Eternal Existence

Chapter 177 Three Stars on the Head

Chen Feng and the other person did not worry about what was going to happen next, but found a courtyard each and started practicing.

The spiritual energy here was very abundant. Once he calmed down, he felt the endless spiritual energy being drilled into various parts of his body, and then being refined and absorbed by himself.

"Next, it's time for me to impact the third level of the secret realm." Chen Feng said secretly.

Chen Feng did not directly bombard the barrier in the sea of ​​consciousness, but first opened up other acupoints.

This time, the acupoints that Chen Feng wanted to open were the three acupoints on the top of his head. These three acupoints were arranged in a triangle shape, namely Tianyang, Tianshi, and Tianming. They are the three important Tianmen acupoints. These three acupoints are combined and have another name, called Sanxing.

Now Chen Feng is going to open up the three stars. Once he has the three stars on his head, Chen Feng will truly comprehend the mystery of the soul fire, and he can also continuously absorb the power of Tianyang, Tianshi, and Tianming. To be honest, this should be considered a method of practicing the power of the stars.

In addition, once the three stars are opened, Chen Feng can truly refine the weapon into his body. You must know that in the past, Chen Feng was able to absorb the Haoran Zhengang Sword into the Tianyuan acupoint, which was not his own strength at all.

Not only that, Chen Feng can also practice to the point of multitasking, from seeing the subtle to knowing the subtle.

Finally, it was night, and the night sky of Taiyi Xianshan seemed to be deeper and brighter, and the stars became clearer. Chen Feng could even see that some stars were moving slowly.

"Three stars above the head, Tianyang, Tianshi, and Tianming, according to the records of the Changsheng Sutra, you have to practice Tianyang first." Chen Feng thought of this and immediately began to operate the formula recorded in the sutra, and began to remotely sense the Tianyang acupoint in the unknown place in the starry sky.

For a whole night, there was no effect, and Chen Feng did not sense the existence of Tianyang Star at all.

"Is it possible that I practiced wrong?" Chen Feng was a little confused.

"Boy, do you know how far Tianyang Star is from the Eternal World?" At this time, the tower suddenly asked.

"I don't know." Chen Feng shook his head.

"I don't know the details, but I do know that there are countless layers of space in between. If it is converted into distance, it is at least 100 billion miles. Hey, you can sense it on the first day at such a long distance. You think you are an immortal." Ta laughed.

"What, 100 billion miles." Even Chen Feng was stunned.

"Yes, so you should practice honestly and don't be impatient, because the more impatient you are, the less you can sense it. When practicing this kind of thing, the higher the realm, the more difficult the state of mind. In the past, there were many cultivators who practiced this secret method sitting on the top of the mountain and practicing for a year." Ta laughed.

"So, how long does it take to practice the fastest?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"One day." Ta said lightly.

"Uh, one day and one year, the difference between them, tut tut, it's really hard to imagine." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Although your talent is not very high, you have already cultivated the soul fire, so the speed of practice should be much faster than others." Ta said again.

Chen Feng said nothing more. He walked around his territory during the day, and then went to other places to look. The monks who came in with him lived in almost the same place as him. They were all 100-zhang mountains and ten courtyards. Chen Feng deliberately flew high in the sky and looked from afar. The mountains stretched endlessly and extended to the invisible place. Chen Feng did not see how many mountains there were. Maybe there were 10,000 or 100,000. The aura emitted from each mountain was almost the same. Chen Feng knew that these were all places where the outer disciples lived.

"I don't know how much overlapping space there is in the middle, otherwise I'm afraid that the entire Liuyun Fairy Mountain may not be able to accommodate these mountains, and these mountains are all the same. They must not be natural, so they must be moved by humans. It's really a big deal." Chen Feng thought to himself.

During this period, Chen Feng also met some outer disciples. When everyone met, they nodded and greeted each other if they were familiar with each other, and even chatted a few words. This day passed quickly.

As soon as it got dark, Chen Feng had returned to his mountaintop and continued to practice. This time, Chen Feng still practiced patiently, but there was still no progress after a night.

For three consecutive days, Chen Feng had no clue, and he couldn't help but feel a little irritated again. He remembered that when he opened up the Tianyuan acupoint and the magnetic acupoint, although it was a little difficult, there were traces to follow, but now he had no clue. Chen Feng even thought that it was a bit unreliable to use his current strength to sense a star a billion away.

"Can't you sense some stars that are close?" Chen Feng raised this question.

"Of course it's different. Tianyang, Tianshi, and Tianming, these three ancient stars are huge, and they have existed for countless billions of years. The energy contained in them is unimaginable, not to mention that the magic formula you practiced was originally created based on these three stars." Ta said as a matter of course.

"Then can you absorb the power of other stars?" Chen Feng asked.

