Eternal Existence

Chapter 178: Small Turbulence

In the blink of an eye, these people were scattered, some were injured and some fled, and some fell to the ground and couldn't struggle.

"Hey, aren't we bullying others?" Chen Feng felt a little embarrassed when he saw these fleeing outer disciples, after all, his strength was much higher than the other party.

"It's not us who bully others, it's the other party who has more people and bullies us." Ruta made a joke.

Chen Feng looked at the few people who were still screaming on the ground, stretched out his hand and grabbed one of them in the air.

"Brother, spare my life, we won't dare to do it again."

This person was one of the eight people at the beginning. Originally, these people thought that no matter how powerful Chen Feng and his partner were, they couldn't stop fifty outer disciples, but just now Chen Feng and his partner showed their power and beat them to pieces, especially Chen Feng who broke everyone's magic weapon with his bare hands. Now these people are a little scared to face Chen Feng again.

"I'm in a good mood today and don't want to kill anyone. Although the sect stipulates that fellow disciples cannot be killed, it's still okay to beat them half to death." Chen Feng said with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

"Ah! Spare my life, Senior Brother, spare my life." The man thought Chen Feng was going to attack, and he screamed heartbreakingly.

"Humph." Chen Feng waved his hand and threw the man to the ground again.

"You guys hurry up and don't come to this mountain in the future. If you are not convinced, you can still find someone to come, but we won't be so polite next time." Chen Feng said coldly.

After hearing Chen Feng's words, these people immediately struggled to get up and fled far away without looking back.

"These people seem to have some connections. If they find inner disciples or true disciples, we will be in trouble." Ruta frowned.

"This is also a helpless thing. For now, we can only improve our cultivation as soon as possible, and then be promoted to inner disciples, and the conditions will be improved." Chen Feng said.

The next day, Luo Fang came to the mountain where Chen Feng was again.

"I will take you to receive the benefits of the sect." Luo Fang said as soon as he came up.

After flying for half an hour with Luo Fang and passing through one mountain after another, Chen Feng felt that he had flown at least four or five hundred miles before he saw a mountain that towered into the clouds.

This mountain was bare as a whole, and it was out of tune with the other mountains around it, but there was a tall palace halfway up the mountain. In addition, there were flat and wide platforms dug out by humans. These platforms were full of Taiyi Sect disciples. Chen Feng looked and saw a few familiar faces.

These people were all queuing up to receive benefits.

After waiting for a long time, it was finally Chen Feng and his partner's turn. Just as Chen Feng and his partner were about to step forward, a group of people squeezed in from behind and directly squeezed Chen Feng and Ruta to the back.

Ruta was about to get angry, but was secretly stopped by Chen Feng.

These monks who squeezed to the front looked extremely arrogant. Some outer disciples had been knocked away along the way, but these outer disciples dared not speak out. Obviously, these people should be the bullies among the outer disciples.

Chen Feng looked around. The people in front of him were only at the third level of the secret realm, but they were extremely arrogant. So there should be another possibility, that is, they have a strong backer.

"Boy, what are you looking at? Are you not convinced?" One of the guys with a knife shouted at Ruta.

Ruta's face immediately showed anger.

"Yo, the newcomers nowadays are really amazing. They dare to provoke our Illuminati. Hehe, you will see what happens when you get out." After saying this, the man glared at Ruta and Chen Feng.

After these people received their things, it was Chen Feng's turn.

"Well, what's the name?" An old man took out a palm-sized jade stone and shone it on Chen Feng and the others. Chen Feng saw the images of the two people immediately appear on the jade stone.

Chen Feng knew that this was a spiritual stone with a recording function. After being shone by this spiritual stone, he and Ruta were recorded, and only then could they become outer disciples of Taiyi Sect.

"Chen Feng."


"Well, these are your things." The old man took out two space bags and threw them on the counter.

"By the way, let me remind you that you are new here, you can't afford to offend those guys, you'd better be careful." The old man reminded him at last.

"Thank you." Chen Feng nodded and reached out to pick up the space bag. He just scanned it with his spiritual sense and saw some things such as robes, magic swords, and elixirs in it.

When Chen Feng and Ruta were around the hall, they saw the arrogant guys sneer at them.

"You two are out, come here quickly." The guy with the knife said viciously.

"How did you offend them?" At this time, Luo Fang, who was waiting outside, walked over quickly with a worried expression on his face.

"So it was you, the little fat guy, who brought them here. Are the newcomers this time so unruly?"

"Dead fat guy, you have nothing to do here. If you don't want to be beaten, just get out of the way." These people shouted.

The outer disciples who came to collect things saw this scene and stayed away, fearing that they would be contaminated.

