Eternal Existence

Chapter 320: Essence of Mysterious Fire

"This place is more than 10,000 feet away from the ground. With such a high temperature, what would the real underground be like? Wouldn't it be directly connected to the underground fire in the center of the earth?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

It seemed that there were not many below. Xuanhuo Zhenren ignored Chen Feng, but descended quickly. After a few flashes, he reached the lowest end of the cave.

"This old man is fast enough." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I want to test your strength. The intensity of the underground fire in this place is unbearable for ordinary cultivators who have survived the thunder tribulation, not to mention the secret realm cultivators. This fat old man found a good place. He can communicate with the Xuanhuo in the center of the earth. He is a fire fluid, so he can practice very fast." Ta said with a smile.

"Is the golden spark that the old man used to burn He Minghui the Xuanhuo?" Chen Feng asked.

"Yes, although it is just an ordinary Xuanhuo, this fat old man has a good talent and is very skilled in fire control. Haha, how should I say, this old man is also a master at the same level." Ta said with a smile.

Chen Feng was communicating with the tower while descending. When Chen Feng descended a thousand feet, the qi around him had been completely burned.

Then the robes on Chen Feng's body began to burn, but Chen Feng's body could still resist.

"Boy, the earth fire here is just right for you to train your body. Didn't you worship this old man as your master? I think you should live here in the future." The tower suddenly said.

"Train the body." Chen Feng's heart moved.

"Not bad, and I can also use the black fire here to condense myself." The tower said.

"In this case, then I will give the old man some suggestions." Chen Feng smiled.

Finally, Chen Feng felt that his whole body began to heat up, and his hair began to burn. At this time, the protective armor that was integrated with Chen Feng's body finally played the role of protecting the master, and slowly emerged outside Chen Feng's skin.

This is a protective armor condensed from the skin and scales of the ice and fire double-headed dragon, which contains the power of ice and fire. Chen Feng immediately felt that the heat in his body disappeared immediately, and turned into a burst of coolness.

At the same time, a trace of warm energy melted into the armor, and then passed into his body through the armor.

"This is pure fire power." Chen Feng said happily, and immediately stimulated the fire point in the five elements point to absorb the fire essence that entered his body.

"Hey, after all, you are a top-grade demon, and the things left on your body must have some effect. Your cultivation is not enough now, and you have not developed it yet. Now you just encounter pressure and automatically exert the power of it." Ta said.

The armor on Chen Feng's body, the power of ice and fire are running at the same time. The power of ice protects his body from the erosion of the high temperature outside, and the power of fire absorbs the power of fire from the outside for his own use.

With the armor on his body, Chen Feng is no longer afraid of the high temperature below, and the speed of descent begins to increase.

Not long after, Chen Feng landed in a spacious cave.

This cave seems to be the place where Xuanhuo Zhenren lives and practices, which is very unique.

First of all, this cave is very wide, and the spiritual energy and earth fire are very rich, which is very suitable for cultivation. However, apart from these two points, this cave is really a pure cave.

There is nothing else, not even a chair, let alone other life and cultivation utensils.

Chen Feng was a little dumbfounded, but more speechless. The outside world is a bare mountain peak, who knows that there is also a bare cave inside.

"Master, is this your cave?" Chen Feng deliberately emphasized the word cave.

"Haha, not bad, how about it, it looks good, if you like, you can practice here in the future, there is enough spiritual energy here, and the most important thing is quiet, no one disturbs." Xuanhuo Zhenren said with a smile.

"Not bad, it's really good." Chen Feng nodded.

"Hey, good boy, no wonder you can come down safely, it turns out that you have a top-grade armor on you, you have a lot of good things on you." Xuanhuo Zhenren stepped forward and touched Chen Feng's protective armor that floated out of his body and said.

"Haha, I got it by luck." Chen Feng smiled.

"Tsk tsk, a ninth-grade treasure. With this armor, you can be invincible against the enemy in the future. However, if the opponent uses soul attacks, I am afraid you will not be able to resist. The most important thing for you now is to cultivate to the heavenly realm as soon as possible. Xuanhuo Zhenren said.

"Hehe, Master, do you think it will take me a hundred years to cultivate to the heavenly realm? What do you think now?" Chen Feng suddenly said with a smile.

"You little guy, do you still remember this sentence? At that time, I saw that you cultivated the soul fire several realms ahead of time, so I thought you were a genius, but I didn't expect that you would cultivate to this level in such a short time. I didn't expect that I would be wrong sometimes." Xuanhuo Zhenren smiled and shook his head.

"Your Demon Sealing Sword contains the will of the human immortal, which is just helpful to me. Let me comprehend it for a while." Xuanhuo Zhenren said.

