Eternal Existence

Chapter 323: Meeting the Demon Girl Again

Chen Feng flew from a distance and immediately attracted the attention of Mo Ji and others. Of course, these robbers just thought that Chen Feng should also be a monk passing by, but Mo Ji was different. When Mo Ji saw Chen Feng, her eyes suddenly lit up, and then dimmed. No one knew what she was thinking.

"I wonder if this woman recognized me?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

After arriving, Chen Feng floated in the sky and watched the fighting from afar.

With the attack of the four guards with swords, these robbers fell down with every breath, so the speed of these robbers' defeat was faster, and finally they turned around and fled, just thinking about escaping with their lives, so the formation was dispersed.

"The combat effectiveness of these bandits is quite strong. They were defeated only after so many people died. However, in comparison, these sword-carrying guards are even more powerful. Although each of them is not at a very high level, their own aura is as deep as the sea and as heavy as a mountain. The cultivators of the same level are simply not opponents of these sword-carrying guards. Moreover, the coordination between these four people is very clever. The sword auras complement each other and can also increase the attack power. It seems that these sword-carrying guards must have trained together since childhood, otherwise they would not be able to achieve such a kind of tacit cooperation." Chen Feng observed carefully.

"In this case, this demon girl should be a little absent-minded. Hey, last time this woman tricked so many of us into going to the Demon Soul Valley to die, and finally I robbed her of her weapons. I wonder what her reaction would be if she recognized me." Chen Feng laughed in his heart, and he was actually looking forward to what would happen next.

Finally, all these bandits fled into the Black Wind Mountain not far away. Some of those who did not escape were killed by these four people, leaving no one alive.

When Chen Feng was thinking about what to do next, the demon girl suddenly spoke.

"Fellow Daoist, can you come down and have a chat?" Moji's voice was still so lazy that people felt lazy after hearing it and could not think of resisting.

"Hehe." Chen Feng just smiled, and suddenly drew an arc in the air and quickly landed in front of Moji.


After seeing Chen Feng's face clearly, Moji could not help but sigh in surprise, and a complex look flashed in her eyes.

"Why, Miss Moji, don't you recognize the old friend?" Chen Feng smiled.

"It's you, Chen Feng, why are you here?" Moji's eyes lit up, and a murderous aura emanated from her body.


The eight guards came forward at the same time and surrounded Chen Feng in the middle. Chen Feng immediately felt that the eight qi machines locked him. As long as he made a move, he would immediately give himself a powerful blow.

"Why, do you want to attack me?" Chen Feng smiled easily, not caring about the pressure around him.

Moji stared at Chen Feng for a while, then waved her hand, and the aura of the eight guards suddenly disappeared, and at the same time they moved and stood side by side behind Moji.

"Chen Feng, hand over my blood soul, and I will spare you one today." Mo Ji said coldly.

"Oh, really? By the way, I just remembered that you still owe me wages." Chen Feng said with a smile.

At the same time, he guessed that since Mo Ji came out intact, the battle between the demon fox and Bai Ze Zhenren should have won, but he didn't know whether the demon fox escaped from the suppression in the Demon Soul Valley.

That's a demon king. Once he recovers his strength, he can turn the cultivation world upside down.

"The tower said that Mo Ji has the blood of the demon fox in her body. Could it be that Mo Ji is the descendant of the nine-tailed fire fox, hehe." Thinking of this, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

"It seems that you are here to collect debts." The breath of Mo Ji suddenly restrained, and her voice became flat, making it impossible to tell Mo Ji's current state.

"Hehe, I didn't come here for you, but since I met you, I should settle the past." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Chen Feng, you don't understand the situation in front of you. Although I haven't seen you for a while, your progress has surprised me, but it's easy for me to kill you now." Mo Ji's voice regained its lazy flavor.

"Just you, these eight people, and an old man hiding in the dark." Chen Feng laughed.

"What, you!" Mo Ji's face finally changed. With a wave of her hand, a black magic sword appeared in her hand, and at the same time, the eight guards around her also burst into sharp swords.

"Little girl, don't do it." At this time, accompanied by an old voice, an old man with white hair and beard suddenly appeared in front of Mo Ji.

"Haha, little brother is not simple. You can actually see the existence of this old man." The old man looked at Chen Feng and smiled, seemingly without malice.

"I think Miss Mo Ji is even more extraordinary. There is a master who has survived six thunder tribulations protecting her. She must be very important." Chen Feng said with a smile.

This time, the old man was also surprised, his eyes sparkled, and he wanted to see through Chen Feng. Originally, Chen Feng saw that he was hiding around, which surprised him. Now he could see his strength, so it was more than just surprise.

"Boy, who are you?" the old man asked in a deep voice.

"Chen Feng, an elite disciple of Taiyi Sect." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"A disciple of Taiyi Sect." Mo Ji was a little surprised and stunned for a moment.

