Eternal Existence

Chapter 198: The Strange Young Man

Seeing his own mana disappearing, Chen Feng could not help but use the Heaven-Swallowing Absorption Technique, but he only lasted for a moment before being dispersed by the opponent's devouring power.


Seeing that the black smoke was about to surround Chen Feng, the Longevity Tower at Chen Feng's forehead moved slightly, and a strong suction force directly enveloped the black smoke, and then the black smoke turned into a wisp of black smoke and drilled into the Longevity Tower at Chen Feng's forehead.

"Who is it?"

A rough voice rolled out from the tall building like thunder, and the hard ground exploded one after another, and circles of ripples appeared in the surrounding space.

Faced with such a powerful force, Chen Feng naturally did not dare to block it. He paused his feet lightly, and layers of thick earth walls rose from the ground to block the shock wave.


The earth wall was easily shattered by the shock wave, and Chen Feng made five palm prints in succession to offset the sound wave.

"What level of big devil is this, why is he so powerful?" Chen Feng said secretly.

After the sound wave disappeared, the whole palace became quiet. It was so quiet that Chen Feng felt uneasy. He seemed to know what happened here. The other monsters all lay quietly on the ground, and became even quieter.

Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap!

A steady sound of footsteps came from the palace. Every time the dull footsteps sounded, it seemed to step into Chen Feng's heart, making Chen Feng feel extremely depressed and uncomfortable.

"Tower, what level of master is the other party?" Chen Feng asked.

"I think this is a bit troublesome." The voice of the tower suddenly became a little heavy.

"Trouble? Haha, you can say that too. Are you more powerful than that demon fox?" Chen Feng laughed.

"Don't forget that you were almost eaten by that demon fox at that time." The tower sneered.

"What should we do? Are we going to escape now?" Chen Feng laughed.

"I'm afraid it's impossible to escape." The voice of the tower was a little solemn, and the Longevity Tower began to hum, as if gathering strength.

It was indeed impossible to escape, because as the footsteps became louder and louder, the other party had already walked out of the palace and appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was surprised when he saw the other party. It was different from what he imagined. He thought that since the other party was a big demon from the demon world, he should be ferocious and bloodthirsty, or majestic and burly, but he didn't expect that the one who walked out of the palace was a handsome young man.

He was tall and slender, wearing a purple-gold robe, a purple-gold crown on his head, and his face was handsome to a certain degree of weirdness. His black hair was flowing like ink, and there was no trace of demonic energy in his body, just like a prince in the world.

Seeing the other party like this, Chen Feng was stunned at first, and then he was extremely alert in his heart. The monster that could form a human appearance was not a simple existence. Not to mention the extremely weird guy in front of him.

The young man had dark eyes. Chen Feng glanced at him and felt that the other party's pupils were extremely deep, as if he could swallow everything in the world. Chen Feng immediately closed his eyes. Just a glance just now, Chen Feng felt that his eyes were swallowed by the other party's pupils.

"What a weird feeling, this person seems to be devouring the vitality around him all the time. No wonder this space is dead silent. It seems to be because of this young man." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"I didn't expect that humans would come here." The young man looked at Chen Feng and said lightly, with a wicked arc at the corner of his thin mouth.

"It seems that you should be the boss of this space. These monsters under your command are sucking human blood everywhere. You should know this, right?" Chen Feng thought for a while and then said.

Facing such a person, Chen Feng naturally couldn't take action right away. He could only find a topic casually to see if he could get some useful information.

"It seems that you are here to ask for punishment, but it seems that you didn't fight all the way here. Could it be that you look down on my men and come directly to challenge me?" The strange young man looked at Chen Feng, and his pupils began to turn slowly.

As the other party's pupils turned, Chen Feng felt a strange force acting on him, and then the soul power in the sea of ​​consciousness began to riot, and it kept drilling out of the sea of ​​consciousness, and was included in this strange force to drill into the other party's pupils.

The other party only gave Chen Feng a look, which made him feel difficult to resist.


The blood-colored spear flew directly from Chen Feng's hand and instantly arrived in front of the young man.

The Blood Soul was a second-grade treasure, and it was also a magic weapon, and it had the attribute of bloodthirstiness. Even a cultivator in the Heavenly Realm had to be cautious when facing the attack of such a magic weapon. However, this strange young man, facing such an attack, only moved his eyes slightly, and Chen Feng felt that the Blood Soul in his hand could no longer pierce.

Then, a strong suction force acted on the Blood Soul, trying to pull the Blood Soul into the young man's pupil.

Under the powerful force, Chen Feng felt that his arm could not hold the Blood Soul gradually. At the same time, the other party's strange devouring power once again acted on him through the magic weapon of the Blood Soul, causing the power in his body to disappear continuously.

