Eternal Existence

Chapter 202 Luo Mingdao

Next, Chen Feng knew that this loose young man was called Luo Mingdao, and he was an elite disciple on the ninth level of the secret realm. Once the Sea of ​​Consciousness is perfected and he has cultivated to the realm of Nine-nine Return to One, he can break through and be promoted to the Heavenly Realm, and become a human being in one fell swoop. The core disciple of Taiyi Sect.

Of course, for the two outer disciples Chen Feng and Lu Ta, Luo Mingdao should be considered a big shot, but now he is so enthusiastic about Chen Feng, naturally because of Bai Ziyan.

Chen Feng also knew this.

"Senior Brother Luo, what is our mission this time?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"It's very simple. Go to the Rakshasa Kingdom and kill some bandits." Luo Mingdao smiled.

"It's just some bandits, why do people like Senior Brother Luo need to take action?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"Of course, these are not ordinary robbers. They are a group of robbers composed of monks from the secret realm. Some of the leaders are very powerful." Luo Mingdao said with a smile.

The Rakshasa Kingdom is a small country more than 100,000 miles away from the Taiyi Immortal Mountain. It belongs to the Taiyi Sect's sphere of influence. Originally, Chen Feng thought that the three of them were going to the teleportation array, but he did not expect that Luo Mingdao took out a flying magic weapon. .

A shadowless shuttle that flies to the sky and escapes from the earth, a high-grade treasure.

Looking at the flying shuttle that was only about ten meters long above his head, Chen Feng was stunned. He did not expect that Luo Mingdao actually had such a flying magic weapon in his hand.

"This is a reward from my sect for completing a task." Luo Mingdao said casually.

"Reward from the sect?" Chen Feng was a little shocked. He didn't expect that his sect was quite generous.

"Haha, as long as you have enough merit, you can even get the sacred weapon, but disciples of our level don't have to think about it." Luo Mingdao said with a smile.

With this flying magic weapon, the three of them naturally don't have to go to the teleportation array. The flying speed of this flying magic weapon is much faster than that of Chen Feng's sword. If the magic power is enough, they can even travel tens of thousands of miles in a day.

The three of them, Chen Feng, sat in the magic weapon and looked at the scenery outside. The three of them chatted idlely. Time passed quickly. Three days later, the three of them arrived at the Rakshasa Empire. Along the way, Chen Feng and Luta also I asked Luo Daoming for some advice on cultivation.

To Chen Feng's expectation, Luo Daoming turned out to be very generous. No matter what Chen Feng and the two wanted to ask, they answered them seriously, even if they were asking about the high-level magic formulas in the Taiyi Sect. Along the way, because of Luo Mingdao, Chen Feng Both Feng and Feng felt that they had benefited a lot. After all, they had not practiced as long as Luo Mingdao.

Involuntarily, Chen Feng and the two of them grew fond of Luo Daoming.

"Hahaha, when your cultivation level rises, you can naturally practice these techniques. The sect is still very open to this aspect." Luo Daoming said with a smile.

In mid-air, Luo Daoming directly put away his flying shadowless shuttle. The three of them stepped on flying swords and kept flying in the sky. From a distance, they were just ordinary secret realm monks, but in the eyes of ordinary people on the ground , these are the first-class immortals who fly into the sky and escape from the earth.

Luo Mingdao and Chen Feng flew in the air for a long time, and Chen Feng finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Brother Luo, do you know where those bandits are?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"I don't know." Luo Daoming shook his head.

Chen Feng's face suddenly turned dark. He originally thought that he would follow Luo Mingdao, find the place, kill everyone, then return to the sect and successfully be promoted to an inner disciple. But now it seems that Luo Mingdao doesn't know where the bandits are. Although the Rakshasa Kingdom is not an empire, it is still a country. The territory is naturally not small. It is indeed difficult to find the bandits in one of them.

"We Taiyi Sect should have disciples here, or ask someone to ask." Chen Feng suggested.

"Don't worry, I have been assigned to assess the inner disciples during this period. This kind of job is really boring. I haven't left Taiyi Immortal Mountain for a while. I just came out this time to take a look around. I'll wait and see what's happening here. The robbers have been dealt with. Let's go to Liuyun Fairy Mountain to have a look. I heard that many sects have already entered, but no one has come out yet." Luo Mingdao said this with a lazy smile on his face.

After hearing this, Chen Feng and Lu Ta's expressions turned even darker. It turned out that it was not that this guy couldn't find a place, but that Luo Mingdao wanted to go out for a walk, so it was just an excuse to take them out.

"It's not very good to practice in the sect. It won't be such a good environment after you come out." Ruta said with a smile.

"First of all, we are young people. We must not learn from those old antiques. Everyone knows how to practice in seclusion every day. If we just practice blindly and don't go out to see the world, one day we will become stupid in practicing. Besides, the world is so big. We can take advantage of our own lifespan. If you are not exhausted, you should walk more and look around, maybe you will get to the fairyland?" Luo Mingdao said with a smile.

"Immortal fate, haha, no wonder Senior Brother Luo wants to go to Liuyun Immortal Mountain." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Okay, there is a city below. Let's go for a walk and experience the long-lost life of ordinary people." Luo Mingdao pointed below and said.

