Eternal Existence

Chapter 301 Law Enforcement Elder

"Sure enough, although I am stronger than the opponent now, I am still far behind in terms of soul, and my body's reaction and use of high-level secret techniques are not as good as the opponent's. If I hadn't been wearing a protective armor, , I'm afraid these two guys have already taken care of me," Chen Feng thought to himself.

In the fight just now, Chen Feng was attacked many times, but he was able to resist it all thanks to the protective armor on his body. Although He Tian and Ma Jun also had some injuries, they were not serious. Chen Feng knew what would happen if the battle situation If this continues, I don't know how long it will be delayed. It won't be good if it attracts other people from the sect.

So Chen Feng decided to take a risk and get one first.


Chen Feng once again withstood a blow from the two of them. Just when He Tian and Ma Jun were proud and wanted to take the opportunity to run away, the magic weapons that Chen Feng had already arranged around them were bombarded at the two of them. .

The Thunder Sword, Poison Needle, Haoran Zhengang Sword, and Golden Shadowless Knife strangled He Tian and the two from four directions, while Chen Feng quickly jumped up from the ground and grabbed Ma Jun.

"So many treasures." The two of them were a little surprised. In a hurry, Chen Feng stepped in and grabbed Ma Jun with his palm.

"A monk on both the heaven and human levels, okay, this is enough for me to enhance the power of my soul." Chen Feng was pleasantly surprised and used all his strength to activate the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique. Even traces of black energy emanated from Chen Feng's body. This was the demonic power. gas.

"Ah, no, this is magic power. He Tian, ​​please save me quickly." Ma Jun struggled for a few times without any response, feeling a little panicked as he felt the power disappearing from his body.

"It is indeed a monster. I will capture and kill you today." He Zhu slashed Chen Feng out with a heavy sword, while He Tian took the opportunity to fly away and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, your guy has gone away." Chen Feng grabbed Ma Jun and sneered. At this time, Ma Jun was as embarrassed as a dead dog in Chen Feng's hands.

"Spare me." Ma Jun begged for mercy, thinking that the power in his body was rapidly weakening, and even the soul condensed by the thunder began to loosen.

Soon, a trace of soul power was absorbed by Chen Feng and then swallowed up. He immediately felt that his soul power began to increase.

"Very good, he is worthy of being a monk who has survived the thunder tribulation. His soul power is so powerful." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Chen Feng, you are practicing magic skills. If word spreads, even the sect will send people to capture and kill you. As long as you let me go, I will not tell this matter, and you can't kill me. Kill. It made my situation even more serious," Ma Jun said quickly.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, I just want to teach you some lessons." Chen Feng chuckled, saying that his hands did not relax, but even the sky-swallowing and absorbing technique started to work.

The two miraculous powers activated the devouring power at the same time. This time He Tian finally couldn't hold it any longer, and the power of the soul in the sea of ​​consciousness began to spread out at a faster rate.

"My soul, ah, this is my origin." Ma Jun shouted in fear.

"Boy, it's time to go, someone is coming." At this time, Ta reminded.

Chen Feng nodded, let go of Ma Jun, then activated the streamer shield, soared into the sky, and quickly disappeared.

After Chen Feng disappeared, two middle-aged men rushed over and quickly appeared in front of Ma Jun.

"Ma Jun, what's wrong with you?" one of them asked curiously. At this time, Ma Jun collapsed on the ground, as if all the bones in his body were falling apart.

"Two law enforcement elders, go and arrest Chen Feng." After seeing the two men, Ma Jun seemed to have seen his savior and immediately shouted loudly.

At this time, seeing the law enforcement elder appear, Zhao Hai also helped Zhao Quan and walked out in embarrassment.

"Chen Feng? What is going on? Please explain it clearly." One of them asked coldly.

So Ma Jun explained what just happened with added detail.

"This kind of rebellious monster, please two law enforcement elders must arrest Chen Feng and deal with it severely." Finally, Ma Jun shouted again.

"You don't need to worry about this matter. You should just take good care of your injuries." The two middle-aged men looked at each other, then ignored Ma Jun and directly took off in the air to chase Chen Feng in the direction he left.

"Are we really going to capture Chen Feng?

"Hey, even Zhao Long retreated in the face of difficulties. This Chen Feng must have a back-up, and it seems that Chen Feng is only in the Secret Realm stage, but he beat Ma Jun and Zhao Hai like this. He Tian was also scared away, and Zhao Hai They are from the Zhao family, He Tian is from the Illuminati, and Chen Feng is not even afraid of them. If we go up there, we are asking for trouble. "

"Yes, it's better not to interfere with such noisy matters. Let's go to other places to have a look and pretend we haven't seen this."

"No, let's go find Chen Feng?"


"It's better to have one more friend than one more enemy. This Chen Feng is not simple. Let's find out the details. Haha, it's just an ordinary door-to-door visit. I don't expect Chen Feng to have any ill intentions."

"It's okay to go and have a look. In fact, although this kind of disciple is not at a high level, it is not someone we can afford to offend."

