Eternal Existence

Chapter 1800: Flying

Both Budong Zhenjun and Dongtian Zhenjun are veteran cultivators in the Changsheng clan. Chen Feng didn't know much about them in the past, but now he can be sure that they are both intermediate Taiyi Jinxian, and they are very powerful.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng has never dealt with these two people, but he has dealt with their disciples and descendants. You should know that Chen Feng has had many opponents since he first entered the Changsheng Heaven Realm, and they have also had life-and-death battles with each other. There are also many members of the Changsheng clan who died in Chen Feng's hands, and some of these people are related to Budong Zhenjun and Dongtian Zhenjun.

Of course, with Chen Feng's strength at that time, he was not qualified to shout at this level of existence. At most, there would be some primary Taiyi Jinxians secretly intervening, but this kind of intermediate Taiyi realm existence is too powerful, and the time of cultivation is long enough, so naturally, thinking about things is different from other ordinary cultivators.

However, Chen Feng was not worried that the other party would be unfavorable to him. Instead, he was very sure that these two people were here to help him.

However, Chen Feng still frowned, because these two people are indeed powerful. If the original body came, he might be able to show his power and kill the fire dragon and poisonous lizard in front of him.

But now.

"It turns out that they are just two will projections." At this time, the poisonous lizard sneered first, and the fire dragon also breathed a sigh of relief. Only the fire dragon Tianqi was still cautious, but not as vigilant as before. Since it was not the original body, no matter how powerful it was, he was also a powerful intermediate Taiyi Jinxian.

"It turned out to be a will projection. It seems that the location of these two people is far away from this, but using the will projection is also very energy-consuming. It seems that my identity is increasingly recognized by people." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Changtian, leave this to us, you leave first." Dongtian Zhenjun glanced at Chen Feng and said.

Although it was just a glance, Chen Feng immediately received countless messages. Chen Feng nodded and immediately understood a lot of things.

"Okay, then I'll trouble the two seniors." Chen Feng said with a smile, and the divine wings behind him suddenly burned and vibrated slightly, and the surrounding space shook.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy." Tianqi's eyes flickered. Although he said so on the surface, he also knew that someone intervened. It was impossible to keep Chen Feng. But watching this human boy leave like this was really unwilling. The most important thing was that this human boy's growth space was too scary. Now he was only in the realm of God King, but he had such combat power. If he advanced to God Lord, or waited until he became Taiyi Jinxian, I'm afraid he wouldn't be his opponent.

Thinking of this, Tianqi's murderous intent could no longer be concealed, but just as he was about to make a move, he felt locked by a strong will.

"Your opponent is us." Dongtian Zhenjun said with a smile, and there were a few green lights flying out of his eyes, tearing the space apart. The space that originally blocked Chen Feng finally collapsed. At the same time, the green lights quickly condensed and formed a green whip, whipping Tianqi. The process was smooth, and it seemed that there was no consumption of power.

"Eternal Dharma Eye!" Chen Feng exclaimed. This is the highest realm of pupil cultivation recorded in the Changsheng Sutra. There are very few cultivators in the Changsheng clan who can reach this level. This has been Chen Feng's goal for a long time. However, even though Chen Feng's pupil power has been advancing by leaps and bounds, he can never touch the edge of the Eternal Dharma Eye. He can only see it vaguely, but cannot enter the threshold. In fact, this is already good for Chen Feng.

Now seeing that someone's pupil technique has reached this level, Chen Feng is naturally surprised and a little envious.

"It's just that the cultivation time is long. If I also cultivate for hundreds of millions of years, maybe the realm will be higher." Chen Feng was not hit, but more ambitious.

But now is not the time to think about these things. It is better to leave first. The space that blocked the surroundings has been shattered. Chen Feng easily turned into a stream of light and rushed out. The poisonous lizard and the fire dragon wanted to stop him, but they were stopped by the Immovable Master.

From a distance, Chen Feng saw the Immovable Mountain Seal crashing forward like a huge mountain flying out from the depths of chaos, forcing the Fire Dragon and the Poison Lizard to retreat.

"This is the real Immovable Mountain Seal, it's really amazing." Chen Feng exclaimed, although he wanted to stop and watch, but in the end he shook his head and left.

First of all, although Chen Feng got rid of these pursuers, this is the territory of the Fire Dragon and the Poison Lizard after all, who knows if there will be more masters appearing.

Besides, there are many masters in the Changsheng Zhenjing who have left their spiritual insights, and there are many who are more powerful than the Immovable Zhenjun, so Chen Feng only admired this level of fighting, and he was not surprised.

Of course, if there is a chance, Chen Feng still hopes to watch the opponent's battle in reality. Every high-level fight will be very inspiring to himself.

Soon Chen Feng rushed out of the Secret Realm of the Divine Beast. During this process, Chen Feng killed some interceptors, but no masters appeared.

