Eternal Existence

Chapter 1801: Origin of Divine Fire

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

This was the wave of the flying disc being broken. Chen Feng showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. He still succeeded in delaying the opponent for some time.


The long river of time was summoned. As Chen Feng's strength increased, and the time disc gradually merged with the fragments of time, the summoned long river of time began to become more and more real and condensed. At first glance, it no longer looked like a phantom.

The space array took Chen Feng into the long river of time. When the pursuers caught up, they saw that the long river of time had disappeared.

"Time and space reverse!"

Unexpectedly, one of the intermediate Taiyi Jinxian actually performed a very powerful time and space secret technique. The invisible wave spread out, the space was turbulent, and the long river of time that had disappeared actually slowly appeared again. This can be regarded as time reversal.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

But at this moment, three light spots suddenly flashed out, and then collided with each other, making a shocking explosion.


The three masters who did not retreat a step in the face of so many flying discs chose to retreat at this time.

The long river of time disappeared again in the explosion. This time, the Taiyi Jinxian did not perform the time-space reversal.

"It was a fragment of the world just now. Can it be used like this? I think even the core fragment of the life world would not have such power."

"It should be that the other party mixed something else in it."

"Still chasing?"

"Forget it. The other party summoned the long river of time. It is probably millions of light years away now. There is no point in chasing."

"Aren't you good at the art of time? Can't you summon the long river of time?"

"It's different. The other party has the disk of time in his hand, which gives him an advantage."

"Then go back. The other party is lucky."

This time, Chen Feng traveled a full five million light years. After walking out of the long river of time, he still saw endless darkness.

"Yes, according to the introduction on the map, this dark area is about tens of millions of light years in size, with only a few lives, but I should be on the edge now, let me think about it." When Chen Feng said this, a map of this space emerged in his sea of ​​consciousness. There was only a simple description of this dark area, but there was a lot of introduction to the space after the dark area.

"A desolate land? In fact, this dark area is more suitable for hiding, but the pursuers behind are too close, so let's leave here first." Chen Feng made up his mind and urged the space array to continue moving forward.

This time he traveled through five million light years, and Chen Feng thought that it would take some time for the other party to catch up with him.

"I don't know how the fight between Immovable True Lord and others went, but it was just a projection of will. If it was damaged, it would only lose some energy, but I will remember this favor." Chen Feng said lightly.

Then Chen Feng urged the space array to move forward another three million light years and finally gradually walked out of this dark area. First, he encountered some scattered meteorites, and then some broken worlds, continents, stars, and the deserted life world.

Continuing forward, after several light years, Chen Feng finally saw the various large worlds that were intermittent and undulating. Although Chen Feng had seen the map before, he was still shocked by the situation here after coming in person.

Chen Feng secretly estimated that this piece of barren land was dozens of times larger than the Changsheng Heaven.

"If this place was full of life, it would be so spectacular. Perhaps there had been a glorious civilization." Chen Feng landed on a piece of broken land. After a little sensing, he determined that the land here was solid and the space was stable. Although the laws were a little disordered, it was indeed very strong and at a high level.

Chen Feng's divine consciousness was integrated into the power of time and radiated out in waves. He also found some life, but Chen Feng guessed that this should be a cultivator from other places. After all, this place is not suitable for the growth of ordinary life, but it is suitable for cultivators with strong cultivation to build cave bases or practice. Just like the meteorite zone that Chen Feng passed by before, although there were a lot of precious spiritual mines, there were only a few bandits and robbers hidden in it, and there were also powerful cultivators who entered it to explore. For example, when Chen Feng entered the dazzling zone at that time, he encountered many Taiyi Jinxian alone.

"It is indeed very desolate, and it is also a good place for cultivation." Chen Feng nodded.

However, although Chen Feng said this, he did not stop rashly, but continued to move forward. In this way, Chen Feng stopped after advancing billions of miles.

"This is it." Chen Feng's eyes swept around again and again. Compared with this huge piece of desolate land, the place where Chen Feng was located was sparsely growing some spiritual plants, and there were also several earth immortal-level beasts living here.

Chen Feng certainly knew that the reason for all this was because there was a good medium-sized spiritual vein underground. Chen Feng certainly did not stop for these. Chen Feng would sometimes search for spiritual veins of this level, but he would not pay attention to them. In fact, Chen Feng's current cultivation did not even look down on half of the large spiritual veins, and there were too many high-level resources for Chen Feng to use.


Chen Feng threw a punch, and a thousand-foot-high mountain in front of him turned into ashes, and then a rock the size of a human head fell down, smashing a big hole directly in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the rock fell into his hand.

