Eternal Existence

Chapter 201: One versus Three

Under Liu Huo's fierce urging, the flame qi rolled through Chen Feng's veins like the Yangtze River and entered Chen Feng's body.

Feeling his flame qi flowing into Chen Feng's body unimpeded, Liu Huo immediately showed a smug smile on his face, waiting to see Chen Feng being seriously injured by his flame qi.

But after a breath, Liu Huo's face began to change. The qi still poured into Chen Feng's body, but Chen Feng didn't react at all. He still looked smiling, as if it was just two old friends shaking hands.

Liu Huo secretly cried out that it was not good, and was about to retract his palm, but he felt a super strong suction force sucking his palm, making him unable to move, and then the flame qi in his body flowed out faster, this time it was forced to flow out.

Liu Huo began to feel fear from the bad, because then Liu Huo felt that with the loss of qi, the power in his body was constantly disappearing. What disappeared was not ordinary qi, but the original qi he cultivated, his own vitality. After being absorbed by the other party, it would be difficult to recover in the future.

"Help." Liu Huo cried out in a struggle.

Several accomplices watching the excitement nearby originally thought that Liu Huo could easily deal with Chen Feng, but now Liu Huo actually began to beg for mercy, and Liu Huo's voice became very frightened and weak.

"What's going on?"

"Something strange, do it."

The two true disciples nearby saw that the situation was not good, and immediately rushed forward, attacking Chen Feng from the left and right.

Everyone in the cave did not use flying swords or big moves, but narrowed the battle scene to a very small range. Otherwise, if these secret realm disciples went all out, they could destroy the cave in an instant.

One stretched out five fingers and grabbed Chen Feng's shoulder. The five fingers projected a fierce sword energy, which could make a hole in an iron man.

The other punched Chen Feng with one fist. Before the fist arrived, Chen Feng already felt a bone-chilling cold air rushing towards him.

Chen Feng's body swayed slightly, and Liu Huo, who was stuck by him, also moved with him, just blocking the cultivator who used the five-finger attack, while Chen Feng's other hand quickly punched out, heavily colliding with the opponent's fist.


After a dull sound, the two fists stuck together again. The true disciple who was stuck by Chen Feng only felt that the ice qi in his body was continuously absorbed by a strong suction force, but he couldn't get rid of it.

Two of the three true disciples were stuck by Chen Feng, and the other one quickly withdrew his hand, his eyes lit up, and the soul fire turned into a sharp arrow and shot at Chen Feng.

Who knew that this rocket condensed by the soul fire was blocked by a thick ripple as soon as it arrived in front of Chen Feng, and then this layer of ripples turned into a huge vortex and began to absorb the soul power in this soul fire.

"Who is this person? How can he be so powerful that he can fight three people alone?"

The people around saw Chen Feng and his friends fighting, and they all gathered around to watch. Now they all opened their mouths in surprise when they saw Chen Feng was so powerful.

Everyone knew these three true disciples, but Chen Feng became a stranger in everyone's eyes.

"Is this person new? I haven't seen him before, but it's not a wise choice to offend the Illuminati so arrogantly?"

"Hehe, that's not necessarily the case. Maybe this person also has a backer and is not afraid of the Illuminati."

"That's a powerful statement. Recently, the Illuminati people have become more and more arrogant. It's time for someone to teach them a lesson."

Seeing that Chen Feng blocked the attacks of the three true disciples without using a treasure, even Ruta on the side was dumbfounded. He didn't understand how long it had been since they last saw each other, and Chen Feng had become so powerful. While marveling at Chen Feng's abnormality, he also felt a little unhappy with his slow progress.

"What kind of magic skill is this?" Liu Huo shouted in horror.

"Oh! Hahahaha, you are true disciples after all, but three of you besieged me, and now you say that I practice magic. Don't you have any shame in front of so many fellow disciples?" Chen Feng laughed.

After hearing what Chen Feng said, the Taiyi disciples who were watching all showed contempt on their faces. Originally, Liu Huo and the other three true disciples were regarded as high-ranking senior brothers in the eyes of these people. Now they were suddenly beaten so badly by an unknown fellow disciple. Everyone felt a strange feeling, and even a few people felt very happy. Some people with backers laughed.

On the surface, Chen Feng seemed relaxed, but in fact, he was under great pressure in secret, because Chen Feng's swallowing and absorbing technique had just begun to dabble, and Chen Feng's current realm could not exert much power. However, even so, Chen Feng also absorbed the other party at the same time. He only felt that the power of the other three was constantly absorbed by himself, and Chen Feng felt a sense of pleasure growing rapidly from his heart.

