Eternal Existence

Chapter 302 Leaving Taiyi Immortal Mountain

"That's right, that's right. This incident was definitely not done by Junior Brother Chen. We didn't pass by there today." Yang Dingfang said with a smile.

"Haha, the two elders are really reasonable people. I have two small ginsengs here. I'll give them to the two elders to make tea." Chen Feng said as he took out two ginsengs and placed them in front of the two.

"This is Fire Dragon Ginseng." Looking at the two arm-thick ginsengs in front of them, Yang Dingfang and Jin Shijian exclaimed at the same time.

"This is not a small ginseng. This is a rare spiritual medicine Fire Dragon Ginseng. It looks like it should be three or four thousand years old. This kid dared to say that he would use this level of spiritual medicine to make tea."

"What should I do? Should I accept it? This is a good thing. If I take it directly, I can at least increase my cultivation by several decades. It is no problem to refine a furnace of earth-level elixir."

"How generous is this kid? If I accept this good thing, I will inevitably be related to this guy in the future."

"What are you afraid of? If you don't take the benefits, you are a fool."

"What's wrong, two elders? Do you look down on it?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Haha, Junior Brother Chen, please don't call us elders. If you don't mind, just call us senior brothers." Yang Dingfang smiled and took the two Fire Dragon Ginsengs.

"Since Junior Brother Chen is so kind, we won't refuse."

"Hello, Senior Brothers. Two small ginsengs are not a respect." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Haha, we had a good chat today, but we both have tasks to do. Let's say goodbye today. Junior Brother Chen can go directly to the Law Enforcement Elders Group to find us if you have anything in the future." After accepting the things, Yang Dingfang and the others felt embarrassed to stay.

"Senior Brothers, take care. If you need any spiritual medicine in the future, just come to me. I don't have much other things here, but I still have a lot of cultivation materials." Chen Feng said with a smile.

After the two said goodbye, Ruta said, "You are too generous to give them these two spiritual herbs?"

"Hehe, I have a lot of spiritual herbs of this level. These two people are from the Law Enforcement Elders Group. Maybe they will be useful in the future. If today's incident is exaggerated, it will be a bit troublesome. Now that these two elders have accepted my things, they will naturally help me cover it up. Besides, don't you think it's worth it to bribe two cultivators in the Heaven Realm?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Two Fire Dragon Ginsengs, enough for me to break through two realms." Ruta still felt a little sorry.

"Hehe, if you need it, I have a spiritual herb with a five-thousand-year age, enough for you to practice to the Heaven Realm." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Forget it, I'll practice slowly, and this kind of spiritual herb is too powerful, I'm afraid it will burst me directly." Ruta shook his hands repeatedly.

"It seems that I have to take time to learn the art of alchemy in the future." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"Our sect has an alchemy room. You can use it if you have merit points. However, most of the disciples who are proficient in alchemy still prefer to make alchemy on their own mountain." Lu Ta said.

"Of course, after becoming an elite disciple, the mountain you are on can directly communicate with the earth fire for alchemy, but I think there should not be many disciples who are really proficient in alchemy, right?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Of course, alchemy, refining tools and refining talismans are relatively rare in any sect. Even the Jade Talisman Sect has more monks who refine talismans, not all of them are monks who refine talismans. There is also the Dan Ding Sect, which is named Dan Ding Sect because there is a Taoist weapon in the sect. Of course, the alchemy monks in the Dan Ding Sect are indeed the sect with the most alchemy monks in our Beiyuan area." Lu Ta said with a smile.

"Brother Lu, I didn't expect you to have such knowledge. I don't know much about these things." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Hahaha, I'm not as desperate as you. I practice all day long. I like to go around and communicate with some inner disciples when I have nothing to do. Besides, I spent all my merit points in the library, so it's normal for me to know some things." Ruta said with a smile.

"Danding Sect actually has a Taoist weapon." Chen Feng was a little surprised. You know, Taoist weapons are one level higher than holy weapons.

"Yes, because Danding Sect has a Taoist weapon, Danding Sect has abundant elixirs, and many casual cultivators have gone there. In recent years, Danding Sect has developed rapidly. If it weren't for the suppression of the three major sects of Zixiao, Lingxiao, and Jiuxiao, I'm afraid Danding Sect could become the largest sect of cultivating immortals in Beiyuan." Ruta started to talk endlessly.

"Danding Sect, Taoist weapon." Chen Feng nodded, and then communicated with Ta secretly.

"Ta, if this Taoist weapon is swallowed by you, you should be able to recover some strength, right?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"Tao weapon, it's better to have it than not." Ta said proudly.

"Hehe, talking is better than nothing, you are really brave to say that, then what can not make you talk is better than nothing." Chen Feng laughed.

"At worst it has to be a fairy weapon." Ta said lightly.

