Eternal Existence

Chapter 187 Bloodthirsty Demon Fang

In the thick demonic aura, a humanoid monster was as black as ink, with disgusting scales covering its body. Its limbs were thick and powerful, and its head was densely covered with armor. Only its eyes and a pair of fiercely flashing eyes were exposed. Sharp fangs dripping with blood.

"Is this a bloodthirsty demon? It looks really disgusting. It might as well be a crocodile that looks comfortable?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

Just when Chen Feng was thinking about how to deal with the bloodthirsty demon beast in front of him, he suddenly heard a scream from behind him. When he turned around, he saw the escaped disciple falling to the ground, his whole body withered and shriveled. Just before Chen Feng In the blink of an eye, this disciple had been sucked dry of blood by another bloodthirsty demon beast hidden around him.

"How careless."

As soon as Chen Feng thought of this, he felt two strange cold winds approaching him from different angles, and a faint crisis rose from the bottom of his heart. Chen Feng was a little surprised, because in Chen Feng's knowledge, the sudden cold wind in front of him Although the demon monsters that appeared were a bit weird and strange, their strength should not be as strong as mine, but why did I feel the slightest bit of danger?


Chen Feng swayed and easily dodged the attack of the two bloodthirsty demon beasts, then opened his mouth and let out a long roar.

The roaring sound rose into the sky, instantly alarming the entire small town. All other Taiyi Sect disciples were alarmed and rushed towards Chen Feng's location.

As long as these other disciples of the Taiyi Sect arrive, Chen Feng even thinks that he can solve the situation in front of him without the help of others. However, after just two breaths, Chen Feng's thoughts changed.

Ding ding ding ding!

Chen Feng stretched out his fingers and quickly sent out a stream of energy, accurately hitting the two bloodthirsty demon beasts. Chen Feng was confident that the energy he sent out casually could easily penetrate even a two-foot-thick steel plate, but now he can only Sparks shot out on the opponent's hard scales.

"So hard." Chen Feng was a little shocked. Just as he was thinking about increasing his strength, the hairs on his back suddenly stood up, and a sudden force acted on him. This force came without any warning, and there was no trace of murderous intent contained in it. , just like that, it hit Chen Feng through Chen Feng’s consciousness.


Powerful force exploded on Chen Feng's back. At the same time, the two bloodthirsty demon beasts who were beaten back by Chen Feng also burst out with super power, breaking through Chen Feng's power suppression in an instant. A volcanic eruption attacked Chen Feng from both sides.

The scene that he didn't care about at first suddenly became dangerous. Chen Feng thought that the power behind him was enough to kill a monk on the sixth level of the secret realm.

And he is only on the second level of the secret realm.

At this critical moment, Chen Feng's five senses and six senses were extremely sensitive. Not only everything around him, but also the most subtle state of his body was reflected in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. Chen Feng even clearly sensed himself. The body full of vitality was being destroyed by this powerful force. No matter how powerful Chen Feng's body was, it was of no use at all.

Facing this powerful attack, Chen Feng did not dodge, nor did he sit still and wait for death. Instead, he opened the pores in his body, gave up resistance, and allowed this powerful force to hit his body unimpeded.


Chen Feng sneered in his heart. A total of six acupoints, namely the Tianyuan acupoint between the eyebrows, the magnetic pole acupoint on the soles of the feet, and the Tianmen Sanxing acupoint, were opened at the same time, revealing extremely powerful suction power. The powerful destructive force that entered his body was divided one after another. , and then be swallowed cleanly by these acupoints.

It sounds like the process was a bit troublesome, but it only happened in the blink of an eye. In the crisis, Chen Feng came up with a strange move to neutralize the attack behind him.

At the same time, the attacks from the two bloodthirsty demon beasts in front of him also came in front of him.

Without too many tricks or using any magic weapons, Chen Feng just stretched out his palm quickly and struck out like lightning, colliding with the opponent's attack.


With a dull loud noise, Chen Feng was thrown into the air, and then he quickly twisted around and flew dozens of meters into the air.

At this time, other Taiyi Sect disciples had arrived, starting with Zhao Qiang, Ma Wu and another true disciple.

When the three people arrived, they were shocked when they saw the situation in front of them. Without saying a word, they immediately activated their flying swords to kill the two bloodthirsty demonic beasts.

Quack, quack, quack!

The two bloodthirsty demon beasts let out a series of strange cries, and the demonic energy on their bodies became even stronger. Their hard claws kept waving, and with a crackling sound, they actually blocked the flying sword attacks of Zhao Qiang and the others.

"What is this?"

The other disciples from behind quickly stepped forward and surrounded the two bloodthirsty demon beasts.

Chen Feng was still flying in mid-air at this time. Although he had a sudden idea and used the sky-swallowing absorption technique in the Immortality Manual to resolve the powerful force pouring into his body, Chen Feng still suffered a lot of trauma and only felt breathless. There was blood flowing wildly, chest tightness was abnormal, and a large area of ​​muscle tissue on his back was destroyed. At this time, Chen Feng was floating in mid-air and was taking the opportunity to repair his injuries.