Then Chen Feng quickly rushed out of the natural barrier, which was the real way to leave the opponent's territory. However, Chen Feng still maintained the fastest flying speed because there were several powerful auras tracking Chen Feng.

"These guys are really relentless. Why do they have to target me?" Chen Feng was a little depressed, but he didn't dare to stay. However, he had entered the boundless starry sky. For Chen Feng, as long as he was not surrounded, he was not afraid of the other party catching up with his divine movement technique.

"One, two, three, I didn't expect there were three more intermediate masters, but it's impossible to catch up with me." Chen Feng said lightly. The flames burning on the wings of the divine line had disappeared, replaced by dense talismans. There are three colors of these runes, representing freedom, immortality, and time respectively.

The surge of three kinds of power gave Chen Feng a feeling of detachment. It was a pity that although these three kinds of original power formed the divine wings, they were not truly integrated. This is what Chen Feng has been trying to achieve all these years. As long as When the three are integrated, Chen Feng's magic will enter a new level. By then, he will truly transcend everything. Even monks who are more powerful than Chen Feng will not be able to catch up with Chen Feng.

But now, although the opponent cannot catch up with Chen Feng for the time being, it is still difficult to get rid of the opponent.

Weaving through vast swaths of darkness, passing through galaxies, it didn’t take long for the chase and escape to advance millions of light years.

You must know that Chen Feng is the universal disk of time that summons the river of time and can move forward so far.

It can be said that both Chen Feng and the pursuers demonstrated the ultimate in flying escape.

"Okay, I haven't tried such a crazy flight for a long time. I want to see how long you can catch up." Chen Feng said and quickly entered a silent and dark space.

The scale of this dead space is quite large. Even Chen Feng's perception can't feel the edge. A monk with insufficient cultivation will easily lose his direction when entering it.

For Chen Feng, this kind of area is the best, very suitable for Chen Feng to use his magic technique crazily.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Three rays of Taiyi's light swept towards Chen Feng one after another. They seemed to be only three tiny threads, but they cut through the black curtain, ignored the space, and were not disturbed by power, and quickly caught up with Chen Feng. "Can't you help it?" Chen Feng said with a smile. Feidun's body kept changing its position, causing Taiyi's light to miss, but the three threads continued to wrap around Chen Feng after they missed in one blow.

As a result, Chen Feng's forward speed was indeed affected.


Chen Feng waved his hand, and several kinds of divine light flew out. After these divine lights appeared, they immediately intertwined and formed a silk network in the blink of an eye.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The light of Taiyi hit it and burst into sparks, but it still penetrated three big holes, making it difficult to catch up with Chen Feng.

Moreover, the death condensed by divine light on this side also shrouded the three pursuers behind.

"Hey! How come this guy has mastered so much original divine light? Even we can't do it." The speaker was a poisonous lizard.

"It's not that we can't do it, it's that we don't have the opportunity. This level of holy light is not so easy to find." The fire dragon on the side said.

In addition to the fire dragon and the Gila monster, there was another human, but this human did not speak. Instead, he waved his hand and the sword screen swept out, smashing the oncoming death into pieces.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Then three more Taiyi Lights flew out. Compared with the flight speed of these masters, Taiyi Light's speed was obviously several times faster, so it didn't take long to catch up with Chen Feng.

Although Chen Feng was prepared, he still felt a little troubled. There were many means of existence at this level.

An energy barrier appeared behind Chen Feng, but it was penetrated by Taiyi's light in the blink of an eye.

Chen Feng had long known that there would be such a structure, so he threw out several divine thunders with a wave of his hand. These were dark divine thunders. According to Chen Feng's previous methods, these divine thunders would explode and then act as a blocking force.

In fact, these divine thunders did explode, but they formed thick round shields, and the light of Taiyi hit them and made a violent collision sound.

Dozens of divine thunders wiped out the opponent's Taiyi Light. Chen Feng was still very satisfied. Then Chen Feng raised his hand and threw hundreds of divine thunders this time.

This time it is not just the Dark God Thunder, but also the Fire God Thunder, the Nirvana God Thunder, the Devouring God Thunder, and the Death God Thunder, all of which are extremely lethal and corrosive origin powers.

Bang bang bang bang bang! Bang bang bang bang bang!

After these divine thunder exploded, they immediately turned into pieces of flying disks, which flew backwards at various angles. Chen Feng believed that each flying disk could easily penetrate the stars.

"Hey! I have used up so much inventory." Chen Feng sighed, put away his divine wings, and a space array appeared under his feet.

The space array that was full of energy carried Chen Feng to fly quickly, and even broke through the space for a shuttle. Although it was not as good as the explosion of Chen Feng's divine movement, it was still a top-grade flying artifact. The biggest advantage was that Chen Feng Feng can take the opportunity to regain his strength and use some methods.

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