Eternal Existence

Chapter 319 Fire Fluid

"Who was that person just now? Why are you so arrogant?" A newly promoted monk who had not been promoted to elder for a long time said in a low voice.

"Shh, keep your voice down, you new guy doesn't know, that's Zhenren Xuanhuo. No one in our Taiyi Sect dares to provoke him. Didn't you see that even the third elder didn't make a sound?" A person next to him immediately sent a message.

"Master Xuanhuo, what kind of cultivation is he? Is he a human immortal?" The new elder was still a little curious.

"Not a human being, but close to being a human being."

"To be close to a human immortal means to have survived nine thunder tribulations, but I heard that the third elder has also survived nine thunder tribulations. The two should be on the same level." said the new elder.

"What do you know? There are three, six, and nine levels in a realm. Just like you and I have survived five thunder tribulations, but are you my opponent?"

"That's true."

"Everyone, if you have nothing to do, please leave." At this time, the third elder spoke. Seeing Master Xuanhuo leaving, the third elder sighed in his heart.

Although the third elder and Master Xuanhuo have survived nine thunder tribulations, the third elder knows in his heart that he is not a match for Master Xuanhuo. Even if there are a few more of him, he is far from being able to compete with Master Xuanhuo. contend.

"Hey, after all, it is an existence that has attacked the human immortal. Although it failed, it survived successfully, and its cultivation is more advanced. Maybe the next one can succeed?"

"Since Master Xuanhuo intervened, even if He Tian and Ma Jun were killed by Chen Feng, the matter can only be left alone." The third elder thought to himself.

The first to leave were the monks from the Zhao family. He Minghui, who was lying on the ground, was naturally taken away. Judging from He Minghui's injuries, even if he could survive, his strength would probably be greatly damaged. Besides, I'm afraid He Minghui would be in Taiyi if he offended Master Xuanhuo. I can't get along in the door anymore.

Everyone left one after another. At this time, a group of law enforcement elders also gathered together to talk, including Yang Dingfang and Jin Shijian.

"No wonder you two would speak for Chen Feng for no reason. It turns out that we have known for a long time that Chen Feng has a backing, and it is a very powerful backing. Now that you have climbed up to Master Xuanhuo, your future will be bright, right?"

"But by doing this, you have offended the Zhao family. I'm afraid the Zhao family will be disadvantageous to you in the future."

"Hmph, do the Zhao family dare to deal with our law enforcement elders?"

"Don't forget that there are immortals in the Zhao family. If immortals take action, even Master Xuanhuo can't do it."

"These days, immortals are generally not born, so they are hiding and cultivating there. Those high-ranking immortals are attacking the immortal world, and we simply don't care about our petty quarrels."

"That's right, but if the Zhao family hadn't had some immortals sitting in charge, hey, they wouldn't be so arrogant at all."

"Senior Brother Yang, will you take care of us when you get rich in the future?" Someone smiled at Yang Dingfang.

"Haha, our law enforcement elders pay attention to business matters, and I can't stand the Zhao family's arrogance." Yang Dingfang said with an upright face.

"That's right, what Senior Brother Yang said makes sense."

At this time, Chen Feng and Master Xuanhuo were flying in the air. There was a cloud of gas under their feet, moving quickly in the sky, making them look more like immortals.

"Ta, how powerful do you think this old man is?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"Infinitely close to human immortality." Ta said calmly.

"So, after surviving nine lightning tribulations, why does the third elder seem so afraid of the fat old man?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"I understand what you want to say. Just take you as an example. You are now at the seventh level of the secret realm. Haha, let alone the seventh level of the secret realm. Even the monks on the ninth level of the secret realm are far from your opponent." Ta said with a smile.

"Yes, I am not afraid even if a hundred monks come to the seventh level of the secret realm. Many monks of this level will be massacred." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Then it's over. Your cheap master is like this too. An ordinary monk who has survived nine lightning tribulations is no match for him. Moreover, this little old man is actually a fire fluid, so the chance of becoming a human immortal is still very high. ." Ta said.

"Fire fluid, a kind of physique?" Chen Feng asked in surprise.

"Haha, it's just an ordinary spiritual root, but it's much stronger than an ordinary monk." Ta laughed.

"So when will this old man break through to become a human immortal?" What Chen Feng is most concerned about now is this. If the cheap master can cultivate to become a human immortal, then his backing will be more secure.

"It's hard to say. Maybe we can break through tomorrow, maybe we can't break through in a hundred years." Ta smiled.

"You should be able to help him, right?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Hehehehe." Ta just smiled and said no more.

"Good disciple, what are you thinking about?" Master Xuanhuo suddenly said with a smile.

"I was wondering when you would be able to break through to human immortality." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Human Immortal, it's easier said than done!" Master Xuanhuo, who had been smiling all the time, suddenly sighed.

"I have tried to attack the human immortals several times, but I have never succeeded. Every time I have a narrow escape, maybe I will be struck to death by the immortal thunder next time." Master Xuanhuo said with a bitter smile.