"Mysterious rock." Chen Feng's eyes shone with brilliance. This rock looked ordinary, but it was actually extremely hard. Chen Feng had obtained it twice. The first time was when it wrapped the Abyss Sword. The rock was extremely hard. Later, Chen Feng gradually melted it into the Longevity Armor, which increased the hardness of the Longevity Armor several times.

The second time was when he encountered a mountain on the Star Road that blocked the road. Although the quality was somewhat reduced, it was better in quantity. When Chen Feng slowly refined it with the divine fire, the quality could also be improved.

The head-sized rock in front of him was harder than the mountain-sized rock, but it was still not as good as the rock that wrapped the broken sword that Chen Feng encountered at the beginning.

However, in Chen Feng's view, this is also an extremely precious treasure, because it is rare and strong, just these two points are enough. For example, the Chaos Green Lotus is a Chaos thing, so it is precious. If Chen Feng only has one, he will definitely find a way to maximize the role of the Chaos Green Lotus. Maybe he will refine it every day like Taichu Zhenjun and refine it into a life-saving magic weapon. However, Chen Feng has several Chaos Green Lotuses and some remnants, so Chen Feng generously took out some for his younger brothers to use to increase their strength.

Chen Feng also wanted to use it, but he has not had time recently. In addition, Chen Feng has too many good things on him and needs to practice himself, so treasures of the level of Chaos Green Lotus are placed in the energy pool to grow autonomously.

"Good stuff, I came here to heal my wounds, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. It's really surprising. It seems that this land is not simple. I can't leave so quickly." Chen Feng's divine thoughts searched around again and again, but he didn't find it again.

Chen Feng was not disappointed. Anyway, he had determined that there was a problem here. He would slowly look for it after his injuries recovered.

So Chen Feng set up some magic arrays, defensive prohibitions, and concealment arrays at the mountain that was blown up. Chen Feng's methods were quite skilled. After setting them up, he began to deal with the fire source power suppressed in his body.

It can be said that if Chen Feng had not found a new way to seal this power with the divine nail, Chen Feng would have been burned half to death. Of course, Chen Feng also has a strongest method, which is to use the power of the water flag to put out the fire.

In Chen Feng's view, using the water-based chaos magic weapon to extinguish the source flame of an intermediate Taiyi Jinxian is not a problem at all, but Chen Feng is worried that the breath of the chaos magic weapon will leak out, which will cause greater trouble, so Chen Feng endured the burning of the divine fire.

"That fire dragon is really not simple. It actually has this skill. What a powerful source of power." Chen Feng said as he flicked his finger and a fiery red flame fell down. The earth began to melt silently. A large hole with a radius of 100 meters appeared in front of Chen Feng. It was unknown how deep it was. Only rolling heat waves swept out from the depths of the large hole. If it were another cultivator, he would probably think that this was a volcano that was about to erupt.

Chen Feng shook his head and praised again. Then he waved his hand and a stream of water rushed into the large hole. The hot air was fumigating, but after a few breaths, there was no more heat wave. Then the cave became cold, and finally ice began to emerge.

Chen Feng used the power of ice. The water that was poured just now was Taiyin True Water mixed with the power of the ice source crystal.

The effect is really good, but don't forget that this is just a little flame forced out of Chen Feng's body. In comparison, Chen Feng's body also hides a volcano that can erupt at any time.

"I really want to devour and absorb this level of energy, but the origin of fire is too active, and the will of the fire dragon is contained in it. I can also absorb it by performing the devouring technique, but it's not worth the loss." Chen Feng said as his mind moved, one of the divine nails loosened, and then with a bang, Chen Feng was wrapped in flames.

The flames burned fiercely, and Chen Feng sat cross-legged and motionless, like an ascetic monk, but the real situation was that Chen Feng was fighting and feeling the power of these flames, and his thoughts fluctuated rapidly, calculating how to better deal with these flames.

"It's nearly twice as strong as before the suppression. If it is blocked for a while, it will become even stronger." Chen Feng was not surprised at all that the power of fire became more intense. The moment he came into contact with this power, Chen Feng knew that he was in trouble.

This is not ordinary fire, but the origin of divine fire cultivated by an intermediate Taiyi Jinxian for hundreds of millions of years. Speaking of it, Chen Feng has encountered countless divine fires, and even collected and refined some of them personally. Even the chaotic spiritual fire can be refined by Chen Feng for himself, but there has never been a fire that can bring such a strong impact to him as this one.

"Don't underestimate any Taiyi Jinxian." Chen Feng said lightly, and the blazing flames on his body began to slowly rotate around Chen Feng, and while rotating, they gathered towards Chen Feng's head. Soon, the flames that enveloped Chen Feng gathered into a ball.

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