"Of course you can, but the effect of your practice will be greatly reduced. The skills are also divided into grades. If you communicate with these three stars and truly open up the three acupoints of the Heavenly Gate, then you can absorb the power of other stars in the future." Ta said again.

"Then practice slowly." Chen Feng nodded.

That day, Chen Feng practiced all night and still gained nothing. When he was thinking about going to find Luta to hang out, a noise suddenly came from the foot of the mountain.

"It seems that trouble is coming." Chen Feng sneered.

"Brother Chen, there are people coming down, there are fifty monks." Ruta quickly came to Chen Feng's side.

"Fifty monks, it seems that these people really have some power?" Chen Feng sneered.

"But they are all outer disciples." Ruta replied with a smile.

"Hmph, a bunch of rabble, no matter how many come, it's useless, let's go, let's get rid of them together, so that we can have peace in the future." Chen Feng smiled.

"Young Marquis, are they just these two guys? They don't look very good. Can't you eight people even deal with these two people? Isn't it too embarrassing?"

"Hmph, Prince, these two are not simple. They are all equipped with high-level equipment. The robes and swords on their bodies are all fifth-grade. Otherwise, I wouldn't have asked so many people to come."

"Sure enough, they are all children of nobles, no wonder they can find helpers." Chen Feng said in his heart.

You should know that although these noble children are not as good as the disciples of the immortal sect, they have laid a good foundation since childhood and are much stronger than those ordinary people. Therefore, many of the people who can enter Taiyi Sect this time are these noble children.

"The most powerful of these people is only the third level of the secret realm. Although they have several good magic weapons, it is impossible for them to deal with the two of us. Do these people really think that bullying the weak with more people will work? By the way, they don’t know my strength. Maybe they think that I am about the same strength as Ruta. If so, it’s easy to understand." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Why are you back again? Are you looking for a fight?" Ruta walked up with a sneer.

"We are all from the same sect. We don’t want to bully the weak with more people. How about this, as long as the two of you kneel down and apologize, and then move out of here, this matter will be settled." The prince shouted, with a series of arrogance, as if he didn’t take Chen Feng and the others seriously.

"Go play somewhere else." Ruta's temper flared up. He didn't use his newly bought flying sword, but directly took out the Hun Tian Wu Ji stick and smashed at the people in front of him.

These people didn't expect Ruta to start fighting as soon as he said it. Before they could react, the three outer disciples were smashed away.

"Hahahaha, with such little ability, aren't you looking for a fight?" Ruta laughed and used the Hun Tian Wu Ji stick in his hand. It was so powerful that two more people were swept away.

"Let's do it together."

The remaining disciples immediately took out their magic weapons and smashed them at Ruta.

Flying swords, seals, ropes, hooks, scimitars, and even some tiny poison needles were mixed in the middle. Someone even took out a small gourd and released a stream of thick poisonous smoke.

Sure enough, Ruta was beaten in a hurry. He was hit by a magic weapon that looked like a gold brick and staggered.

"These guys are really insidious. They rushed forward all at once. It seems that they had discussed it before." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing in his heart.

Although dozens of magic weapons looked scary, none of them were of high grade. At most, they were fourth-grade magic weapons. However, even so, if the fight continued, Ruta would still suffer.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to step forward to help, the others finally attacked Chen Feng. Two flying swords, a rope, and a seal attacked Chen Feng tentatively.

"I didn't look for you, but you attacked first." Chen Feng sneered, stretched out his hand quickly, grabbed the two flying swords directly, and then squeezed them quickly, and the flying swords burst open, and spiritual energy overflowed.

Then Chen Feng stretched out his hand again to grab the rope, and then pulled it hard with both hands, and the rope broke inch by inch. Then Chen Feng quickly punched, and the seal that was about to fall on his head was broken by a punch.

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!

The four outer disciples almost spit out blood at the same time, looking at Chen Feng with horror, as if looking at a devil.

Then Chen Feng pounced into the flock of sheep like a tiger. Every time he attacked, a magic weapon would be blown up, and every time a magic weapon was blown up, an outer disciple would scream and spit blood.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and a powerful palm force surged out. The poisonous smoke immediately rolled back. He stretched out his hand and grabbed a handful of poison needles.

He opened his mouth and spit out fiercely. The strong internal breath directly knocked a flying sword away. With a backhand palm, a curved hook was directly cut off.

As these outer disciples were injured one by one, Ruta felt the pressure on his body lighten. He shouted loudly and swung the Hun Tian Wu Ji stick in his hand fiercely. Five magic weapons were blown away at the same time.

"Ah! Run away."

"Brother, spare my life, show mercy."

"My magic weapon, this is my only magic weapon."

Looking at the two wolf-like tigers, these outer disciples were all scared. Some kept crying, some kept begging for mercy, and some turned around and ran away.

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