Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,775: Treasure Hunt

Just now, Chen Feng took the initiative and destroyed the two people's bodies with tyrannical means, shocking the monks present. Otherwise, if everyone rushed forward, it would be a bit troublesome for Chen Feng. Besides, Chen Feng had just arrived here and there were many things he needed to understand, and he didn't want to kill all these people.

"Now someone is willing to answer my questions." Chen Feng said lightly, his eyes swept across, like lightning and knives, making people dare not look directly at him and lower their heads involuntarily.

"Daoyou should come from outside." At this time, a monk wearing beast armor came out with a stiff face.

"Now I ask you." Chen Feng's expression was cold. Since he had established his prestige, he had to maintain a tyrannical attitude so that these people would not dare to play tricks.

"Daoyou can ask as much as you want. As long as we know, we will tell you everything we know." The beast armor monk said respectfully.

Chen Feng nodded. This person was the strongest among them. Although he looked poorly dressed, the beast armor on his body was not simple. It was a good set of defensive armor. Moreover, the bone stick in his hand was also a good top-grade artifact. In addition, this person had a strong body and powerful magic power. Chen Feng could tell at a glance that he was practicing the Great Way of the Wilderness.

"He is considered a master among the same level, but he is not against the sky." This was Chen Feng's evaluation of this person.

"What are the origins of you?" Chen Feng asked lightly.

"All of us came in from outside." The beast armor monk said hurriedly.

"Is this true!" Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and a pressure suddenly emanated. The beast armor monk who was attacked couldn't help but take two steps back, with horror in his eyes, and once again felt the power of Chen Feng.

"Of course, all of us did come in from outside. The longest person has been trapped here for hundreds of millions of years." The beast armor monk said hurriedly.

"Trapped here." Chen Feng's eyes flashed again.

"Can't you get out?" Chen Feng asked, and at the same time, his mind moved and he thought quickly.

"Can't get out?" The beast armor monk shook his head, his expression was a little gloomy, but he quickly said: "With your strength, you may be able to get out."

As soon as this was said, everyone looked at Chen Feng, not with a look of fear, but with a look of hope. It was obvious that these monks had been trapped here for too long and wanted to leave this place, but they were not strong enough. Now that a master had come, everyone had a glimmer of hope.

"Where are you all from, how many people are there in this space, has anyone gone out, and the situation of this space, please tell me in detail." Chen Feng thought about it and suddenly asked a series of distances.

Seeing that Chen Feng's expression eased and asked so many questions, the people present gradually put their minds at ease and stepped forward to tell everything they knew.

Chen Feng nodded while listening, and occasionally asked questions, and soon he had a general idea of ​​what he wanted to know.

"It turns out that these people did not come from the secret realm of divine beasts. I said that ordinary cultivators could not break the guard barrier of the eight tombs." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Apart from the initial surprise, Chen Feng quickly regained his composure. This situation was not the first time he encountered it. There was nothing strange about it. You should know that the tomb may be buried with masters like high-level Taiyi Jinxian. It is normal for the space in the tomb to be a little magical.

However, through these people, Chen Feng learned that this space was not too large. There were only a few hundred outsiders entering this place. There were only so many Taiyi Jinxians, all of whom were in front of Chen Feng. It was interesting to say that these people would gather together every once in a while to discuss how to leave. This time they happened to meet Chen Feng.

In addition to these outsiders, there were also some main life forms, and there were quite a few of them, but they developed very slowly and there were no masters. Although there was spiritual energy in this space, it could not satisfy these Taiyi Jinxians at all. It can be said that most of the time here, everyone consumed their own storage, which was also the most important reason why everyone wanted to leave.

"Fortunately, there are some law fragments here for us to comprehend, otherwise entering this place would be the biggest mistake." This is what the beast armor cultivator said.

"I think some of the power fragments left by high-level Taiyi Jinxian or even Daluo Jinxian should be of great benefit to you." Chen Feng shook his head, with some emotion and some irony. In Chen Feng's opinion, this space is actually a very good place for cultivation. Although the spiritual energy is not sufficient, the remaining Dao, laws, and will fragments are all good things. For some low-level Taiyi Jinxian, this kind of thing is more rare than other divine objects. After all, divine objects are only exposed. The things left by these masters will become their own power after they are thoroughly comprehended. Only their own power is the most real.

In Chen Feng's opinion, since these people have been practicing here for such a long time, even if they cannot advance to the intermediate Taiyi realm, they should be masters in the primary realm, but the strength of these people is really disappointing.

Hearing the irony in Chen Feng's words, these people are ashamed and angry, but they dare not speak, and some even show a flattering look, because Chen Feng has a glimmer of hope for them to leave this place.

"It's no problem for me to leave here, but I came here to find people and things this time, so." Chen Feng stopped talking about this.