"Hey!" Luo Fang looked at Chen Feng and the others, sighed, and then turned and walked away. After all, Luo Fang and Chen Feng were not related, and he would not get into trouble for no reason.

"Brothers, these two guys are standing there motionless. It seems that they don't take our Illuminati seriously at all. What do you say we should do?" There were five people in the lead, followed by a dozen outer disciples who were like younger brothers. They quickly stepped forward and surrounded Chen Feng and Ruta.

"I thought I could practice peacefully after entering Taiyi Sect, but I didn't expect so many small fish to cause trouble." Chen Feng said to Ruta helplessly.

"People think we are newcomers and we are easy to bully. Otherwise, Brother Chen, you can be ruthless and establish your authority, so that no one will come to cause trouble in the future." Ruta laughed.

Seeing that Chen Feng and the others did not take them seriously, these outer disciples who were usually domineering were immediately angry. Two of them rushed out and stretched out their hands to grab Chen Feng and Ruta at the same time.

"Hungry tiger descends from the mountain."

"Goshawk pounces on food."

The two palms and strong fingers turned into sharp arrows for a long time, and came to Chen Feng and Ruta with a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

Although it was an ordinary move, the two were faster and more powerful, and they could crush even two iron men in front of them.

"If ordinary disciples can't resist this kind of cruel attack as soon as they meet, their shoulders will definitely be crushed in one go." Chen Feng said lightly, and then he gently waved his hand, and his five fingers hit the wrists of the two people accurately like playing a pipa.

Crack! Crack!

With two crisp sounds, the two disciples all retreated with their wrists covered.

Just now, the wrists of the two people had been broken by Chen Feng.


A little starlight instantly appeared in front of Chen Feng. Chen Feng smiled coldly, and his palm shook a little, and a steel needle was clamped between his fingers.

"Yes, this steel needle is a third-grade magic weapon, and it has been refined with poison. It is best used for sneak attacks. But just now you said that you are from the Guangming Society, so this sneak attack method is not bright at all." Chen Feng sneered, and as soon as he exerted force on his fingers, the true energy surged, and the steel needle broke open immediately.


A disciple turned pale: "You destroyed my magic weapon?"

"Let's do it together."

"Hmph, I don't want to bother with you villains." Chen Feng's mind moved, and the fifth-grade magic sword flew out. After a flash of sword light, the dozen people in front of him all screamed and fell to the ground, and then the flying sword turned into a stream of light and fell into Chen Feng's hand.

Just a moment ago, the tendons of these people's hands and feet were all cut off by the flying sword. Although it was not fatal, it was enough for these people to recuperate for a few days.

"Don't bother me in the future, or I'll take your lives." Chen Feng sneered.

"Hey, you only know how to bully the weak and fear the strong." Ruta sneered.

Then Chen Feng and Ruta walked out of the platform in a swagger, then soared into the air and were about to leave.

"Wait, our Guangming will not let you go." One of them gritted his teeth and said a polite remark.


A stream of green light fell from the sky, directly piercing the man's qi sea and nailing him to the ground.

"Ah, you ruined my cultivation." The guy was lying on the ground and yelling.

"I just ruined your true qi. If you are not convinced, you can come to me for revenge. Then I will ruin your sea of ​​consciousness." Chen Feng's voice came from the sky.

"Brother Chen, is it okay for us to do this? Will it violate the sect rules?" Ruta was a little worried.

"Don't worry, there are so many disciples in the entire Taiyi Sect. If they even take care of such a small matter, I think those elders don't need to practice anymore. I'm just worried that someone from their Illuminati will come to the door." Chen Feng said.

"Wait a minute, both of you." At this time, Luo Fang caught up.

"It turned out to be Senior Brother Luo. I just have something to ask you." Chen Feng smiled.

"Don't dare, I will call you Senior Brother from now on. Do you know that you are in trouble today?" Luo Fang said in a deep voice.

"Oh, what trouble, those people just now?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"They are members of the Illuminati. You should leave Taiyi Sect quickly and find a place to hide." Luo Fang shook his head and sighed.

"Haha, it's not that bad. Tell us about the situation of the Illuminati first." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Hey!" Fatty Luo sighed first.

"There are countless disciples in our Taiyi Sect, so there must be some disciples who unite to form small groups. Do you know about this?" Luo Fang asked.

"I know a little bit. In fact, every sect has this situation." Chen Feng nodded.

"The Illuminati is one of the groups. There are many people in it, and there are many masters. Today you have offended the people of the Illuminati. When they come out with a master at random, you two newcomers can't deal with it." Luo Fang said in a deep voice.

"How powerful is their boss?" Chen Feng asked directly.

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