Eternal Existence

Chapter 1774: In the Tomb

Speaking of which, the three beasts were faster when they joined forces. After Qingfengniu and the others put away the fourth magic weapon, they saw Chen Feng just starting to deal with the last tomb.

The three beasts hesitated and wanted to rush forward to snatch it, but after secretly discussing it, they stopped. Although they were a little jealous of the treasures on Chen Feng, the three beasts also understood that if they really took action, it would definitely be a lose-lose situation. The nine divine nails around Chen Feng brought too much pressure to the three. Even if they could deal with Chen Feng, they might have one or two casualties on their side. This price was not worth it.

"The tomb in the middle."

Then the three beasts focused their attention on the last circular tomb. Without the protection of the eight tombs, the last tomb was more nakedly exposed to everyone. At the same time, because there was no obstruction from the eight tombs, the powerful aura of this tomb also rushed out to the surroundings.

"It's the tomb of the Tongming Beast. Saint Qiuli and his men have already entered. I wonder if they have gained anything."

"Hey, if they can enter, we can too. Let's go in and take a look."

"Should we consider it?"

"There's nothing to consider. If the news is correct, there will be chaos magic weapons in this tomb. This is why Saint Qiuli has come here again and again."

"Yes, chaos magic weapons. If we can get them, we may even be able to comprehend the realm of Daluo in the future. Some dangers are only worth it."

"Then let's act."

After Chen Feng collected the last seal, he was the only one left in the surrounding area except for a giant tomb.

"Mountain, marsh, wind, thunder! Tsk tsk, this trip is not in vain." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing, feeling a little proud in his heart, secretly thinking that it was a correct choice for him to enter the chaos space this time. Not only did his strength improve by leaps and bounds, but he also gained some top magic weapons and divine objects.

However, soon the smile on Chen Feng's face suddenly withdrew and became gloomy, because just now Chen Feng sensed that his alien beast clone was in danger.

Chen Feng immediately thought about leaving this place and rushing to rescue, but he stopped as soon as he took a step. His face changed quickly for a while and then returned to calm.

"Distant water cannot save nearby fire. Forget it. Whether they live or die depends on their ability." Finally, Chen Feng said in a deep voice. He seemed to be completely calm. Then he set his sights on the circular tomb.

According to Saint Qiuli, a powerful transparent beast was buried here. Chen Feng naturally believed it at first, but now he couldn't see through the situation and couldn't help but start to guess.

However, Chen Feng also knew that no matter what was buried in this tomb, it was not simple. After all, the eight tombs outside had reached a level that was not simple, and the objects being guarded must be more extraordinary.

"Hey, even Qingfeng Niu and the others went in. Aren't you afraid that you can't get out? When it comes to a tomb of this level, I don't know how big the cave is. I believe there is a small universe inside." Chen Feng said that the empty pupil at the center of his eyebrows suddenly opened, emitting a gray-black stream of light and rushing towards the circular tomb.

The entire tomb, from the outside, is larger than the eight giant tombs outside. It has a diameter of 100,000 miles and a height of thousands of miles. Even if there is no overlapping space inside, the ordinary space alone is large enough. However, Chen Feng was not too surprised. You know, some exotic beasts have a body size of millions of miles, and some star beasts can grow to tens of millions of miles, hundreds of millions of miles, or even larger. Relative to a Taiyi Jinxian, a tomb of 100,000 miles is a bit small. You know, some cultivators are buried in a large world or a large planet, and some even occupy a star field.

"I still can't see through it. This tomb is too strong." Chen Feng couldn't help but close his eyes after just a few breaths. He felt tired. It seemed silent, but in fact, he had just been rebounded.

"They can't force their way in." Chen Feng thought to himself. If the other party can find a way to enter, there is no reason why he can't find it. So after a short rest, Chen Feng used the pupil technique again.

After several attempts, Chen Feng was disappointed again. His pupil technique was considered reasonable even among the Taiyi Jinxian, but he still didn't find it, and his soul was also injured. Chen Feng knew that this method was no longer feasible.

"I don't believe it."

Chen Feng gritted his teeth, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and a divine nail pierced through the circular tomb with a flick of his finger.

Chen Feng thought that this tomb was indeed not simple and contained a strong power, but his divine nail was not vegetarian. The tombs outside could be broken. This circular tomb was so strong that even if it couldn't be broken, it shouldn't be a problem to tear a hole.

Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!

The divine nail pierced out, and a huge vortex immediately appeared around it. This was the aura around the tomb. The vortex wrapped around the divine nail, which gradually slowed down the speed of the divine nail.

"Good guy." Chen Feng waved his hand, and another divine nail flew out, pushing up when the power of the first divine nail was exhausted.

Chen Feng's eyes were solemn. You know, this is a top-grade divine weapon with extremely strong piercing power, but it can't even get close to this tomb.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng was also ruthless, and all nine divine nails rushed up. Chen Feng thought that even if there was a chaos magic weapon in the tomb, it would be blocked by the divine nails.


