Eternal Existence

Chapter 186: The Mummy Incident

Although everyone complained, they had no ability to change the current situation. The only thing they could do was to complete the task quickly and then take time to practice hard.

Soon, another month passed. On this day, Chen Feng finally communicated with the Destiny Star. A different kind of power was transmitted from the vast starry sky to Chen Feng's Destiny Point.


Chen Feng even heard a crisp sound. The Destiny Point was opened, and the rolling power was continuously infused into Chen Feng's Tianmen.

With the opening of the Destiny Star, the two major acupoints of Tianyang Tianshi also quickly communicated with the other two major stars.

Chen Feng sat quietly on the top of the mountain. Three faint light beams fell from the sky and connected to the three Tianmen points.

At this moment, Chen Feng communicated with three ancient mysterious stars at the same time, and truly entered the realm of the three stars above his head.

A stream of mysterious breath constantly impacted Chen Feng's mind. Chen Feng felt that his soul seemed to be in the starry sky. Feeling the boundless starlight, Chen Feng felt extremely small again.

"Not good, if this goes on, it will definitely breed inner demons." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Swallow, absorb, let go, tolerate." One word after another flashed in Chen Feng's mind, and Chen Feng kept trying to change his state of mind.


At this moment, it seemed that the star power of the entire starry sky was moving, and all of them swarmed into Chen Feng's body.


Chen Feng snorted coldly, and his whole body shook violently. He didn't expect that just a thought just now, he actually absorbed all the other star power into his body. In this way, the absorbed star power was a bit mixed. What surprised Chen Feng even more was that the piles of starlight stones not far away from him actually released a lot of star power under his influence. This time, all the star power in the sky and on the ground was absorbed into Chen Feng's body.

At this time, Chen Feng remembered that he used to practice the Changsheng Zhenjing to absorb the essence of the surrounding plants and trees, and couldn't help but secretly sigh at the domineering Changsheng Zhenjing.

It was not easy. Only then did he suppress the chaotic power in his body. At this time, the sky was already bright.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the three stones in front of him all floated up. Chen Feng had a strange feeling at this time, that is, his mind seemed to be divided into three parts, but each part could represent all his intentions.

The three stones jumped in the air at the same time, moving in different strange ways, as if three people were controlling them at the same time.

"The three stars above my head are all opened up. I have now cultivated to the point of multitasking. Next, it is time to comprehend the soul fire and impact the third level of the secret realm." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Just as Chen Feng was thinking, he suddenly raised his head. Two figures flew up quickly from the foot of the mountain and arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye.

They were the two outer disciples who usually worked with him, but the faces of these two disciples were full of panic, especially in their eyes, there was a trace of fear.

"What happened?" Seeing this, Chen Feng instinctively felt that something was not good, and he was afraid that something was going to happen.

"Some disciples died. "The two men said in horror.

"What, someone died, what happened?" Chen Feng stood up.

"We don't know either, but when we woke up this morning, we found that several of our fellow disciples had been drained of blood." When they said this, a trace of fear flashed in their eyes again.

"Let's go and take a look." Chen Feng said.

When Chen Feng arrived, he saw that the foot of the mountain was surrounded by Taiyi Sect disciples, even Zhao Qiang and Ma Wu were here. In addition to these two people, there were four people who caught Chen Feng's attention.

"These four people are also true disciples." Chen Feng said in his heart.

When this happened, everyone naturally did not start working, but gathered together to discuss.

"What happened? "Chen Feng squeezed forward and asked.

There were six disciples lying on the ground, all of them were outer disciples. The six people who were still fine yesterday had become six dead bodies today, and they were mummies.

At this time, two true disciples were checking the cause of death of the six disciples.

When Chen Feng's eyes fell on the corpses on the ground, he was stunned. The six people were dry and shrunken, without a trace of life on their bodies, and the blood in their bodies was absorbed cleanly.

Chen Feng's consciousness moved, and he clearly sensed that the other party's sea of ​​consciousness had also dried up. I don't know if the consciousness in it dissipated or was sucked away by something.

Except for two blood holes on their necks, these people had no other wounds on their bodies. Their clothes, weapons, and storage bags were all intact.

"This is the blood sucked out of the body alive. What kind of monster did this?" Someone shouted.

"Okay, okay, everyone disperse, we will deal with this matter. There are many bloodthirsty monsters in the cultivation world. It is not surprising that we encounter them occasionally. Now everyone continues to work, and we will deal with the rest. "One of the true disciples shouted loudly.

