drilled into the stone wall and disappeared.

"Soul Condensation Mantra." Chen Feng immediately activated the Soul Condensation Mantra, and the soul power that was just shaken and a little scattered immediately gathered again.

"Tsk tsk, kid, what spell are you practicing?" At this time, the old man had already seen the changes in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

"An old demon like you cannot practice our human spells." Chen Feng sneered.

"Is that right? Then I will capture you first, and then slowly interrogate you. Even the most powerful cultivator in the Heavenly Realm cannot resist my soul attack." As the old man spoke, streams of light shot out from his eyes. These streams of light crisscrossed and covered the cave entrance tightly in the blink of an eye.

Then the old man suddenly stood up, and then took a simple step, and came in front of Chen Feng, and then five dry fingers came in front of Chen Feng.

It was a very simple action, a very simple attack, but Chen Feng just couldn't dodge it. When Chen Feng reacted, he felt his whole body tighten, and then he found that he had been captured.

Only then did Chen Feng feel that he was really weak.

"Humph!" Chen Feng snorted coldly, and the poison needle and the lock vein needle became invisible and shot into the old man's body like lightning.

"Success." Chen Feng was delighted, and was about to activate these two treasures to destroy the other party's body, and then he saw the old man stretched out his hand and gently grabbed, and two sharp needles fell into his hand.

"Haha, there are quite a few good things. I guess you are a disciple from a famous sect." The old man laughed sinisterly.

"It's a pity that I didn't bring the Demon Sealing Sword this time, otherwise I could have resisted for a while. Alas, the opponent is too strong. There is a difference of more than ten levels between them." Chen Feng struggled for a few times but to no avail, and finally calmed down.

"Let me see what good things are in your soul." The old man pointed a finger at Chen Feng's brow, and a powerful soul force drilled into Chen Feng's head and rushed towards the sea of ​​consciousness quickly.

"Soul-soothing spell, soul-soothing." Chen Feng suddenly shouted and launched the soul-soothing spell with all his strength.

A huge soul-soothing talisman hit the old man's soul like lightning, causing the old man's soul power to pause for a while, but soon the soul-soothing talisman sent by Chen Feng turned into pieces, and the old man's soul power seemed to be fine.

"What kind of spell is this? A small cultivator in the secret realm can actually increase the soul power by dozens of times. I'm afraid that ordinary cultivators in the heavenly realm are not your opponents." The old man was a little surprised.

Then a trace of greed flashed in the old man's eyes, and then this trace of greed grew unstoppably.

I was originally a great expert in soul art. If I practiced this spell, wouldn't I be even more powerful? Maybe I can find out the realm of the demon king from this soul art.

Thinking of this, the old man's eyes immediately became hot, and the soul power began to drill into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, trying to control Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and then perform the soul-searching technique.

But at this moment, an ancient nine-story dark yellow tower suddenly appeared in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, just blocking the way of the old man's soul.

"A small tower, is it the magic weapon of this little guy? It can be refined into the sea of ​​consciousness. It must not be a simple thing." The old man said secretly.

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