"No problem, even if Master wants it, the apprentice can also give it to Master as a gift to become a disciple. "Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Boy, why would a master want something from his disciple? I have only been meditating for a while. Maybe the breakthrough point for me to become a human immortal is this sword." Xuanhuo Zhenren said with a smile, obviously very satisfied with Chen Feng's answer.

"But, my cheap master, you were too stingy back then, weren't you?" Chen Feng suddenly said.

"Stingy, how could I be stingy?" Xuanhuo Zhenren was a little surprised.

"You are a person who is about to become an immortal. The gift you gave me was just a bottle of Red Blood Pill, and it was a human-level pill. This is not in line with your status." Chen Feng said with a smile. "Ahem, your cultivation was too low at that time. Even if I gave you a high-level pill, you couldn't take it. It's better for you to practice with Red Blood Pill." Xuanhuo Zhenren was a little embarrassed.

"So now, I am willing to lend you the holy weapon to play with. You should give me some benefits, right?" Chen Feng said.

"You kid, I don't know how many disciples in the whole sect cried and shouted to worship me as their master, but you don't even take me seriously. Well, I'll give you some benefits." Xuanhuo Zhenren waved his hand, and a fiery red bottle fell into Chen Feng's hand.

"What is this? It's not another pill, right?" Chen Feng asked, looking at the bottle in his hand.

"Hey, you have to look carefully. This is the essence of Xuanhuo that I carefully refined. It is the essence of fire that I condensed from the earth fire. If this bottle of stuff is taken out, I don't know how many Tianren realm cultivators will break their heads to snatch it." Xuanhuo Zhenren laughed, looking a little proud. "Xuanhuo Essence, Fire Essence, what is the use?" Chen Feng thought it would be better to ask clearly.

"Haven't you opened up the Fire Cave? Do you still need me to teach you how to absorb it? But you have to be careful when refining it. Even if a cultivator who has survived a thunder tribulation refines a trace of Xuanhuo Essence in this bottle, it will take some time." Xuanhuo Zhenren said.

"Okay, now I will tell you how to open the restrictions of the cave, and you can come and go here at will in the future." Xuanhuo Zhenren stretched out his hand and touched Chen Feng's forehead. Chen Feng immediately felt a spell pouring into the sea of ​​consciousness, which was the restricted entry and exit method of this cave.

"Okay, I suddenly have some inspiration now. I need to practice for a while. You can practice by yourself first. Don't disturb me if you have nothing to do." Xuanhuo Zhenren said, and then he casually sat cross-legged on the ground, touched the Demon Sealing Sword with both hands, and slowly closed his eyes.

"This master is not responsible at all." Chen Feng secretly complained in his heart.

"Forget it, let's take a look at the situation here first." Chen Feng said and began to stroll in the cave.

The cave is indeed very wide. I don't know if it was dug by Xuanhuo Zhenren. Chen Feng quickly found the passage leading to the underground.

An inconspicuous circular cave, with extremely rich earth fire energy constantly gushing out from it. Chen Feng began to feel hot even wearing protective armor.

"Good guy, if it weren't for my armor, I'm afraid I would have been burned to ashes standing here. This old man lives and practices in this environment. It's really abnormal." Chen Feng said.

"Boy, I'll go down to absorb some earth fire to condense the tower body first, you can do whatever you want." The voice of the tower sounded in Chen Feng's mind, and then the Longevity Tower turned into a stream of light and drilled into the cave.

"Good fellow, don't get burned." Chen Feng couldn't help but communicate with the tower with the power of his soul. "Don't worry, even if the ground fire here is ten thousand times stronger, it can't melt me." The tower replied disdainfully.

"Huh, there are still two months before the sect competition. Should I go to be promoted to a core disciple first?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Forget it, let's practice here for a while first, just in time to see how effective this Xuanhuo Essence is." Chen Feng opened the bottle stopper and shook it casually. A golden flame flew out of the bottle, and then Chen Feng stretched out his palm to grab the flame in his hand.

The swallowing and absorbing technique was launched, and this trace of Xuanhuo Essence was immediately absorbed into Chen Feng's body. Then Chen Feng felt like a fire snake wandering in the meridians in his body, constantly emitting hot energy, trying to burn himself to ashes.

"Fortunately, I have had experience in absorbing ground fire before, and I have also opened up the fire cave. Although this trace of Xuanhuo Essence is extremely strong and pure, it can only enhance my strength." Chen Feng smiled.

This trace of Xuanhuo Essence quickly traveled through Chen Feng's eight meridians, and half of its energy was consumed. Then it was directly swallowed by Chen Feng into the Fire Cave, and began to slowly inhale and exhale and refine.

In less than half a day, this trace of fire essence was completely refined and absorbed by Chen Feng, so he began to refine the second trace.

While refining the second trace, Chen Feng also found out the number of Xuanhuo Essence in the bottle, which was about 100.

"This old man is really stingy. He only gave me this little. After he finishes his training, he will definitely ask for more." Chen Feng thought to himself.

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