Chen Feng gained something from venting his anger this time. The strength of Ma Yuan, Zhao Quan and others does not matter, but Zhao Hai and Ma Jun are both monks in the heavenly realm, especially Ma Jun, who has survived two thunder tribulations. After Chen Feng absorbed the power of the soul, he went back and slowly refined it. Firstly, he could enhance the power of the soul, and secondly, he could comprehend the power of the heavens and the power of the sky.

Chen Feng went straight back to his residence, but before he could stop, he felt two powerful auras following him.

"Law enforcement elder, Yang Dingfang and Jin Shijian are here to visit Junior Brother Chen." A powerful voice came over.

"Law enforcement elder, they caught up so quickly, it seems to be because of what happened just now, but from the sound, these two people don't seem to have any bad intentions, but since they are here to visit, I have to receive them well, no matter what, they are cultivators in the Heavenly Man Realm." Thinking of this, Chen Feng waved his hand, and the restrictions around the mountain opened, and a passage appeared.

"Welcome the two elders to be guests." Chen Feng laughed loudly.

"Someone else is coming?" At this time, Luta and Zidian also came to Chen Feng.

"It shouldn't be trouble." Chen Feng said, and the two middle-aged cultivators had already come to Chen Feng like floating in the air.

The two were looking at Chen Feng, and Chen Feng was also looking at each other.

"A cultivator of the fourth level of Heavenly Man." Ta said lightly.

"He is indeed a cultivator in the secret realm, but the true qi in his body is too strong, and the soul fire is also very strong. Although he is not as good as the cultivator in the heavenly realm, he is far more than the ordinary eighth-level disciples in the secret realm."

"Do you feel the breath of the holy weapon?"

"No, this way."

Yang Dingfang and Jin Shijian were also communicating secretly.

"Hehe, I wonder what the two elders are here for?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Nothing, I just heard that there is another genius among our disciples. Today it is our turn to patrol the mountains. We happened to pass by here, so we came to see it." Yang Dingfang said with a smile.

"In this case, please come in, elders." Chen Feng waved his hand and invited the two into the courtyard. Zhang Yan and others immediately brought some exquisite snacks, fruits and some fine wine.

"In this case, we won't be polite." Yang Dingfang and the others smiled casually.

"It seems that they are not here to cause trouble." Chen Feng thought to himself when he saw the attitude of the two.

"Who are these two?" Jin Shijian asked with a smile as he looked at Ruta and Zidian.

"Meet the two elders, disciple Luta, inner sect disciple." Luta stepped forward and saluted respectfully. Chen Feng could ignore him, but Luta couldn't, after all, Luta was still a disciple of Taiyi Sect.

"Zi Dian." Zi Dian was very cold, just spit out two words lightly and turned away. Since he was not here to cause trouble, he should go back and practice well.

"Hehe, this is my friend, and his temper is like this." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Jin Shijian and Yang Dingfang nodded. With their eyesight, they could naturally see Zi Dian's true identity.

"Hehe, with Junior Brother Chen's cultivation, he is enough to be promoted to a core disciple. If Junior Brother Chen is interested, we can recommend him to join the Law Enforcement Elders Group after he has passed the thunder tribulation." Yang Dingfang said with a smile.

"Can the Law Enforcement Elders Group be entered at will?" Chen Feng was a little curious. Speaking of it, the power of the Law Enforcement Elders of Taiyi Sect is still very large. If Chen Feng has this identity, ordinary Tianren Realm cultivators will not dare to trouble Chen Feng again.

"Haha, of course you can't just enter casually. First of all, you have to have enough cultivation. Of course, the most important thing is to make contributions to the sect. You have to pass the sect's layers of assessment to become a member of the Law Enforcement Elders Group." Yang Dingfang introduced Chen Feng with a smile.

Chen Feng sneered in his heart. He and these two people were not related, so he would not believe them. Besides, they didn't seem to have the energy to join the Law Enforcement Elders Group.

After both sides talked about it in a fake way for a while, Yang Dingfang finally mentioned what happened just now: "In fact, the two of us just met Ma Jun. Haha, this guy usually has the identity of the Illuminati and is usually quite arrogant. I didn't expect him to be so embarrassed today."

Sure enough, Chen Feng said in his heart.

"Haha, some people are too arrogant, which is really not a good thing. It's okay to bully some weak people, but it's not good if you really kick the iron plate. What do you think, elders?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Haha, that's right, Ma Jun didn't know how to advance or retreat. He wanted us to arrest Junior Brother Chen, but after the conversation just now, we know that this matter must have been provoked by them first." Yang Dingfang said with a smile.

"They must have started it first. I don't believe that a cultivator in the Secret Realm would provoke a cultivator in the Heaven Realm for no reason, and he could even injure him. I think Ma Jun and Zhao Hai are probably pretending." Jin Shijian also laughed.

"The two elders are really sharp-eyed, perceptive, and insightful. Today's incident was indeed started by them. If I hadn't run fast, I would have been beaten half to death by them. As for them getting injured, it's impossible. How could a small cultivator in the Secret Realm hurt a cultivator in the Heaven Realm?" Chen Feng laughed.

"This kid is really shameless." Yang Dingfang and the others thought at the same time, but they still looked friendly on the surface.

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