Sure enough, when they heard Chen Feng say that they could leave, hope suddenly lit up in their eyes. Then they looked at Chen Feng more eagerly, wanting to speak but not knowing how to start.

"So, if possible, I also hope to take you out. It all depends on how things develop." After Chen Feng said this, he took a step and disappeared. From the eyes of the monks present, he could only see the floating mist. Well, Chen Feng's trace was completely lost.

"Hey!" After Chen Feng left, these people sighed in unison, with complicated expressions.

"Everyone, this is our opportunity." The beast-armored monk spoke.

"Yes, after waiting for so long, a master finally came in."

"That's not right. I heard from the fellow Taoist just now that there were other people coming in, but we didn't see them."

"And he came here to look for something new. It must be something good. Otherwise, why would such an expert come here?"

"That's not necessarily true. We people thought the same way at the time. Who knew we wouldn't find much after we came in?"

"I have always thought that this dimension is not simple. There must be other caves. Maybe there are good things in other dimensions."

"Although what you said is right, it's just an afterthought. We've been here for so long and we haven't discovered it yet."

"Everyone, please stop arguing. Just wait peacefully and pay attention to the surrounding situation. Whether we can go out this time depends on whether we can seize the opportunity." Finally, the beast-armored monk said.

I have to say that these monks' guesses are somewhat reasonable. Chen Feng noticed some clues before walking very far in the space.

I saw Chen Feng standing in the rolling fog, his eyes constantly scanning, piercing the void, and divine light constantly bursting out. Looking from a distance, there was a dazzling feeling.

"This is it."

As he spoke, Chen Feng swung the Sword of the Abyss and slashed violently. He saw a line flashing through the fog, the space vibrated slightly, and a space-time barrier appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Under the attack of the long sword, a crack appeared in this barrier, but it did not break. The crack was still healing quickly. Seeing this scene, Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and he saw Chen Feng's arm trembled slightly, and he continued Nine rays of sword light overlapped and fell down.

Hearing a scoff, a slight crack appeared in the space-time barrier in front of him, and Chen Feng got in in a flash.

The powerful and rich energy rolled over, and Chen Feng felt as if he was in a long flowing river. However, Chen Feng took a few steps quickly, and the divine wings behind his back trembled slightly. Chen Feng stabilized his figure and no longer stopped. eroded by these energies.

Then Chen Feng captured the aura of Qingfeng Niu, but what puzzled Chen Feng was that Greedy Beast and Nightmare had gone somewhere.

"It seems that we have found the right place." Chen Feng said with a smile. He made a stroke with the long sword in his hand, and the energy around him was immediately cut off, revealing a long passage. Chen Feng strode over.

After a few breaths, the smoke flow in front of him became more chaotic, but Chen Feng saw the solid earth. Before Chen Feng landed, he saw a huge shadow not far away, struggling in the smoke. , during which roars continued to come.

"Hey! It's Qingfeng Niu!" Chen Feng was a little surprised. After using the pupil technique, all the scenes in front of him were clearly reflected in Chen Feng's eyes.

He saw that Qingfeng Niu had transformed into its true form, and its body that was tens of thousands of miles in size was looming in the smoke. Normally, Chen Feng would have praised the beast, but now Qingfeng Niu's huge body was bound by chains, and even more Some chains directly penetrated Qingfeng Niu's body, and blood continued to flow out of the chains. Coupled with Qingfeng Niu's screams, it looked a bit miserable.

Chen Feng glanced around and saw several thick pillars around Qingfeng Niu. He didn't know what material it was made of. The other end of the chain came from these pillars.

"It seems that we have encountered a trap." Chen Feng thought to himself, suddenly feeling a chill in his heart, and immediately stepped back without any time to think.

But it was still a step too late. At some point, two thick pillars appeared behind Chen Feng, and Chen Feng unknowingly entered the opponent's field.

As he retreated, Chen Feng felt strong pressure constantly squeezing from all directions, and some chains hidden in the thick smoke and mist swept toward Chen Feng.

Chen Feng knew that if he didn't handle it properly, he would end up like Qingfeng Niu.

The movement here naturally alarmed Qingfeng Niu. After seeing that it was Chen Feng, Qingfeng Niu immediately asked for help and quickly explained the situation here.

"Fellow Taoist, this is the Soul Suppressing Pillar of Heaven and Earth. It is a trap set by the Transparent Beast. You must be careful." Qingfeng Niu shouted.

"Heaven and Earth Soul Suppressing Pillar, I seem to have heard that it was arranged by the Transparent Beast for a few days, so it should be difficult to deal with it. By the way, where are the others?" Chen Feng seemed to be shaking slightly, but his whole body kept changing positions. His eyes were a little serious, but his tone was still relaxed.

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