"Almost done." Thinking of this, Chen Feng's whole body shook violently, and two people on the left and right were shaken away. The soul fire in front of him also flew out and almost scattered in the air.

"Puff!" "Puff!"

Liu Huo and another disciple who used the flame palm spit out blood at the same time. These two were the most seriously injured, and the other one's face was extremely pale, with layers of frost spreading on his face.

"If you were not from the same sect, I would have destroyed you both physically and spiritually just because you used the soul fire just now. However, since we are all from the same sect, I will not kill you today, so you should feel lucky today." Chen Feng sneered.

"Who are you? Why did you attack us for no reason?" Liu Huo shouted.

Although he knew that Chen Feng was powerful, Liu Huo, who had lost his original power, felt a ball of fire burning in his heart, and could not help but yell at Chen Feng.

"Some time ago, you injured my friend and insidiously left fire poison in my friend's body. You should remember this, right?" Chen Feng said coldly.

After hearing this, Liu Huo's eyes lit up and he immediately knew Chen Feng's identity.

"So you are the guy named Chen Feng. You and Ruta have offended our Illuminati, and now you are attacking us. It will be difficult for you to die in the future." Liu Huo shouted viciously.

"You injured my friend. Now I have received your twenty years of cultivation. If you want revenge, you should go back and heal your wounds first. If you want revenge on me, you can come and I will take it. But I will not be so gentle next time." Chen Feng sneered.

"You wait." Liu Huo and the other two glared at Chen Feng fiercely, and then left in embarrassment.

"We are in even bigger trouble this time." Ruta came forward at this time.

"There is nothing we can do about it." Chen Feng said lightly. Then he took out some Pure Yang Pills and put them on the counter, and then turned and walked out of the cave.

"Where are we going?"

"To assess the inner disciples." Chen Feng said.

Watching Chen Feng and the other two leave, the other disciples in the cave began to discuss again, and they were all talking about Chen Feng.

Not long after, Chen Feng and the other two arrived in front of a huge palace. The palace was a hundred meters high, and it was unknown what materials it was built with. The whole building emitted waves faintly. Chen Feng understood that the palace was covered with various forbidden formations.

The two walked directly into the hall, and at this time a disciple who looked about 20 years old came over.

"What do you want?" The young disciple looked a little arrogant.

Chen Feng saw at a glance that this person had cultivated the soul fire and was at the seventh level of the secret realm.

"We are here to be promoted to inner disciples." Chen Feng said directly.

After hearing this, the arrogant young man looked at Chen Feng, then looked at Ruta, and then said: "You can, this person can go back and practice with peace of mind."

Chen Feng thought for a while, then took out Bai Ziyan's recommendation letter and threw it to the other party.

The somewhat arrogant young man was puzzled at first, then looked at the content of the recommendation letter, and his face suddenly changed. The arrogant face turned into a smiling face, and Chen Feng even saw a hint of flattering smile on the other party's face.

"It turns out that it was recommended by Zihong Zhenren. Two junior brothers, please follow me." The arrogant disciple turned into a smiling disciple.

"It turns out that Bai Ziyan's name is Zihong Zhenren. Tsk tsk, it seems that he is quite impressive in Taiyi Sect." Chen Feng thought in his heart.

The young disciple led the two to another hall, and Chen Feng saw two middle-aged men sitting quietly on the futon, closing their eyes and regulating their breathing. There was also a young man sitting on a chair in a casual manner, exuding a relaxed aura.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Chen Feng and the other two come in, the relaxed young man said casually.

"Brother Luo, these two are here to be promoted to inner disciples." The young disciple who led Chen Feng and the other two in immediately said respectfully.


Brother Luo turned his head, and Chen Feng immediately felt a compelling gaze sweeping over him, thinking in his heart that this young man had a strong cultivation.

"This young man can pass." Sure enough, Brother Luo looked at Chen Feng and said, but ignored Ruta on the side.

"Brother Luo, please look at this." The young disciple immediately stepped forward and took the recommendation letter written by Bai Ziyan.

"Recommendation letter from True Man Zihong." Brother Luo was shocked, and the lazy aura on his body instantly dissipated.

"What is the relationship between you two and True Man Zihong?" Brother Luo asked lightly.

"Just friends." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You are friends with Master Zihong. It seems that you two are not ordinary people." Senior Brother Luo showed a half-smile on his face.

"If you want to be promoted to inner disciples, you not only need to have enough cultivation, but also have to do some tasks. How about this, I happen to be out for something, you two can follow me and help me. When I come back, you will be inner disciples." Senior Brother Luo thought for a while and suddenly said.

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