Eternal Existence

Chapter 197 Devouring Power

"Could it be that there is a passage to the demon world here? This shouldn't be possible. How could there be a passage to the demon world here?" Ta's voice was still a little confused, as if he couldn't figure out what was happening in front of him.

"Hehe, aren't you known to be more powerful than immortal weapons? How come there are things you don't know?" Chen Feng laughed.

"Humph, that's because I lost most of my memory. Otherwise, there are very few things in the Zhoutian world that I don't know." Ta said proudly.

"Blow, blow hard." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Humph, you'll know when I recover my strength." Ta was a little angry.

Following the traces left by the bloodthirsty demon fangs, Chen Fen began to move forward carefully. Finally, Chen Feng saw the first bloodthirsty demon fang, which was lying on the ground motionless, and seemed to have fallen asleep.

Chen Feng did not alarm the demon beast, but quietly went around it. Soon Chen Feng saw the second, third, and fourth bloodthirsty demon fangs. As Chen Feng slowly lurked forward, the bloodthirsty demon fangs that appeared in Chen Feng's sight had exceeded a hundred, and the situation in front of him was obviously more and more.

"It's a phantom beast." Chen Feng saw a phantom beast. These demon beasts that like to sneak attack in battle and bloodthirsty demon fangs clearly lying on the ground made Chen Feng feel strange.

"Did I go to the demon beast nest in the demon world?" Chen Feng couldn't help but whispered.

"Hehe, it's definitely not the demon world, because there is almost no demon energy here, no wonder these demon beasts want to go out to suck human blood." Ta said with a smile.

"It's good that it's not the demon world. If it is the demon world, I'm afraid I can't get out." Chen Feng laughed.

"Humph, what's so great about the demon world? Back then, it was the fairy world, the demon world, and the underworld. I can go there whenever I want. Who can stop me?" Ta's voice was a little higher.

"Okay, okay, I know you are very powerful, but before your strength is restored, you should not say this." Chen Feng shook his head, as if he could not stand the tone of Ta.

"I think, let's retreat. It's too dangerous here. If I make a noise and get besieged by these monsters, I am not sure I can escape." Chen Feng said worriedly as he looked at the increasing number of bloodthirsty demon fangs and phantom beasts.

"What's so scary?" Ta said disdainfully.

"It's only been a short time since I came in, and there are already more than 300 monsters in my sight, and I don't know how many there will be in front. I think even if it's really in the demon world, there won't be so many monsters gathering together every day, right?" Chen Feng said.

"I want to wait until my strength is improved in the future, or get a high-level invisibility talisman, and then come here to try." Chen Feng finally nodded.

"Hehe, if you retreat, I can tell you clearly that you will regret it." Ta suddenly smiled mysteriously.

"Regret, why, is there anything good here?" Chen Feng asked immediately.

"Of course it's a good thing. If I'm not wrong, there may be a secret method here, and it's a very powerful secret method." Ta laughed.

"Secret method? A very powerful secret method?" Chen Feng was a little surprised. If Ta said it was powerful, it must be something extraordinary. If that was the case, Chen Feng would have to take a look even if it was very dangerous.

"Hehe, I'm not completely sure yet, but I think it's almost certain. Don't worry, if there is really danger this time, I will take action." Ta laughed.

"In that case, I want to see what's ahead." With Ta's guarantee, Chen Feng was relieved.

Then Chen Feng discovered a pattern, that is, the surrounding monsters were all fan-shaped and moving vertically inward, which means that the more you go forward, the more monsters there are, but you will soon find the end.

"There are so many monsters here. If they all run out, I don't know how many humans will suffer?" Chen Feng said blankly.

"If all these monsters run out, it won't take long for them to be killed by human monks." Ta said lightly.

When Chen Feng saw a huge and magnificent palace suddenly appear in the barren and lifeless world, he knew he had found the source.

There was only one palace, more than ten feet high, round, white, and looked like a castle from a distance, as if it was embedded in the ground and integrated with the entire earth. This palace seemed to be built with ordinary stones, but Chen Feng felt a wave of extremely arrogant and domineering auras rushing around, as if there was a peerless beast lying in the castle, constantly devouring the vitality of the surrounding world. Feeling this unparalleled aura, Chen Feng's long body of true energy actually vibrated slightly.

Dead silence, even more dead silence here, only without vitality.

"Did you feel anything?" Ta suddenly asked.

"The devouring power that is somewhat similar to the Changsheng Zhenjing." Chen Feng thought about it before saying.

"Hehe, yes, it is the devouring power, and it is also the most powerful devouring power in the Zhoutian world." Ta laughed.

"The most powerful devouring power is more powerful than the swallowing and absorbing technique in the Changsheng Zhenjing?" Chen Feng was a little unconvinced.

Although Chen Feng had only practiced the basics of the Heaven-Swallowing and Absorbing Technique in the True Scripture of Immortality, Chen Feng knew that this technique was extremely powerful and could absorb almost all the essence and vitality in the body for his own use. If the True Scripture of Immortality did not have this method, Chen Feng would not have been able to practice so fast. As for the soul fire, it was even more impossible for it to be condensed so early.