Sure enough, the aura barrier of the tomb was pierced by the divine nails, and then Chen Feng shouted softly, and nine divine nails were pierced into the tomb one after another. At the same time, the divine nails were constantly expanding, and the round tomb finally began to tremble.

"Hehe, even if the Tongming beast inside is still alive, it can't stop my divine nails." Chen Feng showed a smile on his face, and quickly stepped forward a few steps and walked to the front of the tomb.

Then he waved his hand slightly, and a divine nail flew out, revealing a big hole. Chen Feng's figure flashed and drilled in, and the divine nail was inserted into the hole again.

Chen Feng did not put away the divine nails, which was also Chen Feng's method. When the divine nails were inserted into the tomb, the Nine Extremes Sky Locking Divine Nail Array had already started.

The tomb is someone else's territory, so Chen Feng must keep some means. Now that the nine divine nails block the tomb, a large array is naturally formed, and Chen Feng has enough control in the large array.

Although there have been many speculations before, the situation encountered after entering still exceeded some of Chen Feng's expectations.

Following the opening and going deeper, Chen Feng encountered chaotic void power, neatly arranged void knives, some ancient prohibitions with extremely strong killing power, and broken time and space that kept overlapping and twisting, trying to pull Chen Feng in. Chen Feng did not dare to be careless, knowing that if he accidentally fell into it, it would be a real trouble. Although Chen Feng was sure that he could get out, who knew how long it would take.

Of course, Chen Feng was also very ruthless. The disk of time floated to protect himself, holding the sword of the abyss and constantly crushing the turbulence around him. There was also a black hole under his feet that appeared and disappeared from time to time, stabilizing the four-sided space and swallowing some energy.

It can be said that in order to quickly enter it, Chen Feng also took out real means. Others had access to the passage, while Chen Feng was completely violent. However, various means were used, and the dangers around him could not do anything to Chen Feng.

In this way, Chen Feng did not know how far he had advanced, and finally felt the breath of life. Although this breath was very strong and strange, Chen Feng still rushed over without hesitation.

"I want to see what I will encounter. It seems that it is not human. Could it be a transparent beast? However, the transparent beast should not be so weak."

"Hey! No, there is also the breath of humans, which is also strange. Tsk tsk, it seems that it is not only Qiu Li and others who have entered this place. This is interesting."

Chen Feng thought about this very quickly. He tore through the turbulent flow or the void blade that rushed over. Gradually, he felt that the space was stabilizing. Finally, Chen Feng accelerated suddenly and rushed into a stable space.

"Who is it!"

As soon as Chen Feng appeared, he heard a hostile shout before he had time to check the situation around him. At the same time, several powerful auras locked him tightly, but no one attacked him.


Chen Feng finally saw the situation in front of him clearly. He saw that a dozen cultivators were staring at him with various eyes not far away. Some were surprised, some were calm, and some contained a hint of murderous intent.

Although Chen Feng was a little surprised when he glanced at them, he also saw through the real and fake of these people, so he relaxed more.

Speaking of which, only one third of the ten or so cultivators are human, and the rest are all various exotic beasts. However, these cultivators are all primary Taiyi Jinxians, and the strongest one is just an ordinary thing in Chen Feng's eyes. As long as Chen Feng is willing to take action, he can beat these people in one fell swoop. After interacting with intermediate Taiyi Jinxians, he will feel that these people are a little weak when he sees primary Taiyi Jinxians.

"Who are you?" Chen Feng asked without waiting for the other party to speak, and his tone was cold, seemingly not taking these cultivators seriously.

Chen Feng's attitude angered these people, and two people came out immediately, one murderous, and the other grinning. Without saying anything, they came forward to capture and kill Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng took the lead in taking action as soon as these two people came out. He raised his hand and the overwhelming blue-black sword energy swept towards the two people. The sword energy was like a tide, one wave after another, and it seemed that there was no end.

Not only the two people who came out, but also the other cultivators present couldn't help but regret a step, and some people showed horror in their eyes.

"Top-grade artifact!"

"Everyone be careful, it's a top-grade artifact!"

"Everyone, attack together and kill this outsider."

Some people were panicked and some people were greedy, but before anyone stepped forward, they saw a beam of golden light suddenly sweeping over, and saw the golden light sweeping through the sword energy, and the two monks who came out were immediately cut in half, and then their bodies were constantly shattered by the blue-black sword energy, and only two groups of soul power escaped.


"The opponent is powerful, don't act rashly!"

Chen Feng took care of the two people with one move, shocking the others. When the sword energy disappeared and everything returned to calm, they saw the two groups of soul power constantly twisting, and soon restored their human form, but there was fear in their eyes, and they didn't dare to look at Chen Feng.

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