However, after Chen Feng saw the situation on the ground clearly, he was immediately surprised, because there were only two bloodthirsty demon beasts on the ground fighting with the Taiyi Sect disciples.

"What was that thing that attacked me just now?" Chen Feng thought immediately.

"Everyone, be careful, there are still things hiding in the dark." Chen Feng shouted in mid-air.

But it was still a little late. One of the true disciples who was fighting with the bloodthirsty demon fangs exploded without any warning. A true disciple who cultivated the soul fire was beaten to pieces without even resisting. Before his scattered body fell to the ground, it was swallowed up by a force in the dark and turned into a mummy.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Then a series of noises came, and the surrounding Taiyi disciples were torn into pieces one after another, and then the blood in their bodies was absorbed cleanly.

"What? What is hiding in the dark?"

"No, run away quickly, even the true disciples have been killed, we are even less of a match."

"Don't panic, don't panic, don't be confused, you must gather together."


Then the disciple who shouted also exploded, and the scene became even more chaotic.

"Damn it, what is hiding in the dark?" Zhao Qiang, Ma Wu and other true disciples gnashed their teeth and shouted.

"The thing hidden in the dark is more powerful than these two bloodthirsty demon fangs. It was a close call just now. If I hadn't made a quick decision to absorb these powers into the acupoints, I'm afraid I would have been beaten half to death." The soul fire in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness began to burn fiercely, his eyes were bright and shining, and the soul power intertwined into a silk net to cover the bottom, and began to quickly search for things hidden in the dark.

Zhao Qiang and other true disciples have good cultivation in Chen Feng's eyes, but it is obvious that they lack the ability to respond to battle and fighting experience. Facing two bloodthirsty demon fangs, they can't deal with them for a while. You know, there is another dangerous guy in the dark.


Another disciple was killed, this time it was an inner disciple.


Chen Feng waved his hand, and the immortal spear in his hand turned into a stream of light and stabbed at one of the ground.


The hard ground exploded suddenly, but the thing hidden in the dark was not found.

"Don't panic, quickly form a circle." Chen Feng shouted, and at the same time, two immortal spears condensed in his hand.

"Here." At this time, an inner disciple shouted, and a flying sword slashed at the void in front of him.


The flying sword turned into pieces.


The two immortal spears in Chen Feng's hand flew out, spinning rapidly to the left and right. Chen Feng was sure that he could hit the opponent this time.

Bang bang!

The immortal spears exploded violently, and a ball of dark magic appeared in everyone's sight. Chen Feng's move just now finally forced the opponent out.

"Hey, it's not a bloodthirsty demon fang." Chen Feng was a little surprised when he saw the creature in the magic.

The creature in the magic was smaller than the two bloodthirsty demon fangs. It was also human-shaped, covered with fine scales, but without fangs or sharp claws, but there were hideous bone spurs growing all over the joints of the body, especially the fists, which were shining black, as if they were made of dark bones, which made people feel creepy.

"Hey, no wonder my protective vestments exploded just now, it turned out to be this kind of perverted monster." Chen Feng felt a little scared.

"Ta, what is this? It shouldn't be a bloodthirsty demon fang, right?" Chen Feng asked.

"This is a phantom beast from the demon world. It is good at hiding, and its body is extremely hard, especially the bone spurs. Hehe, this is a good thing for refining flying swords. To be honest, the phantom beast is a more powerful demon beast than the bloodthirsty demon fang, but the number is not as large as the bloodthirsty demon fang. I suggest you capture this phantom beast and use it as an assassination tool after training. Don't underestimate this kind of thing. If you are lucky, even a monk with a quiet life can be assassinated." Ta said.

"It's so powerful, but under this situation, I can't use means to capture this demon beast, otherwise my strength will be exposed." Chen Feng said as he pounced on the phantom beast below. Before he arrived, a ferocious spear had already condensed in his hand, which was the Longevity Spear.

This Longevity Spear was mighty and overbearing. The tip of the spear stabbed all the way, and it actually made bursts of explosions in the air. Chen Feng had only condensed the Longevity Spear for a short time, and the power had not yet been raised. Chen Feng also knew that this attack could not cause any damage to the phantom beast, but Chen Feng secretly used his Qi to firmly lock the opponent.

Facing Chen Feng's attack, the phantom beast did not dodge, but raised its hard arms to block Chen Feng's attack.


With a dull roar, the phantom beast was suddenly blasted into the ground by the force of Chen Feng, and the Longevity Spear in Chen Feng's hand was also shattered.

Chen Feng shook his palm, and the true Qi that had not yet completely dissipated quickly condensed and transformed into a sharp flying spear, and then waved his hand to stab the bloodthirsty demon fangs that were fighting on the side.

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