Regarding the Heaven Swallowing Absorption Technique, Chen Feng already felt from the bottom of his heart that it was the most abnormal technique in the world. Unexpectedly, Ta actually said that the surrounding swallowing power was more powerful than the Heaven Swallowing Absorption Technique. Chen Feng couldn't help but feel a little Do not believe.

"You'll find out later." Ta smiled.

"I don't know what will be in this palace, but I think it must be a monster from the devil world, and it is a very powerful monster." The soul fire in Chen Feng's eyes kept flashing, and the soul wave spread out in waves. Going out, I want to see what kind of existence is in this palace.

Just outside the palace, there were more than a dozen bloodthirsty demonic beasts lying down. According to Chen Feng's induction, although these bloodthirsty demonic beasts seemed to understand nothing, their whole bodies were trembling slightly, as if they were extremely frightened in their hearts.

"Are these bloodthirsty demon beasts afraid of things in the palace?" Chen Feng secretly asked.

Just when Chen Feng was thinking about whether to continue entering the palace to investigate, the released soul power trembled, and he felt a cold and bloodthirsty aura quickly pass out from the palace.

"Not good." Chen Feng was shocked and wanted to take back the power of his soul, but the icy aura coming from the palace was extremely fast, and it actually entangled Chen Feng's power of soul, and it suddenly became powerful and devouring. Covered Chen Feng's soul.

Chen Feng made a decisive decision and immediately gave up these few traces of soul power, and returned all the rest to the sea of ​​consciousness.

Sure enough, with the next breath, Chen Feng's consciousness scattered outside was completely swallowed up by this cold and bloodthirsty breath.

"What a powerful devouring power, I kind of believe it now." Chen Feng was surprised in his heart. Chen Feng felt that this was a pure devouring power. Although the grade was not higher than the sky-swallowing and absorbing technique he practiced, But the power is many times stronger than his own.

Next, Chen Feng saw an even weirder scene. A cloud of dark smoke quickly spread out from the palace, directly wrapping the bloodthirsty demons lying on the ground. These bloodthirsty demons trembled even more fiercely.


Chen Feng even heard soft sounds coming from the smoke. The bloodthirsty demon beasts wrapped in the black smoke began to shrink, and finally turned into mummies, with all the essence in the body absorbed. net.

"Good guy, each of these bloodthirsty demon beasts is equivalent to a human monk who has cultivated the fire of the soul, and was sucked into a mummy without any resistance." Chen Feng felt shocked.

"Hey, how about it, boy, if you practice this devouring power again, and then try to cooperate with the sky-swallowing and absorbing technique in the Immortality Manual, what level of power do you think it will reach?" Ta said with a smile.

"Domineering, too domineering, but let's solve the problem at hand now." Chen Feng said and already took out the blood soul.

Because, after the black smoke in front of him swallowed these bloodthirsty demon beasts, it did not take them back, but quickly swallowed them at Chen Feng. Obviously, the existence in the palace had discovered Chen Feng.


Chen Feng did not retreat, but rushed forward quickly. The blood soul in his hand turned into a blood shadow and rushed toward the black mist in front of him.

"Let's see which one is more powerful, your devouring power or my blood soul." Chen Feng sneered.

As soon as the blood soul stabbed in front of the black smoke, the black smoke rolled violently like a cloud. Strange black tentacles wrapped around the blood-colored spear. Chen Feng immediately felt a powerful devouring force. On the blood soul, Chen Feng was horrified to find that the abnormal magic weapon he had started to lose a lot of life.

Buzz buzz!

The blood soul seemed to be angered, and finally burst out with a strong aura, and the power of the magic weapon continued to increase.

But all this has no effect, the power of the blood soul is still being swallowed up continuously.


Chen Feng shouted loudly and stomped the ground violently. His whole body trembled, and the blood soul in his hand continued to rotate and vibrate. It immediately shook away all the tentacles wrapped around it. Chen Feng knew how powerful the swallowing power of these black smoke was. He didn't dare to use the power of his soul at all, but with a thought, he activated the Haoran Zhengang Sword and the Blood Soul to attack the strange black mist in front of him at the same time.

Next, Chen Feng became more and more frightened as he fought for several rounds. Haoran Zhengang Sword and Blood Soul were once again entangled in black smoke. Chen Feng discovered that as soon as his treasure came into contact with the black smoke, even just a little bit. If they come into contact, a lot of power will be swallowed up by the other party. This strange scene made Chen Feng less and less confident.

"Eternal Life Knife!"

A majestic sword slashed hard at the black smoke in front of him, and the result was like a pillar of fire rushing towards the sea. Although a little sea water evaporated, it was quickly swallowed up by the vast sea water, leaving only the appearance of a pillar of fire. A bunch of painless waves.

"What the hell is this?" Chen Feng couldn't help but curse.

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