"Why, you don't believe it, I have a token here." Chen Feng said, taking out an elite disciple's identity token and tossing it twice in his hand.

"It's really a disciple of Taiyi Sect. I was wrong before." Mo Ji's eyes sparkled.

"Chen Feng, it's better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies. Let's do this. I don't want the blood soul anymore. The grudges between us will be settled. What do you think?" Mo Ji thought for a while and said suddenly.

"Hey, you are very generous. This is a second-grade treasure, and it is also a magic weapon with extraordinary value. Are you really unwilling to snatch it back?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Seeing that you are so confident and don't care about me snatching it away, you must be well prepared, and you are a disciple of the Taiyi Sect. I don't dare to provoke disciples like you from the famous sect. Instead of establishing an enemy, it is better to make more friends. A friend, since you like that spear, I will give it to you." Mo Ji said with a smile.

"Haha, if that's the case, then the past will be wiped out." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Now that we are friends, Miss Mo Ji should be able to tell us about her origins, right?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Haha, you'd better not know my origin, because knowing it will do you no good." Mo Ji smiled mysteriously.

Seeing that Mo Ji was unwilling to say more, Chen Feng stopped asking. Anyway, everyone has their own secrets. Besides, the relationship between himself and Mo Ji has not reached the point where they can trust each other. Besides, the two of them had not yet reached the point where they can trust each other. Still almost taking action.

"By the way, Chen Feng, you are a disciple of the Taiyi Sect. What are you doing here? Liuyun Immortal Mountain has been very lively recently. There are also many monks from your Taiyi Sect there. Why didn't you go?" Mo Ji changed the subject.

"Haha, I don't like to have fun." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I came here this time to take over the sect's mission, to wipe out the bandits in Black Wind Mountain, and then to be promoted to core disciple." Chen Feng said.

"What, are you here for the robbers here?" A trace of surprise flashed in Mo Ji's eyes.

"Not bad, why, I think you seem to have something to say?" Chen Feng felt that Mo Ji's expression was a little strange.

"You should have known the strength of the bandits here when you accepted the mission, right?" Mo Ji said.

"Of course I know. The three bandit leaders here are monks in the Heavenly Realm, so there is nothing to fear." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It seems that you have made many enemies in the sect." There was a hint of smile in Mo Ji's voice.

"How do you say this?" Chen Feng already vaguely understood what Mo Ji was going to say next.

"The bandits here are not what you think. As far as I know, there are at least ten monks in the Heavenly Realm in Black Wind Mountain. In addition, if you want to enter Black Wind Mountain, you have to go through layers of killing arrays. Even ordinary cultivators in the Heavenly Realm cannot break through these killing formations." Mo Ji looked at Chen Feng with a half-smile.

"Are you telling the truth?" Chen Feng asked in surprise.

"Do I need to lie to you? Moreover, the purpose of my visit this time is also Black Wind Mountain. I think we can cooperate." Mo Ji said with a smile.

"Cooperate, hehe, I'm afraid what happened last time will happen again." Chen Feng sneered.

"Haha, whether you want to believe it or not, you simply can't fight against the bandits of Black Wind Mountain with your own strength." Mo Ji said with a smile.

"Oh, if Black Wind Mountain is so powerful according to what you said, I'm afraid you won't be able to deal with the bandits here, right?" Chen Feng retorted.

"Of course I'm not just a few people. My people haven't arrived yet. I just came to inquire about the enemy's situation in advance." Mo Ji said lightly.

"Haha, since you are powerful enough, why would you cooperate with me? I am just a young monk in the secret realm." Chen Feng sneered.

"Chen Feng, if you don't believe it, that's all. There's no need to talk about cooperation. You do yours and I'll do mine. From now on, everyone will just stay on the same page." Mo Ji was obviously a little angry.

Chen Feng was silent. Facing the Magic Girl, Chen Feng would not take it lightly. This woman was too mysterious. Who knew what she was planning in her heart.

"Haha, young man, although you are only in the realm of the secret realm, you have the fighting power of the heavenly realm. Am I right?" At this time, the old man standing aside finally spoke.

"Haha." Chen Feng smiled but said nothing.

In fact, Chen Feng was thinking about something in his mind: "If what Mo Ji said is right, the strength of the bandits here is several times higher than what I know. Does this mean there is something wrong with the information given to me in the sect? I thought it was a simple matter. The mission seems to be extremely dangerous now. If I didn’t know the reason and went straight into the Black Wind Mountain, hehe, the result would be pretty good.”

"When an elite disciple who is going to be promoted faces the siege of more than ten monks in the Heavenly Realm, he will definitely die. By saying this, the other party wants me to die. Hehe, no wonder I looked at the expressions of those three guys at that time. Something's wrong, he's actually doing something behind his back." Chen Feng sneered in his heart.

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