The crowd quickly dispersed and entered the valley to continue cutting the starlight stone, but the discussion between them did not stop. On the contrary, it became more and more intense. After all, these people were bored to death from mining here every day. This time was like a huge rock thrown into the calm water, splashing up waves and ripples around.

"I guess it must be done by monsters. I know that some monsters devour the blood and essence of our cultivators."

"It may also be done by the demon cultivators. Some people's evil skills also need to absorb the blood and essence of the cultivators."

"Yes, many evil cultivators practice very evil techniques. Last time I heard that a guy killed 999 one-month-old babies in order to practice evil techniques."

"So cruel?"

"Yes, in the end this guy was killed by a master of the Sword Pavilion. It's a pity that I don't have the power to kill such a scum. Otherwise, I would also kill demons and exorcise demons."

"Don't worry, isn't this kind of thing happening right now? You can go and kill demons and exorcise demons. This is a good opportunity for you."

"Go to hell, you are simply asking me to die."

"Hey, Brother Chen, what's wrong with you? Are you practicing again?" At this time, the outer disciples who were talking saw Chen Feng leaning against a starlight stone, his eyes wandering, and I don't know what he was thinking.

"Haha, nothing, I just feel that today's things are a bit strange. Although those true disciples said they can handle it, everyone should still be careful. I suggest that everyone gather together when they rest at night, so that if something really happens, they can take care of each other." Chen Feng smiled.

"Brother Chen is right. Let's squeeze together at night. I think this matter is a bit weird. We finally entered Taiyi Sect. Don't die here." Everyone agreed.

"Is it really a creature from the demon world?" Chen Feng was communicating with Ta at this time.

"It must be the bloodthirsty demon fangs from the demon world. Although the demonic energy on the wound has almost disappeared, I still sensed it." Ta said.

"How can the creatures from the demon world come to our Eternal World?" Chen Feng was a little confused.

"Hahaha, because the Eternal World is a special place. Not to mention the creatures from the demon world, you will also encounter things from other realms in the future." Ta laughed.

"Special, what's special?" Chen Feng asked in confusion.

"I can't tell you. You will know it naturally in the future. Okay, you should think about how to deal with these bloodthirsty demon fangs that suddenly appeared. If I guess correctly, since there are bloodthirsty demon fangs here, there must be some strange things nearby." Ta laughed.

At night, these outer disciples began to gather in groups of three or five, while Chen Feng still found a hilltop to practice alone.

During the practice, Chen Feng's spiritual consciousness was open, and he kept scanning the surrounding valleys.

However, the next three days were quiet, and some of the true disciples such as Zhao Qiang did not find any clues. After a few days, everyone gradually relaxed their vigilance.

On this day, when Chen Feng was sitting on the top of the mountain to practice quietly, he suddenly had an idea in his mind, and the spiritual consciousness he released suddenly became active.

"There is movement." Thinking of this, Chen Feng jumped up and quickly disappeared in the night sky.

At this time, the courtyard where the outer disciples lived was in chaos, and several disciples were lying in the houses and courtyards. At this time, there were two disciples fighting with a group of black shadows, but the black shadow was extremely fast, like a gust of wind, wrapping up the two disciples, so that the two did not even have time to call out.


Suddenly, the shadow pounced fiercely, approaching a person, two cold lights flashed, and two thick fangs pierced into the disciple's throat. In less than half a breath, the disciple's blood and essence were completely absorbed, turning into a mummy.

Another disciple was about to take the opportunity to call out, but who knew that the shadow quickly sent out a strong wind, directly forcing the disciple to retreat repeatedly, and the sound that was about to be made was swallowed.

"Gaga gaga!"

A low voice came from the shadow, and then turned into a black wind and rushed towards the disciple.


Seeing that the disciple was about to die in the mouth of the shadow, a sword light broke through the darkness, shining in people's eyes, and slashed directly at the shadow.


The shadow reacted very quickly, and the figure that pounced out suddenly turned halfway and avoided the attack of the sword energy.

After landing, Chen Feng looked at the crack on the ground and raised his eyebrows. Although he did not use his full strength, it was not something that ordinary secret realm cultivators could resist, especially Chen Feng himself did not expect the other party to dodge.

"Brother Chen, the others are dead." The only surviving disciple said miserably.

Looking at his fellow disciple who was sucked into a mummy on the ground, Chen Feng's eyes suddenly flashed with murderous intent, and then he fixed his eyes on the black shadow in front of him.

This was a ball of dense demonic energy.

Chen Feng's eyes directly penetrated the dense demonic energy and saw the creatures inside clearly.

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