"Haha, old man, you will definitely succeed next time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I hope so. Hey, you brat, you want to call me master." Master Xuanhuo laughed and scolded.

"Then you can just call me Chen Feng. It's so shameless to call me good disciple in front of so many people." Chen Feng said.

"By the way, dear disciple, I haven't seen you for a while. How come your cultivation has improved so fast? Did you take some elixir? I tell you, it's okay to take elixir occasionally, but don't take it as a capital for cultivation. This will affect your future cultivation." Xuanhuo Zhenren said seriously.

"Master, don't worry. Can't you see my cultivation?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's right. The cultivation of the seventh level of the secret realm, the power in your body is comparable to that of a cultivator who has passed the thunder tribulation. I don't know how you cultivated. By the way, the sword you held in your hand just now should be a holy weapon, right?" Xuanhuo Zhenren asked.

Chen Feng also felt a little funny. This old man didn't ask if he had killed anyone at all. It seems that he is also a person who protects his shortcomings.

"Yes, I got this Demon Sealing Sword from the Human Demon Trial Field." Chen Feng took out the Demon Sealing Sword directly and handed it to Xuanhuo Zhenren.

"It is indeed a holy weapon. So the demon king of the Human Demon Trial Field was released by you?" Xuanhuo Zhenren frowned.

"Yes, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten the Demon Sealing Sword." Chen Feng nodded in acknowledgement.

"Just keep this to yourself, don't tell anyone, or there might be some trouble, after all, there are many cultivators in the sect who are stronger than me." Xuanhuo Zhenren said.

"By the way, Master, where are we going?" Chen Feng looked at the peaks that kept floating by his feet.

"To my cave." Xuanhuo Zhenren said as he sped up.

Chen Feng saw that this was the deepest part of Taiyi Immortal Mountain. The mountains below were becoming increasingly scarce, but also increasingly tall, majestic and sinister. The surrounding spiritual energy was becoming increasingly abundant, and there were more spiritual beasts and auspicious animals, which were many times stronger than the elite disciple area where Chen Feng was.

During this period, Chen Feng saw some cultivators flying by from time to time. The lowest of these cultivators had survived the thunder tribulation, and some of them even rode powerful monsters.

Just now, a huge golden eagle and a ferocious and extremely colorful tiger flew by from a distance one after another.

Sensing the aura emanating from the other party from a distance, Chen Feng knew that these were two very powerful monsters.

"Lightning Golden Eagle, Congyun Tiger, two good monsters, how about it, dear disciple, do you like them? If you like them, I will capture one for you in the future." Xuanhuo Zhenren said with a smile.

Chen Feng had already asked the tower just now. One of these two monsters escaped five thunder tribulations, and the other survived six thunder tribulations. They were very powerful and he was far from being a match.

"Haha, forget it. If you need a mount, I will go and subdue it myself in the future." Chen Feng refused with a smile.

"Okay, the mountain in front is where my cave is." Xuanhuo Zhenren stretched out his hand and pointed forward.

As far as Chen Feng's eyes could see, he saw an extremely tall and majestic mountain, which went straight into the clouds. The mountain range stretched for thousands of miles. It was the tallest mountain Chen Feng had seen along the way.

"The mountain is quite good, very majestic and tall. I'm afraid it's ten thousand feet high, right?" Chen Feng said.

"Thirteen thousand feet." Xuanhuo Zhenren was a little proud.

"But why is it so bare?" When Chen Feng said this, he and Xuanhuo Zhenren had already landed on the mountain.

It was the first time for Chen Feng to climb such a high mountain. He felt that the surrounding strong wind was like a knife and the air flow was like a blade. Ordinary cultivators could not even stand steadily, let alone practice here.

"It is indeed a good place to practice, but this mountain is bare all around. There are no flowers, trees, spiritual medicines, and no spiritual birds and beasts. What is going on?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Hehe, it was burned by my usual practice." Xuanhuo Zhenren laughed a little embarrassedly.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Let's go to my cave." Xuanhuo Zhenren waved his hand, and the space at the top of the mountain became blurred. Then a big hole appeared on the hard rock. It was pitch black, and waves of hot air kept colliding from it.

Chen Feng retreated again and again, but still felt a burnt smell coming from his scalp. He knew his hair was burnt without asking.

"Such a high temperature, it should be the ground fire, right?" Chen Feng said.

"Yes, it is the underground fire. My mountain leads directly to the underground fire. This is a good place for cultivation. Let's go down." This time, Xuanhuo Zhenren no longer pulled Chen Feng, but flew down alone.

Chen Feng shook his head, spread a thick layer of Qi around his body, and then flew into the cave.

As soon as he entered the cave, Chen Feng felt that the temperature was higher. In the past, when Chen Feng practiced the Fire Cave, he also absorbed the underground fire to practice, but compared with the temperature in front of him, it was like a sky and a earth.

This is not a mountain, it is simply a big furnace.

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