Eternal Existence

Chapter 324: Sword and Knife Killing Formation

"On the surface, it seems that only the third mission I took is difficult, but I didn't expect that the danger is here. Tsk, it's really a good plan. If I am besieged and killed by the bandits here, then I will die because of the mission. Even my master probably has no reason to avenge me. Besides, people are dead, what's the use of revenge for me." Chen Feng sneered.

"Chen Feng, what are you thinking about?" At this time, Mo Ji spoke again.

"Okay, I am willing to cooperate with you. What are your plans?" Chen Feng suddenly laughed.

"Why, aren't you afraid that I will use you again this time?" Mo Ji sneered.

"Haha, anyway, my target is also Black Wind Mountain. Since everyone has the same goal, let's not talk about who uses whom." Chen Feng laughed.

"Let's leave here and talk in detail, and discuss how to deal with the bandits in Black Wind Mountain next." Mo Ji said.

Chen Feng nodded, and then flew away with Mo Ji. Not long after leaving, hundreds of bandits from Black Wind Mountain came out in a black mass. These bandits all stepped on magic weapons, whizzed past, and soon came to the place where they had just fought.

"Where are the people?"

"They must have run away."

"Hurry up and chase them. They actually came to our Black Wind Mountain to cause trouble. They must be tired of living. We will give them a good beating when we catch them."

"These bandits are really fast. I originally thought they were just ordinary secret realm cultivators, but now it seems that this is not the case. At least ten of them have cultivated the power of the Zhoutian, and at least thirty have condensed the soul fire. This is almost a small or medium-sized immortal sect. No wonder the two major empires did not send troops to suppress the bandits." Chen Feng smiled.

"Yes, even if the Tianren realm cultivators are surrounded by these cultivators, it is difficult to escape." Mo Ji said.

Chen Feng, Mo Ji and others flew hundreds of miles in one breath before stopping in a valley.

"There are people in the valley." Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

"Don't be nervous, they are my people." Mo Ji said lightly.

So Chen Feng and Mo Ji landed in the valley, followed by eight sword-carrying guards. As for the old man, he had hidden again. Chen Feng knew that the old man had been secretly protecting Mo Ji.

After landing in the valley, two hundred cultivators came to the front of the demon princess in an orderly manner.

One hundred sword cultivators, one hundred knife cultivators.

The sword cultivators were tall and straight, with sword energy constantly flowing in their bodies, like sharp arrows inserted into the ground.

The knife cultivators had a steady breath and were like mountains, but there was also a knife aura constantly brewing in their bodies, ready to burst out at any time.

Chen Feng was immediately surprised to see these two hundred cultivators. These people in front of him were not a temporary combination of casual cultivators, nor were they a mob. From the feeling, Chen Feng felt that they were stronger than the cultivators of Taiyi Sect.

"These people must have been trained uniformly." This thought immediately emerged in Chen Feng's mind.

"Chen Feng, what do you think of my men?" The demon princess asked with a smile.

"Not bad, well-trained, quick-witted, strong body, sufficient true energy, refined soul, and more importantly, all condensed the power of the Zhoutian. Tsk tsk, coupled with the cooperation between each other, it is easy to strangle some cultivators in the heavenly realm." Chen Feng couldn't help but admire.

Chen Feng spoke the truth from the bottom of his heart. These people were indeed not simple. Each of them was comparable to the elite disciples of famous sects.

"Could it be that this Demon Princess also came from a large immortal sect? However, these sword cultivators and knife cultivators do not look like cultivators, but more like soldiers. Tsk tsk, what is the origin of this Demon Princess?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to have a good eye." Demon Princess smiled and was very satisfied with Chen Feng's words.

"Set up the formation immediately and prepare to meet the enemy." Demon Princess just gave a faint order, and the two hundred cultivators acted quickly. There was no word between them, and there was no hesitation in their actions. They soon spread out and set up a series of restrictions around the valley. At the same time, three to five people, seven to eight people joined together to form a killing battle formation.

Although Chen Feng could not see the lines, he could also feel the fierce murderous intent contained in them.

"It seems that the bandits from Black Wind Mountain have really caught up." Chen Feng looked into the distance and said with a smile.

"You don't have to fight me, I'll let you see the fighting power of my subordinates." Mo Ji said with a smile.

Chen Feng nodded in agreement. It was just right that he didn't have to fight. He just wanted to see the strength of these cultivators.

In just one stick of incense, the bandit army finally caught up. Hundreds of cultivators covered the entire sky in a dark mass, and the strong and rich murderous aura rushed towards the valley below.

"There are a total of 300 bandits, 13 of whom have condensed the power of the Zhoutian, 35 have condensed the soul fire, and the others are ordinary secret realm cultivators. Hey, there is even a cultivator in the Tianren realm, but he has only survived a thunder tribulation, so he is not to be feared." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Hey, your soul power is so strong?" Mo Ji looked at Chen Feng in surprise.