Below is a small city, a small city about the same size as Black Source City. Although it has a large population and many tall buildings tens of feet tall, it can only be regarded as an inconspicuous small city in the entire Eternal World.

After entering the small town, Chen Feng felt as if he had entered Black Source City. Most of the people around him were ordinary monks who were in the Qi and body training stage. Chen Feng released a trace of soul power and searched several streets without finding a single person. A monk from the secret realm.

"Hey." Luo Mingdao looked at Chen Feng curiously.

"Junior Brother Chen, your soul power is so strong. I think you can be promoted to a true disciple directly. Why do you still hang around among the inner disciples? You should know that only by becoming a true disciple can you truly practice the advanced techniques of the sect." Luo Mingdao obviously saw Chen Feng's cultivation.

"I just want to have a more stable foundation. I am only at the third level of the secret realm now. I will definitely suffer if I enter the true disciples." Chen Feng laughed.

"Hahaha, Junior Brother Chen is joking. With Zihong Zhenren as your backer, these true disciples dare not provoke you casually." Luo Daoming laughed.

"Tanghulu, sweet and sour Tanghulu."

"Selling rice cakes, freshly cooked rice cakes."

"Our store has just received a batch of high-end fine steel swords, which can cut iron like mud and cut hair with a blow. The price is fair and suitable for all cultivators in the secret realm."

Listening to the shouts around him, Chen Feng felt the aura around him change, and an inexplicable feeling came to his heart. After entering the secret realm, Chen Feng gradually broke away from this ordinary life atmosphere. Now walking among a group of ordinary people, he has some feelings. After all, Chen Feng has been living in this environment for more than ten years.

"Let's go and have a drink." Luo Mingdao said without waiting for Chen Feng and the others to agree, but walked straight into a nice-looking restaurant.

Looking at the ordinary drinks in front of him, and then looking at Luo Mingdao who was drinking with relish, Chen Feng couldn't help but feel a little curious. Maybe the senior brother in front of him is also a person with a story.

"Hey! Every time I see wine, I can't help but think of that incident." Ruta kept turning the wine glass, with a look of regret on his face.

"What's the matter?" Luo Mingdao asked curiously.

"I met a man in green before. He had a pot of wine. Drinking a sip can increase his cultivation by ten years." Ruta shook his head and said.

"In this case, it should be immortal wine." Luo Mingdao smiled.

Chen Feng couldn't help but smile after listening to the two people's discussion, but soon Chen Feng's eyes were attracted by a person downstairs.

"Why is this person here?" Chen Feng whispered.

"Who is it?" Ruta also noticed Chen Feng's strangeness.

"Look downstairs." Chen Feng glanced downstairs.

A Taoist with a sallow face walked slowly on the street, and a trace of blood flashed in his dull pupils.

"It's Taoist Xue Ming." Ruta was a little surprised.

"Yes, it is this ruthless Taoist priest. I remember that he was seriously injured and fled. Now it seems that he has not only recovered from his injuries, but also improved his cultivation. I wonder why he is here?" Chen Feng was also a little curious.

Listening to the discussion of Chen Feng and the others, Luo Mingdao also fixed his eyes on the Taoist priest Xue Ming on the street.

"Although this person's cultivation is not very good, the aura in his body is very evil. He must be practicing an evil secret technique." Luo Mingdao saw through the Taoist priest Xue Ming with just one glance.

"I'll follow him and see what this guy is going to do?" Chen Feng said this but did not move. Instead, he released a trace of soul power and attached it to the Taoist priest Xue Ming.

With Chen Feng's current realm, the Taoist priest Xue Ming would not notice it at all.

The Taoist priest Xue Ming walked all the way to the city, stopped at the gate of a huge courtyard, looked around, and then flew in directly, not knowing that all this had fallen into Chen Feng's eyes.

"What on earth is this bloodthirsty fellow going to do? Why has he suddenly become so sneaky?" Chen Feng asked curiously. With a thought, the soul power attached to the Taoist Xue Ming was doubled again.

In this huge courtyard, there are many ordinary cultivators walking around. It seems that this is the location of a gang. After the Taoist Xue Ming flew in, he immediately attracted the attention of the cultivators inside.

"Who are you? Why did you come to our Feiyu Gang?" One of the young cultivators stepped forward and shouted. This young cultivator was only at the third level of Qi training and body forging, so naturally he didn't know how powerful this Taoist with a sallow face was.

The Taoist Xue Ming had no expression on his face. He just stretched out a finger and lightly tapped it. Puff! With a light sound, a blood hole as thick as a finger appeared on the forehead of this young cultivator.

Then the Taoist Xue Ming took out a blood-colored crystal stone, and then the dead young cultivator began to tremble all over, as if a powerful force was constantly squeezing in from all directions.

Soon, a drop of blood the size of a raindrop flew out of the blood hole on the forehead of the young monk, and then drilled into the blood-colored crystal in the hands of the Blood Dark Taoist.

"Someone has been killed, and the enemy is attacking."

"The fifth junior brother has been killed."

"Who are you? How dare you come to our Feiyu Gang to make trouble? Let's all work together to capture him."

The movement here immediately attracted the attention of other monks in the courtyard. Seeing the young monk being killed, everyone shouted, and more than a dozen people came to kill the Blood Dark Taoist with weapons.

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