"It's really weird, how can there be such a perverted devouring power." Chen Feng couldn't help shouting.


At this time, the tower finally took action. A wave came out from the Longevity Tower and acted on Chen Feng. Chen Feng immediately felt his whole body lighten. The devouring power acting on him immediately disappeared completely. His soul stabilized and his blood soul was also taken back by himself.

"Tsk tsk, there is indeed a wonderful thing in your body." The young man smiled at Chen Feng.

"Can the other party see the existence of the Longevity Tower?" Chen Feng was surprised again.

"Human, I'll give you a chance to keep your body intact. Take out the things in your body, and then I will allow you to commit suicide." The young man said lightly, as if he was telling a very normal thing.

"An intact body, an intact body." Chen Feng's anger immediately rose in his heart. He thought that his strength had skyrocketed recently and he had the power to protect himself. Unexpectedly, facing this weird young man, all his attacks were hindered and had no effect. A feeling of frustration grew from the bottom of Chen Feng's heart.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

In anger, Chen Feng shot out more than a dozen longevity knives, growth swords, longevity spears, and longevity spears in one breath. Each of them was extraordinary powerful, and they were densely packed and killed the hateful young man in front of him.

Facing this large-scale attack, the young man smiled lightly, and the pupils in his eyes rotated again. All the swords, spears, and spears sent by Chen Feng were wrapped by a strange force and pulled into his eyes.

"Okay, don't do it. Even if you are ten times more powerful, you are still no match for this big demon." At this time, Ta spoke.

"Big demon, you mean this big demon?" Chen Feng asked in surprise.

"Yes, although the opponent can transform into a human form, its body is a devouring beast." Ta said slowly.

"Devouring beast, it sounds like a demon beast." Chen Feng asked in confusion.

"Hey, demons and monsters are originally one family. In fact, sometimes it is really difficult to tell whether it is a demon, a monster or a human. Just say that you human cultivators have been possessed by demons, so they are naturally demons. Look at the demon beast in front of you, it has transformed into a human, so if you say it is a human, naturally there will be people who believe it." Ta said with a smile.

"You are just a little cultivator who has not even cultivated to the realm of heaven and man, and you dare to attack the opponent. Are humans now so ignorant of the world? Well, since that's the case, I will take action." The strange young man said as he slowly stepped forward, stretched out his right hand, and gently grabbed Chen Feng. A strong suction force fell on Chen Feng through the space.

There was no vibration in the surrounding space, but Chen Feng was paralyzed all over, unable to move, and flew towards the opponent involuntarily.

Facing such an opponent, Chen Feng had no power to fight back.

"Let's fight." Chen Feng gritted his teeth and burned the fire of his soul.

"Don't struggle, I know my limits." At this time, the voice of the tower came into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

After hearing the tower's words, Chen Feng immediately understood what to do next, so he immediately stopped all actions and let the other party swallow him.

Seeing Chen Feng in front of him, the young man's eyes flashed, and the suction in his palm became stronger, grabbing Chen Feng's neck.


The Longevity Tower shook slightly, and the next moment it was above the young man's head. The huge Longevity Tower seemed to come from the sky and quickly covered the young man.

"Hey, it finally came out. It turned out to be a pagoda. Good stuff, it belongs to me." The young man did not panic in the face of the attack of the Longevity Tower, but punched the sky like lightning, and hit the bottom of the Longevity Tower heavily.


A huge collision sounded, and ripples continued to spread around. Chen Feng was the first to be affected. The fifth-grade robe on his body was broken into pieces and turned into debris. He flew backwards and began to bleed in mid-air. His consciousness was confused, and even the fire of his soul seemed to be extinguished at any time.

"I won't die like this?" Chen Feng could no longer stay awake after this thought flashed through his mind. He fainted as his consciousness was confused, and then fell heavily to the ground.

On the other side, the Longevity Tower was hit by this punch and raised several feet high. After spinning a few times, it covered the young man again.

This strange young man thought that he could knock the pagoda away with one punch, but then he felt his whole body trembling constantly due to the strong impact force. The subsequent strength could not keep up in the first time. Facing the giant tower falling from the sky, his face finally changed.


The young man roared, his face was distorted, and then he raised his arms high, trying to hold up the Longevity Tower.


The Immortality Tower, which had transformed into a size of more than ten feet, fell heavily to the ground. With the Immortality Tower as the origin, thick layers of mud continued to spread around. Soon, a large pit with a radius of one hundred feet and a depth of ten feet appeared on the ground. As for Chen Feng, he was buried by the thick mud.


The Immortality Tower flew up quickly, emitting a suction force, wrapping Chen Feng and sucking him into the Immortality Tower. Then the huge tower body quickly shrank, and finally turned into the size of dust, floating on the ground and disappearing.

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