Just now, Mo Ji was also observing these robbers who rushed over, and did not notice Chen Feng's soul fluctuations, but Chen Feng quickly told the strength of these robbers, which made Mo Ji a little wary and cautious of Chen Feng.

In fact, although Chen Feng's soul power is very strong, it is not so outrageous. This is all the result of the tower's sensing that was secretly told to Chen Feng. Mo Ji naturally did not understand these reasons, but because Chen Feng's soul is strong, she thinks more highly of Chen Feng.

"By the way, Miss Moji, since you know so much about the bandits in Black Wind Mountain, do you know exactly how many of them there are?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"More than 3,000, close to 4,000, of which about 2,000 are above the Secret Realm, and the rest are the most ordinary cultivators at the bottom." Moji thought for a while and said.

"Hey, 2,000 Secret Realm cultivators, twice as much as the information I got, hey, when I go back, I will definitely not let these three guys who issued the task go." Chen Feng's heart has begun to get angry. Now Chen Feng can be sure that the other party really wants to kill him.

"Hahahaha, found them, they are hiding in this valley."

"Hey, why are there so many cultivators, can't it be an ambush?"

"Where is that female cultivator?"

"Over there."

"Rush over quickly and catch that female cultivator."

"No, the cultivators here are very powerful, it must be a trap, retreat quickly."

"What are you afraid of, just a group of Secret Realm cultivators, everyone rush up." At this time, the cultivator in the Heaven Realm spoke.

However, before these bandits could make a move, the monks under the demon princess had already launched an attack.

Countless sword qi and knife auras shot up into the sky, just like fireworks, exploding violently in the air, with sharp sword auras and sword qi everywhere.

A scream was heard, and bandits were killed one after another under the sword qi and knife auras. The blood and broken bodies dyed the whole sky red, and it looked like a Shura dojo from a distance.

In this wave of attacks, nearly a hundred bandits were killed, and many of the rest were injured.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Immediately afterwards, the formations that these sword cultivators and knife cultivators had already arranged were also launched. A huge sword and a wide giant knife suddenly shot up into the sky and began to kill the bandits who were in a state of chaos in the sky.

This knife and sword were the condensation of the cultivation of these sword cultivators and knife cultivators, just like two dragons, mighty and flexible, constantly crisscrossing in the air, and wherever they passed, bandits were cut in half.

After the swords disappeared, nearly one hundred more bandits were killed.

Finally, these sword cultivators and knife cultivators rose into the air at the same time, forming a small battle formation of three or five, and launched a stranglehold conflict against the remaining bandits.

Chen Feng was stunned at this time. He didn't expect that the guards under the demon princess were so powerful. Killing these bandits was just like cutting vegetables and melons. If he suddenly encountered such an attack, he would probably escape at the first time.

"How is it?" The demon princess was very satisfied with Chen Feng's expression and looked at Chen Feng proudly.

"These bandits are finished, even the Tianren realm cultivator is no exception." Chen Feng sighed.

At this time, the three hundred bandits had almost been killed. The few remaining bandits were fighting desperately and trying to escape. When everyone was amused, the first one to escape was the Tianren realm cultivator.

However, this Tianren realm cultivator had been targeted for a long time. He was surrounded by five knife cultivators before he escaped far. Waves of knife energy slashed at the bandit like a streak of silk.

"You are looking for death."

The Tianren realm cultivator fought desperately and was indeed extraordinary. Not only did he shatter the sword energy around him, he also knocked one of the sword cultivators away, broke through a gap and flew out.

But he was surrounded by five sword cultivators again after flying only a few dozen meters, and at the same time more sword cultivators and knife cultivators surrounded him.

As the other robbers were dealt with, more sword cultivators and knife cultivators freed up their hands and went forward to besiege the Tianren realm robber.

A full thirty-six cultivators surrounded the robber and launched an attack. Swords and knives intertwined, and human figures changed. In just a few breaths, the Tianren realm cultivator was cut into seven or eight pieces, and he was deader than dead.

"What kind of formation is this?" Chen Feng asked suddenly.

"The sword and knife killing formation." Mo Ji said lightly.

"It's really amazing. He killed three hundred enemies, and only one of them was injured, and no one died. It takes a lot of resources to train these cultivators, right?" Chen Feng exclaimed.

"Of course." Mo Ji nodded, very satisfied with the result in front of her.

All three hundred bandits were killed, and the two hundred monks began to clean up the battlefield silently. No one spoke, with cold expressions and strong murderous aura, as if they were a group of killing gods who had broken out of hell.

But Chen Feng didn't like this feeling. He always felt that these people were too murderous, like a killing machine.

"By the way, there is a question I haven't asked. I came here to complete the mission. Why did Miss Moji come here? You are not going to tell me that it is for training?" Chen Feng suddenly said with a smile.

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