"Hehe, if it is a fairy weapon, with your current strength, you will definitely be swallowed." Chen Feng laughed.

"Hey! Let alone a fairy weapon, it is difficult for me to deal with even a complete Taoist weapon." Ta sighed and said.

"Take your time." Chen Feng could only comfort Changsheng Tower in this way.

With the improvement of his cultivation, Chen Feng also understood that it is not so easy for Changsheng Tower to restore its strength. Not only does it require a large number of precious divine objects, but it also requires some law power and origin power, or some more profound things that Chen Feng cannot understand.

"Chen Feng, the sect competition is about to start. Do you plan to participate?" Ruta suddenly said.

"When will the sect competition start? Are there any rules? Are there any rewards?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"I don't know the details. There should be half a year left. I heard that some sect disciples who traveled outside have begun to return. It is obvious that they attach great importance to this competition. However, there will definitely be rewards, and the previous sessions are very rich. I heard that there are different levels. Outer disciples cannot participate. Inner disciples, true disciples, elites, and core disciples will participate at the same time. As for the specific rules, I don't know, but I can ask someone to inquire." Ruta said with a smile.

"Since there are prizes, I must participate, and I also want to see some genius masters of our sect." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"There is still half a year left. I don't know how much I can cultivate before the competition?" Chen Feng thought secretly in his heart.

"Your current cultivation level is already invincible in the secret realm period. Participating in the competition is simply bullying. I suggest you go directly to the core disciples to sign up." Ta couldn't help but say.

"That's what I think." Chen Feng nodded.

"Ruta, there shouldn't be anything going on recently. If there is nothing, I want to go back to Black Origin City." This thought suddenly came to Chen Feng's mind.

"Going back to Black Origin City, is there something going on?" Ruta was a little surprised.

"Hehe, it's not that there is anything going on. It's just that I came out from there. Although I don't have any concerns, I have some whims. It's good to go back and take a look. Anyway, with my current strength, I can go back and forth quickly." Chen Feng smiled.

"Do you want me to go back with you?" Ruta thought for a while and asked.

"I'd better go back by myself. You should concentrate on practicing. After all, there is still half a year. I hope you can condense the soul fire and become an elite disciple." Chen Feng smiled.

After making up his mind, Chen Feng stayed for another three days, and then set off to leave Taiyi Xianshan. After leaving Taiyi Xianshan, Chen Feng's feet flashed with flowing light, and he stepped on the flowing light shield and turned into a stream of light and flew forward quickly.

This time, Chen Feng did not even bring Zi Dian and Si Er with him. He traveled alone. After leaving Taiyi Xianshan, Chen Feng could not help but say, "Ta, do you think anyone will kill me when I leave the sect this time? After all, the news that I have a holy weapon has spread to half of the mountain gate."

"It's hard to say, but don't worry. Generally speaking, if there is a cultivator who really attacks you, the highest is the cultivator of the Heavenly Man Realm. The human immortal will definitely not pay attention to such a small matter. If it is just a cultivator of the Heavenly Man Realm, we don't have to worry." Ta said with a smile.

"In this case, I feel relieved." Chen Feng smiled and slowed down at the same time. In fact, Chen Feng had nothing to do this time. Just treat it as a trip.

"Chen Feng actually left Taiyi Xianshan. This is a good opportunity. This time, we must kill him outside no matter what."

Not long after Chen Feng left Taiyi Xianshan, He Tian and Ma Jun also left the sect and followed Chen Feng from a distance.

"Fortunately, I brought the tracking talisman, otherwise it would be difficult to find this guy's trace." He said.

"This kid is a bit weird, we still have to be careful." Ma Jun said. Although Ma Jun's breath has stabilized at this time, his face is still pale. After all, Chen Feng swallowed so much of his original power. It will take some time to recover even with a panacea. If it weren't for He Tian's instigation and his hatred for Chen Feng, Ma Jun wouldn't have come out this time.

"Humph, I didn't expect the law enforcement elder to not take action against Chen Feng. It seems that this guy really has a backer. If we want revenge, we can only rely on ourselves. Don't worry, I have already contacted several friends. This time Chen Feng's coming out is a good opportunity. When he leaves the territory of our sect, we will find a good opportunity to surround and kill Chen Feng. By then, even the holy weapon on his body will be ours." He Tian gritted his teeth and said.

"Although I hate Chen Feng to the core, this guy has a holy weapon on him, and he is wearing a top-grade armor that can even block the attack of the treasure weapon. He is truly invulnerable." Ma Jun was still a little worried. He had fought with Chen Feng once, and a seed of fear had been planted in Ma Jun's heart.

"Don't worry, no matter how powerful Chen Feng is, even if he is really invulnerable, he will fall into my hands this time." He Tian showed a sinister smile on his face.

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